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Yoga Uncoiled from East to West: A Look at the Practice of Yoga in the Church

Yoga Uncoiled

A DVD by Caryl Matrisciana

Yoga, once viewed by Christians as a pagan import from the East, has now become mainstream in the church.  It's promoted as helping you "get in the presence of God" when, in fact, it is a blatantly Hindu practice that cannot be separated from its roots. With critical discernment, this hard-hitting and informative film explores the ramifications of dismissing Yoga's core spirituality.  Blending biblical terminology with it does not sanctify it.

Check out the trailer for this DVD and purchase it for $18 + $5 S/H!  This is a must-see DVD!

Jan Markell
Jan Markell
When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany

When a Nation Forgets God

A book by Erwin Lutzer

"Political correctness has now affected the general culture and created an aura of censorship and a climate of fear," writes Lutzer.  Religious faith is increasingly privatized; laws creep in that circumvent justice and morality; media is used to define the cultural norms of society; public schools appropriate the role of training children with the potential to indoctrinate them with group think.  These are the techniques that Hitler used to gain control of Germany. 

This short, manageable book suggests that we must be vigilant in our stand for truth, justice and righteousness.  Purchase it for $8 +$5 S/H!
  Check out all our products!

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Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311

If in the U.S., include $5 S/H.  If out of the U.S., contact us for shipping costs.

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How Late is the Hour?

How Late Is the Hour?

A prophecy panel featuring Jan Markell, Jack Kinsella, Steven Spillman and Mark Hitchcock.

Produced by Jewish Voice Ministries International & Jan Markell. This is a three-part TV series by a panel of prophecy leaders looking at many signs of the times. This is a professional broadcast quality DVD that can be used by home fellowships, adult education, etc. Many issues are covered in the three half-hour programs, all on one DVD. Purchase it for $17 + $5 S/H.

The Errors of the Emergent Church: An Expose' of the Philosophy, Doctrines and Leaders

Barger good DVD

A DVD by Eric Barger


  In this seminar, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposes the practical and doctrinal errors of Emergents, and draws the striking parallels to New Age thought. This movement could submerge your church. Learn what you can do and how to spot it.  Purchase this DVD for $18 + $5 S/H.



When Contending Costs Everything

By Jan Markell


January 18, 2011 


What on earth is Pastor Rick Warren thinking? I have avoided being harsh concerning Rick but on the issue I am about to outline, I must be blunt. A series of errors is outlined below but the zinger following them is my focus.

* Praising Syria for its religious freedom when it is an evil, repressive regime.

* Perfecting church-growth efforts that even include synagogues, but what is missing in the process is the proclamation of the gospel. Warren's church-growth plan focuses only on numbers.

* Being a part of the leadership or board of advisors for questionable organizations such as the World Economic Forum, The Council on Foreign Relations, and Tony Blair's Faith Foundation which is a pagan, ecumenical outfit.

* Speaking to the North American Islamic Society in July  2009 but withholding the gospel from his message. This was another ecumenical effort.

* Misquoting Jesus in The Purpose Driven Life saying that He stated, "My return is none of your business" when, in fact, the Bible emphasizes that His return is our blessed hope.  

The Bible encourages us to watch and pray for His return. This theme consumes more than one-third of the Bible. 

* Embracing the false theology of Kingdom Now/Dominion eschatology which says the church will save the world through Pastor Warren's global P.E.A.C.E. plan, global AIDS' efforts, etc. This is raging through evangelicalism and is a delusion, as we are on a cursed planet that only Christ's return can save. 

* Underplaying the issues of hell, sin, repentance, etc., in his book and other global platforms he has been given.

Because of a new effort launched January 15 at Saddleback Church, I join the voices of vocal critics.  He has put the souls and lives of his people and millions more in danger.  I do not know his motive. Last Saturday he launched a year-long effort to get his congregation and himself in shape. You can hear and read about it on the Saddleback Web site: "God's prescription for your health. Be a part of this transformational debut to be a healthier you! We'll hear from world-renowned doctors on a plan to get healthy and stay that way in the

new decade."

Who are "the world-renowned doctors" who have designed this program just for Saddleback Church? Men who are blatant promoters of Eastern mystical practices. Let me elaborate.

Best-selling author Dr. Richard Amen is a professor of psychiatry and teaches Eastern religious meditation and New Age energy-based Reiki.

You can hear Rick and Dr. Amen interacting on the Saddleback Web site. On page 238 of Amen's book, Making a Good Brain Great, he states, "I recommend an active form of Yoga meditation called Krya Kirtan. It is based on five primal sounds." He advocates repeating these sounds daily for 12 minutes.

Dr. Mark Hyman is a four-time New York Times best-selling author who again promotes mystical meditation based on Buddhist principles. In his book, The Ultramind Solution, Hyman emphasizes meditation, saying it doesn't matter what religion one is -- all will benefit from it (p. 322). He praises the practice perfected by Buddhists (p. 384).

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a promoter of Reiki and Transcendental Meditation. Oz says he is also inspired by Emmanuel Swedenborg, an 18th century cult founder who taught that all religions lead to God. Swedenborg denied all orthodox Christian beliefs. There are many followers of the cult of Swedenborgism today.

What is Pastor Warren's comment on the character of his three guests? "I am honored to be partnering with these internationally distinguished health experts." Has he no understanding that putting into practice the various procedures they teach will put his congregation in great jeopardy?

Is the deception that great today? And what about the tens of thousands of churches who align with Saddleback? Will they get on board as well, putting millions of Christian's souls and lives at stake? How many demons are lurking around the wicked practices of Transcendental Meditation, Reiki,Yoga, and similar Eastern traditions?


As apologist Eric Barger says, "Among the most troubling aspects of Warren's progression are his alliances. When the most visible Christian leader of our day rubs shoulders with and aids the causes of assorted globalists, New Agers, Muslims, and now looks to one who is inspired by cultist Emanuel Swedenborg, the results are devastating. When leaders decide to reject discernment in favor of ecumenism, then innocent, unsuspecting people are, in effect, targeted by Satan's unrelenting plan to move the church away from the truth of God's Word. This is a perfect example of why following men, instead of the Bible, is a dangerous proposition."

Rick Warren says, "Americans are getting fatter and fatter and we must do something." This seems a strange cause for a man some call 'America's pastor.' Shouldn't our burden as evangelicals be the leanness of the soul and not the body? Equally perplexing is why his church leaders and members are fine with this year long effort to glorify men who promote Eastern mysticism and other practices that are ungodly.


 Ministry leaders have to choose our battles. Criticizing Christian leaders causes us distress and results in the loss of supporters, donations, churches, and even friends.  We are called every name imaginable so understand that contending for the faith costs everything. But contending isn't an option. It's a commandment in Jude 3.  Saddleback Church is now presenting a different gospel via the three doctors who will speak into the lives of many for one full year. These men will be affirmed by Pastor Rick Warren. There will be damage.


If some do not sound a warning, millions will be swept up in a program that could cause far more damage than obesity could ever do. The gods represented by the three doctors are after souls. They are gods who lead people away from eternal life in heaven and target souls for a Godless eternity. We cannot be silent no matter what the cost is to the critics.


Pray for Pastor Rick Warren and his church leaders. The program launched last weekend could be stopped by the leadership if they would grasp the offense of this effort. 


To better understand such issues, visit our Web site category of "Spiritual Deception."


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On air this weekend (January 22-23) and the following weekend (January 29-30) depending on the radio market, I discuss this issue with Caryl Matrisciana.   


Caryl grew up in India and is a former New Ager, very familiar with the practices that are represented by each of the three doctors referenced. Her warning is stunning, articulate, and borne out of personal experience. She explains the kundalini arousal of blatant serpent power in some of the above practices. We are not being sensational. This issue is far too grievous.


Get acquainted with "Understanding the Times" radio, now heard in 415 markets. We headquarter out of AM980 KKMS and AM1280 The Patriot in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Saturday, 9 to 11 a.m. CST. You can always "listen live" at those two Web sites. They replay the program Sunday, 12 to 2 p.m. and Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. respectively.


 For info on podcasting via iTunes, check this link.


All weekend programming is posted to our "Radio Archives" late Sunday.

Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

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Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311
763-493-3010 or 763-210-8291