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Issue #4
"Motivation is the combination of education and opportunity."
Chuckism #1 
In This Issue
Motivational Minute
Something You Can Do Today
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Unbelievable opportunity awaits us right now.
Can you believe it?
There are big opportunities waiting for someone to pick them up. While others are scrambling to take anything they can find, a few people are stepping back and taking a look at the bigger picture - as this issue of The Motivational Minute illustrates.
Hey, I'm doing it - I'm eating my own dog food. Recently I partnered with Austen Jackson, a Vistage Member and a genius when it comes to finding ways to improve a company's financials. We've started yet another company, one that will help business owners prepare their companies for sale. He specializes in fattening the calf - making the company not only more salable but also increasing its market value. He uses interesting terms like EBIDTA and cash flow and I pretend to be interested. I focus on sales. So, as I build the client's top line, he enriches the bottom line. When the owner sells the business, we share in the increase.
Yes, our pay day is months or years away, but it's a big nugget. Meanwhile, I continue to speak, train, consult, automate and offer online training while he continues to consult and do those other weird things financial people seem to enjoy.
Thinking of selling your business in the next 3 - 5 years? Know anyone who is? A few questions over the telephone will let you know if you're ready to call a broker or if you could benefit from our program.
Remember: Teach Others!   

  Motivational Minute #4

Are You Stumbling Over Big Opportunities?
In 1905 the world's largest diamond was discovered in a South African mine. The diamond weighed over 3,000 carats - nearly two pounds. It was literally discovered when someone stumbled over it. Then it was sent to the King of England by ordinary registered mail. King Edward VII looked at it and said, "I would have kicked it aside as a lump of glass if I had seen it on the road."
Too often we do not recognize the the opportunities that present themselves to us. We meet people who could help us and teach us and yet we spend our time with them engaged in small talk. We have within our reach everyday a wealth of information - books, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, audio and video - in endless supply. But too many of us choose television or other entertainment during times when the big opportunities could be addressed.
Right now, too many people are hunkering down trying to make it one day at a time. Big opportunities await those who are planing for tomorrow.
We cannot meet anyone who cannot teach us something. One person may have a nugget of an idea and someone else have another. When we combine them and add our own unique touch, great things can happen.
From the huge diamond, one hundred and five stones were cut including a 530 carat stone and a 314 carat gem which are both now parts of the Crown Jewels.
Sometimes the best ideas are the ones others are ignoring.
Cyrus McCormick went bankrupt. His creditors took his farm and all of his possessions. All, that is, except for his reaper. The creditors considered it to be worthless so they left it behind. They overlooked the diamond.
The McCormick Reaper revolutionized agriculture, was the hallmark product of major American industry for decades and made the United States the world leader in food production.
Are you stumbling over a grand opportunity?
"Call Me, ask Me and I will tell you what great and wonderful things are going to happen here, things you know not."  
Jeremiah 33:3
Something You Can Do Today
kidsWant to do something meaningful today? Want to motivate someone you will probably never meet?
Click on the picture for details!
There is a great sales director at Oracle who uses his resources to accomplish great things. He helps build orphanages, drill wells and feed and clothe children in Africa left behind as a result of the AIDS epidemic there. What really makes him remarkable is that he is also managing a micro-loan function that is helping the remaining adults become self-sufficient. Rather being a bottomless hole of basic needs, these people become self-sufficient, they then teach others (and fund them!) and the cycle continues. Click on the image above to see what Double Harvest is doing.
Mitchel Lucero, the sales director, is partnering with others now who are also committed to building orphanages and drilling wells. His new friends are challenging him just as he is challenging them. Friends matter. They are increasing their efficiency and their effectiveness.
Remember, if only 200 of the readers of this newsletter send him $50 we will be close to completing an orphanage! Wouldn't you like to be a part of that? As a result of your effort, kids like the ones above could sleep indoors with regular meals and be cared for by loving, local people in a family environment. Hey, it's tax deductible.  If you can help, click on the picture at the top of this section or contact Mitchel Lucero 303.884.0337.
Mitchel and Tamara
Mitchel and his wife just returned from a 44-hour (each way) gruelling trip to help these folks. The least we can do is send a few dollars. Remember, click on the picture or call him at 303.884.0337.
This is the fourth issue of the online version of the "Motivational Minute from Chuck Reaves". The "Minutes" have appeared in numerous publications, were a traditional mailed newsletter for a while and have been reprinted more times than we know.
I would appreciate your comments! Let me know what you think and what changes or additions you would like to see.
If you would like to reprint the Minute, or include it in your publications, you have my permission as long as you add: "Copyright 2009 Chuck Reaves, CSP, CPAE" to the copy.  
Chuck Reaves, CSP, CPAE, CSO
Sales Training, Sales Consulting, Leadership Training, Sales Automation, Software
770.965.5595  1 800.MR. REAVES (800.677.3283)