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Plan now to attend our 2011 fall conference!


October 7 & 8


Grace Church
Eden Prairie, MN, a SW suburb of Minneapolis.

Speakers include:
Joel Rosenberg
Brannon Howse
Bill Koenig
Mark Hitchcock
Eric Barger 

Visit this link for further details, including hotel info.


Print a flyer and share the news of this conference with your friends and family! 

  New Jan
Jan Markell
The coming global transformation
A NEW audio drama by Jim Tetlow

This audio presentation is a drama based on actual recent news events and the fulfillment of last days Bible prophecy. It examines subjects such as UFOs, Marian apparitions, the Rapture of the Church, the Middle East conflagration and the search for truth. Though most of the characters and settings are fictional, all of the news articles, books and references quoted within this drama are real - as are the Scripture references. Whenever a media source or Bible passage is quoted, the reference is cited in the footnotes.  This new drama is selling like hotcakes after the samples of the drama that Jan and Jim presented on this past Saturday's radio showPurchase your copy for $15 + S/H. 

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PO Box 1452
 Maple Grove, MN  55311

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You Can Understand the Book of Revelation


Neo-Marxism in the Church?

By Jan Markell


August 25, 2011 


I have been consistently concerned about the global warming/green agenda entering evangelical churches now for many years. There are a dozen church-based organizations that exist entirely for environmental reasons and many others who are just supportive of them. Green outfits include the Evangelical Environmental Network, Blessed Earth, Restoring Eden, and even the Southern Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative. The National Association of Evangelicals remains focused on many solid issues but is also a part of the climate change agenda.


In defense of these organizations, let me say that I am sure their purpose is well-meaning. I doubt that they have globalist interests like their secular climate change counterparts. Some of their message should be heeded. If so, we wouldn't have so many reckless and greed-driven disasters, such as the Gulf oil spill of last summer. But they are being used and manipulated by the agenda of the one-worlders, including socialists and even neo-Marxists. I will explain that in this column.


In the 1940s, evangelicals stepped forward and said "enough of the social emphasis." The National Council of Churches was embroiled in that.  Evangelicals back then boldly stated that Christians should be focused on spiritual purposes: Saving souls and not saving trees; witnessing and not poverty; evangelism and not social justice; spreading the gospel and not nuclear disarmament. The Bible says we are to care for creation but evangelicals should not be trying to "save the planet." We cannot have "Heaven on Earth" as some suggest because that will only happen at Christ's return. In the meantime, we should care for creation as best as we can but realize that "all creation groans" (Romans 8:22) and some issues can never be resolved.   


I have never met a Bible believing Christian who suggests that because creation is lost just like man is lost that we should abuse the creation.   

Now Czech President Vaclav Klaus has come forward to sound an alarm. He says, "I used to live in a similar world called Communism. And I know it led to the worst environmental damage the world has ever experienced. I feel threatened now, not by global warming as I don't see any, but by global warming doctrine, which I consider a new and dangerous attempt to control and mastermind my life and our lives, in the name of controlling climate or temperature."


Klaus cautions that the environmental movement warns of "imminent mass poverty and starvation for billions" but that this is just a ploy.  The secular and government-driven effort to battle climate change is motivated by their desire to control and redistribute the wealth and to reduce the population.


Klaus concludes, "Global warming alarmists want to change us--they want to change our behavior, our way of life, our values. They want to restrict freedom. They know what is good for us. They are not interested in climate. What is in danger is freedom, not climate." He then went on to describe the parallels between the loss of freedom under Communism and the new global warming doctrine.


The environmental folks even have their own eschatology as they are trying to save the planet from its destruction from global warming. Where does it talk about that in the Bible? God says day and night will continue until He says differently (Genesis 8:22). Some green Christians--and certainly not all-- emphasize salvation from pollution more than sin. This is the theology of outfits like Greenpeace, so why have Christians signed on? This is the perfect "religion" for a secular generation.  


The Evangelical Environmental Network pushes a book of theirs titled Global Warming and Our Risen Lord. Our risen Lord Jesus Christ, I am sure, didn't and won't focus on global warming. Yet a book has been written about this! Where is the balance? Our risen Lord is only about connecting sinful people to His Father! Our risen Lord isn't about junk science. 


Christian organizations pushing environmentalism need to be aware that they are being used by globalists who are pushing the one-world agenda, socialism and even neo-Marxism. If the evangelical environmental organizations aren't very careful, some non-discerning, na�ve participants could easily drift into those camps and be swallowed up by people who will run roughshod over their spiritual principles. They will be seduced by a corrupted, socialist-driven plan that is putting the entire world at risk. And at worst, this is just neo-Marxism in disguise, something our Lord and Savior would renounce and that runs counter to orthodox Christianity.    


We can't restore Eden. Nowhere in the Bible do we see that.


For sound, balanced, and Bible-based information on the environment, visit Cal Beisner's organization, The Cornwall Alliance.  Their DVD series called Resisting the Green Dragon presents truthful information on these issues. Cal is my frequent radio guest.  This organization calls this what it is: One of the greatest deceptions of our day.   


To better understand these issues, visit our Web category of "Spiritual Deception."


Get acquainted with "Understanding the Times" radio, now heard in 416 radio outlets. We post our weekend programming to "radio archives" on Sunday. If you would like info on podcasting via iTunes, visit this link. We air Saturdays, 9 to 11 a.m. on AM1280 the Patriot and AM980 KKMS out of Minneapolis/St. Paul. You can "listen live" there. This weekend, Jill Martin Rische, the daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin, joins Jan for a two-hour discussion on the influence of the paranormal.

We encourage you to listen to segments of the new radio drama, "The Coming Global Transformation." This drama was featured last weekend and focuses on life before and after the Rapture of the church and is produced by Jim Tetlow of Eternal Productions. It is an excellent witnessing tool.



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Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

You may pass on these items or have people sign up on our Web site.  You can access our radio programming from the last three years on Radio Archives.  Also see the Web site for other options to catch the program, "Understanding the Times."

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Also, we truly appreciate those who remember us prayerfully and financially.  Donate on our Web site (gifts are tax-deductible with receipts sent out in January). 

Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311
763-559-4444 or 763-210-8291