A Friend in Need, Inc.
Fall, 2008 
Ocean & Sun Rays
Welcome to A Friend in Need

Thank you so much for your past support of A Friend in Need. This is our first e-mail newsletter, and we hope this will not only give you the information you want to learn about an organization that you support, but will do it while saving some trees! If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see in future newsletters, please feel free to let us know by e-mailing us at brenda@helpafriendinneed.org. We'd love for you to forward this to a friend to share our mission with them.
Garden Party ResultsEducation Hut
 Hundreds Helped!
With your help, A Friend in Need has been able to reach hundreds of people living in poverty; from the 80+ local students who received backpacks and school supplies, to the orphans in African who received food distribution packets, to the hungry community who, with the help of the friends of Tom Vravick and his birthday donations, received a barnyard of animals.   Thank you to everyone who participated in our Garden Party!
Save the Date
Wine & Micro-Brew Tasting 
Friday, Dec. 5th 6pm @ Uncorkt in Downtown Racine
Come work on your Christmas shopping with Fair Trade items from Trails to Bridges, while tasting some wonderful new wines and micro-brews.
This festive fundraiser will help the children at the lula in South Africa who have lost their parents to AIDS.  This lula helps keep families together by supporting the grandparents and other family members who are struggling to care for these orphans. 
Please consider joining us to help these children and families in need.  Be sure to use the below reservation slip to save $5 on each advance ticket you purchase. 
Volunteer Opportunity
Craft Fair 
Sunday, Nov. 23rd  8am-3pm
A Friend in Need will be participating in the St. Lucy's Craft Fair (3101 Drexel Ave, Racine WI) to be held Sunday, Nov 23rd.  We'll be selling Fair Trade handbags from India with the A Friend in Need logo handblocked on the inside, as well as Fair Trade coffees and teas.  If your talent is merchandising, or your desire is to make a difference to families living in poverty, we need you!  E-mail us at brenda@helpafriendinneed.org.
Heather Bliss & Brenda Rebro
Issue: 08-02
In This Issue
Garden Party Results
Wine & Micro Brew Tasting
Volunteer Opportunity
Thank You to our Volunteers
Our Mission
Fast Fact!
Less than 10% of children orphaned by AIDS are receiving outside assistance.
Source: United Nations '07 
A Special Thank you to our Volunteers!
Volunteers are unpaid not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless! 

Faces of our Volunteers
Kristen, Molly & Lindsey
Just three of the many volunteers who made our Garden Party a success. 
Thank you to everyone who has helped us throughout 2008. You've reached hundreds of families in poverty. You are making a tremendous difference in our world.
Volunteers stuffing Backpacks
Volunteers help stuff backpacks for local children in need. 
Our Vision & Mission
Trails to Bridges Logo
A Friend in Need is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to help secure the future of humanity both locally and globally by helping to provide five basic human rights: food, shelter, clean water, health care and education to individuals and communities in need.  We do this through community fundraisers, research and advocacy.
Join Our Mailing List
Save $5 by reserving your advance tickets today!
Send the below reservation slip with payment to:
A Friend in Need
240 Main St. - Upper
Racine, WI  53403
Yes, reserve my spot at the Wine & Beer Tasting!
Please reserve (# of tickets)______ at $25/ticket. 
Check one...
    __ Check      $_______
    __ MC/Visa   $_______
                      _______________________________   _____/_____
                      credit card number                                  exp date