Olive Tree Views


 Find information about April 24 & October 8-9 conferences here.
Print out a flyer here. 
101 Science
Jan Markell 
 Twiight Barger
 Bringing Twilight Out Into the Son
8-page pamphlet by Eric Barger
There are organizations and church leaders actually promoting Twilight as a teaching tool for teens. Is this wise? If you've not seen the movie or read the books, you may not understand how dark it is, and how the books
and movie blur the lines of good and evil. Learn why this is evil to avoid, not support.
You can order 10 8-page brochures for $4 here.  You can order in larger quantities as well.
Order by mail 
 Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311 
If in the U.S., include $5 for S/H. If out of U.S., contact us for shipping costs.
We also accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover
All our products

Grave Influence

 New from Brannon Howse
Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave
 This book reveals the demonically-inspired connections between occultism and pagan spirituality, the apostate church, our educational establishment, and the government-corporate complex.
2008 Conference PDF 
 This ministry has now had 13 conferences such as this one since 2002. All say 2009 was the most important one and the most productive. So we continue to offer 7 CDs in a professionally-packaged case for $30 or 4 DVDs for $55. The
 information is the same other than the DVDs show speaker PowerPoint. Visit this link to order and also see some related videos.
TIME CHANGE ON 99.5 FM, KKLA, Los Angeles
We now air 7:30 to 9:30 Sunday nights.
The Last Generation
10 Signs of the End of the Age
By Jack Kinsella
Like pieces of a cosmic jigsaw puzzle, the ancient prophecies are at last coming together to reveal a divine big picture. The Last Generation presents clear and undeniable evidence that points to this generation as the one of whom Jesus spoke when He said, "This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled.

Find it here for $12 + $5 S/H.


Time May Be Running Out.  Act NOW!

By Jan Markell



Do you ever wonder why we're still here?  We talk a lot in this ministry about the inordinate increase of deception in our churches.  We report to you current events that are reshaping our world for ill; we point out prophecies that are being fulfilled before our eyes and encourage you with the promise of the Lord Jesus to return for us.  It looks like that day could be soon.  With all the evil going on, why does He wait?  Don't you wonder sometimes? 


He tells us why.  It's because He doesn't want anyone to perish (II Peter 3:9).  He derives no pleasure from the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11).  He really wants all men to be saved (I Timothy 2:4).  And so our Father, being a God of infinite patience, waits for as many people as possible to turn to the Savior before He shuts the proverbial ark door.


But the hour is getting late.  This is obvious from a casual glance at a newspaper or a steady diet of reporting from most any news source.  As my assistant Heidi pointed out recently, the signs are all around us.  Jesus IS coming.  How many do YOU know who still need to come to a saving faith in Him?


I was amazed by an e-mail I received recently that read, "I just got an e-mail from a relative who is an avowed atheist.  The shaking in Haiti has also shaken him and his disbelief. He signed his e-mail, 'God bless us all.'"


This just shows that people -- even atheists! -- are more open to listening to our message of hope than ever before!  They are losing homes, jobs, relationships, savings -- they are looking for stability.  What better stability can we offer them than the Rock of salvation (I Corinthians 10:4), the Lord Jesus Christ?   The Bible also says that only God is the stability of our times (Isaiah 33:6).


This past Saturday I spoke with Jim Tetlow, founder of Eternal Productions, and a favorite guest of listeners to Understanding the Times radio.  Jim has a heart to reach the lost for Christ, and he passionately opened up his heart to us.  He shared information with us about some specially-packaged products that he has created and has been using effectively in witnessing to the lost. 


We've decided to carry these products at Olive Tree Ministries  so you can quickly and easily get hold of them.  Jim consistently produces inspirational DVDs, and they always include a gospel presentation.  The beauty of these particular DVDs is that they have been packaged in quick-sleeves (cardboard envelopes) to provide a low-cost way to purchase them as a tool to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. And if you don't feel like handing them out while street witnessing -- something not everyone is called to -- you can slip them in a card and mail them.  They're perfect for doing this because they're very lightweight!  And we recommend you have a few with you at all times to offer to a searching friend, relative, or working associate.

Let me tell you a little about them:

God of Wonders - cropped

 God of Wonders

10 for $50 - minimum order

View the trailer

The first DVD is one many of you are familiar with and have enjoyed:  God of Wonders.  This amazing DVD is a breathtaking tour of God's creation wonders and the greatest wonder of all -- His redeeming love. (We will still be carrying the retail version in its colorful jacket.) A Teacher's Resource Guide is now available for this product at Jim's Web site.


10 for $50 - minimum order

Watch the video online

The Bible authenticates that it alone transcends time and space.  The next of Jim's DVDs, Countdown to Eternity, examines several last days' prophecies that are being fulfilled before our eyes!  It is difficult to argue with the fact of fulfilled Scripture.   Only God can tell the future in advance (Isaiah 45:21, 22).  (We have restocked this DVD in the retail jacket, as well.) 



10 for $50 - minimum order

Watch the video online

Do you have family or friends who avidly follow the apparitions of Mary?  This is a  phenomenum that is increasing as the end draws nearer.  Those who follow the apparitions believe Mary has come to turn us back to God.  Messages from Heaven explains that the Bible anticipates apparitions, signs, and wonders in the last days.  This DVD is extraordinary in demonstrating these apparitions as wiles of the enemy and points viewers to true salvation through the Son of God.  This is an especially good resource for sharing the gospel with Catholics. (We will continue carrying the retail version of this DVD.) 


10 for $50 - minimum order

Watch the video online

A Question of Origins - Creation or Evolution is a popular and much-requested DVD that reveals strong evidence that the universe and all of life were created by a supernatural being -- the God of the Bible.  This video dramatically exposes the blind speculation and evolutionary bias in cosmology, chemistry, and biology, and demonstrates the divinely-inspired scientific foreknowledge of Scripture.  The playground of almost all skeptics and atheists is evolution. It's a tough nut to crack for those committed to the evolutionary process, but A Question of Origins -- Creation or Evolution? is a good place to start as well as God of Wonders.


Good Test

The Good Test

10 for $50 - minimum order

Watch the video online

Finally, you can observe Jim Tetlow in action!  In Jim's last DVD, The Good Test, Jim questions dozens of people and illuminates their "goodness" from God's perspective.The Good Test uncovers humanity's heart condition. Most importantly, it makes known the awesome hope that is available to all.


 Sampler Pack

Includes 10 of each DVD


Jim has put together a sampler pack that includes 10 each of all five of these DVDs.  The sampler pack is $150.00.  


Please note that this quick-sleeve version of each DVD is specifically for evangelism and outreach and is not for resale.


If you heard my talk with Jim, you know each one of these products was uniquely created to be used of God as a tool to draw specific people to Himself.  May God give us all such a passion for the souls of the lost!  Let us seize every opportunity to share the gospel while there is still time.  Matthew 5:13, 14 says that we are to be salt and light in a very dark world that needs a Savior.  Work!  The night is coming (John 9:4)!

 Click on banner for all details!
April 24 and October 8-9 
Click here for printable copy.
RADIO: Saturday, January 30, programming, is posted. Eric Barger and Jan ask, "When is it time to leave a church?" You are not alone if you are troubled by what's happening in your church!
We air live out of AM980 KKMS and AM1280 The Patriot in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Saturday, 9 to 11 AM CST. KKMS replays the program Sunday, 12 to 2 PM and AM1280 replays it Sunday, 8 to 10 AM CST. You can "listen live" during any of these airings.
All live programming from the weekend is posted to "Radio Archives" Sunday evening. For podcasting information via iTunes, visit this link. To see the other airing outlets, visit this link.
NOTE: Due to volume, we cannot respond to every e-mail but each one is read. To unsubscribe, scroll to the very bottom and click on "SafeUnsubscribe."
Awaiting His return,
Jan Markell
You may pass on these items or have people sign up on our Web site. We update Current Headlines twice a day, and you can access our radio programming from the last three years on Radio Archives. Also see the Web site for other options to catch the program, "Understanding the Times."
Report e-mail address changes.
Please remember us prayerfully and financially. Donate on our Web site. (Gifts are tax-deductible with receipts sent out in January.)
Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN 55311
763-493-3010 or 763-210-8291