Center for Innovative Technology
Center for Innovative Technology
Federal Funding News
December 2009 
Supporting Virginia's SBIR, STTR and Early Stage Research Community
In This Issue
SBIR Training
Show Me The Money Intro Event
How To Win SBIR Funding
SBIR Grant Prep Sessions
Advanced SBIR Strategies
Regional & National Events
ARRA Information
SBIR Reathorization Update
Important Info.
SBIR/STTR Assistance from CIT
Upcoming Deadlines
Helfpul Links
CIT leads the Commonwealth's efforts to increase the flow of federal research funding into Virginia.  CIT's Federal Funding Assistance Program identifies and accelerates opportunities for Virginia's small technology businesses to obtain SBIR, STTR, and other early stage Federal R&D Funding.  We work with hundreds of companies each year, providing training, mentoring, funding analysis, and other critical resources needed to accelerate technology development.
Upcoming SBIR/STTR Training:
Show Me The Money -- Intro to Federal Funding Sources
January 11, 2010, Richmond, VA
January 12, 2010, Herndon, VA
How to Win SBIR Funding
January 26, 2010, Herndon, VA
SBIR/STTR Proposal Prep Workshop Sessions
February 9-10, Charlottesville, VA
Advanced SBIR Strategies to Improve Transition & Business Success
February 18, 2010, Herndon, VA
See Complete Event Descriptions below!
Show Me The Money -- Intro to Federal Funding Sources
January 11, 2010, Richmond, VA
January 12, 2010, Herndon, VA
Learn how to obtain government funding through the Federal appropriations, earmarks, legislation, grants and more.  Join us for this informational session led by Robert Brooke of the Center for Innovative Technology and Liz Powell of G2G consulting, LLC.  Obtain the building blocks and tools you need to go beyond traditional Federal grants to grow your business. 
Robert Brooke, Director of Federal Funding Programs at CIT, has been mentoring firms on SBIR & STTR since 2002.  Liz Powell is an entrepreneur and attorney with over 12 years of government relations experience, including serving as Legislative Director on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.  G2G has a 70% success rate in accessing funding and secured $22 million in government funding for clients over the past two years in addition to influencing policy affecting high-tech businesses and economic growth.
A light lunch will be served!
Topics Covered:  
- Overview of the SBIR & STTR grant programs
- Earmark strategies
- What agencies should you target?
- How to maximize your opportunities
- American Recovery And Reinvestment Act -- are there any more opportunities?  
- Factors for a successful funding strategy 
Virginia Based Firms:  $15 Per Person
Non-Virginia Based Firms:  $25 Per Person                           
11AM-1:30PM (Includes a light lunch)
January 11, Richmond, VA: 
Biotechnology Research Park, 800 East Leigh St., Richmond, VA  23219
January 12, Herndon, VA:
Center for Innovative Technology, 2214 Rock Hill Rd., Herndon, VA 20170,
Classrooms 1&2
Contact:  Robert Brooke, 703-689-3080
REGISTER for January 11, Richmond
REGISTER for January 12, Herndon
How To Win SBIR Funding
January 26, 2010, Herndon, VA

SBIR grants (Small Business Innovation Research) and it's sister STTR grant program (Small Business Technology Transfer) provide $100K - $900K in early stage R&D funding.  11 participating federal agencies use this program to fund early stage technology development that will help them meet their missions.  This workshop is lead by one of the leading SBIR instructors/consultants in the country, Mr. John Davis of The SBIR Resource Center. CIT leads the Commonwealths efforts in SBIR/STTR outreach and brings this event to Virginia firms at a substantially reduced price in order to help build Virginia's economy.  
SBIR/STTR Policy  & Strategy (8:30AM-12:45PM)
-Understanding SBIR from the Applicant's Perspective
-Background and Requirements
-Schedules and Agencies
-Project Objectives (acceptable vs non acceptable)
-STTR: Why? / Why Not?
-Agency Differences (these matter -- a lot)
-Why Should You Decline To Pursue SBIR?
-The Bid/No Bid Statistics
-SBIR/STTR Projects Should Offer Discussion
-General Principals and Advice
The SBIR/STTR Application Process (1:30PM-5:30PM)
-Proposal/Grant Writing Basics ("ground truth")
-SBIR/STTR Proposals Are Different
-Before You Write (doing the homework)
-Crafting SBIR/STTR Proposals:  Evaluation Criteria; Reviewers (decision making in review panels); Common Proposal Elements; Varying Proposal Elements; Summary/Abstract; Specific Aims/Objectives; Project Plans (research design & methods); Qualifications To Perform; Commercialization Plans; Finishing & Publishing Applications.
-Why Many Proposals Fail
-Improving Your Chances
-Placing Topics Into Solicitations
-An Ordered Process / Checklist
-When You Don't Win / When You Do
-Phase II (what PI applicants need to know)
-Principals of Winning
-Available Support Resources
$95 Virginia Based Technology Firms
$200 for all others (non-Virginia based firms)
Lunch Sponsorship Available!
Center for Innovative Technology, 2214 Rock Hill Rd., Herndon, VA 20170, Classrooms 1&2
Contact:  Robert Brooke, 703-689-3080
REGISTER for Jan. 26 How To Win SBIR Funding              

SBIR/STTR Grant Prep Workshop Sessions
February 9-10, 2010, Charlottesville, VA

This two day, multi-session workshop is lead by Lisa Kurek of Biotechnology Business Consultants, LLC.  Special attention will be paid to NIH proposal development & submission, but all agencies will be covered. CIT leads the Commonwealths efforts in SBIR/STTR outreach and brings this event to assist Virginia firms in their efforts to participate more effectively.  Attend all or part of this informative workshop -- various registration opportunities to suit your needs!    
February 9:
Strategic Planning - Do your homework up front! (9:00AM-12:30PM)
-SBIR/STTR program details
-Understanding the Agencies' systems
-Technological innovation and commercial merit - what this really means
-Strategies for targeting your proposal to meet Agency's mission and requirements
-How to do your intelligence work prior to writing the proposal 
Proposal Development - Crafting a Fundable Proposal - Details on the proposal preparation process (1:15-4:30PM) (This is not just a basic research grant!)
-Planning tools for writing the proposal
-The SBIR/STTR review process - learn how to write the proposal to meet the reviewers' expectations
-Step by step process in how to write each section of a SBIR/STTR proposal
-The research and development plan
-Biographical sketches - building the appropriate team
-Resources - securing the necessary resources and partners
-Budgets - how to get the most for your project
-Commercialization - where it fits in each phase of the program
-Common problems and pitfalls in SBIR/STTR proposals and how to avoid them
February 10:
Proposal Submission - Detailed information needed to be prepared for successful submission (9AM-12:30PM)
-Registration requirements
-Agency submission procedures - Hands on completion of Electronic Submission & NIH Forms
-Planning and timing 
Preparing a Commercialization Plan (1:15PM-4:30PM)
Good science is necessary but not sufficient. A strong commercialization strategy is a critical element in successful SBIR/STTR proposals.
- Importance of commercialization from Phase I on.
- Step by step instructions for preparing a commercialization plan
-All sessions, both days:  $150
-Feb. 9 Sessions only:  $95
-February 10 Sessions Only:  $95
-February 10 Proposal Submission Session ONLY:  $50
-February 10 Preparing a Commercialization Plan ONLY:  $50
Charlottesville Technology Incubator, Charlottesville, VA - Downtown Mall. 
CTI is located at the corner of 5th Street NE and the pedestrian downtown mall area (East Main Street) in the bottom floor of the Market Street Parking Garage building. The best parking is in the same building.  $2per hour, $14 maximum.
Contact:  Robert Brooke, 703-689-3080
REGISTER for Feb. SBIR Proposal Prep Workshop Sesssions                 
Advanced SBIR Strategies To Improve Transition & Business Success
February 18, 2010, Herndon, VA

Moving SBIR and STTR technology forward requires thought, strategy, and know-how.  This workshop is split into two parts - a morning session provides overview on concepts and strategies to help any award winner plan their Phase II and Phase III strategies more effectively.  The afternoon session focuses on specific transition strategies and programs available to move SBIR projects towards Phase III - including FAST Track bids, earmark funding, M&A concepts & other ways to receive value from your IP, and special funding dedicated to assisting with the transition of technology into DoD.  CIT leads the Commonwealths efforts in SBIR/STTR outreach and brings this event to assist Virginia firms in their efforts to participate more effectively.   
9AM-12:30PM -- SBIR Strategies for SBIR/STTR Award Winners
- Realizing a High Quality R&D Product - operating your project for value (Project Management)
- Learn how to plan, cost estimate, manage & control small R&D projects - important for Phase II.
- Learn how to improve the chances of being invited to submit an application/proposal for, and win, Phase II funding (strategy, applications and audit preparation)
- Learn how to use a Phase I (alone) to position your firm for large sole-source awards.
- Acquiring Phase III funds (strategy, marketing and venture capital acquisition).
- Learn how to wring the most value out of your past, current, and future Phase I SBIR/STTR projects.
- Strategic Planning, Strategic Alliances, and Customer Communications for SBIR Firms.
Presented by John Davis, General Manager, The SBIR Resource Center
12:30-1:15:  LUNCH
1:15-2:30PM: Pursuing a Phase II -- Intro to phase II, Phase II commercialization plans, fast track bids, contract cost accounting for phase II applicants.
Presented by John Davis, General Manager, The SBIR Resource Center
2:30-2:45:  BREAK
2:45-3:30:  Congressional Earmarks - One Path to Phase III Funding
Presented by Alan Dillingham, President, Alchemy GS
3:30-4:45:  M&A Strategies & Other Methods to Receive Value from Your Intellectual Property
Presented by Gene Schleppenbach, Principal, Miles & Stockbridge
4:45-5:30:  Transition Funding for DoD SBIR Projects
A look at various DoD funding  programs developed to assist in technology testing, transition, & insertion
Presented by Cynthia Gonsalves, Director, Office of Technology Transition, Research Directorate, Advanced Components & Prototypes
5:30-7:15:  Networking reception (Table Sponsorships Available) 
$95 Virginia Based Technology Firms
$150 for all others (non-Virginia based firms)
$250 Sponsorship (6 Ft. Display table all day, Attendee list)
Location: Center for Innovative Technology, 2214 Rock Hill Rd., Herndon, VA 20170, Classrooms 1&2
Contact:  Robert Brooke, 703-689-3080
REGISTER for Advanced SBIR Strategies Workshop        


Regional & National Events of Note:

Mid-Atlantic SBIR Conference
December 1-2, 2010, Morgantown, WV
Walk in registration available for this conference.  Details available HERE
13th Annual Small Business Conference
December 2-3, 2009, McLean, VA
Providing for the Nation's security requires an effective partnership between the military and the small business community.  This conference brings together leaders of the industry small business community and the government (Small Business Administration and Department of Defense) to discuss timely topics, including recent changes affecting small businesses. Participants will include key Government decision makers from Washington to field commanders who conduct acquisitions. The conference provides a forum for open exchange of information and ideas between senior government officials and small business leaders.  More INFO

International University Startups Conference
December 2-4, 2009, Washington, DC

The International University Startups Conference will take place December 2-4, 2009 at the Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, with an opening reception at the British Embassy on December 2, 2009. The Conference is organized annually by the National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer ( This year's University Co-Hosts are the University of Maryland System and the University of Texas System. The Government Co-Hosts are the National Science Foundation (Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnership) and National Institutes of Health (Office of Tech Transfer). The Embassy Host is the British Embassy. For more info an to REGISTER  

SBIRs for University Technology Commercialization
Pre-Conference Workshop to International University Startups Conf., Dec. 2, 1:00-4:30
Given the heightened interest by universities in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, a Pre-Conference Workshop on SBIRs for University Technology Commercialization, which will include topics on * Understanding SBIR Programs For Maximum Benefit to University Commercialization Efforts, * Getting University Researchers Commercialization Funding, * Forging Tech Transfer Links Between Funded SBIR Companies And Universities For Optimal University Research Commercialization. There is a separate registration for this pre-conference event, but it promises to be a very helpful and valuable addition to the program.
6:00- 8:00 pm OPENING RECEPTION at the British Embassy
4th Annual Medical Automation Conference
Automated Wellness: Enabling Universal Access to Healthcare
December 4, 2009 8 AM - 4 PM
CIT Building (near Dulles Airport)
Detailed Conference Overview 
 Prerequisites for Meaningful Health IT
Falls Church, VA
This event is presented by the NVTC Health Technology Committee.  Federal stimulus legislation focuses unprecedented attention on electronic medical records and the Obama administration is encouraging a broad electronic health information infrastructure as necessary to support health insurance reform. Can the proposed new federal health information technology programs change the traditionally misaligned incentives in health IT? Or are health insurance reform and other changes needed for truly successful use of health IT? Dr. Loonsk will put the current federal initiatives in perspective and will identify some of the critical infrastructure components needed to make meaningful health IT outcomes possible.  A question and answer discussion will follow.  Speaker: John W. Loonsk, MD FACMI, Chief Medical Officer, CGI Federal.  7:30 AM - 9:00 AM.  Location:  Noblis, 3150 Fairview Park Drive, Auditorium, Falls Church , VA 22042.  Cost: No cost.  Breakfast is free and so is meeting.  To register:  RSVP: to Mike Norris at or call 703-714-9568. 
January 7-9, 2010, DC Metro Area
The SBIR Resource Center will be conducting a DoD SBIR-Lab(SM) January 7-9 -- up to five (5) firms will simultaneously create their competitive applications under very close guidance from experienced SBIR/STTR business development professionals. Ideal for firms targeting the 2010.1 DoD SBIR solicitation that opens with a pre-solicitation on Nov. 12, opens Dec. 10, and closes Jan. 13, 2010.  Advance work is required, so the sooner you commit (after reviewing the topics Nov. 12), the better.  Past attendees have had an extremely high win rate.  The leader of the consulting team will be John Davis.  Mr. Davis' qualifications include: "hands-on" experience as a research scientist; advanced degrees in both technology and business; R&D project management expert; COO of three firms (2 small, 1 large); CEO of one firm (a startup R&D firm); experience in tech startups, small firms, Fortune 500s & non-profit orgs; proposal expert (active member Association for Proposal Mgmt. Professionals); more than 35 years in Government R&D project marketing; inventor of the SBIR-ToolKit(TM); instructor for more than 15 SBIR/STTR workshops every year; more than 14 years professional experience in SBIR/STTR/ATP; more than 2000 SBIR firms supported.  This set of skills affords an experienced second-opinion, and leadership when needed, to appropriately design, cost estimate and articulate "manageable" research projects, plan and articulate Phase III commercialization activities, understand while guiding/instilling application attributes that will evoke positive responses in SBIR/STTR reviewers.  Virginia firms who have not received an SBIR/STTR before may qualify for a $500 proposal assistance award from CIT to help lower the cost of participation in this event (contact by Dec. 7 to be considered).  CIT is also underwriting an additional $250 for any Virginia firm who attends.  Deadline to register is Dec. 24. For more information, or to register, contact Mr. Davis at 410-315-8101 or go to
SBIR Asset's Forum
Dec. 9-11, Boston, MA
This conference is geared to match up key technology seekers (major primes and industry) with SBIR firms whose technology is a possible fit.  For more information and to be considered for registration, click HERE
Spring 2010 National SBIR Conference
Save The Dates:  April 21-23, Hartford, CT
 American Recovery & Reinvestment Act
Recovery Act Logo
The main federal web site for information on Stimulus Funding is available at .
For a complete list of funding opportunities under the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, search by category at:  
For specific Recovery Act opportunities, click on the "Recovery Act" link at the above URL.   
Virginia Assists with ARRA -- For informative information on how Virginia is managing the process of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and for helpful links to federal opportunities for the small business community, please visit:  


SBIR Reauthorization Update:

DoD SBIR/STTR Extended through Sept. 30, 2010
The DoD SBIR/STTR and CPP program has been extended through September 30, 2010. However, this does not include any of the other 10 federal agency SBIR programs.  This bill is awaiting signature by the President at this time.
House Passes Bill To Extend SBIR/STTR For 3 Months
On October 26, 2009, the Senate passed S. 1929 that extends SBIR/STTR for all agencies (except DoD) as well as other small business programs for 6 months. The House came back and amended the bill to extend SBIR for only 3 months.  That means that the SBIR program for all non-DoD agencies is extended through January 31, 2010.  
The House and Senate are still in conference trying to reconcile differences in their bills in order to pass a true SBIR reauthorization bill.  The Senate's bill originally contained several compromises on sensitive issues while the House was closer to "my way or the highway", according to Rick Shindell of ZYN Systems.  Consequently progress on conferencing the two bills has been very slow and tough.  
For more details on the above, visit  
Important Information
NSF SBIR Closes Dec. 3
The National Science Foundation SBIR FY-2010 grants solicitation closes December 3, 2009.  Complete information is available on the NSF SBIR web site at

NIH Omnibus 2009 SBIR/STTR Solicitation, Closes Dec. 5    
The 2009 HHS/NIH SBIR/STTR Solicitation has remaining closing date of December 5.  This parent funding announcement can be found HERE.
Additional topics may be released via special SBIR/STTR funding announcements during the year as well and can be found HERE.
DHS FY-10.1 SBIR Opened Nov. 18, Closes Jan. 4
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T) has issued their FY-2010.1 SBIR solicitation which will open to receive proposals on November 18, 2009 and close January 4, 2010, 4:30pm est.
The solicitation contains 6 technical topics and similar to the DoD's policy, you can communicate directly with the topic technical point of contact (TPOC) until the solicitation officially opens on November 18.
The topics are:
H-SB010.1-001 Rechargeable, High Efficient, High Capacity Energy Storage
H-SB010.1-002 Rare Variant Detection Using Next Generation Sequencing Technology
H-SB010.1-003 Precision Information Environments
H-SB010.1-004 Molecular Recognition for Explosives Detection
H-SB010.1-005 Synthetic Biometrics
H-SB010.1-006 GPS Resolution in Denied Location (GRIDLOC)
Proposal submittal is electronic only via the DHS SBIR web site at
The official announcement can be found HERE on FedBizOpps and
and the DHS S&T SBIR web site at  
DoD 2010.1 SBIR Opens Dec. 10, Closes January 13, 2010
The DoD has issued the prerelease of their FY2010.1 SBIR solicitation with offerings from the Air Force, Army, Navy, DARPA, CDB, DTRA and SOCOM. The solicitation opens and proposals will be accepted starting December 10, 2010 with a closing date of January 13, 2010 at 6:00am EST. Each of the DoD's agency components (Air Force, Army Navy etc..) have slightly different rules and procedures. Sometimes there can be specific instructions for a particular topic, so it is strongly advised that you study the solicitation instructions thoroughly.  Between November 12 and December 9, 2009, you may talk directly with the Topic Authors to ask technical questions about the topics. For reasons of competitive fairness, direct communication between proposers and topic authors is not allowed starting December 10, when DoD begins accepting proposals for this solicitation.    The DoD solicitation can be downloaded from their site HERE
NIST FY-2010 SBIR Closes January 22, 2010
The Department Of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has opened their FY-2010 SBIR with a closing date of January 22, 2010. Although the solicitation is posted on FedBizOpps at HERE.   It is advisable to monitor the NIST SBIR web site at which includes a special section for solicitation Q&A's.
DOC/NOAA FY-10 SBIR Closes January 14, 2010
The U. S. Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released their FY-2010 SBIR (Solicitation No. NOAA2010-1) with an opening date of October 14, 2009, closing on January 14, 2010 at 4pm. The main topics for this solicitation are in the areas of: Ecosystems, Climate, Weather and Water, and Commerce and Transportation, with each topic consisting of several subtopics. The topics will be included soon in Zyn's SBIR Gateway Topic Search Engine. NOAA's solicitation is contracts based and is available on FedBizOpps HERE 0 NOAA requires hard copy submission (not electronic submissions) so be sure to allow enough time for delivery of your proposal.  

Bioscience Funding Opportunity -- Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
This Program Announcement/Funding Opportunity is focused on basic research, defined as research directed towards attaining greater knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles of science and medicine. It is $60 million for 50 awardees.  Pre-Applications are due December 10, 2009.  The DMRDP Basic Research Award is designed to promote new ideas that are still in the early stages of development and have the potential to yield highly impactful data and new avenues of investigation. This mechanism supports conceptually innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate the delivery of new medical countermeasures and information to protect military personnel from a variety of health threats inherent in the military operational environment, and to effectively diagnose and treat these personnel when they are ill or injured. These awards will also support basic research to enhance the training and education of military personnel and health care providers. Presentation of preliminary data is not required. However, investigators must demonstrate logical reasoning and a sound scientific rationale established through a critical review and analysis of the literature for the proposal to be competitive. Research projects should include a well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on strong scientific rationale. Awards under this announcement will consist solely of assistance agreements. This announcement is intended only for extramural investigators. Other announcements will be released for intramural investigators. An intramural investigator is defined as a Department of Defense (DOD) employee working within a DOD laboratory or medical treatment facility (MTF), or a DOD activity embedded within a civilian medical center. An extramural investigator is defined as all those not included in the definition of intramural investigator.
Link to Full Announcement:

SBIR/STTR Assistance from CIT 
CIT Supports Virginia's SBIR/STTR Applicants:
CIT provides valuable assistance to Virginia companies submitting Phase I and Phase II SBIR/STTR proposals, including:
  • SBIR strategy consultation
  • Low cost Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III proposal training and review courses
  • Discounts with proposal consultants (proposal prep & proposal review)
  • Discounts on proposal preparation software
  • Referral to law firm for free IP and patent consultation
  • VC/Angel Capital "Readiness" review
  • Discounts and referrals for federal cost accounting solutions and CPA services
  • Funding assistance for select companies seeking their first Phase I and/or Phase II award (to help pay for some of the above services) -- pending application approval and availability of funds.

Contact:  Robert Brooke of CIT at 703-689-3080,  
CIT's GAP Funds helps close the funding gap between "friends and family" and early-stage equity investment for Virginia-based technology companies. CIT's GAP Fund identifies and makes funds available to seed-stage technology firms with a high potential for commercialization, rapid growth and downstream private-equity financing.  Companies who have received SBIR financing may be strong candidates for CIT's GAP fund and/or other 3rd party financing.  For more information, visit: 

If you'd like to register to receive the Virginia Venture Calendar newsletter, send an email to and request to be added to that email newsletter. 
Upcoming SBIR/STTR Deadlines 
Below are upcoming deadlines for SBIR and STTR solicitations.  Dates are subject to change.
  • National Science Foundation SBIR, Opens Nov. 3, 2009, Closes Dec. 3, 2009
  • DoD SBIR 2010.1, pre-release Nov .12, 2009, opens Dec. 10, closes Jan. 13, 2010
  • DoD STTR 2010.A, pre-release Jan. 25, 2010, Opens Feb. 23, closes March 24, 2010
  • HHS/NIH SBIR/STTR Omnibus 2009 SBIR/STTR Solicitation, remaining Closing date of December 5, 2009 
  • Dept. of Commerce/NOAA SBIR Opened Oct. 14, Closes Jan. 14, 2010.
  • NIST SBIR Closes January 22, 2010
  • DHS SBIR Opend Nov. 18, Closes January 4, 2010

For a link to each agency web site, visit:

Helpful SBIR/STTR Web Sites
(SBIR Gateway - includes Solicitation Search feature at no charge!)  
I hope you enjoyed this newsletter.  Please feel free to pass it on to co-workers, clients, and others who may benefit.  And be sure to contact me with any questions.

Robert Brooke
Director, Federal Funding Programs
Center for Innovative Technology
2214 Rock Hill Rd.
Herndon, VA  20170