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  News Update
2008 November Issue 1
In This Issue
--The TargetGov Economic Stimulus Plan
--Upcoming Speaking Engagements
--Startup BizCast


November is Veterans Month 

Veterans Day
To every veteran: Thank you for your service. We could not be the great country we are without your extraordinary commitment. 
Click here for the Veterans Business Guide. 



Give Me 5: Education and Access for Women in Federal Contracts" Helps Women Business Owners Apply for Additional $5 Billion in Government Contracts
Attend Nov 12 -- for free, any and all women who want to find out what this government market is about can attend WIPP's initial nation-wide training. Click here for more information.

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Dear Mr. President,

I am like most of the people in the U. S., and these are the things that matter to us. Please make your best efforts to provide us with:
~A safe place to live and work.
~A healthy economy.
~Freedom to make different choices, even if they are not your choices.
~A business environment that is not burdened by excessive taxes and regulations.
~Healthcare that is affordable for me and my employees.
~A future that I can feel proud to hand over to our children.
Our individual votes put you in office and we are counting on you to be a strong leader who will bear this incredible burden and lead with integrity, honor and vision to restore us to prosperity and a secure peace.
Count on us to keep watch on how you are progressing. We'll do our part and be active participants in making the changes we need to make to support you.
Our lives, economy, health and future are in your hands. We trust (and will verify) that you will be the leader we all need.
Here's to our success!


       Gloria Berthold signature
Gloria Berthold Larkin

President, TargetGov

A personal message to you:
        I pledge to do what I can to help us raise the tide and benefit every business owner who wants to open this door: if you want to learn how to sell your service or product to the federal government I will help you-at no cost. Be my guest at any teleconference held by TargetGov between today and December 31, 2008. We will send you the exclusive Toolkit created for each teleconference and give you free access. Just do it! It is your time to be as successful as you want to be. Pick any or all of the teleconferences noted below. Let's get this economy back on track, starting here, starting now!
                                             Gloria Berthold Larkin

The TargetGov
Economic Stimulus Plan

For the months of November and December 
ALL TargetGov teleconferences
may be attended at NO COST!

November 11, 2008 Tuessday, 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST
Veterans Business Development Opportunities

The Federal Government spends over $400 billion dollars every year purchasing products and services of virtually every type from businesses large and small throughout the United States . You can take advantage of this built-in market, and serve the world's Fortune One customer - the U.S. Federal Government -- if you know how to navigate the contracting maze.

Click here for further details or to register.

November 19, 2008 Wednesday, 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST
How to Create a Powerful Capability Statement

Your Capability Statement should be the strongest business development tool in your toolkit. A well done Capability Statement will open doors to great business opportunities. A poorly done Capability Statement will slam the door before you get to square one.

Click here for further details or to register.

December 4, 2008 Thursday, 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST
Introduction to Government Contracting
This teleconference was designed for companies who are newcomers to the federal contracting market. Find out what the Government is buying and when. Learn how to target the right opportunities and more.

Click here for further details or to register.

December 16, 2008 Tuesday, 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST
Certifications for Government Contracting Success

Over $15 Billion in federal contracts are set aside for those companies meeting Minority, Disadvantaged, HUB Zone or other certifications. Do you qualify for certification? If so, how do you get certified and then use that certification to open the door to business opportunities? Register for this TargetGov Teleconference for answers!

Click here for further details or to register.


Upcoming Speaking Engagements
November 10, 2008
2008 Salute to Veterans Business Expo and Matchmaking Event 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  

November 18, 2008
Forum 2008
Hampton, Virginia  
December 9, 2008
IT ChannelVision:Government Edition

Hollywood, Florida   

Click here for detailed information about these events 
 Startup BizCast
StartUp BizCast
The Small Business Advice Podcast That's Shorter Than Your Coffee Break
Local, state, and federal U.S. government contracts are NOT easy to get.  However, they tend to bring in good money, particularly for small business owners who aren't used to multi-thousand or million dollar deals.  And, it's unlikely our government is going to go out of business any time soon - a major consideration in this economy!  This week's guest on Startup BizCast is Gloria Berthold Larkin. Click here to listen.