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News from Nick:

The Newsletter for the Community of St. Nicholas

 1072 Ridge Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL  60007


April 14-21, 2011

Holy Week & Easter at St. Nicholas


Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 17

10 am (NOTE: There will be no service on Saturday, April 16)


Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 21

7 pm


Good Friday

Friday, April 22

7 pm


Easter Vigil

Saturday, April 23

8 pm


Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday Worship

Sunday, April 24

10 am


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Prayer Requests

Our deepest condolences and prayers to Ed and Gloria Zemola as they mourn the death of their beloved daughter Karen.    


Anna Stefaniak, Denise Butera and Anna's mother, Lorraine Stefaniak  


Victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan


Carrie Loos


Ken Audette


Mary Beth Jarvis


Paul Brouillette


Edmond Feller 


For those in transition: those searching for work, those who are moving and those encountering changes in life.


For success and blessings during this time of discernment and search for our new vicar.

Upcoming Events



Saturdays - 4:30 pm

Sundays - 10:00 am


New - Children's Liturgy

First Full Weekend of each Month - May 7 & 8 are the next dates 


Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays - 6:45 pm 



Book Discussion 

Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier

Saturday, April 16

9:30 am - Panera's

90 Biesterfield Road, EGV


Food Pantry


April 20

4:30-6:30 pm

Upcoming Scripture Readings
Palm Sunday


April 17 - Palm Sunday 


Text Week is a great resource for our lectionary readings. Check it out here for resources including essays and commentaries for the Palm Sunday lessons. 


The Episcopal Church uses the Revised Common Lectionary.  When a choice is given for the Old Testament lesson and Psalm, at St. Nicholas we use the first option, or Track 1.  More about the Revised Common Lectionary is at this link.  

In This Issue
+Holy Week & Easter Service Times
+Prayer Requests
+Upcoming Events
+Upcoming Scripture Readings & Resources
+Children's Formation Program in Full Swing!
+A Reflection from Manny
+A Request
+Bishop's Committee News
+Bible Study to Begin the Sunday after Easter
+St. Nick's Shout-Outs
+Reminders: Blessing of Easter Food, Easter Egg Hunt, Coffee Hour Hosts

-News from Nick Archive-

Miss an issue of News from Nick?  Need to refer to an earlier issue?  No problem--issues are archived and available at any time

at this link.

Children's Formation Program In Full Swing!
We can never be too prepared...this proved so true this past weekend.  Unfortunately, the leader of our Children's Formation for this past Sunday took ill.  Blessedly, the ever ready and well trained Val Gruenwald and Benny Delgado stepped in most admirably and lead the children in a lively conversation.  The Gospel story of Lazarus is a rather complex and delicate subject.  Yet, Val and Benny did a wonderful job.  Our Children's Formation is off and running.  We have plenty of room for more youngsters.  Bring the family, grand kids and friends...the doors of St. Nicholas are always open.   
Holy Week and Easter
Fr. Manny

We're almost there...the week when Christians the world over embark upon a most sacred spiritual journey with Christ.  We venture, along with our Lord, to the ancient and holy city of Jerusalem...the gates are opened wide and Jesus enters in triumph, astride a donkey, with the people of the city cheering his entry.  In little time, the atmosphere changes...the sky darkens and the people's hearts harden.  Jesus is reviled, vilified and denounced.  The Pharisees and Scribes, the Roman authorities and many of Jesus' own people turn against him and betray him. 


We take this trip with Jesus, right into Jerusalem, though we need not venture too far from our homes.  We walk with Christ and we do so as we engage, celebrate and take part in the Liturgies celebrated at St. Nicholas.


We begin with the April 17th, 10am Palm Sunday Liturgy.  We celebrate Jesus' glorious entry into the Holy City of David, as well as commemorate the Passion of the Lord; of that fateful Friday when Jesus surrenders his mortal self, to defeat sin and shed eternal light upon all God's children.  The highs and lows of this particular Liturgy are striking: as we begin with such joy and happiness, palms waving as we welcome Jesus.  Soon, we enter into the darkness of human grief and sadness as we follow the steps of Christ.  What love is this, that God sacrifices His only son for us? 


7pm Maundy Thursday, April 21st has us recalling the Lord's Last Supper with His disciples.  At this Liturgy, we will also make good on the commandment to be servant to others.  Jesus washed the feet of the 12 Apostles.  The congregation is invited and encouraged to come forward and have our hands washed.  This physical gesture is symbolic of the need for cleansing away the stains of sin and transgression that separates us from God and also serves as a reminder of the call, the commandment, to serve others, to see to their needs and to offer comfort and guidance.  The altar is stripped of all vestments and linen, the tabernacle is cleared...to remind us that Jesus is soon to leave us, for but a short while.  We enter the worship space in song though we depart in silence...allowing ourselves to ponder the great events we recalled and are about to experience in the following days.


7pm Good Friday, April 22nd ...though death brings us grief and sorrow, this is truly a day we are to celebrate, for Jesus' tragic and criminal death is a day that brings us all Good News, for His death is our invitation to New Life.   We enter into the worship space as we departed the night before, in silence and with reverence.  The altar is venerated and paid homage as the clergy prostrates before the "table of sacrifice."  Again, we will proclaim the Passion Narrative from St. John's Gospel, recalling Jesus' sacrifice of self for the salvation of all God's people.  Because Jesus is not with us on this day, for he lays in the tomb in human death, there is no Holy Communion...though we share in the comfort and grace of the Holy Spirit, which sustains and strengthens us.  The Liturgy concludes with the Lord's Prayer, a closing prayer and we leave the worship space in silence.


8pm Holy Saturday, April 23rd...the Great Vigil...this is the greatest and most important of all the Liturgies we celebrate.  Christians around the world commemorate the victorious Christ and his triumph over sin and death.  The Liturgy is lengthy...and for good reason!  The New Fire is lighted...the Baptismal Font is filled with new and fresh water...the Pashcal Candle is marked and blessed for the new church year and season, culminating with the renewal of the promises made at our baptism.  We listen with open heart to the Salvation Readings taken from the Old Testament, along with the New Testament scripture passage and the Gospel of St. Matthew.  Single voices in song, choir anthems along with the entire congregation singing, will provide beautiful musical accompaniment, ensuring a most wonderful and glorious Liturgy.  "This is the night when you brought our fore-bearers, the children of Israel, out of bondage in Egypt, and led them through the Red Sea on dry land.  This is the night when all who believe in Christ are delivered from the gloom of sin and are restored to grace and holiness of life.  This is the night when Christ broke the bonds of death and hell and rose victorious from the grave."   What a glorious night indeed...come let us adore Him. 


10am Easter Sunday, April 24th is hardly a wrap-up of events, rather a continuation of the great celebrations we started a week earlier on Palm Sunday.   Certainly, this Sunday Liturgy is a bit more relaxed and less involved in comparison to the Great Easter Vigil celebrated the night before.  Nonetheless, Easter Sunday is when, the world over, bells ring out the great news that Jesus Christ is Risen!  We will conclude our Easter Sunday Liturgy with our traditional social gathering in Holy Innocents Hall and with a lively Easter Egg Hunt.  Weather permitting the hunt will be outdoors on the front lawns.  And, if nature doesn't cooperate, we'll move things indoors.  Children of all ages are invited...that means every one can have some fun!


All we need is the community of St. Nicholas to come and be part of this week-long profession of our faith, the commemoration of Jesus' sacrifices made for us and the celebration of Our Savior's glorious and divine triumph over mortal sin and human death.  This is an invitation; to one and all--to friends and visitors, to those who are curious and those longing for a deeper relationship with Christ--come and let us all honor our God with prayer, in song and with hearts open to the gifts of God the Almighty, Jesus the Son and the grace of the Holy Spirit.  Just as God's love far exceeds what we could ever require of Him, St. Nicholas has more than enough room for everyone.  Let's fill the seats and make a most holy noise in song and exultation.  God bless us, one and all.






A Request...

Our friend and brother Ken Audette has not been able to join us of late, though he keeps in touch and updates us on his health.  He is, unfortunately, still quite ill.  He has asked for some help...namely, gift certificates for Portillo's.  Perhaps we can help Ken out and purchase some certificates and bring that smile back to his face!  Please see Manny for additional information.  God bless us all and thank you for your consideration and generosity. 

Bishop's Committee News

The Bishop's Committee voted to change the date of the annual rummage sale from May 20/21 to Friday, June 10 and Saturday, June 11, 2011.  It was felt that more members would be able to participate with the change of dates.


The Children's Liturgy will be the first full weekend of the month.  In order to clarify any confusion there might be when Saturday is the last day of the month and Sunday is the first day of the month, the children's liturgy will be the next weekend. The next Children's Liturgy will be Saturday, May 7 and Sunday, May 8.


The Rev. Canon Randall Warren will be at St. Nicholas to meet with the Bishop's Committee and the Search Team Saturday, May 14, at 2:30 pm to advise them of the results of the CAT survey and the next steps to be taken in selecting our next vicar.  

Pat Kalicki



Bible Study to Begin after Easter
Bible StudyBible Study Sundays...we will begin our Bible study after the Sunday morning 10am liturgy on May 1.  We will focus on the Gospel for the following week.  In preparation for our study on May 1, You will find the May 8 gospel at this link.

Grab a cup of coffee and pastry and bring your imagination.  All are welcome! 


St. Nick's Shout-Outs

Thank you!Thanks to:


The Liturgy Team--Donna Tamaski, Jessica Tamaski, Paul Tamaski, Mary Fletcher-Gomez, Jay O'Reilly, Katie Black, Tameica Williams, Pat Kalicki, Ginny Gibbs, Steve Raftery, Hal Stratton, Douglas VanHouten and Manny Borg--for their work at planning Holy Week services.

Audrey Cannon and Katie Black for the amazing job of polishing the silver chalices and the altar book stand...cleanliness and shininess are next to Godliness!

The good people of Imaginings 3 of Niles, Illinois for the tremendous donation of candy for our food pantry and to help out Peter Cottontail with the Easter Egg Hunt!

All our friends at St. Giles Roman Catholic Church of Oak Park, Illinois for the donation of shoe boxes filled with supplies to aid those in need. 

In thanksgiving to those, who behind the scenes, do so much to keep St. Nicholas moving forward and onward. 

Blessing of Easter food and baskets on Holy Saturday, April 23, come anytime between 11am and 2pm.  How wonderful...sharing not just dinner, but blessed food with family and friends.  A new tradition for all of us to celebrate at St. Nicholas.


Easter Egg Hunt...Easter Sunday morning after the 10am Liturgy.  Weather permitting, the hunt will take place outside.  Remember...look for the golden egg!  Children of all ages and those who are young at heart are welcomed!


Sign up to host coffee hour at this link.  



Sign up to help clean our facilities at this link.  

News from Nick is published by St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Elk Grove Village, Illinois each Thursday.


Please submit copy to Douglas by clicking here.  Deadline is Wednesday at noon.