Whole Health And Wellness

Autumn Leaves

~Be Well~ 
  Issue #15 October 2008  
In This Issue
~About Me~
~Slow Down and Breathe~
~Reflexology at WH&W~
~Food for Thought~
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Whole Health and Wellness 

Linda Principato
Linda Principato
Certified Reflexologist and Holistic Health Counselor
When my personal journey reached a crossroads, I decided to indulge my passion for a deeper level of wellness. After graduating with honors from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition received certification from the AADP and completed two more years as a student-counselor thru IIN's Immersion program.
Whole Health and Wellness a home-based members' wellness center, joyfully began on the first day of Spring in 2006.  Here, my clients are guided towards better health through gradual diet and lifestyle transformations.  Success is realized with the support of customized six-month wellness programs.
Individual and group programs available, with in-person and phone-in session options.

In addittion, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Vegan Cooking and Uncooking lessons, and a variety of Wellness Workshops are available by request.
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Universal TreeSlow Down and Breathe 
Once again seasons change and early Autumn is upon us. The air is pleasantly crisp and trees are just beginning to show off some shades of color here near the city. Farmers markets are buzzing, with apples and ground vegetables in abundance, and root vegetables soon to take center stage. We've entered the busy season of the Harvest.
If you just had a whirlwind of a Summer like I did, you would probably do well to settle down for a moment and take some deep conscious breaths. In as little as a few seconds, you'll feel calmer and more centered naturally.  See what my friends are doing at the Energy of Breath Institute.
Because we live in a society that favors instant gratification and a quicker-is-better mentality, the tendency is often to to plow right along into the next project, obligation or commitment with out even stopping to consider our feelings or choices in the matter.
When our attention is relentlessly fixed on a future outcome, not only do we miss the beauty of the present moment, but we end up feeling exhausted by the trip before we arrive at the destination. 

If you find yourself caught up in this kind of cycle, it may seem like you never have enough time or energy to do the joyful things in life. Even your fun stuff gets scheduled in, thus reducing it to one more item on your to-do list.   
A wonderful wise teacher recently pointed out that we are human BEings, not human DOings.
So let's forget about just do it. Wouldn't it be something if we gave ourselves permission to just be it without any guilt, shame or expectations? 
This is often easier said than done, so I invite you to contact me if you need any help at all along your journey.
In Joy!
 Rflx TreatmentReflexology at Whole Health and Wellness! 
Reflexology is a holistic healing art and science based on the fact that every part and system of the body is reflected through reflex points, zones and areas on the feet, hands and ears. By stimulating these areas using specific thumb, finger and hand pressure techniques, deep relaxation can be experienced. 

Reflexology improves circulation, promotes balance in the body, and encourages healing naturally. 

This Summer I received Basic and Advanced Reflexology Certifications from Bob Wolfe at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. My National ARCB Certification is pending Spring '09.

Please contact me if you are intersted in experiencing the benefits of Reflexology. I am now offering 30-minute, 60-minute and 90-minute sessions at Whole Health and Wellness by appointment.

nquire about my special ~Three for Free for You~ promotion. This bonus offer is limited to the first 30 pairs lucky soles who apply, so don't hesitate to claim yours.


Woman with Food Food for Thought 

This season, try eating more freshly prepared carrots, parsnips, burdock, daikon, beets, turnips, radishes, yams and sweet potatoes. Spice things up with some fresh ginger or horseradish. The stabilizing and downward energy flow of these roots will help you feel firmly grounded.

Sweet Roasted Veggie Medley
Mix it up and use your favorites, such as
2 sweet potatoes
2 turnips
1 winter squash (acorn, butternut, kabocha)
3 carrots
3 parsnips
1 large onion
Chop veggies into bite-size pieces and toss with
3 Tbs coconut or olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
Season with fresh ginger, thyme, rosemary, or sage
Roast on baking sheet at 375 for 35-45 minutes
Check and toss veggies half way through roasting
The smaller your pieces, the quicker they cook

This goes nice with a simple brown lentil soup.

How Much to Make?
4 lbs of assorted veggies will make two generous servings or four side-dishes. The veggies shrink as they lose moisture in the oven so don't be afraid to make a lot. It's a delicious leftover ... there's never too much.

As always, thanks for reading!  Until next time ...
~Be Well~
Linda Principato
Certified Holistic Health Counselor 
Certified Reflexologist
Whole Health and Wellness 
Want Wellness?  Crave Balance?  Need Help?
Request a complimentary consultation by phone to discuss your issues and the ways in which I can help. A free consultation by phone is a convenient way to find out if holistic health counseling could be for you. Click here to request your free consultation. No further obligation is required. 
Call 347.466.4343 or visit Whole Health and Wellness for more info.