Easter 2011Manny Easter 2011Choir Easter 2011Chili Supper 2011

News from Nick:Easter Altar 2011

The Newsletter for the Community of St. Nicholas

1072 Ridge Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL  60007

( 847 ) 439 - 2067


                                                                                          May 5-12, 2011 

Children's Liturgy

May 7/8 is the first full weekend of the month, and therefore it's the weekend for our children's liturgies on Saturday at 4:30pm and Sunday at 10am. 

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Upcoming Events


Worship with Children's Program 

Saturdays - 4:30 pm

Sundays - 10:00 am


New - Children's Liturgy

 First Full Weekend of each Month - May 7 & 8 are the next dates  


Food Pantry


May 18 

4:30-6:00 pm


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday at 6:45 pm


Book Discussion -
The Future of an Illusion
 by Sigmund Freud
Friday, May 20
6:00 pm- Panera's
90 Biesterfield Road, Elk Grove Village


Prayer Requests
Godfrey James Catanus, Paul Swanson's friend who remains in a coma

Ken Lopez

Richard Gans

Anna Stefaniak, Denise Butera and Anna's mother, Lorraine Stefaniak  


Carrie Loos


Ken Audette


Mary Beth Jarvis


Paul Brouillette


Edmond Feller 


Pat Kalicki  


Manny Borg


Congratulations to 

Cheryl VanHouten and Michael Storey:  for a long, happy and loving marriage.  

For those in transition: those searching for work, those who are moving and those encountering changes in life.


For success and blessings during this time of discernment and search for our new vicar.

Upcoming Scripture Readings


May 8, 2011 - The Third Sunday of Easter 


The Episcopal Church uses the Revised Common Lectionary.  When a choice is given for the Old Testament lesson and Psalm, at St. Nicholas we use the first option, or Track 1.  More about the Revised Common Lectionary is at this link.  

In This Issue
+Children's Liturgy This Weekend!
+Upcoming Events
+Prayer Requests
+Upcoming Scripture Readings & Resources
+A Mother's Day Reflection
+St. Nick's Shout-Outs
+Reminders: Sunday Morning Bible Study

-News from Nick Archive-

Miss an issue of News from Nick?  Need to refer to an earlier issue?  No problem--issues are archived and available at any time

at this link.

Happy Mother's Day!


"A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them."  Thank you, Victor Hugo...these few words of yours on the subject of mother, for this one man, capture my thoughts and feelings concerning a mother's rare and divine gifts.  Perhaps it is because I've been down with this B Flu for a whole week; that my lungs and chest hurt from all the coughing; that my head has been spinning like some carnival ride...and in this weakened state, more than ever, I wish my Mom were here, to nurse me to health, to provide me comfort and to make me feel "all better again."


My Mom was familiar and used many of the "old world" remedies she undoubtedly learned from her mother so many years ago.  Certainly, doctors were summoned when needed.  Yet for minor injuries and such, Doctor Mom went into action and it seemed, in no time at all, better health was secured.   A call to the church to have a priest come by was not out of the question either.  Such is the fate when you live across the street from your parish church and the clergy are personal friends of the family.  A flu or cold was reason enough to have a priest stop by and bless the laid up patient.   As a child, I had pneumonia twice; the second time sending me to the hospital.  Upon returning home, I was administered the anointing of the sick; my Mom gently, holding my hands while the priest placed the holy oils upon my feverish forehead.   My Dad was there, too...sitting by my bedside, silently reassuring, lovingly present.  And my eight sisters and brothers...they were all peeking in at the door, trying to assess what was going on and listening to anything that was said.  Such events really are family affairs!


Yes...it is times like these, when I feel so poorly, that my heart and aching body truly miss the loving comfort and tenderness that my Mom provided.  She made me feel good...just knowing she was near by helped ease my fears.  Today, I rely upon the fondest of memories to raise my spirit, to revive my soul, to bring health and healing to that which is ill.  


And there are also the blessings of faith and community...the graces received and the peace provided through Christ the Redeemer.  The beautiful people of St. Nicholas have been a tremendous source of strength, love and inspiration.  There is some thing most unique to St. Nicholas...it is hard to explain...it is not unlike the love, the gentleness and the patience shown by a Mom toward her children.  We treat one another with such fondness...it is family at its best!


Alice Walker wrote, "In search of my mother's garden, I found my own."  So true...in my life's journey which has taken me to many a different port, truly my garden does grow at St. Nicholas and the blooms are ever so vibrant and loving to behold.  Thank you, Mom, for all that you taught me...all that you shared and all the lessons learned.  I only hope that I can come close to following your example and being as loving a force as you were and in your memory, continue to be. 


To our beloved Moms at St. Nicholas...Happy Mother's Day.  May God bless and sustain you, fill your hearts with peace and comfort and grace you with many more joyful years.


Peace to all.




St. Nick's Shout-Outs

Thank you!Thanks to:


Fr. Jim Bullion, presider at this weekend's liturgies.

Fr. Paul Brouillette, for being consecrator at last weekend's liturgies and to Steve Raftery and Pat Kalicki for presiding.
Hal Stratton, for putting together evening and morning prayer services on short notice, during Fr. Manny's illness.

In thanksgiving to those, who behind the scenes, do so much to keep St. Nicholas moving forward and onward. 

We will continue our Bible study after the Sunday morning 10am liturgy on May 8.  We will focus on the Gospel for the following week.  In preparation for our study on May 8, you will find the May 15 gospel at this link.  Grab a cup of coffee and pastry and bring your imagination.  All are welcome! 




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News from Nick is published by St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Elk Grove Village, Illinois each Thursday.


Please submit copy to Douglas by clicking here.  Deadline is Wednesday at noon.