
Center for Biophotonics Science & Technology Newsletter  

September Highlights 2010
In This Issue
Research Highlights
Education Highlights
Knowledge Transfer Highlights
Awards & Recognitions
Calendar of Events
Grants of Interest
The Biophotonics4Life Worldwide Consortium that CBST helped establish organizes a monthly webinar series, where top biophotonics researchers and end-users give web presentations to a wide audience of students, scientists, and others interested in biophotonics research and its applications. To be notified of upcoming webinars, we invite you to join .  
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Director's Message

Dr. Dennis Matthews We've just returned from BiophotonicsWeek in Qu�bec City , Canada, a series of 5 events (a congress, 3 conferences, and a graduate school) focused on biophotonics and its applications.  I, along with Dr. Brian Wilson, co-organized the 2nd International Congress on Biophotonics (ICOB-2), during which researchers from academia and industry, representatives from funding agencies, educators, end-users, and other stakeholders participated in three days of scientific road-mapping of biophotonics.  Please stay tuned for information regarding a summary from BiophotonicsWeek 2010.

CBST has also been very active in outreach activities.  We've hosted students for our 2010 Summer Internship program, visitors from the Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce, the Folsom GATORBYTES team of young students - winners of international competitions, and a few companies interested in the Center's technologies.

As co-principal investigator of the UC Davis Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) grant, I was delighted to see the interest in entrepreneurship education and networking from our students and scientists. A number of students and researchers from CBST, various departments at UC Davis, and our partners at Fisk University recently participated in the Entrepreneurship Academy one-week intensive, as part of the UC Davis PFI program. Many of them will join highly multidisciplinary teams and will develop commercialization plans for medical technologies that solve unmet medical needs.

In closing, we are looking forward to the next few months of exploring new grant opportunities targeted at accelerating innovation research and hope to garner some of this funding as a means to further our on-going biomedical research. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions. 

~Dennis Matthews, Ph.D. CBST Director
CBST Research Highlights
Quantifying the levels of platinum-induced DNA adducts in order to predict chemoresistance
DNA damage induced by carboplatin microdoses correlates with the damage caused by therapeutic carboplatin.

Sisi Wang
is a graduate student working with Drs. Paul Henderson and Chong-Xian Pan.  Her project is aimed at quantifying the levels of platinum-induced DNA adducts in order to predict chemoresistance to platinum (Pt) chemotherapy.  Pt-DNA damage (adduct formation) is the critical step in cancer cell toxicity of Pt chemotherapy. The goal is to use accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to measure cellular DNA adducts caused by carboplatin and oxaliplatin, which are among the most commonly used anti-cancer drugs.  Many studies have shown that relatively low levels of Pt-DNA damage correlate with poor chemotherapy outcomes. The patients in these studies were given toxic doses of chemotherapy prior to the Pt-DNA damage assessment-not a good diagnostics strategy.  We hypothesize that subtherapeutic "microdoses" of carboplatin or oxaliplatin will enable prediction of drug resistance in patients. AMS can detect carboplatin- or oxaliplatin-DNA adducts, as long as the drug has a radioactive label such as C-14.  In Sisi's proof-of-principle study, the DNA adduct levels measured by AMS from cells exposed to either  microdoses or therapeutic drug doses were detected at different time points after treatment in vitro (ten bladder cancer cell lines) and in vivo (nude mice with tumor xenografts). There was a linear relationship between the C-14 labeled DNA adducts induced by the two doses of either drug in these cells, suggesting that the levels of DNA damage induced by microdose are predictive of the levels of damage caused by the therapeutic dose. These data have inspired a clinical microdosing study at UC Davis, which is now accruing patients.

1. Paul T. Henderson, et al., Characterization of Oxaliplatin DNA Adduct Formation in DNA and Differentiation of Cancer Cell Drug Sensitivity at Microdose Concentrations. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2007, 20(12): p. 1745-1751.

2. Paul T. Henderson, Chong-Xian. Pan. Human microdosing for the prediction of patient response. Bioanalysis, 2010, 2(3): 373-376.

Contact Information:
Sisi Wang
UCD Department of Internal Medicine - Hematology/Oncology

Meet the Researcher - Dr. Paul Henderson
Paul T. Henderson, PhDDr. Paul T. Henderson is an Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine / Hematology & Oncology Division at the University of California, Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, CA and a CBST Member.  His research interest focuses on the use of accelerator mass spectrometry to measure small amounts of drugs bound to DNA (DNA adducts), which provides a measure of the cells' propensity to take up the drug, form, and repair DNA damage.  These characteristics vary greatly in tumor cells, and Dr. Henderson's laboratory is interested in compiling such information as a means to predict which cancer patients respond to chemotherapy.  Research in the Henderson laboratory also focuses on utilization of cell-free protein expression to make nanolipoprotein particles (NLPs), which can be "coexpressed" with membrane proteins such as GPCRs and ERRB2 (HER2).  

Dr. Henderson received his B.S. in Chemistry at the University of Florida where he studied photoinduced electron transfer chemistry (artificial photosynthesis) as an undergraduate researcher. He earned his PhD in Organic Chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology.    At Georgia Tech he researched the use of DNA as a molecular wire and found, along with others, that DNA is a semiconductor that can potentially be used in molecular electronics.  One of the limitations of using DNA as a wire is that current passing through the strand causes damage to the nucleotides in the DNA.  This damage is identical to that caused in cellular DNA by oxidative stress, which led to a NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship at MIT, where Dr. Henderson studied DNA damage and repair in the Division of Biological Engineering.  Following his Fellowship, he started as an independent scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2002, where he used their advanced mass spectrometry technology to study DNA damage and repair caused by oxidative stress and by chemotherapy drugs that target tumor DNA.  

Research interests and projects in Dr. Henderson's lab include:
-  Studying how drugs bind to DNA in cells, with the goal of using that information to predict which patients will respond to chemotherapy.  
- Dog and human clinical studies are in progress to evaluate carboplatin-DNA damage as a biomarker of response to therapy for lung and bladder cancer. 
- Use of nanoparticles to express functional receptors that are important for understanding breast cancer, such as ERBB2 (HER2), which is the target of the successful anticancer drug Herceptin (Trastuzumab).  Recently, Dr. Henderson's laboratory has synthesized this receptor outside of the cell, which may allow previously unattainable structural and biochemical studies.

Members of the Henderson Laboratory (co-managed with Dr. Chong-Xian Pan, MD, PhD from UCD):
Dr. Henderson contributes expertise in DNA damage and repair.  Dr. Pan provides clinical and research expertise.  The Henderson/Pan group includes Sisi Wang as a graduate student, Cindy Lin, DVM, PhD as a Postdoctoral Fellow, Hongyong Zhang DVM, PhD as a Research Associate, Yanchun Wang, MD, PhD, a visiting professor from Ji Lin Medical College, and several student volunteers, including Candice Gellner.

Selected List of Publications (selected from 27 peer reviewed publications and 3 patents):
1. Hah, S.S.; Sumbad, R.A.; de Vere White, R.; Turteltaub, K.W.; Henderson, P.T. Characterization of Oxaliplatin-DNA Adduct Formation in DNA and Differentiation of Cancer Cell Drug Sensitivity at Microdose Concentrations, Chemical Research in Toxicology 2007, 20(12), 1745-1751.
2. Coldwell, K.; Cutts, S.; Henderson, P.T.; Ognibene, T.; Phillips, D. Detection of Adriamycin-DNA adducts by Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy at clinically relevant Adriamycin concentrations Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, 36, 16, e100.
3. Cooke M.S.; Henderson, P.T.; Evans, M.D. Source and significance of extracellular, oxidatively-modified DNA lesions, Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2009, 45(3), 255-70.
4. Hah SS, Henderson PT, Turteltaub, KW Recent advances in biomedical applications of accelerator mass spectrometry, Journal of Biomedical Science, 2009, 16, 111.

5. Coldwell K, Cutts SM, Ognibene TJ, Henderson PT, Phillips, DR. Detection of Adriamycin-DNA adducts by accelerator mass spectrometry.  Methods Mol. Biol. 2010, 613, 103-18.

6. Microdosing for prediction of patient response. Henderson PT, Pan C-X, Bioanalysis, 2010, In press.

For more information, visit

Outside interests:
Include skiing, hockey and bicycling.

Paul T. Henderson, PhD
Assistant Professor
Division of Hematology and Oncology
Department of Internal Medicine
UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA 95817
Phone: (925)570-1615 (cell)
CBST Education Highlights
CBST Scientists Hosted a Visit from the Folsom GATORBYTES
FIRST LEGO League team visits CBSTCBST scientists hosted a visit from the Folsom GATOROBYTES, a FIRST LEGO League (FLL) team of 6th through 9th grade kids who enjoy Science, Engineering and Technology and who learn new skills by participating in international competitions. Entrepreneur and inventor Dean Kamen founded FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) as a not-for-profit public charity in order to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders. The Folsom GATOROBYTES team won the First place for Innovative Robot Design in the World Festival 2008, and First place in Team Work at the European Open Championship in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2009.

During the 2010 BODY FORWARD(TM) Challenge, FLL teams will explore the world of biomedical engineering to discover innovative ways to repair injuries, overcome genetic predispositions, and maximize the body's potential. Drs. Sebastian Wacsmann-Hogiu and Steve Lane from CBST brainstormed with the Folsom GATOROBYTES team's 10 students and their mentor, Rathish Jayabharathi, about potential projects under the "Engineering Meets Medicine" theme. In the coming months, the Folsom GATOROBYTES will identify a problem, create an innovative solution, share it with others, and present their solution at a tournament. We wish them good luck!
CBST Knowledge Transfer Highlights
Biophotonics WeekCBST scientists recently attended the BiophotonicsWeek series of events in Qu�bec City, Canada. The series' anchor was the 2nd International Congress on Biophotonics (ICOB-2), during which researchers from academia and industry, representatives from funding agencies, educators, end-users, and other stakeholders participated in 3 days of scientific roadmapping. Invited speakers presented the latest developments in biophotonics for neurosciences, infectious diseases, and drug discovery & development; clinicians presented unmet clinical needs; and all participants brainstormed about biophotonics-based solutions.  The goal of the technology roadmapping exercise during ICOB-2 was to identify markets and optimize technology opportunities in order to deliver on the promise of biophotonics as top enabling technology.

Approximately 300 people attended BiophotonicsWeek, which made for a formidable networking opportunity. Aside from ICOB-2,the other events in the series were:
Frontiers in Neurophotonics - traditional scientific conference co-organized by scientists from North-America and France.
Biophotonics School - a hands-on experience for graduate students, junior scientists, and those new to the field
Biophotonics in Infectious Disease - a bilateral workshop to develop strategic innovation partnerships between California and Canada.
The 11th Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS) -  academic conference focused on therapeutics, diagnostics and analytics.

For more information, visit and

*Photo by Pierre Bolduc
Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce visit to CBST
Sac Metro Chamber of Commerce Visit to CBSTThe Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce, which consists of representatives from more than 2,000 local companies, recently formed a Technology Committee.  This committee is interested in seeing the region grow economically and they realize that healthcare is a big part of the regional economy now and into the future.      

The Technology Committee has met only once before, in April at SMUD to hear about clean energy technology.   Their second meeting was at CBST on August 24th, 2010 to hear about medical technology development in general and biophotonics technologies in particular.

The visitors were impressed with CBST's facilities, and the research and education program activities.  We will be reaching out to them for support on regionally-focused initiatives in the future.  

The Metro Chamber's visit to CBST was followed by a brief presentation to the Education and Workforce Development Committee on Friday, September 9th by Alisa Lee.   The idea of CBST and the Metro Chamber collaborating on an Education Symposium in early November was discussed and encouraged by the committee.

Stay tuned for more details.
Awards & Recognitions
Grants Awarded
Dr. Thomas Huser from CBST received a National Science Foundation, Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Grant  (9/1/10 - 8/31/13) entitled "Rapid, three-dimensional microscopy of cell-cell interactions in suspension".  The goal of this project is to develop a multitrap optical tweezers system that can trap and manipulate cells in suspension and permits their rapid 4D characterization by spinning disk confocal fluorescence microscopy.  This system will be utilized, for example, to control and investigate the timing of HIV-1 transfer from infected T cells to primary CD-4+ T cells. 
  1. Victoria C. Cogger, Gregory P. McNerney, Tun Nyunt, Laurie D. DeLeve, Peter McCourt, Bard Smedsrod, David G. Le Couteur, Thomas R. Huser.  Three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy of liver sinusoidal endothelial cell fenestrations.  Journal of Structural Biology 171 (2010) 382-388.
  2. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE) ARTICLE Visualizing Cell-to-cell Transfer of HIV using Fluorescent Clones of HIV and Live Confocal Microscopy. Benjamin Dale1, Gregory P. McNerney2, Deanna L. Thompson2, Wolfgang H�bner3, Thomas Huser2, Benjamin K. Chen1 1Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Immunology Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 2NSF Center for Biophotonics, University of California, Davis, 3Structural and Computational Biology Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory.
  3. Hah Sang Soo, Henderson Paul T, Turteltaub Kenneth W.  Towards biomarker-dependent individualized chemotherapy: exploring cell-specific differences in oxaliplatin-DNA adduct distribution using accelerator mass spectrometry.  Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2010;20(8):2448-51.
Calendar of Events
October 11 - Biophotonics4Life Monthly Webinar "Translating New Optical Technologies Into the Clinic - Identifying Unmet Needs and Developing Solutions" (9-10 AM PST)
Presenter: Christopher Contag, PhD, Molecular Imaging Program, Stanford University, CA, USA
To view a recording of the webinar presentation by Dr. Contag, go to

October 13 - Kickoff Event for UC Davis Big Bang! (7-9 PM)

Location: Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center, AGR Room, UC Davis

To register:

To read more, please click on

October 14 - Programs / TechCoire Executive Network Events - Impact of New Accounting Standards for M&A: A round table discussion for private company CEOs/CFOs ( 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM)

Location: Exact location disclosed only to participating CxOs
Cost: Members - Free or $50 , depending on your membership level
           Non-members : $100. Strictly No walk-ins
To read more, please click on

October 20 - SARTA's Leadership Series October 2010
Habits of Highly Effective Teams (8:30 am - 11:30 am)

Registration, breakfast and networking from 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Location: Drexel University, One Capitol Mall, Suite 260, Sacramento, CA
Presenter:Robert Emerson, Senior Consultant, Leading Resources, Inc. 
Cost:General Admission: $40; SARTA Members: $25 

Price includes free parking for 4 hours at the One Capitol Mall Valet Garage on 2nd Street (valued at $8) and a continental breakfast.
If you are a SARTA member, please email for member discount code.
To read more, please click on

October 21 - BayBio's Therapeutic Focus: Drug and Biomarker Developments: The Evolution of Blockbusters?  
Registration Opens: 3:30pm
Panel Presentation: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Networking Reception: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Location: South San Francisco Conference Center, 255 South Airport Blvd., South San Francisco, CA
Cost: Pre-registration through October 19
$20 BayBio Members | $40 Non-Members
On-site registration on October 21
$40 BayBio Members | $75 Non-Members
Attire: Business attire suggested
To read more, please click on

October 27 - SARTA's Leadership Series Med Tech Track
Develop a Winning "Go-To-Market" Plan to Effectively Sell Medical Technology (8:30 am - 11:30 am)

Registration, breakfast and networking from  8:30 am - 9:00 am
Location:Drexel University, One Capitol Mall, Suite 260, Sacramento, CA
Presenters and Panelists:Dr. Christian Renaudin, Managing Partner & CEO, The MarkeTech Group (Presenter, Moderator); Jerry Gibson, Serial Entrepreneur - Most recently Founder and CEO of Critical Perfusion (Panelist); John Scott, Owner, Scott Enterprises (Panelist)
Cost: General Admission: $40 / SARTA Members: $25 
Price includes free parking for 4 hours at the One Capitol Mall Valet Garage on 2nd Street (valued at $8) and a continental breakfast.
For member discount code, please email
For more information, please click on

October 28 - Techcoire's Event: Landing deals with marquee brands (6:00 - 8:30 pm)
Location: Sac Marriott, 11211 Point East Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA
Members attend free as always
Non-Member Cost : $50 before 10/22 ; $60 after or $70 at the door
Networking: 6:00 to 7:00 PM
Panel : 7:00 - 8:30PM
More Networking: 8:30 to 9:00 pm
To read more, please click on
Grants and Funding Opportunities
Grants of Interest & UCD Limited Submissions
For inquiries regarding grant opportunities, please contact Gabriela Lee at or visit to learn more. 
Thank You - Please Pass Along
We'll be sending out our CBST Newsletters once/month.  Please send your comments and suggestions to  We look forward to staying in touch and welcome news/highlights from your organization for inclusion in future newsletters.   
Please forward our CBST Newsletter along by CLICKING on the FORWARD EMAIL hyperlink at the bottom of this newsletter. 
Amy L. Gryshuk, Ph.D.
Director of New Ventures / UC Discovery Fellow
NSF Center for Biophotonics Science & Technology (CBST)
2700 Stockton Blvd., Suite 1400, Sacramento, CA 95817  
TEL (916)734-0785; FAX (916)703-5012