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Issue #8
"Motivation is the combination of education and opportunity."
Chuckism #1 
In This Issue
Motivational Minute
Something You Can Do Today
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Does it ever seem like the time has come to just quit?
If we want to achieve our dreams, if we want to reach our full potential, we will need persistence. After all, the only difference in you and the person who is doing what you would like to do is just that: they're doing it.
But now your time is tight. Maybe you're working longer hours or even holding down two jobs. Where is the time for your dreams?
Remember: Teach Others!   

  Motivational Minute #8

Is It Time To Quit?

The U.S. government had written off a $50 million weather satellite. It had tumbled out of orbit and could not be controlled. It could only receive signals when it was in the correct position and, because of the tumbling, that was rare and unpredictable.

For eleven months, sixteen technicians used their lunch hours and breaks to try and contact the satellite. After 1,600 attempts, the satellite responded, was returned to its orbit and is again providing weather information for us.
We cannot overstate the value and importance of tenacity. No matter what anyone says about your goal or your dreams, as long as you believe in what you are trying to accomplish, you will find a way. 
One of my clients wrote software code in his basement at night after his family had gone to bed. He built a company to take it to market and, in only a few years, sold it all to a major software company for nearly $100 million. Another group of employees who once played cards on their lunch hour decided to use that time to develop a service that would help financial services companies. In another state, employees of the same company used their lunch hours and evenings to develop an energy conservation product. In both cases, when they tendered their resignations to go out and start their own companies, their employer bought their ideas, set up companies to produce and sell them and then gave the employees choice positions.
Think about those satellite technicians. They could have given up after six months or after 1,000 attempts and everyone would have said they had made a valiant attempt at success. But they would not have succeeded, would they?
Know someone who is unemployed? Can you encourage them to use some of their time to pursue their dreams? What can you do to help them?
And what about you? Want to write a book? Find the time. Want to expand your knowledge? find the time.  
For you, is it time to quit or is it time to start?
Something You Can Do Today
kidsYou did it!!!
Your contributions helped open a new well
What is the number one killer disease in the world? Malaria. It has been completely eradicated from our culture so we never think about it. Yet more people die from malaria worldwide than any other disease. Right behind malaria is the guinea worm - something we've never suffered here. Both have one thing in common: water.
Because of the contributions of readers of this column, Double Harvest has drilled and opened another well. Hundreds of people each year - for decades to come - will benefit from your generosity.
Thank you!
It's time to dig another well - let's think big, let's dig two! Thousands of other children and adults need your help. A sales director is heading up this project - let's help him out. Only 200 readers sending $50 each will almost fund two new wells. Hey, it's tax deductible.  If you can help, click on the picture at the top of this section or contact Mitchel Lucero 303.884.0337.
wellRemember, click on the picture above or call him at 303.884.0337.
This is the latest issue of the online version of the "Motivational Minute from Chuck Reaves". The "Minutes" have appeared in numerous publications, were a traditional mailed newsletter for a while and have been reprinted more times than we know.
I would appreciate your comments! Let me know what you think and what changes or additions you would like to see.
If you would like to reprint the Minute, or include it in your publications, you have my permission as long as you add: "Copyright 2010 Chuck Reaves, CSP, CPAE" to the copy.  
Chuck Reaves, CSP, CPAE, CSO
Sales Training, Sales Consulting, Leadership Training, Sales Automation, Software
770.965.5595  1 800.MR. REAVES (800.677.3283)