St. Martin's Monthly Planner
Oct. 4 Blessing of the Animals 8:45 & 11 am in Worship
Oct. 11 Call Committee Open Forum 10 am in Fellowship Hall * Parents & Promises Class 10 am in Parlor * Youth Parents Meeting 10 am in Youth Room * Symphonic Winds 11 am in Worship * Saintly Seniors Dinner & A Movie Noon in Fellowship Hall * Children & Youth Volunteer Luncheon Noon in Parlor * Conspirare Concert 2:30 pm in Sanctuary
Oct. 13 Saintly Seniors Luncheon Noon in the Parlor * LBJ/LASA Concert 7:30 pm in Sanctuary
Oct. 15-18 SMORES Big Bend Trip
Oct. 18 Call Committee Open Forum After the late worship in the Fellowship Hall
Oct. 24
Godly Play Training
9 am to 3 pm
* Habitat for Humanity Build
* Jesus, Justice & Jazz Events & Concert at TLU Noon to 10 pm at TLU * InsideOut Steelband 3 pm Oct. 25 Reformation Sunday Worship & Celebration
* Adult Forum Sunday School Class "Biblical Authority" with Rev. Kurt Johnson 10 am in Fellowship Hall (through Nov. 8) * Environmental Stewardship Meeting 12:20 in Parlor
Oct. 30 JAM Freaky Fall Feast & Mini Lock-In 6:30 to 11 pm Fellowship Hall 7 Gym
From Our Mailbox Thanks & Praises
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Share your gifts Serving God & others with our time, talent and treasure Music & Fine Arts Ministries Community Service Giving
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Benevolence Focus Our October Benevolence Focus: Water to Thrive
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Looking Ahead
Dec. 13 Christmas Vespers 5 pm
Dec. 20 German Christmas Worship Service 5 pm
Dec. 24 Children's Christmas Eve Eucharist 4 pm * Candlelight Christmas Eve Eucharist 7 and 10 pm
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 Oct. 4: Come for "Blessing of the Animals"
 October Stewardship: It's Financial Covenant Month
For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. -- Galatians 5:1 At first, commitments may seem constraining. Some of us are afraid of commitments. We fear that they may restrict our freedom. But, ironically, commitments can actually free us. Our commitment to God frees us to be ourselves knowing that God will always love us. We are free to to take risks, free to not be afraid, free to live our lives with joy and hope. Church is the place where people live together in their commitment to God in joy, security, love and freedom. Financial giving is one of the many ways that we respond to God's abundant and never-ending love. St. Martin's has always been here to celebrate your joys and share your sorrows in life. And through members' giving -- and only through member's giving -- St. Martin's has touched the lives of an uncountable number of people in Austin and around the world. Your gifts makes the difference. The Financial Covenant card you'll receive this month is not a contract between you and the church. It is a covenant between you and God -- it is a way to share your trust and faith in the one who will never leave, the one who will never break a promise to you. St. Martin's offers the opportunity for you to share your faith and commitment to grow in God's love. In turn, your Financial Covenant allows St. Martin's to survive and grow and reach more people with God's love.
Music at St. Martin's
Symphonic Winds

St. Martin's Symphonic Winds, led by founding director Dale Elmshaeuser, will play at our 11 am worship service. Our Symphonic Winds musicians include members who play a variety of instruments, ranging from flutes and trombones to saxophones and bassoons. Read on to learn more about St. Martin's Symphonic Winds. Oct. 11 at 2:30 pm:

Austin's Conspirare choral group returns to St. Martin's Sanctuary for a 2:30 pm concert of "A Time for Life," one of the most intimate Conspirare performances ever with just eight singers and three instrumentalists. Tickets are $42-38 (reserved seating), and half-price student rush tickets (with ID) are sold 30 minutes before curtain, if seats remain. Read on to learn more about Conspirare and purchase tickets. Oct. 13 at 7:30 pm:
LBJ/LASA OrchestrasThe LBJ High School/Liberal Arts & Science Academy Orchestras perform at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary "HANDEL 'n HAYDN," an homage to these great composers' lives and works. The LBJ/LASA Orchestras have a reputation as being some of the finest school ensembles in the Central Texas area. The Orchestras perform at least five full-length concerts each a year. Admission is free to this public performance. Read on to learn about the LBJ/LASA music programs. Oct. 24 at 3 pm:
Inside Out Steel Drums
Austin's Inside Out Steelband hosts its Open House at St. Martin's at 3 pm. Enjoy a performance by the band and then try out the instruments for yourself. The Inside Out Steelband is a community-based group that anyone, ages 10 and up, is welcome to join. No previous musical experience is necessary. Inside Out's mission is to promote the rich art and tradition of the Trinidadian Steel Pan in Austin and Central Texas. The group will also perform on the Mall on Oct. 25 for our Reformation Celebration. Read on to learn more about the Inside Out Steelband. |
Oct. 24: "Jesus, Justice & Jazz" tour
Musical artists Agape, Lost and Found and Rachel Kurtz are stopping at Texas Lutheran University in Seguin while on tour to help change the world. Join them for a powerful and exiting evening of music, storytelling and encouragement in your journey of faith. Prior to the event, the artists are challenging each participant to bring at least $20 to support ELCA World Hunger. These donations will be counted toward the $1 million goal of the Youth Challenge.
Sign up on St. Martin's Youth & Family bulletin board to let us know you'll be joining us as we travel to Seguin. Events for the day include:
- 1 to 6 pm: Servant Learning for youth, including a meal
- 6 to 8:30 pm: Concert
Oct. 25: Reformation Sunday
Oct. 30: Freaky Fall Feast &
Mini Lock-In
St. Martin's 3rd to 5th Graders are invited to our Freaky Fall Feast & Mini Lock-In from 6:30 to 11 pm in the Fellowship Hall and Gym. Dress up in your Halloween costume, bring freaky food to share with friends and get ready for a night of howlin' fun. We'll have apple bobbing, games and crafts. Bring your friends! Let us know you'll be there and RSVP to Child & Famiy Minister Sharolyn Browning. |
Notes from across the congregation
News from the Church Council & Call Committee Wyn Speir, Congregation Council president, recently updated members about the work of the Council and Call Committee. The committees have discussed the potential advantages and disadvantages of a Co-Pastor model for St. Martin's, and the groups now ask for input and opinions from our members. Two Open Forums have been scheduled to ask for your views -- on Sundays, Oct. 11 at 10 am and on Oct. 18 after the 11 am service, both in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Read on for Wyn's letter to the congregation.
Saintly Seniors Join our active group of Saintly Seniors on Oct. 13 at noon in the Parlor for a luncheon and presentation on "The Beauty of Stained Glass" with guest speaker Dr. Charles Pelphrey. RSVP for your place at this event to the church 467-6757 or contact Yolanda Alvarez. Also, join the Saintly Seniors for "Dinner and A Movie" after worship on Oct. 11. The group will watch "We're No Angels" with Humphrey Bogart, Aldo Ray and Peter Ustinov. Please RSVP for this event, as well.
Child & Family and Youth & Family Volunteer Luncheon Volunteers who work with St. Martin's children and youth are invited to a luncheon after the late worship on Oct. 11 in the Fellowship Hall. RSVP to Child & Family Minister Sharolyn Browning or Youth & Family Minister Erika Rorer.
Parents & Promises
Explore the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion, God's gifts of Grace, at 10 am in the Parlor. Gather with other parents to focus on our baptismal promises. This is a great opportunity to prepare or reflect on a Baptism in your family, and to guide children to the feast at the Lord's table with the rest of the great big family. Contact Child & Family Minister Sharolyn Browning for more information. Chancel Flowers Contact Nell Hielscher or call 243-0467 for details about placing chancel flowers to commemorate a special event. Flowers are needed for Oct. 11 &18.
Environmental Stewardship Committee Join us for our next meeting after worship at 12:20 on Oct. 25 in the Parlor.
Adult Forum on "Biblical Authority" starts Oct. 25 Join the Adult Forum Sunday School class at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall from Oct. 25 to Nov. 8 as Rev. Kurt Johnson leads a session on "Biblical Authority." Rev. Johnson will guide us through the process by which scripture was created and canonized, and why and how we use it as a source of belief.
Cast your Benevolence Focus vote for 2010 So that we can better schedule our year, the Sharing and Relief Committee has decided to move our voting for our 2010 Monthly Benevolence Focus to Oct. 25 and Nov. 1. You will be getting the "2010 Benevolence Descriptions" in the mail with your Financial Covenant cards. On Oct. 25, you will receive a ballot before worship (Oct. 24 for Saturday worshippers). You can vote for your six choices and then drop it off in the ballot box. Ballots also will be available on Saturday Oct. 31 and Sunday Nov. 1. We ask that each baptized member submit only one ballot.
Godly Play Training Opportunities St. Martin's hosts Godly Play training opportunities throughout the year. Join us for this month's event: * Oct. 24 from 9 am to 3 pm ($35 with lunch) Discussion Topic: Supporting the Community of Children. Story Presentation: Introduction to the Communion of Saints. Presented by Sharolyn Browning. Register online here. Read on to learn more about Godly Play.
Scholarship established in memory of Steve Grosskopf A scholarship in Studio Art has been established at The University of Texas by Steve's family and friends to aid students in paying for art supplies. If you would like to make a donation, please make checks payable to "The University of Texas at Austin." Specify "Steve Grosskopf Endowed Scholarship" and mail to: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712.
Church Attendance Worship attendance in August averaged 293. |
 Children in Africa enjoy water from a new Water to Thrive well
From Pastor June Wilkins
The gift we take for granted
When I walked downstairs this morning, I did what I usually do
-- I went to my refrigerator and I filled a glass with ice and water. It's nearly a ritual. Most of the time, I
don't give a second thought to it. It's
been there all my life. If it wasn't
there one morning, I would be surprised and I would probably call a repair
This month, our benevolence focus for October is Water to
Thrive. Water to Thrive is a wonderful
Austin-based organization which helps people in Ethiopia and other African
countries dig wells in their towns. Without these local wells, women and children have to walk 4 to 8 hours
a day to get their water from lakes and water holes. The water from those lakes and water holes
is, almost without exception, dirty and disease-ridden. Thinking about the people in these areas made
me think about the water I have come to take for granted.
How fortunate we are to have clean, running water. How blessed we are that we don't have to use
up most of our waking hours just trying to search for water. Even with the seriousness of our summer's
drought -- for most of us, the basic elements of life are available to us
whenever we want it.
As we feel the pinch of the economy here at our home, work
or even at church, we might have the impulse to complain and bemoan what we
don't have. When we get that impulse,
just turn on a faucet and pour a clean glass of tap water and remember the
gifts we have been given every day.
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