Litfuse Publicity Group
June 20, 2011
For Immediate Release
Contact: Christy Anderson, Publicist
Litfuse Publicity Group

Love in war - the story of a widow and a hero 

Award-winning World War II novelist completes Wings of Glory series

SEATTLE - Helen Carlisle is recovering from the death of her war hero husband in Sarah Sundin's, Blue Skies Tomorrow (Revell (Baker), August 1, 2011, ISBN: 0800734238, $14.99). Healing from the year, she runs into Lt. Ray Novak-a childhood crush. She has been surviving her loss through copious volunteering, but deep down she is troubled. How much longer can she do this? Is she living a lie? Was her dead husband a hero? How can she live with the past? 

Lt. Novak faces his own life uncertainty as a dedicated officer who has postponed his calling to be a pastor for the duration of the war. His secondary passion to fly is quenched as an instructor, until he is deployed to Europe for a combat mission just as a romantic relationship with Helen is building.

Blue Skies TomorrowAs Helen tries to make ends meet back home and begins to confront the past, Ray encounters a deadly enemy of his own. Will they find the courage to face their challenges? Will the truth come out? Will hope and redemption ring true for Helen?

Sure to live up to the high praise of the previous books in the Wings of Glory series, Blue Skies Tomorrow completes the story of the U.S. Eighth Air Force in World War II, covering the infamous Port Chicago Explosion, which occurred close to Antioch, Calif., where Helen and the Novaks live, to victory in Europe.

"Both Helen and Ray learn about true courage and how to do the right thing no matter the cost," says Sundin. "They both find they're subconsciously trying to earn God's grace through good works and have to deal with that.

"I hope readers will see how they, too, can find courage in the Lord and the strength to face whatever life throws at them."

Praise for Sarah Sundin's books:

" exceptional read"-Booklist

"...a gripping tale of war, intrigue and love."-RT Book Reviews
Meet Sarah:
Sarah Sundin
Sarah Sundin received the 2011 Writer of the Year Award from the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, and her second novel A Memory Between Us is a finalist for an Inspirational Readers' Choice Award. Her stories are inspired by her great-uncle who flew with the U.S. Eighth Air Force in England during World War II. Sarah lives in California with her husband and three children.


Suggested Interview Questions for Blue Skies Tomorrow:

1.What is the story behind Blue Skies Tomorrow?
2.What draws you to write about the World War II era?
3.What makes your books stand out from other WWII fiction?
4.What was the most interesting research you had to do for this novel/series? 
5.How did writing this novel differ from the other two in the Wings of Glory series?
6.What did you enjoy most about writing this book? What did you dislike most?
7.Which of your characters particularly resonates with you and why?

To request a review copy of Blue Skies Tomorrow, schedule Sarah for an interview or for more information, please contact Christy Anderson,

Christy Anderson, Media Specialist  

Litfuse Publicity Group

Seattle, WA 98155



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