Dear Friends:
I am excited this month to announce my new company: Don Martin Public Affairs.
Actually, it's a rechristening! DMPA was originally created in 1989 and operated under that name for 11 years before I changed the name to Martin & Salinas in 2000 to recognize Trey Salinas' considerable efforts and contributions. A total of 19 years overall.
Earlier this month, I signed over my interest in Martin & Salinas to Trey, and re-formed the original Don Martin Public Affairs. There were several reasons for this including my desire for an individually-focused business at the senior level. I also intend to focus more on media relations, issues management, communications strategy and crisis communication as I have before. I'm very excited to re-launch Don Martin Public Affairs.
The majority of my work typically comes through direct referrals. Please keep me in mind when you have projects or know companies that need:
Communications help with the news media.
Want to create a communications game-plan regarding a specific issue.
Forsee the possibility of a future crisis that they need to plan for in advance (or is already in the midst of a crisis now).
Need communications help with a governmental approval process
Litigation support
Or need general PR and marketing help overall.