New Life Logo
Record of Faithfulness
Members In Ministry
New Life Youth
Needed: Prayers!!!
Message from SPRC
Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study
Youth Mission Trip
Severe Weather Plan
4th & 5th Grade Girls Bible Study
Thank You
Health & Spirituality Retreat
Record of Faithfulness
February 28, 2010
General Fund          $4213.30
Traditional           64  
Contemporary      46
Sunday School      55
Upcoming Events
Women's Bible Study 
9:00AM  Monday -- Youth Center

Every 2nd Saturday
Simpson Point Trash Pickup, Top of the Mountain @ 8:00AM
Every 3rd Saturday-
10:00-12:00 Youth Trash Pick-up
Word Mountain
Every 4th Sunday
United Methodist Men's Breakfast 6:00AM to cook, 7:00AM to eat.

Members in
March 7,
Traditional Service
Ushers: Saylor Family
Nursery: Babs Holcomb
 Sunday School
Nursery: Greta Ayers
Contemporary Service
Greeters: Scott Martin Family
Nursery: Paula Wright
Projection Assistant
Virginia Robinson
 Birthdays  and Anniversaries

 March 5        Kalei Anderson
 Thursday, March 4th:
 6pm Age Level Ministries
Tuesday, March 9th:
6pm Worship Committee
For a complete calendar visit our calendar on the church website.
New Life Youth
** Children and Youth Activities will be canceled the week of Spring Break** 
New Life Youth (grades 6th - 12th) meet Sunday Nights at 5:30 pm at the Youth Center.  Come eat, worship, and study God's Word with us!  Bring your friends!

 If you would like to be a part of the praying community at New Life, please contact Nell Barker at [email protected] or 728-8003 or Denise Acker at [email protected] or 728-4988
Thank you!
New Life Line
March 3, 2010


A few weeks ago Pastor Sherill announced that the Bishop of the North Alabama Conference had made the decision to assign her additional conference duties.  The assignment will take her away from New Life for an estimated 10 hours per week.  The North Alabama Conference will pay half of her annual salary in exchange for these 10 hours.


The Staff Parish Relation Committee has been meeting regularly to discuss how to cover the 10 hours that she is away.  Those options are:  Hire a part-time associate pastor, increase the secretary hours, and ask for volunteers from within the church to help out. 


At this time no decision has been made.  All options are still being evaluated. 


We have asked the District Superintendent to look across the North Alabama Conference for part time pastors that might be available and provide their resumes to the SPRC.  No decision will be made until those resumes have been reviewed.


The SPRC will keep you up to date on any further considerations and actions.


If you have questions at any time, please contact Pastor Sherill, me, or any member of the SPRC.  Active members of the SPRC this year are:  Denise Acker, Charlie Ayers, Jean Cobb, Judy Franks, Rocky Harnen, Phyllis Paradise, and Doug Sibley.

 Melinda Dixon, SPRC Chair

As I've mentioned before, New Life's Vision Statement consists of two sections.  The first section, which spells out NEW (Nurture, Empower, and Worship,) consists of those elements of our ministry that relate to connecting the members of New Life to God.  The second section, which spells out LIFE (Love Them In, Invite Them to a Relationship with Christ, Fellowship, and Engage the Community), consists of those elements of our ministry that reach out to those outside the walls of New Life and outside the walls of Christ's Church.  This week, we begin exploring how we envision reaching out to others and we focus first on what it might mean to "Love Them In"!  So our Scripture this week comes from Jesus' farewell instructions to his disciples before he was arrested, tried and crucified. 

34I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. 35By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."  John 13:34-35

Jesus is very clear that we are to love one another?  Here he is speaking of the disciples loving one another. Other places he speaks of loving our enemies ("even those who persecute you"!).  Clearly, Jesus intends for his followers to love the world as he loves it. 

·         What kind of love do we experience from Jesus?

·         What kind of actions would show the world that we are Jesus disciples?

Our vision Statement makes the bold claim that we will not only love people into relationship with us (so we can in turn invite them to a relationship with Jesus), but that we will accept all people.

·         What attitudes and prejudices do you need to face and deal with in order to accept ALL people?

·         Who do you have a hard time accepting let alone loving?  Have you asked God to help you love as God loves?

·         What must we do as a congregation to create an environment where people know they are accepted?

·         How can we hospitable rather than merely friendly?


Hope to see all of you Sunday as we explore how we can "Love them in"!

Pastor Sherill

Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study

Short-Term Disciple Bible Study:  Invitation to Romans

Beginning Wednesday, January 27 at 6:45 p.m., we will begin a nine week study of the book of Romans.  If you are familiar with the Disciple Bible study, this study will follow a similar format with suggested short daily readings.  Suggested donation for the book is $10.

 Babysitting is Available for children not old enough for Wednesday Night Classes.

Youth Mission Trip
June 20-25, 2010
Joe Rush Center for Urban Mission
Birmingham, Alabama
Urban Ministry is an inner-city mission agency of the United Methodist Church.  Our work will be exterior house painting for the low-income elderly and disabled in inner-city Birmingham.  We will stay at the dorm at Walnut Grove UMC in Midfield, AL.  For more information, see

Cost: $250 ($125 deposit due May 10th; $125 balance due June 7th).  Please make checks payable to New Life UMC with Youth Mission Trip noted.  Now accepting donations toward scholarships!
Ages: rising 7th graders - 12 graders
We reserved 20 spaces for this mission trip.  For every 6 youth, an adult can attend free!  We must take one chaperone for every 6 youth.  Depending on interest, we may be able to reserve more spaces.  Please email [email protected] to reserve your spot.  

Severe Weather Plan

Last year, we had snow on Sunday morning and a tornado shortly before our Good Friday services. Hopefully 2010 will be less eventful!  However, in case of severe weather, we will let you know if services are being cancelled in the following ways:

·         The church voice mail

·         The church website

·         Channel 48 news


4th and 5th Grade Girls Bible Study

Beginning Wednesday, March 24th we will be offering a Bible Study for girls only (sorry boys!) in the 4th and 5th grades. The title of the study is "Between- A Girl's Guide to Life" by Vicki Courtney. We will meet each Wednesday from 3-6PM at the house on the corner. If you are interested and need more information call Greta Ayers at 728-2347 or email at [email protected]. or Katie Buffington at 728-3570 or email at

A Thank You To The Church

 Thank you so much for the food you brought during our difficult time. We appreciate everything you've done.
Thank you,
The Henson Family Pat, Janet, Ronnie, & Glen

Health & Spirituality Retreat

 March 19-21, 2010
Camp Sumatanga 
Dr. John Simmons will lead a session spirituality and healing for people who have terminal or chronic illness and their families.
During these sessions issues such as grief, death and dying, curing and caring, health or illness will be discussed. For more information go to
Church Office Hours
8 AM - 12 PM   Monday Through Friday
Church Staff
       Sherill Clontz                              (256) 508-3760 (cell)
       [email protected]
         Shawna Sisk                             728-2093
          [email protected]
Contemporary Music Director:
        Jim Holcomb                                587-0217
        [email protected]
Youth Director: 
       Milanda Taylor                            728-3099
       [email protected] 
Children's Ministry Director:
         Ashley Olinger                             728-5692
          [email protected] 
  Vision of New Life United Methodist Church

The mission statement of the United Methodist Church is:

To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

Therefore, we will: