News from Nick:

The Newsletter for the Community of St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas

1072 Ridge Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL  60007

( 847 ) 439 - 2067


August 1 - 7, 2012 

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Upcoming Events


Movie Night -
The Trouble With Angels 

Friday, August 3

Holy Innocents Hall


St. Nick's Knacks: A Rummage Sale

August 17 & 18


Craft / Games Night

Monday, August 31


Holy Innocents Hall


Ongoing Events:




Saturdays - 4:30PM

Sundays - 10:00AM  


Food Pantry

1st, 3rd & 4th Wednesdays


Contact Us

Manny Easter 2011

Steve Raftery, Jr. Warden

Paul Brouillette, Priest-in-Residence

Mary at organ
Mary Fletcher-Gomez, Organist/Choirmaster
School Supplies Needed for Children in Our Village 

School days...let's make these days the best of times for all the children by donating needed supplies and equipment to Elk Grove Village schools.  Our contributions will go a long way in providing  the gift of a sound and enjoyable education.
Please click here for a list of items needed for students at Clearmont and Grove schools.

News from Nick is published by St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Elk Grove Village, Illinois each Wednesday.


Please submit copy to Douglas by clicking here.   


Deadline is Tuesday at noon.

+Upcoming Events
+Community...In and Outside of Worship
+Movie Night - Friday, August 3
+St. Nick's Knacks: A Rummage Sale
+Crafts / Games Night - August 31
+St. Nicholas Directory
+(Re-) Establishing a Parish Registry
+Readings for This Weekend's Services
+Shout Outs
+Prayer Requests

-News from Nick Archive-

Miss an issue of News from Nick?  Need to refer to an earlier issue?  No problem--issues are archived and available at any time at this link.

Community...In and Outside of Worship


"Let's go out to the lobby. Let's go out to the lobby. Let's go out to the lobby to get ourselves a treat." Any one who ever ventured to a drive in, especially in the fabulous 1950's and 60's is sure to remember this little jingle. The screen came alive with colorful singing and dancing hot dogs, soft drinks, pop corn containers, ketchup and mustard bottles, too.   All the while these tasty treats were enticing us to get out of the car, visit the snack bar, and as the song says, get ourselves a treat! These are such simple, yet, wonderfully warm memories. Makes me want to get out of the house and go to the drive in right now!


I come from a rather large family. I've spoken about my five sisters, three older brothers and the drama created with so many kids with one bathroom. My Mom and Dad, wonderfully, lovingly and with a good dose of humor, kept us all safe, secure and alive. The Drive-In, or as my Mom use to refer to it, "the opener show," (open: as in open air...) for us was a very welcomed treat. Sandwiches and snacks were prepared earlier in the day. After my Dad returned home from work, he would clean up, we kids would get into our jammies and we'd all pile into the faux-wood paneled Ford station wagon. My Dad would park backwards, that is, so the back hatch of the car, which opened upwards, would allow us kids to see the movie in comfort, with all the car seats folded flat and all of us lying down with pillows and throw blankets to boot. My parents would sit on lawn chairs right next to the car, close enough to hear through the speakers that attached to the car windows. One trip to the snack bar for a treat was afforded all nine of us. Ice cream or popcorn...what was going to be my choice? Never was much of an ice cream fan, so I chose popcorn. Besides, I could always sneak a taste from my little sister's ice cream as she would share my popcorn.  After the movie, I remember hearing my Mom and Dad speaking ever so softly, so as not to wake us up. Once home, my Dad would carry in the youngest of us, with my elder brother and sister helping, too. Tucked into bed, my parents would see we were all set and they'd close our day with a loving kiss upon the forehead and cheeks. If I close my eyes...I can almost feel their kisses again...


As a community of faith, we form a most diverse and unique family. When we gather on weekends, we do so to celebrate our faith, to pay honor and due reverence to our Creator and God's greatest gift to us, Jesus, the Redeemer. We gather to share our faith with each other, too. To take part in the Eucharist which we receive and then are asked to share with others in acts of charity and love. However, we are called to gather for other occasions and not only on weekends. We are invited to come together to help build community, such as to raise funds for continued ministry and sustaining life. We gather socially and for simple, good fun, too. We seek to better acquaint ourselves with one another and strengthen the bonds that have already been forged. We make honest and heart-felt efforts to reach out, have a good time and make new friends while we cherish our friendships born long ago. This Community of St. Nicholas is special. It is sacred because our community is made up of unique and special human beings:  fragile and blessed souls, all doing the best we can with what God has given us.


Let's go out to St. Nicholas this Friday night and take in a movie. We'll have a good time, with laughs to share and popcorn to pass around. And while we share, we build a stronger community, grounded in faith and rooted in love for Jesus and one another, all the while, enjoying ourselves and celebrating friendship and faith. Community: one person at a time and all of us, special and sacred in God's eyes and our eyes, too.



Movie Night - Friday, August 3
On August 3rd, Friday night, 6:30pm, we will have another Movie Night.  This month's feature film: the 1966 hit, "The Trouble With Angels," starring Rosalind Russell. 

Bring along some pop and munchies. Pizza will be provided.  The movie is rated "G" for General Audience and is certainly a fun, family feature. 


St. Nick's Knacks: A Rummage Sale
Rummage Sale On August 17 and 18, a Friday and Saturday, we will hold our annual St. Nicholas Rummage Sale, from 9AM - 3PM.  We will definitely need "all hands on deck" for this event.   Start gathering your unwanted items to bring in.  Ideally, we ask donations to be brought in starting August 1st.  Holy Innocents Hall will be the site for the sale, which also spills out into the Gathering Space and into the office area.  We will start setting up the Hall the week of August 13th, and need lots of help! 

Plan ahead to see if you have any time to help set up, assist at the sale and to help clear things out on Saturday afternoon.  4:30 Liturgy follows immediately after.


Possible Road Closures for Bike Race in the Village this Weekend...
This weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 3rd, 4th and 5th, the Elk Grove Village Bicycle Race is set to ride through the streets. 
Consequently, we may experience some trouble getting to the church.  A suggestion:  drive south on Arlington Heights Road to Devon.  Go East on Devon to Ridge Avenue.  Go north on Ridge to the church.  This route may be our best bet.  Or, contact the Village Hall for any changes and/or updates.  Good luck and we sure hope to see you this weekend: Friday night for the Movie and Saturday and Sunday for Worship.
Crafts / Games Night - August 31
On August 31st, Friday night, 6:30pm, we will have a Crafts and Games Night.  Bring your favorite craft to work on and perhaps teach others.  Bring your domino set to play "train."  Depending if we have enough material, we can make more Prayer Blankets.  Or, just bring along some munchies to share as we play, chit-chat and enjoy the company of one another.  Coffee and cookies will be available, and if you'd like bring along some pizza, that's fine, too.
directorySt. Nicholas Directory
Please check the "Draft" directory at the Welcome Table to verify that your personal information in the directory is correct.


If we don't have information, such as email and/or cell phone, and you wish to share it, please note it. On the other hand, if we have information you prefer not to share with others, please make a note of that also.


If you have any questions, please talk to Pat Kalicki, or you may call her at 847-882-3364, 847-417-7871, or email her -

(Re-) Establishing a Parish Registry

When I was a child, attending a newly established St. Nicholas Church with my family, a family friend and fellow member, Lois Smith, served as our church Historian. Working with the clergy of the church, Lois kept a record of Births, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages and Funerals of all of our members in a handwritten journal. Today, the whereabouts of these early records at St. Nicholas are something of a mystery, however, Manny and the Bishop's Committee have recently undertaken to resume the creation and maintenance of a Parish Registry. The Registry has both practical value as a record of vital statistics of our members, and will also become an historical record in the evolution of our community of faith.


To gather this information, we have created a Family Registry form, containing a place to record sacramental information for every member of a household, as well as helpful contact information. We ask all of our parishioners to fill one out by any of several methods - they are available at the welcome table in the church, or you can download a form at this link, complete it online or print and complete by hand. Completed forms can be e-mailed to Bob DeHaven at or you may leave it with Manny, Pat, Bob DeHaven or anyone on the Bishop's Committee.


Thank you for your help in creating this record of our community and ministry!


- Bob DeHaven

Readings for This Weekend's Services

The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost: August 4/5

2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a

Psalm 51:1-13

Ephesians 4:1-16

John 6:24-35


Shout Outs
Thanks to:

Cindy Goodwin who keeps our church plants green and thriving.

Bob, Cindy, Eve, Gary, Greg, Mike and Scott who make the food pantry such a success.

Bob, Ginny, Tess, Paul and Hal who continue to "reach out" in our Outreach Committee.
Prayer Requests


Sarah Reed, 96, mother of Thelma Malecek, in thanksgiving,  is now home after a brief stay in the hospital.


Family and friends of Joanne: Melissa, who is suffering from M.S.; Don who is experiencing back pain; Steve who is experiencing anxiety and the effects of a stroke and Doug and his struggles with alcohol.   


Connie Kuffel, a niece of Marilyn, who is battling cancer again and is now undergoing chemotherapy, for her full and lasting recovery. 


Pamela Joy DeHaven, who recently underwent extensive surgery, that she regain full health and strength.


In thanksgiving and in joy for the successful leg surgery Maria Phetkhamphou experienced and that her therapy and recovery are equally successful   


Rachel: the sister of a friend of Donna Tamaski, who died in a head-on accident and Rachel's son who was seriously injured.  May Rachel rest in the full peace of Christ.  


Hope Smith, whose cancer has reappeared: for strength, peace and guidance. 


Bishop James Allan, Nancy Allan's late husband's cousin, who is seriously ill.


Our sisters and brothers at St. Bede's Church, that they know of our joy at having them join our family.      


Kathy Seghers, sister to our Jennifer Garcia.  Kathy is now home. Pray for her full recovery. 


Nathile Paul, Vernon Forde's sister.  Ms. Paul is recuperating from surgery.   

Mr. Thomas Black, father to our Tim Black

Guadalupe Ramirez, grandmother of Benny Delgado 


The Martin Family: Karen, Tom and Katie 


Ethel (Corkey) Stratton, the mother of Hal Stratton 


Eunice Dohra

Richard and Mary Gans

Carrie Loos


Paul Brouillette


For those in transition: those searching for work, those who are moving and those encountering changes in life.