Upcoming Events
Saturdays - 4:30 pm
Sundays - 10:00 am
Food Pantry
1st, 3rd & 4th Wednesdays
4:30-6:00 pm
Choir Practice
Every Wednesday, 6:45 pm
Wednesday Evening Eucharists
Every Wednesday at 6 pm thru May 30, 2012
Getting Involved
St. Nicholas is not a building, it's a community that belongs to all of us. All are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent. Please visit this link on our website for a list of current ministries and contact persons. There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin boards above the drinking fountain at St. Nicholas. Please take time to sign up.
Contact Us...
News From Our Diocese
We encourage you to sign up for our diocese's new email newsletter to keep up with news and events from the larger community. Click here to sign up.
News from Nick is published by St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Elk Grove Village, Illinois each Thursday.
Please submit copy to Douglas by clicking here. Deadline is Wednesday at noon.
-News from Nick Archive-
Miss an issue of News from Nick? Need to refer to an earlier issue? No problem--issues are archived and available at any time
at this link.
Half Way Through Advent and all Through the House
We've progressed quite quickly as we already find ourselves at the doorstep of the 3rd weekend of Advent. Thanksgiving is a mere shadow of memories. I have three small bags of turkey tucked away in the freezer for later use. Christmas is a stone's throw into the very near future. And, our community of St. Nicholas is a beehive of activity. News Socks for New Friends has been a blessed success thus far. How comforting and rewarding to know that the generosity of so many will keep others warm, safe and dry. Episcopal Church 101 is both entertaining and informative, as Deacon Tom leads us in lively conversation after the 10am Sunday Liturgy. All are welcome to come, listen, share and enjoy this time together, as we delve into our Church in an informal and friendly fashion. Children and youngsters find there are activities aplenty for them at their Sharing Table which helps them to better understand what the weekend's readings are all about and allows them to participate in the Liturgy, too. The Monthly Book Club continues to flip pages, sip coffee and share their thoughts and views of the written words they've read. Those who wish to be part of this Monthly Book Club may contact Val and Steve Gruenwald for additional information. There are other events of which we can all be part and engaged. So, get you calendar, see when you're available and get ready to jump in, feet first... 1) Holiday Movie Night. On Friday, December 16th, at 7:30pm, we will once again roll out the big TV, pop some corn, munch on some pizza and snacks and sip some pop, all while comfortably watching a favorite, holiday movie. This time, we'll feature the black and white classic, "The Bishop's Wife," starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young, David Niven and Elsa Lanchester. Bring your own goodies along to savor and share. There is a sign up sheet in the gathering space at church, just to get an idea how many wish to come. Bring the family and friends...we have plenty of room for all! 2) Christmas Caroling. On December 17th, we will venture to the Rehabilitation Center of Alexian Brothers Hospital and sing carols and holiday songs to the patients. All are welcome. We will meet at the Rehabilitation Center, which is located across the street from the hospital on Biesterfield Road at around 12 noon. See article below for additional information. 3) Let's Build our Creche. If you plan on attending the 4:30pm December 24th Christmas Eve Liturgy, then you'll certainly want to be part of the festive action of building the nativity creche. As part of the procession, members will carry in the figures that will create our beautiful nativity scene, which will be placed atop our baptismal font. Families, couples, young and old, individuals and threesomes, too...all are invited to carry in and carry on with this holiday tradition. A sign up sheet is in the gathering space. It's a long walk back into history but a short walk to the baptismal font...come along for this wonderful and loving journey. 4) Deck the Halls. Time to decorate the worship space for Christmas. After the 10am Liturgy on Sunday, December 18th, we will remove all that is Advent and decorate with all that is Christmas. We have lots to do, so we'll need lots of active hands. What a wonderful family opportunity...bring the kids and some extra adult strength, too. We'll have plenty of coffee and sweets to keep us motivated and energized. FA LA LA LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA! This is what 'church' is all about: getting involved and active, being part of what's happening, being a vocal voice, a pair of hands engaged in ministry. It's a very real way of being true stewards of our church and for our church, this wonderful place, this St. Nicholas Church. God bless us all. -Manny [email protected] |
Christmas at St. Nicholas
Please plan to join us on Christmas Eve and / or Christmas Day. All are welcome! Here is the service schedule: Christmas Eve4:30 P.M. A Service for the Young and Young-at-Heart and the Building of the Nativity Creche 9:00 P.M. A Festival of Lessons and Carols with Eucharist Christmas Day10:00 A.M. Festive Christmas Service Where better to spend Christmas than at St. Nick's?
Make a Joyful Noise!
Please join us in a St. Nicholas Caroling Event on Saturday, December 17th. We will be raising our voices in song and praise, as we help make this holiday season a little brighter for patients of Alexian Brothers Rehabilitation Hospital. Let's demonstrate to the community that St. Nicholas is alive and well within our hearts, as we show kindness and service to others. You do not have to have a fantastic singing voice to join in on the fun. I certainly do not! These will be simple, familiar carols. Keep in mind, we will not be judged by the quality of our voices, but by our joyful presence and gifts of love and compassion. Below are all the details. Please call to let me know if you will be joining us for caroling. We look forward to Making a Joyful Noise with our brothers and sisters of St. Nicks! -Jan Tossman and The Community Outreach Team -- Ginny Gibbs, Paul Swanson, Bob DeHaven, Hal Stratton 847-259-2679 [email protected] Who: All St. Nicholas members are welcome. If you don't want to sing - come and spend time visiting with patients. Bring family members or friends. The more the merrier! And please wear something festive! What: Caroling first in the dining area and then down the halls and into some of the patients' rooms to sing and visit. Hal Stratton will be leading us. Where: Alexian Brothers Rehabilitation Hospital 955 Beisner Road, Elk Grove Village 847-981-5929 (Directly across from the hospital.) When: December 17th. at 12:00 Someone will be at the door to direct you. Rehearsal: For all those who will be caroling - There will be one rehearsal tentatively scheduled for Friday, Dec. 16th at 7:00 at St. Nick's. I will contact all who are participating beforehand to confirm. This will just be to familiarize ourselves with the selections and hear how we sound together. I encourage you to attend this rehearsal, but if it's not possible, we still want you to participate.
Episcopal Church 101
We never stop learning. There's always some thing new to discover or perhaps 'rediscover' and appreciate in new lights and colors. Fifteen of us gathered again last Sunday for the continuation of Episcopal Church 101, led by Deacon Tom Smith. We will continue this program this Sunday, December 11 after the 10am Liturgy. We'll gather in the Noah's Ark Room. Bring your coffee, snacks and an open mind and heart as we delve deeper into a better and more enlightened understanding of our Church and our role in this community of faith. All are welcome, regardless of whether you were able to attend the first two sessions! |
2012 Pledge Update
As of Sunday, December 4, we have received 28 pledge forms for a total of $44,224.00 Our goal is a pledge from every household at St. Nicholas. We've now received pledges from 45% of our households. Pledge forms are at this link and on the shelf just outside the worship space. Our sincere thanks to all who have pledged thus far. As Bob Kalicki, our treasurer, reminded us last weekend, it is important that we receive pledges very soon so that we can plan an accurate budget for 2012. Thank you for your consideration and generosity! |
Poinsettias for Christmas
For those who would like to have their loved ones remembered or a gift of thanksgiving, contributions can be made to the Christmas floral fund to help purchase the poinsettias to decorate the worship space for Christmas. If you would like to make a contribution, just state on the memo line of your check 'floral fund' or put your cash contribution in an envelope marked 'floral fund.' If you would like, your loved ones or gift of thanksgiving can also be printed on a card that will be placed into the poinsettias. Just let us know with your contribution. If you have any questions please email [email protected] or [email protected].
Help Light a Way for Others
We're looking for some volunteers to help fold bags for luminarias and set them out on Saturday evenings before the 4:30 service, and especially before the early service on Christmas Eve. We also need more 12-hour votive candles. We have about 200 lunch bags, and sand is cheap, so we're only limited by the number of viable candles. Thanks for your help! Any questions, please contact Ginny Gibbs.
New Socks for New Friends...
As the weather gets colder, our efforts to keep warm and dry increases. We go to our dresser and get a clean pair of socks, slip them on and we're set. However, the sad news is so many of our sisters and brothers are not so fortunate. The community of St. Nicholas, in cooperation with the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago will collect, throughout the winter season, new socks. Donations can be placed in the basket in the church. The collected socks will be distributed to the needy to help make their winter a bit warmer, dryer and safer. Your generosity and assistance are deeply appreciated. God bless us the good people of St. Nicholas, who, as always give from the heart.
Shout Outs
Thanks to: Mary, Hal and our choir: for the wonderful work they do in leading us in song, as we lift our voices in praise and prayer. The Outreach Committee which continues to work so very hard at putting St. Nicholas front and center and in the news! Those who have brought donations of socks for the needy, food for the pantry and votive candles for the luminaries that light up our drive way on Wednesday and Saturday nights ...how truly generous a people we are. The Search Committee for their dedicated efforts in leading our community as we call forth our next Vicar.
Upcoming Scripture Readings
Prayer Requests For the repose of the soul of St. Virginia Handrup, SSSF, a life-long friend of Eunice. Sr. Virginia was killed by a car while crossing a street in Kenosha, Wisconsin. May she rest in the full peace of Christ.
Fr. Dan Malette, Pastor of St. Margaret of Scotland R.C. Church, who was severely beaten by two men who came asking for his assistance. Fr. Dan is a long time advocate and activist for the homeless and poor.
Eileen Maher, sister of Mary Beth Jarvis, as she recovers from a stroke.
The Martin Family: Karen, Tom and Katie
Melissa Coolidge
Our sisters and brothers at St. Bede's Church, as they go through the transition of merging with St. Nicholas.
Monica Nave
Hope Smith
Ethel (Corkey) Stratton, the mother of Hal Stratton, as she continues to recover from surgery and a nasty fall.
Eunice Dohra
Audrey Cannon
Godfrey James Catanus, Paul Swanson's friend who is out of coma and in recovery.
Beth Jarvis as she begins the transition of moving away.
Carrie Loos
Richard and Mary Gans
Paul Brouillette
For those in transition: those searching for work, those who are moving and those encountering changes in life.
For success and blessings during this time of discernment and search for our next vicar.