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2010 June Issue 1
In This Issue
--WIPP Applauds Introduction of New Bill--
--Government Contracting Happy Hour - June 9th!--
--Resilient Entrepreneurship--
--Potential Navy Preferred Supplier Program--
--Follow Us--
Please join us on Tuesday, June 15 at 1PM EST for the TargetGov "Teaming to Win: How to Find Teaming Partners" teleconference.  To register for only $87, click here. 
WEBINARS! We have a wide selection of webinars to fit your needs. New to sales in the federal market?  
Specialized webinars for accounting, business development, legal issues.

 What Are People Saying About the TargetGov Experience?

 The entire experience was first-rate!  G. Zelitzky

The best part is having the ease of taking part in the teleconference no matter where I had to be that day.  A. Tsakanikas

The teleconference was absolutely "outstanding"
The tool kit as well as yours and Beth's comments were excellent !
Teleconferencing is far more efficient and much less expensive than the alternative.
Thank you, 
 J. Whitworth
I think the teleconference format is very fact, I actually listened to one of the conferences while driving back from a meeting with Army representative.  Registering and attending is always super easy. R. Alexander

Was impressed with the registration process. Getting the toolkit link was easy. Download was easy.  Dialing in was flawless. Very easy process.  Name withheld as requested

Registration was easy, conference was valuable.  I'll definitely attend other ones.
M. Creager
What are you waiting for?  
Click here for the upcoming schedule.
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I hope you had a nice holiday-and remembered to say thank you to the men and women who have given their lives so that we may enjoy our freedoms as US citizens.
Do you hear the clocks ticking? I do. The end-of-fiscal-year clock is in count-down phase and business people who want to participate in federal business opportunities must put forth a strong, targeted effort to build strong relationships and respond to proposals with winning strategies. If you are serious about winning federal contracts, schedule your vacation for after October 1, do not take vacation between now and Sept 30, because you will miss something very important!
Email warning: Did you receive a junk mail recently that guarantees 8a certification and uses the word "paradyme" instead of paradigm? Spelling mistakes are often dead-giveaways of less than reputable firms, be vigilant in getting references before hiring anyone to help you.
This newsletter has some great news, something fun, something interesting and something concerning. Hope you can use all of it to help you in your efforts
Here's to your success!

        Gloria Berthold signature

Gloria Berthold Larkin
President, TargetGov
capital bldg 
Women Impacting Public Policy has announced its support of S.3399, the Fairness in Women-Owned Small Business Contracting Act of 2010. The bill, introduced by Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) proposes to:
  - Remove the dollar limits of $5 million for manufacturing contracts, and $3 million for other goods and service contracts
  - Allow for sole-sourcing
  - Data reviews to determine program eligibility every five (5) years

WIPP vigorously supports this bill, as it contains a number of legislative changes that will complement the proposed women's procurement program.

To read the bill, please click here.
To read WIPP's letters of support, please click here.
To read WIPP's statement on S.3399, please click here.
The Center Club's Government Contracting Group Happy Hour June 9th

5th Vets 2009

The Center Club's Government Contracting Group continues to provide outstanding opportunities for you to mix with the region's leading government contractors while enjoying excellent food and drink and a stunning panoramic view of Baltimore's Inner Harbor.  Please make plans to attend the Government Contractor's Happy Hour, Wednesday, June 9th 5:30 - 7:30, at the Center Club, 100 Light Street, 16th Floor.  Admittance and parking are complementary but registration is required.
Please RSVP by June 4th to Nancy Sloane at   Don't wait!  Space is limited and registration is required!
Resilient Entrepreneurship
Once again, entrepreneurial activity showed big in the United States. Last year was a tough year for entrepreneurs. We have experienced a deep recession, credit crunch and record unemployment rates. But although the odds were against them, new-business creation during the 2007-2009 recession years increased steadily year to year (e.g. 60,000 more starts per month in 2009 than in 2007) and 2009 became the year business startups reached their highest level in 14 years. The number of startups even exceeded the count during the peak of the 1999-2000 technology boom.
Click here for the full story from
 Navy Wants to Establish Preferred Supplier Program
The U.S. Department of Navy has announced their intention of establishing a preferred supplier program. Under the preferred supplier program, contractors that have demonstrated exemplary performance at the corporate level in the areas of cost, schedule, performance, quality, and business relations would be granted Preferred Supplier Status. Contractors who receive such status will receive more favorable contract terms and conditions in Department of Navy Contracts. To read more, please click here.
The Department of Navy is soliciting comments from the public. If you wish to submit comments, they will accept comments only through the following methods:
          Fax: 703-614-9394
          Mail: DASN (A&LM), Attn: Clarence Belton
          100 Navy Pentagon, Room BF992
          Washington, DC 20350-1000

All comments are due on July 23, 2010.
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