A Monthly E-Newsletter from the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown September 2009 
francine swopeWelcome!
Welcome to this inaugural edition of E-vangelist, a monthly E-Newsletter from the Communications Office of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown. E-vangelist will feature news and happenings from around the Diocese. It will also offer spiritual resources for various Liturgical seasons. Please enjoy the E-Newsletter and encourage your family, friends and fellow parishioners to subscribe. They can register on the Diocesan website at www.ajdiocese.org. Click on the Join E-Mail List.
In This Issue
Remembering Msgr. Flinn
Teachers Honored
Blue and White Mass
Anniversary Liturgies
Youth Ministry Changes
Catholic Charities Appeal
Staffer to Washington
Camp Z 2009
Ethnic Festival
New Teen Talk Co-Hosts
Ministry Quicklinks
Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown
Pennsylvania Catholic Conference
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
October guests on Bishop Joseph's Can We Talk? segment on Proclaim!:
October 4 -- Adult Altar Servers Ralph Hildebrand and Jim Ziegler from Sacred Heart Parish in Altoona discuss their ministry.

October 11 -- New Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic High School Principal Bernard Kubitza talks with Bishop Joseph about his new position.

October 18 -- Teen Talk Co-Hosts Samantha Slezak and Adam Wood interview Bishop Joseph about his upcoming retirement.

October 25 -- Seminarian Brian Warchola joins Bishop Joseph as our Year for Priests series continues.
Coming up in the September 28th edition of The Catholic Register:

the catholic register
  • Coverage of the Funeral Mass for Msgr. George B. Flinn

  • Highlights from the annual Blue and White Mass

  • Evaluating the Deacon Formation Process

  • Bishop Joseph's For the Good of the Household column

  • Msgr. Tim Stein's Another Perspective column




 francine swope

Radio Maria
[WHHN 88.1 FM] broadcasts a live Mass from a different parish in the Diocese on the second Sunday morning of each month. The next broadcast will be on October 11.
WFBG AM 1290
broadcasts the 10:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday from the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona. 
msgr flynn Diocese Mourns the Passing of Msgr. George Flinn
Msgr. George B. Flinn, Vicar General for Pastoral Life and Ministry and Rector of Saint John Gualbert Cathedral in Johnstown, died on September 6, 2009, after a long and courageous battle with cancer. He was 69 years old. Msgr. Flinn was ordained a priest in 1966 in Rome. He held various administrative positions in the Diocese. He served as Vice-Chancellor from 1972-1987; Chancellor from 1987-1992; and Vicar General for Pastoral Life and Ministry from 1992 until his death. Msgr. Flinn served as Rector of Saint John Gualbert Cathedral from 1993 until his death. Prior to his appointment at Saint John Gualbert, he served as Pastor of Saint Rose of Lima Parish in Altoona, Holy Rosary Parish in the Juniata section of Altoona and Administrator of Saint Monica Parish in Chest Springs. He was a Parochial Vicar at Saint Rose of Lima and Sacred Heart Parish in Altoona. Viewings were held for Msgr. Flinn at Saint John Gualbert on September 9 and at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona on September 10. A Mass of Remembrance was held at Saint John Gualbert on September 9. A funeral Mass was held at the Altoona Cathedral on September 11. Bishop Joseph was the Celebrant of both Masses and priests of the Diocese concelebrated. Parishioners, friends and colleagues remember Msgr. Flinn as a priest of great faith, great humility, great compassion, great optimism and great enthusiasm. In his remarks at the Mass of Remembrance, Bishop Joseph said he had the opportunity to visit Msgr. Flinn the day before he died. Bishop Joseph said he thanked Msgr. Flinn for his outstanding service to the Diocese.
bw massTeachers Honored
The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown honored teachers from our elementary schools and the three Catholic high schools for their years of service in Catholic education. The ceremony was part of a Diocesan in-service at Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic High School on September 18, 2009. Bishop Joseph celebrated Mass and recognized 60 teachers marking five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service. The Diocese also honored eleven educators who reached Master Catechist status. For a complete list of honorees, please go to the Diocesan website at www.ajdiocese.org. [Photo: Teachers marking 25, 30 and 35 years of service join Bishop Joseph, Sister Donna Marie Leiden, Director of Education (back row right), and Sister Mark Plescher, C.S.A., Assistant Director of Education (back row left).]
bw mass Blue and White Mass 
Bishop Joseph celebrated the annual Blue and White Mass on September 12, 2009, at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona. The Mass honored emergency service workers such as police officers and firefighters and medical personnel such as physicians and nurses. All elected officials from Blair County were invited to attend the Mass. The Blue and White Mass is a Diocesan tradition celebrated around the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. [Photo: Bishop Joseph joins the Knights of Columbus and emergency service workers outside the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.]
wedding annivWedding Anniversary Liturgies
The Family Life Office of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown is once again sponsoring the Wedding Anniversary Liturgies. Couples celebrating their 1st, 25th, 40th, 50th, 55th, and 60th + wedding anniverary were invited to register for one of two Masses. The first was celebrated on September 13, 2009, at Saint John Gualbert Cathedral in Johnstown. The second Mass will be celebrated on September 27, 2009, at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona. Bishop Joseph will be the Celebrant and Homilist of both Masses. Couples in attendance receive a certificate signed by the Bishop. [Photo: Bishop Joseph congratulates Richard and Vera Trabold of Saint Benedict Parish in Johnstown. The Trabolds celebrated their 55th anniversary this year.]
francine swope Youth Ministry Changes
Bishop Joseph has named Mrs. Francine Swope as  the new Coordinator of Youth Ministry for the Diocese. Mrs. Swope was most recently the Ministerial Coordinator of Religious Education. The Office of Youth Ministry will now include Religious Education, Sacramental Preparation and the Confirmation Process. The office has moved from the Education Secretariat to the Parish Life Secretariat. The changes come after Mr. Shawn Willox resigned as the Director of Youth and Campus Ministry and Mrs. Mary Frances Shedlock resigned as the Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation. Campus Ministry will remain under the Education Secretariat. A Campus Ministry Coordinator will be named.
catholic charitiesCatholic Charities Appeal
Thank you to all of those who have so generously responded to the recent emergency appeal from Catholic Charities. Some agencies that rely on state funding have reduced or eliminated services because of the lack of a state budget. As a result, more people in need are turning to Catholic Charities. We are committed to helping as many of those people as possible. In July, 2009, Catholic Charities (Altoona, Johnstown and Bellefonte offices) spent $8,800 more in assistance than in July, 2008. In August 2009, the agency spent $8,400 more in assistance than the previous August. Many parishes have taken up special collections for Catholic Charities in recent weeks. So far, those collections have raised $36,000. We continue to ask for your prayers and support. Anyone wishing to help can send donations to the Altoona office of Catholic Charities at 1300 12th Avenue 16603.
carl schultzCatholic Charities Staffer Invited to Washington
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has invited Carl Schultz from the Johnstown office of Catholic Charities to participate in a focus group meeting on September 30th and October 1st in Washington, D.C. The group will help develop materials for two web-based training courses on the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Programs. Carl will be one of approximately eight participants from around the country.
camp zacchaeusCamp Zacchaeus 2009
Another fun year of Camp Zacchaeus is in the books. More than 200 campers (boys and girls entering grades 4-9) attended this summer. Sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry, the event is held each year at Camp Sequanota in Jennerstown. Activities include daily prayer, Mass, arts and crafts, swimming, hiking, music and more. Dates for the 2010 sessions of Camp Z are already set. Week one will be held July 25-30, 2010. Week two will be held August 1-6, 2010. For more information, contact Mrs. Francine Swope at (814) 693-1401 or fswope@dioceseaj.org.
resurrection parrishResurrection Parish Participates in Ethnic Festival
Despite little time to prepare, Resurrection Parish in the Cambria City section of Johnstown had a large presence in this year's Cambria City Ethnic Festival. Resurrection became a parish on July 22, 2009, with the merger of the five Roman Catholic Churches in the neighborhood. Volunteers went right to work preparing for the Labor Day weekend event. Large crowds enjoyed great ethnic food and music. Organizers also offered tours of the original church buildings in Cambria City.
teen talk co-hostsProclaim! Welcomes New Teen Talk Co-Hosts 
Samantha Slezak and Adam Wood are the new co-hosts of the Teen Talk segment on Proclaim!  They succeed Crispin Havener, who is attending IUP. In addition to their weeklyTeen Talk segments, Sam and Adam interview Bishop Joseph each month on the Bishop's Can We Talk? segment on Proclaim!
Proclaim! airs every Sunday at 5:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on WWCP TV FOX 8. A live broadcast of the Catholic Mass from Saint John Gualbert Cathedral airs at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday on WWCP TV. The Mass is rebroadcast on Atlantic Broadband channel 9 in the Altoona region at 9:00 p.m. every Sunday.
Upcoming Events
Saturday & Sunday September 26 & 27
Retired Priests Medical Collection
Parishes throughout the Diocese
Saturday October 3, 2009
Diocesan Pilgrimage
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C.

Saturday October 10, 2009
Ordination of Mr. John Gibbons to the Sacred Order of Deacon
10:00 a.m.; Saint John Gualbert Cathedral, Johnstown
October 10-11
Knights of Columbus Informational BLITZ
Parishes throughout the Diocese
Sunday October 18, 2009
Marian Celebration
3:00 p.m.; Saint Benedict Parish, Johnstown
Sunday October 25, 2009
11:30 a.m.; Saint Francis University, Loretto
francine swopeYear for Priests
Pope Benedict XVI has declared June 19, 2009 - June 19, 2010 as the Year for Priests. Please pray for the dedicated priests of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown and for the wonderful priests from religious orders serving our Diocese. You can find more about the Year for Priests on the Diocesan website at www.ajdiocese.org. You can also watch our series of priest profiles on Bishop Joseph's Can We Talk? segment on Proclaim!
Contact Information
E-vangelist is published by the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown Office of Communications
Mr. Tony DeGol
Secretary for Communications
126 Logan Boulevard
Hollidaysburg, PA  16648
(814) 695-5579