Olive Tree Views
2009 DVD Barger
Give the gift of truth. These CDs and DVDs were recorded at our October 9-10 event with over 4,000 in attendance from 15 states and Canada. Hear Gary Kah, Dr. Ron Rhodes, and Eric Barger tackle current events,
deception in the church, and Bible prophecy. The content is the same on both CDs and DVDs but DVDs have speaker PowerPoint. A set of 7 CDs is $30 + $5 S/H and a set of 4 DVDs is $55 + $5 S/H. You will get two messages by Rhodes, Barger and Kah, as well as a Q & A session.
Order here. 
Heidi - conference photo
Heidi Swander

Heidi is a ministry associate and personal assistant to Jan Markell.  She joined Olive Tree Ministries in August 2007.
Next Holocaust and the Refuge in Edom

The Next Holocuast and the Refuge in Edom

By Chuck Missler

 Jesus warns the dwellers in Judea that when they see the "Abomination of Desolation" -- a desecrating idol installed in the Holy of Holies of the yet-to-be-rebuilt Temple -- to flee to the mountains.  The remnant of Israel will find refuge there for three-and-a-half years while God protects them and provides for them.  In this study, Chuck explores some of the less familiar prophecies of the end- times, the Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Order from "Products" for $20 + $5 S/H. The DVD is 120 minutes. 

 Order by mail 
 Olive Tree Ministries
PO Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN  55311 
Be sure to add $5 S/H if in the U.S. 
 We also accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover
Call 763-493-3010 or 763-210-8291 
All our products

Shack Discernment

The Death of Discernment:
 How The Shack Became the #1 Best Seller in Christianity
A DVD by Eric Barger
While many are comforted by the message in the book The Shack, few are looking at the questionable theology in the book. When the movie comes out, how will the unbeliever react with Chritianity and the Trinity redefined? How will non-Christians react to God the Father portrayed as an African-American female named "Papa"? The book also promotes Universalism. We just ask that you put a "buyer-beware" label on the book if you are recommending it to others. Find it at "Products" for $18 + $5 S/H. The DVD is 60 minutes.

Good News That's a Sign of the Times!
by Heidi Swander

Several years ago an Iranian pastor whom Joel Rosenberg knows personally met a Shia woman who came to know Jesus Christ after seeing a vision of Him.  She just showed up in his church one day, hungry to read and learn the Word of God.  Today this woman leads an average of fifteen people to Christ every day!  She told Joel's pastor friend that Iranian Muslims are so desperate to hear the gospel that it typically takes about 5 minutes to share the story of her conversion and how God has changed her life before the listener is ready to also receive Christ.  "Difficult" conversations, she says, which may include several questions or concerns, take 15 to 20 minutes!  This woman's prayer is to lead 7,000 Iranian Muslims to Christ over the next 5 years!
The prophet Joel said, "And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. . . and it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Joel 2:28-32).  In Middle Eastern countries today there is a revival of first century, New Testament, biblical Christianity taking place.  Two means God is employing to accomplish this -- according to myriad personal reports -- include dreams and visions; and personal, one-on-one witness -- and the salvation of souls is reportedly happening with astounding momentum!
(Special note:  Olive Tree Ministries acknowledges that we live in a day in which many in the church emphasize experience over truth, and that we ourselves have characterized this vein of Christianity as unstable and unsound.  However, we also confirm that our Almighty God may at any time choose to use what we may consider to be unorthodox means to reach some people for eternity who are the most resistant to the gospel.  Muslims absolutely fall into this category and especially Muslims in a region that promulgates a satanically-generated religion while muzzling the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
If a former Muslim claims to have been saved through a vision or dream -- as the woman at the beginning of this e-mail --  and shows by his or her life that they are truly a new creature in Christ by a hunger for the Word of God and a desire to see others come to know Jesus, then we as their brothers and sisters should rejoice in their new birth and realize that with God all things are possible even if the process to salvation is very unorthodox.)

"The big, untold story in the Middle East right now is the dramatic and widespread conversions of Muslims to Christianity," Joel Rosenberg says in his new DVD, Inside the Revolution"It's one of the most spectacular developments in the Middle East in recent decades and yet it's seldom reported in the Western media, even among evangelical Christians."

Inside the Revolution
God is also using radio and television broadcasting to bring thousands of Muslims to a saving faith in His Son.  With state-of-the art satellite technology to bypass the efforts of Islamic governments to keep the gospel out of their countries, Father Zakaria Botros, an Egyptian Coptic priest, regularly challenges the claims of Muhammad to be a prophet and deconstructs the Koran, verse by verse.  He also boldly proclaims that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. 
Hormoz Shariat, a man Joel considers to be the Billy Graham of Iran, also ministers to Muslims throughout the region by satellite television.  It is illegal to own a satellite dish in his country.  "But what God has started, they cannot stop," he says.  Hormoz reports that when he began broadcasting by satellite television, the number of call-ins to his televised gospel presentation requesting salvation tripled.
"Very few people realize just how many millions of Muslims -- both Sunnis and Shias -- are becoming followers of Jesus Christ," Joel says.
According to best recent estimates by Christian pastors inside these countries, Saudia Arabia presently has more than 100,000 followers of Jesus Christ; Pakistan and Egypt each have over 2 � million Christians to date; and the Sudan presently has an estimate of more than 5 million followers of Christ.  The enormity of the numbers is confirmed by panicked proclamations of Muslim leaders in each country.
There are also Muslims living in the West who are turning to Christ in record numbers.  Rifqa Bary who, in one Web version of her testimony, claims that she is the first Christian in her family in 150 generations, is just one example. 
All of these people, whether living in the Middle East or the West, make the decision to follow Jesus Christ at peril of their lives, a fact most of us find difficult to truly comprehend. These decisions are not made lightly and the fact that Muslims are deciding to follow Christ in numbers this great strongly suggests that this is a movement by the hand of God.
In the middle of so much bad news that is escalating in our world, I wanted to take a few moments to share with you some very good news that is as much a sign of the times we are living in as any we bring to you on a weekly basis.
I tell our Father daily that I'm ready for Him to send Jesus to come and take us Home.  You, too?  But remember, every day we remain means hundreds more have entered the kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ and will live with us for eternity!
Note on Joel Rosenberg's DVD Inside the Revolution:  The unimaginable number of souls coming to know the Savior -- "The Revivalists," as he has dubbed them -- is only one facet of this awesome DVD.  He also covers, "The Radicals" -- terrorists who want to invoke Sharia law worldwide by any means necessary; and "The Reformers" -- Muslims who believe the terrorists are wrong, want to remain Muslim, but believe in reforming their governments into the democratic model encouraged by Thomas Jefferson.  I learned so much I didn't know by watching Joel's new DVD. -- Heidi Swander 
(Note from Jan: I appreciate Heidi's intention to bring you the good news of the day from the Middle East. My exhortation is this: Don't wait for a dream or vision as the experiences that drive you to salvation. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ while there is time. Make Him the Lord and Savior of your life today.) 
To better understand these issues, visit the category of "Islam & the Arabs" at our Web site.
RADIO: Last weekend (October 31) on "Understanding the Times" radio, a Washington watch-dog organization helped the audience understand "hate crimes," "cap and trade," "Fairness Doctrine," "net neutrality," the health care issue, and more. Pastor Bob DeWaay reported on an Emergent conference he attended. This movement is spiritually destroying young people. It seems most adults, including parents, haven't a clue.
You can listen at "Radio Archives." All live weekend programming is posted there late Sunday. For podcasting information, visit this link. To see the outlets where we air, go here.
This weekend (November 7), Jan reports on a forum at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN she attended. The symposium was promoting "Christian Zen." Students were encouraged to meditate as do the Buddhists. Speakers tried to promote "common ground" between Buddhism and Christian meditation. The apostasy and straying from sound doctrine is out of control and parents need to speak up.
The Christian Medical Association will also be on air with Jan to answer questions about the proposed socialization of medicine in America.
We headquarter out of AM980 KKMS, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Saturday, 9 to 11 AM CST with a rebroadcast Sunday, 12 Noon to 2 PM. You can "listen live" at www.kkms.com as we will take in-studio e-mails. We hope to be live with AM820 KGNW, Seattle/Tacoma 7 to 9 AM PST.

 NOTE: We cannot reply to every e-mail but each one is read. To unsubscribe, scroll to the very bottom and click "unsubscribe."
Always looking up!

You may pass on these items or have people sign up on our Web site. We update Current Headlines twice a day and you can access our radio programming from the last three years on Radio Archives. Also see the Web site for other options to catch the program, "Understanding the Times."
Report e-mail address changes.
Please remember us prayerfully and financially. Donate on our Web site. (Gifts are tax-deductible with receipts sent out in January.)
Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN 55311
763-493-3010 or 763-210-8291