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Hope in a World of Troubling Change
Our 2010 spring conference -- "Hope in a World of Troubling Change" -- provided an up-to-the-minute biblical perspective on all that is happening around us worldwide and within the confines of the church.  This set contains two messages each by Gary Frazier and Eric Barger as well as a Q&A that Jan held with them at the end of the conference.  Purchase CDs or DVDs of the conference (the DVDs contain Powerpoint presentations that went along with each speaker's message) and receive the benefit of putting today's chaotic world events into biblical perspective.
Jan Markell
Jan Markell

Israel Under Fire

by John Ankerberg and Jimmy DeYoung

Get it in book or DVD!

Israel is constantly in today's news. Which biblical prophecies about Israel's future are beginning to be fulfilled? Is Iran truly a threat? How do events in the Middle East really affect the rest of the world? This book/DVD shows just how important it is to know what the Bible says bout Israel's future and why it matters to you.  Purchase the book or DVD and learn exactly what God said would happen and compare it to the daily news!

Don't miss our 2010 fall conference!

Olive Tree Ministries will host "Understanding the Times 2010" on October 8th and 9th.  We have invited Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Mike Gendron and Gary Kah to speak to us this year. 

Find out all the details by click on the banner above.  Or, download a printable flyer to share with your friends!
Order by mail or phone

You may mail an order to us at:

Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311

If in the U.S., include $5 S/H.  If out of the U.S., contact us for shipping costs.

We also accept Visa, Mastercard, or Discover.  If you would prefer to call in your order, dial:


Amazing Claims

by Dr. Mark Hitchcock

The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy
confirms the divine origin -- and complete reliability -- of God's Word.  Only God, Who is all-knowing, can tell what lies ahead with 100% certainty.  Purchase this book and be encouraged toward a deeper confidence in the Word of God and get equipped to provide a powerful defense against those who question the Bible's claim to be true and 100% accurate in what it foretells.


You can catch "Understanding the Times" radio Saturday morning, 8 to 10 a.m. on AM820-KGNW, Seattle/Tacoma. There is a partial replay on Sunday, 5 p.m. 
For all listening options,  visit this link.
Why This Summer Could Change the World
by Jan Markell
May 20, 2010

There is always Middle East conflict and war is frequently breaking out in that region. Why could a forthcoming war change the world? A little too sensational, you say? When the "epicenter" is involved, always pay attention. While the situation in the Middle East is generally unstable, it could move to the disaster zone this summer or fall.


Major Paul Vallely is a wise military man. He has been a guest on my radio program, "Understanding the Times." He is now making a media circuit warning anyone who will listen that dark storm clouds are on the horizon in the Middle East. He has gotten information, it would seem, from Israel because what he is sharing  is detailed. He surely hasn't gotten it from the Obama administration who is a part of the legions of nations deceived that if only Israel would go away, there would be world peace.


We're back to the term an "axis of evil." This axis is scheming to wipe out Israel and the nations include Iran, Syria, Russia, and the biggest player, Hezbollah which operates in south Lebanon. Israel went to war with Hezbollah in 2006. It was half-hearted even though the destruction on both sides was major. According to Vallely's sources, the Iranians are working with Syria and Hezbollah and are Conferencesplanning a pre-emptive strike soon to stop Israel's expected pre-emptive move against Iran. What a chess board! This operation is coming down to the wire. Sources say the chaos will begin in a few weeks to a few months. It is all based on the fact that Iran is now set to go with her nukes and most of them are pointed at Israel.


Here is the startling news: Just weeks ago a Soviet sub docked in Beirut, Lebanon. It was flying the Iranian flag. Workers on the sub were seen to be wearing masks suggesting that they were unloading something chemical. And it was likely a weapon or weapons of mass destruction.


But Hezbollah has extensive plans that go beyond this. The potential Hezbollah offensive includes chemically armed SCUD missiles with a 450 km range, preemptive strikes on Israeli air fields, and a wave of tunnel attacks that cross from Lebanon into Israel. There are some 60,000 rockets and missiles in south Lebanon hiding in houses, orchards, and miscellaneous buildings. Some of these are advanced scuds which have the capability to hit every city in Israel. The intention is to rein terror on Israel with maximum damage. Israel has been giving out gas masks -- a procedure that has become all too frequent.

Major Vallely states that Israel's jets and airstrips are in the sites of the enemy. Hezbollah and other participants in this forthcoming battle want to make it impossible for Israel to strike anyone by air. Vallely has highlighted possible chemical weapons of mass destruction, thousands of scud missiles, tunnels, and neutralizing Israel's fighter jets. It seems all the bases have been covered. And don't forget the "martyrs." The enemy is stocking up on young men and women who will joyfully place themselves in positions where they can self-detonate with maximum damage. They will likely use the tunnels as well.

So what does Washington think of Hezbollah? John Brennan, assistant to US President Barack Obama for homeland security and counterterrorism, told a Washington conference on Tuesday that Lebanese terrorist militia Hezbollah has evolved significantly over the years, and cannot today be defined as a purely hostile and evil entity.

Reuters quoted Brennan as telling conference participants that Hezbollah is a "very interesting organization" that has evolved from a "purely terrorist organization" into a movement that now boasts members of parliament and even cabinet ministers. Brennan states, "I'm glad to see that Hezbollah is renouncing terrorism and violence..."

Oh, really? Is this deception, delusion, or bold-face lies?

The kind of an attack outlined in this article will force Israel to strike back with ferocity. If chemical weapons are dumped on her, she will have to use her own weapons of mass destruction. We have the makings of a disaster in the Middle East and the fall-out will be felt around the world. A Jew will not be safe anywhere. A friend of Israel may not be either. Don't expect any help or comfort from the White House or State Department. Israel is their sacrificial lamb.

So she is on her own -- except for God. This is good!  He won't let her down. God has a covenant with Israel that is repeated throughout the Bible. A prominent passage is Genesis 17:6-8. God is not just a covenant maker -- He is a covenant keeper! Take that to heart, Christian. With God on our side, that is a majority!

The Jews were irresponsible with their slow reaction to the warnings of the 1930s and 1940s and the results were catastrophic. Over one-third of European Jewry was annihilated. They made a second mistake in 1973 when Israel was caught off guard in the Yom Kippur War. On a smaller scale, Israel has made mistakes in lesser wars such as with Hezbollah in 2006. She was forced to fight with one arm tied behind her back and few ground troops. When she doesn't finish the job, her enemies return and everything is more deadly. Had she finished the job properly with Hezbollah in 2006, we might not have the scenario building that is outlined here.

The Western world is myopic. At best they give a gigantic yawn as it concerns issues that are far away from home. Besides, people are struggling with their own problems and they feel they cannot take on more catastrophes. But a major Middle East war will shake up the world so come out from under your denial blanket if that's where you are. At the very least, pray about this volatile issue. Inform others. Ask your pastor to give a message on the importance of Israel. At the same time, show compassion to the Arab world who is steeped in a religion that encourages their followers to die for Allah. Many disillusioned Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ.

The biggest weapon being used by Satan is ignorance. Most people have not a clue as to the historical issues surrounding Middle East conflicts. Most Christians do not know that the term "Palestinian" was never used before the mid-1960s when Yasser Arafat coined the myths and facts about the middle eastterm. There is so much historical revisionism that has taken place it is a wonder anyone can figure out the complexities of the Middle East. I encourage you to take a look at a DVD I made two years ago entitled Myths and Facts About the Middle EastThis explains some of misconceptions.

You can hear Maj. Vallely's entire remarks here.

We have additional videos for education and inspiration in our new Web categoryTo Make You Think. We have an entire Web category on all things Israel here.

The speed with which end-time related events are breaking is staggering. You were born for such a time as this and you are an intricate part of God's plan for this generation.  See these trying times as a gift from God to you: He trusts you to serve Him at this time.

Understanding the Times radio.....Are you having difficulty  grasping the economic paradigm shift taking place? Our live programming from May 15 is now posted at "Radio Archives" with Christian financial analyst John Terry. Also, Mike Oppenheimer and Jan explain the agenda and strange theology of the New Apostolic Reformation. This weekend Jan welcomes frequent guest Brannon Howse and producer of the film God of Wonders, Jim Tetlow.
We headquarter out of AM980 KKMS and AM1280 "The Patriot" in Minneapolis/St. Paul. We air 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday on both stations. They replay "Understanding the Times" Sunday 12 to 2 p.m. and Sunday 8 to 10 a.m. respectively. You can always "listen live" at their Web sites. To see all our airing outlets, visit this link.  For podcasting info via iTunes, use this link.

The live weekend programming out of Minneapolis/St. Paul is posted to "Radio Archives" Sunday evening.
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Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

You may pass on these items or have people sign up on our Web site.  We update Headlines twice a day and you can access our radio programming from the last three years on Radio Archives.  Also see the Web site for other options to catch to program, "Understanding the Times."

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Also, please remember us prayerfully and financially.  Donate on our Web site (gifts are tax-deductible with receipts sent out in January).
Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311
763-493-3010 or 763-210-8291