Schedule an Appointment:
Call Pacific Naturopathic at 650-857-0226. The clinic is open M-F 9am-5pm. The clinic is closed daily from 12-1:30pm.
Upcoming Classes and Events:
Dr. Dhurga Reddy:
Yoga for Wellness Wednesdays (starting March 3rd) 9am-10:15am at the Yoga Shala, 330 Melville Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301
As spring is approaching and the flowers are blooming, we are expanding our horizons at Pacific Naturopathic. Dr. Agatha is bringing naturopathic pediatric care to the clinic, Dr. Dhurga brings a naturopathic perspective to treating cardiovascular disease, and Dr. Shanti is moving from primary care to transformational medicine. Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel are both expanding their practices to include long-distance consulting. We are excited about the developments here at Pacific Naturopathic and hope that we are evolving to better serve your needs.
In health, Your team at Pacific Naturopathic
Naturopathic Pediatric Care
~Agatha Constance, ND
Naturopathic pediatric care is a complementary and integrative approach to traditional pediatrics. Dr. Agatha has additional training and experience working with children as a primary care doctor and naturopathic specialist. Using herbal medicine, dietary and lifestyle counseling as well as physical medicine, Dr. Agatha is able to successfully treat children utilizing natural therapies and fewer antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals. Focusing prevention of disease and keeping children at their optimal health, Dr. Agatha works to treat illness and enhance children's immune systems. Healthy lifestyles and life-long habits are easiest to learn at an early age, so Dr. Agatha works with families to help create healthy living environments for the whole family. Dr. Agatha can be your child's primary care doctor, seeing them for well child "routine" as well as sick visits, or if your child has a pediatrician, Dr. Agatha will work with you and your doctor to obtain maximal health. Dr. Agatha provides: Primary care, working with you in managing your child's health Referral to specialists as needed Well child visits Sick visits for acute and chronic illnesses School physicals Sports physicals Vaccination counseling Childhood dietary guidance Consultation visits for common childhood complaints such as eczema, rashes, constipation, diarrhea, colds, influenza, earaches, sore throats, fevers, ADD/ADHD and more For more information, please see Dr. Agatha's website at
Special Rates: Pediatric Visits
Through April 20th, $30 off your first pediatric visit with Dr. Agatha. Please call Pacific Naturopathic at 650-857-0226 to schedule an appointment.
Transitions and Transformations
~Shanti Rubenstone, MD
Starting May 1 Dr. Shanti will see patients who are interested in looking at how to transform their lives based on whatever medical, psychological, or spiritual issues are at hand for them. In simple terms it is 'turning stumbling blocks into stepping-stones'; in spiritual terms it is finding ways to expand our consciousness. This is not very different from what she has been doing, minus the medicine of it. She will no longer do 'primary care' in terms of physical exams, lab work, or medicines, but what is more primary than our emotional and spiritual wellbeing? In the past all of this conversation/interaction/planning/exploring has happened in and around the medicine; now is the time for it to stand alone.
Come and see her for spiritual coaching, for help with any tough moment in life, for thoughts about wellness, or for a second medical opinion.
Remember our two new naturopaths who are happy to help you with your routine annual exams, and, of course Dr. Connie for almost anything (!), but particularly for those of you on bioidentical hormone treatment. |
Naturopathic Perspectives on Health Care
~Connie Hernandez, ND
 As I've been in practice now for almost twenty years, I've seen many of my patients relocate and search for naturopathic care in their new location, only to find that they did not have local access to naturopathic care. We've continued long distance consulting, often adding in friends and family along the way. Over the years, I've consulted with patients worldwide.
I find that both new and old patients are looking for all those things that we uniquely specialize in as naturopathic doctors. They are wanting a new perspective on their health or the medical conditions they are facing, looking for evidence based alternatives and natural medicine solutions, wanting a doctor who will listen to them and partner with them as they find their pathway through imbalance or illness to optimal health.
Though we treat chronic and acute disease, naturopathic doctors focus on prevention. We help you understand what is happening to your body, why it is happening, and what you can do about it. We are trained to seek the underlying cause of disease and to evaluate connections between body systems.
In response to patient requests to consult with family and friends located elsewhere, my new website focuses on questions and answers that can be explored long distance, via phone or skype, (as well as in person) thus making the naturopathic perspective more available to more people. We'll let you know via our Facebook page when the new site is up and running. Check it out, and share it with friends and family afar.
A Naturopathic Approach to Cardiovascular Wellness
~Dhurga Reddy, ND
Many of us struggle to strike the right balance of a healthy diet and regular exercise in order to protect ourselves from heart disease, and to live a long and healthy life. Having a guide along this process can make this balancing act less of a struggle and more of a conscious and mindful choice. As a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in cardiovascular health, Dr. Dhurga works to guide her patients towards a lifestyle that optimizes their vitality and prevents cardiovascular disease. Dr. Dhurga counsels her patients about how to develop a healthy diet that is appropriate for their health, tastes, and daily routine. She makes sure that their exercise programs are not only fun, but also have the right combination of aerobic and strength training activities. For many of her patients, Dr. Dhurga also prescribes tailored, daily yoga programs to help manage stress, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep quality. Another important aspect of the care she provides includes prescribing nutritional supplements and herbs to decrease her patients' need for prescription medication. For her patients who are taking prescription medications to control cholesterol, blood pressure, and/or blood sugar, Dr. Dhurga prescribes naturopathic therapies to help prevent the side effects of these medications. She will also work with her patients and their MD's to ensure the prescriptions her patients are on, most optimize their health. From a Naturopathic perspective, cardiovascular health is so much more than blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar - it is also influenced by stress, chronic disease, and inflammation. By taking a holistic approach and addressing her patients as individuals, Dr. Dhurga strives to guide her patients to have, not just well controlled blood pressure and cholesterol levels, but also wellness and vitality. For more information about Dr. Dhurga's approach to Cardiovascular health, please visit her website at, or call 650-857-0226 to schedule an appointment. |
Prostate Cancer
~Marcel Hernandez, ND
Many of our friends and patients know that Dr. Marcel was diagnosed and successfully treated for prostate cancer last year. The journey he and his wife and partner Dr. Connie took was perhaps one of the most educational experiences of their lives. They also just could not see how non-medically trained people in a similar position could arrive at the right decisions for their specific cases.
Every prostate specialist physician they spoke with had strong opinions, always recommending their particular therapeutic approach as the most effective means for dealing with Dr. Marcel's situation. The fact is that each case of prostate cancer has a number of different variables that need to be factored into the decision-making process and there is no "one size fits all" therapeutic approach.
For the number two killer of men, it is utterly amazing how little is known and how little agreement there is on prostate cancer. And the situation is going to intensify as baby boomer males become senior boomers and the numbers start skyrocketing.
In response to this critical situation, Dr. Marcel is midway into a process-oriented book on prostate cancer and has expanded his medical practice to offer telephone consultations to people who are unable to travel to either Pacific Naturopathic clinic in Hawaii or in California. Please visit his new website at for details and to subscribe to his newsletter. Dr. Marcel also assists his patients with other prostate issues, including benignly enlarged prostate (BPH) and prostatitis.
Anti-Inflammatory Tea ~Contributed by Dr. Connie
At Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center in Kapulena, Hawaii, we grow a beautiful plant known to the Hawaiians as Olena. You may know this plant as turmeric, and the active compound in at as curcumin. Turmeric is widely promoted these days for its anti inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties, and is in the news for its role in the prevention of Alzheimer's Disease. You'll find it in bulk at health food stores, in bottles in the spice section of the grocery store, encapsulated by many of the natural pharmacies, and already in tea bags in Okinawan specialty shops.
At our retreat center, we harvest the turmeric root and scrub, boil, dehydrate, shine and grind it to produce a lovely golden yellow powder. Turmeric tea is made by adding the powder to boiling water and simmering, generally 1 tsp to several cups of water. While some strain the tea, we prefer not to, as our turmeric is a coarser powder which is deliciously chewy at the bottom of the cup. As the medicinal dose of turmeric powder is 2 to 4 grams daily, we also make a much stronger tea. We add coconut cream, as the fat enhances the absorption of the turmeric, and raw organic honey to sweeten the brew.
This is our recipe, but make it to your own liking:
1 heaping teaspoon of turmeric per serving 1 teaspoon coconut milk or coconut cream 1/2 teaspoon raw organic local honey 12 to 24 ounces of boiling water
Add turmeric to boiling water, and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain or not. Pour into cup, and add the coconut cream and honey. Enjoy on a daily basis to reap medicinal benefits. May be contra indicated for those with congestive heart failure or gallstones.
At Pacific Naturopathic,
we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and
chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, hormonal balance,
autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular health, inflammation, digestion,
pediatrics, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest to
our practitioners. To encourage patient participation, we offer both
guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted
protocols. Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our
doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and
commitment to service.