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  News Update
2009 November Issue 1
In This Issue
What Are People Saying About the TaregTgov Teleconference Experience?
The entire experience was first-rate!
  G. Zelitzky

The best part is having the ease of taking part in the teleconference no matter where I had to be that day.  A. Tsakanikas

The teleconference was absolutely "outstanding"
The tool kit as well as yours and Beth's comments were excellent !
Teleconferencing is far more efficient and much less expensive than the alternative.
Thank you, 
 J. Whitworth
I think the teleconference format is very fact, I actually listened to one of the conferences while driving back from a meeting with Army representative.  Registering and attending is always super easy. R. Alexander

Was impressed with the registration process. Getting the toolkit link was easy. Download was easy.             Dialing in was flawless.                 Very easy process.  Name withheld as requested

Registration was easy, conference was valuable.  I'll definitely attend other ones.
M. Creager
What are you waiting for?  
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Was October was a blur, and November going at the same breakneck speed for you too? I have been remiss in some details, bear with me. First: Thank you to everyone who noticed my plea in a past newsletter for a referral to someone who could join the TargetGov team. I am very happy to announce that Ms. Pam Keller has joined us and brought her stellar expertise to our office. Key team members Ms. Heidi Page, Mr. Chris Merl and Ms. Cathy Hudson continue to keep the balls rolling and for all of their hard work, loyalty and dedication, I am very grateful.
Second: Veterans Day was solemnly celebrated across the nation on Tuesday. Please see below for the eloquent message from TSGT Kevin McDermott who himself just returned from active duty in the Middle East. Our nation is grateful for all the men and women who have stepped up to serve on our behalf.
Third: The Maryland GovCon Network is being kicked off with an inaugural reception at the stunning Center Club in Baltimore on Nov 18. The response has been dramatic, we are on a waitlist for attendees. If you would like more details or to be included in the waitlist, or be personally invited to the next event, please send me an email to let me know or call me at 410-579-1346 and leave your email. Your initial response has been great (hence the waitlist) so the timing is right on target to build a network here in Maryland and eliminate that frustrating travel time to DC and No. Virginia! We have a great series planned for 2010, stay tuned for more details in future newsletters.
Fourth: Since our client base is nation-wide, and not everyone can come to DC, VA or MD for events, we continue to offer you a way to connect, simply through the telephone, during our monthly teleconferences. See what people are saying about them to the left-we want to include you! Attendees regularly dial in from across the US, and even world-wide too. We have been providing this service since 2003, and will continue to do so, as long as it helps you succeed. Thanks for your remarkable support the past six years. We have been copied, but never surpassed.
Final point(s): I realize the concept of being grateful has influenced this note. Perhaps as we crash head-first into the speed of the holidays, starting today, take pause, breathe deep, think of the people who have been important to you and let them know that you too are grateful for them. BTW-I am grateful for YOU, for your time reading this, your continued interest, support and willingness to strive to make the world a better place for our businesses, our families, our colleagues and our country.

Here's to your success!

          Gloria Berthold signature
Gloria Berthold Larkin
President, TargetGov

SBA's Subcontractor of the Year Award

Once again this year, the Small Business Administration (SBA) will honor a deserving firm as the national Small Business Subcontractor of the Year.  This firm will be chosen from among the ten regional winners.  All nominees will receive the Administrator's Award for Excellence certificate.  The national award will be presented during Small Business Week to be held May 23-25, 2010, in Washington, DC.
The SBA invites you to nominate yourself or another small business firm for this prestigious award. 
Click here for more details.
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Planning to Retire? (Or wish you could?)

On Monday, November 23rd, at 2pm Eastern / 11am Pacific WIPP will be partnering with AARP and Business and Professional Women (BPW) to host a special teleconference (no cost) to discuss proposed legislation on the creation of an Automatic IRA program.  "Auto IRA" represents a significant and no cost/low cost benefit in encouraging retirement savings for workers.  The proposed legislation and how it will affect your business will be discussed on the call.  
Click here for more details and registration.
Freedom is Not Free

Thank you to TSGT Kevin McDermott for this comment:
"Most of us forget that the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1919 started as an armistice offer on the bloody fields of the western front. After 7 days of continued fighting the armistice was signed and the fighting stopped. The last veteran of WW1 passed away in New Zealand earlier this year. Now we are engaged in another war with the hope that those young troops in places you would not want be come home safely.
God Bless our troops in the field.
God Bless America
Did you take the time to go to a veteran day service at 11:00 A.M on the 11th this year?
If not what about next year?"
-TSGT Kevin McDermott, VP, Patriot Taxiway Industries, Inc.
The ACTiVATE Program

Thinking about starting your own technology company?  The ACTiVATE Program is recruiting for the Class of 2010.
Click here for more information about the ACTiVATE Program