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Whole Health And Wellness
Lotus in Color
Dear Friend,  

It's time to Clear Away the murky water and

  Reveal the LOTUS that BLOOMS within YOU! 


Have you been wishing for a quick relaxing getaway completely focused on your well-being? Well, wish no more, because you're invited!


Join body-mind-soul wellness guru, Linda Principato, along with yoga and Dance of Liberation leader, Jennifer 'Jenevi' Varriano, for a Spring Cleanse, Yoga and Holistic Wellness Weekend Retreat.


These two devoted practitioners blend harmonies to share with you a feast of yoga, meditation, reflexology, reiki, aromatherapy, conscious living, spiritual nutrition, and a nurturing space in which to feed your hunger for clarity, peace, balance and joy. 


Take time off from your busy life to relax and replenish with Jenevi and Linda! You'll be inspired to ceremony, dance, journey, envision, connect, express and celebrate yourself during this soul-satisfying Spring Cleanse, Yoga and Holistic Wellness Weekend Retreat.


Join Us!     

 Where:  Galiana Retreat Sanctuary, Upstate NY

 When:  Friday, March 30th thru Sunday, April 1st, 2012

 Fee:  $425 per person 

 RSVP Today:  by phone or email ~ Reservations Required ~


We look forward to Spring Cleansing with you!


 Jenevi & Linda    

Jenevi and Linda

In Love and Gratitude ~Namaste' 


Connect with Us:

~Linda Principato ~ Whole Health and Wellness    
   (347) 466-4343 or 

~Jennifer "Jenevi" Varriano ~ New Faith Yoga and InspiringOm
   (347) 609-3861 or   

~Visit our Holistic-Retreats page for updates


Two Payment Options:
1. We accept personal checks. Please inquire for payment address.

2. Credit/debit cards via PayPal; just link here and scroll down to pay.