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Understanding the Times 2012
October 5 & 6

Grace Church of Eden Prairie, MN
(SW suburb of Minneapolis)  

This year's speakers include:

(Christian White House Correspondent)

No cost, no registration necessary. Get all info, including hotels, here
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A  two-hour DVD presentation by Joseph Farah and WND

In this stunning  documentary, Jonathan Cahn unravels the mystery behind this seemingly innocuous Bible verse, and shows that ancient harbingers of judgment may be manifesting in America, just as they once did in Israel.

It follows the book "The Harbinger"  (which we do not carry) which is a serious warning to America and a call individual and national repentance and salvation.


We stand with the many ministries who believe this serious warning to individuals that the Ark door will again close. Now is the day of salvation. 

for $21 + S/H.
We do not sell the book, The Harbinger.

New Jan
Jan Markell
  Check out all our products! 
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You may mail an order to us at:

Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
 Maple Grove, MN  55311

If in the U.S., include $5 S/H.  If out of the U.S., contact us for shipping costs.

Order by Phone

If you would prefer to call in your order, we also accept Visa, Mastercard or Discover.  To order by credit card, dial: 


Our suburban Minneapolis office is open M - F, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CDT.
A poignant novel by Randy Alcorn

A first for Olive Tree Ministries (so you know it's really good!): A work of fiction by Randy Alcorn based on his research into the persecuted church in China. It challenges readers to consider if they are prepared to suffer and die for their faith.   


With the backdrop of a world that is daily becoming more dangerous for Christians, this work of fiction is an inspirational one. It will remind you to continue to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ amidst the increasing spiritual apostasy in our world, while encouraging you with the eternal perspective it describes. Purchase this book for $15 + S/H

A New Book by Joel Rosenberg

America is teetering on a precipice . . . more and more people are asking, "Can America survive?"

What does the future hold? What does the Bible say about the future of the United States?

New York Times bestselling author and political expert Joel C. Rosenberg tackles the question: Is America an empire in decline, or a nation poised for an historic renaissance?

Implosion will help you understand, through the lens of Scripture, the enormous economic, social, and spiritual challenges facing the United States in the twenty-first century and explain how you can make a difference at this critical crossroads in our history. Purchase this book for $22 + $5 S/H.

When Discord is Sown
The Board of Directors of Olive Tree Ministries
October 1, 2012

God is not pleased with discord sown among the brethren (Proverbs 6), even if it is in the name of contending for the faith. This ministry has gotten some e-mails expressing confusion. This is just a clarification. Olive Tree Ministries has a Fall conference every year with one of the largest crowds in North America. We thank God that we are deemed worthy to host such an event. We had 8,000 attendees over two days last year. Joel Rosenberg was our keynote speaker.


Recently, a conference attendee wrote that she is confused and troubled by "controversy" concerning Jonathan Cahn. For such people, please note that we have not stirred up any controversy. This ministry has been challenged for months by a few ministries but many ministries and ministry leaders believe that Jonathan Cahn's The Harbinger and The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment DVD are for such a time as this. See a testimonial here.Find another here.  More could be provided; these say enough. Entire evangelical congregations, Bible school and seminary students, and even legislators, are being given either the book or DVD. 


For those who disagree, that is fine! We have not bashed you. We have not stirred things up. We haven't argued. We have kept silent. We can have differences among fellow evangelical believers without calling them false prophets and wolves.


One e-mailer is very grieved about "division among true believers." So are we. Maybe it should stop! Again, we have not jumped into the arena. Until now. What's going on is not God-honoring and our conference speakers agree.


Have you noticed the news headlines? Have you discerned that America is imploding, the Middle East is exploding, and the church isn't in the best shape either? As we attempt to help people understand the times, we urge a few factions to focus on issues of urgency. We also have the most important election in the history of America up ahead. We'll talk about that at "Understanding the Times 2012."  


Here is our most recent Understanding the Times radio broadcast with Jonathan Cahn. It is uplifting. It glorifies God. It talks about repentance. It talks about salvation. We suggest if you disagree with the conversation, you just turn off your listening device. We don't need a controversy over salvation issues. The title is, "It's Not Too Late for America." You will hear ministry leaders weigh in and express support for Cahn's urgent message. Their organizations are sound.     


A listener wrote this today, having heard the radio program: "Thank you for your recent broadcast with Jonathan Cahn -- excellent! As I listened I began to weep, not just for our country, but for Christians who continue to wound the faithful."  


The American dream has turned into the American nightmare.  Politics won't fix America. Politics are too broken and corrupt, answering to one-worlders. A spiritual turn would delay the decay of this nation and allow it to further the gospel until the trumpet blasts. That is all Cahn's message is about.  


We see Jonathan Cahn as a righteous man who reached out to his critics months ago. Most would not talk to him or even answer his e-mails. This ministry appealed to a large organization on the West Coast to let Cahn weigh in and respond to outrageous comments being written about  him. They would not respond to e-mails or calls by Cahn, this ministry, or other national leaders and pastors. They had made up their mind.  Now this same ministry is returning donations if the person donating suggests this was not righteous behavior.   


Jan Markell was mocked and called out on one radio program. A co-host of that program urged her to call him so they could settle things. Jan tried on at least four occasions but this gentleman was never available.     


But now with blatant efforts to sabotage our "Understanding the Times 2012" conference next weekend in play, the leadership of Olive Tree Ministries is speaking up. We also have a category on our Web site with extensive information, testimonies, and counter-comments found here.


We wish The Harbinger book had been written in a different format than fiction for it is the format that has caused confusion. This ministry carries only the DVD by Joseph Farah and WND, The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment. But we have heard numerous testimonies from unbelievers who were willing to pick up a fiction novel (containing eternal truth) and as a result, found the Lord. Jonathan Cahn's heart, as well as this ministry's objective, is to win the lost while there is time.   


It would be nice if the critics could accept that and acknowledge that in these very last of the last days, God is working in unusual ways. He wants all to be saved.  If people want to reject the message of The Harbinger and The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment, do so.  Just please quit the denigration of Cahn, Jan Markell, and others who believe the gospel is going forth.  


One engaging in blatant "discord" went to our speakers months ago and told them to cancel.  We have to ask, is this righteous behavior? Is God pleased with underhandedness and a motive of intentional harm to a gathering of believers from around the world?  Believers coming together to encourage one another, yet the leadership has been subjected to such sad behavior. Again, we can disagree without engaging in destructive behavior. 


We have said nothing about this until now so that we don't add to the discord. Yet this appeal will turn up on blogs and radio programs and once again, if the critics don't control the tongue (that lights entire forests ablaze according to James), we will be mocked. 


We quote Terry James of Rapture Ready as it concerns Isaiah 9:10 Judgment and The Harbinger: "What has the author written that in any way detracts from God's great purpose -- to draw men, women, and children to repentance? Why won't those who consider themselves the end-all purists recognize the nuances the Lord uses to accomplish that purpose? As mentioned, the LaHaye-Jenkins Left Behind series is one such device the God of Heaven used to draw people to repentance. That series was picked apart, too, but not to the degree The Harbinger and Isaiah 9:10 Judgment have been dissected -- and, certainly not by Bible students steeped in prophecy from the Scripture who should know better."


Terry James continues, "So far, I have attempted to give a broad overview of what I believe is an injustice done to a Christian author whose book our Lord is using to accomplish things some of us -- including yours truly -- have not been able to accomplish with our many non-fiction volumes on eschatology. It is obvious to me that The Harbinger and Isaiah 9:10 Judgment are reaching millions in a short time, while our multitude of books have reached millions, collectively -- but over decades. I see great importance in that fact, regarding the nearness of Christ's return. We should be cheering God's using these works in this way; but instead, there is division -- division that is counter to God's purpose."


Terry James concludes, "It has attained best-seller status on the most exclusive list of the book marketing industry. It is there against all odds -- despite the world's hatred for Jesus Christ and His one-way only exclusivity in the matter of salvation and eternal life. The gospel (as given in chapter twenty-one of the book and end of disc 1 of the DVD) is now in the hands of literally millions of people who likely would not get the message through books such as mine and those of the critics who have come down so hard on this novel and DVD. So many will read novels, who would never pick up a book of nonfiction in the Bible prophecy genre."


We agree with Terry James. Olive Tree's official position paper is here.


It's not too late to make plans to attend October 5-6 in Eden Prairie, MN, a southwest suburb of Minneapolis. Our hotels are filled to overflowing and our church, Grace Church of Eden Prairie, notified me today that there is evidence of overwhelming attendance. Most attendees are enthused about our speakers: Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, White House correspondent Bill Koenig, and Jonathan Cahn. Find complete conference details here.   



Jan's most recent World Net Daily article is here.


Would the watchmen go after the real wolves who are out there in abundance. Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger, and The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment are all about repentance and salvation. If you are not convinced of the message, so be it. Don't read the book or watch the DVD.  But don't stand in the way of many who need to find eternal life. 


CDs and DVDs of our "Understanding the Times 2012" will be available in early November.Call us around that time: 763-559-4444: M - F, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 


We update current headlines each morning. Find them



Get acquainted with "Understanding the Times" radio, now heard in more than 551 radio markets. We  originate Saturdays, 9 a.m. CST in Minneapolis/St. Paul and are heard on the CSN Radio Network, the American Family Radio Talk Network, The Hope FM Network, Sirius Satellite Network, Salem Communications, and individual radio stations. We are heard around the world electronically.  You can "listen live"  here and here.


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With a dedication to serving our God,

The Olive Tree Board of Directors:

Jan Markell, Founder & President
John Wicklund, Chair
Larry Kutzler, Vice Chair
Carol Featherstone
Kerry Smith
Heidi Swander
Jill Martin Rische
Phil Marin
Eric Barger
Barb Wells

You may pass on these items or have people sign up on  our Web site.  You can access our radio programming from the last two years on Historical Archives.  Also see the Web site for other options to catch the program, "Understanding the Times."

Please report e-mail address changes.

Also, we truly appreciate those who remember us prayerfully and financially.   Donate on our Web site (gifts are tax-deductible with receipts sent out in January). 

Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311
763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291