Crystalline Healing

Crystalline Healing Newsletter
Young Living New Products Now Available!
 July 2010
in this issue
Balancing Hormones for Women
New Young Living Oils
Do you or anyone you know experience hormonal weight problems and no matter how much you exercise you never lose the weight? Do you experience pre-menopausal night sweats, headaches? What about migraines or even teenagers with extreme periods and cramps? Well Young Living has been getting great testimonials on Progessence Plus? Plus read about Young Living's latest essential oils.


Progessence™ Plus serum is formulated for maximum performance. All natural, USP-grade super-micronized progesterone from wild yam is melted in vitamin E and essential oils for optimal absorption. Studies indicate that limonene from frankincense and bergamot and menthol from peppermint oil can enhance substance penetration through the skin. Progessence Plus does not require the cycling of application sites.


Item No: 4640

Preferred Customer Price: $40.53

Customer Price: $46.05

Distributor Wholesale Price $35.00, 15ml  


Note from Julie Chertow... Wow Wow Wow! is all i can say. I too am feeling so different in just 5 days of using this new progesterone. Thank you Gary Young and Dr. Dan Purser. I feel complete confidence to highly recommend this new product to all my women friends, clients and family!


Progessence™ Plus serum is formulated for maximum performance. All natural, USP-grade super-micronized progesterone from wild yam is melted in vitamin E and essential oils for optimal absorption. Studies indicate that limonene from frankincense and bergamot and menthol from peppermint oil can enhance substance penetration through the skin.

Progessence Plus serum is an innovative progesterone serum specially formulated by D. Gary Young and Dr. Dan Purser.

The first-ever progesterone serum on the market, Progessence Plus blends all-natural, USP-grade super-micronized progesterone from wild yam with vitamin E and essential oils. Studies indicate that penetration of progesterone is facilitated by limonene from frankincense and bergamot and menthol from peppermint oil. Progessence Plus is portable, has a pleasant smell, and doesn't require the cycling of application sites like other progesterone supplements.


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.


Thank you Debra Raybern and your team's testimonials. This is a product that will receive worldwide attention.


Debra writes these most excellent notes:


Here is what I have compiled on the Progessence Plus Serum, feel free to share.


The Magic Bullet for Women??


For many women this new Young Living EXCLUSIVE product just might well prove to be the magic bullet for their health concerns. Progessence PlusSerumis much more than just a progesterone supplement.


First of all what can progesterone (P4 - the exact kind the body produces naturally) do for you and who can use it?


If you are over the age of twelve, or younger but already having a menstrual cycle and suffer from:


Migraine headaches,



Post Partum Depression

Mood swings


Metabolic Syndrome X - insulin resistance

Hot flashes

Night sweats





Hair loss

Lowered libido

Muscle wasting

Weight gain

Day sweats


Bone health issues (osteoarthritis)

Nerve damage

Low energy levels

Pituitary problems or damage (***Most common cause of low progesterone)

Low thyroid (caused from damaged pituitary)

Interstitial Cystitis

and probably other things not mentioned


and if you want to:


reduce your risk of breast cancer

kill breast cancer cells

reduce the risk of heart attacks


then Progessence Plus Serum may be your magic bullet.  OK, I hear you. "I've tried progesterone creams before and they did not seem to help; or they did for a while and then stopped".  Progessence Plus Serum is different. This USP grade wild yam (P4)progesterone is super-micronized to less than 5 microns, then melted into the essential oil infused serum containing vitamin E, and essential oils frankincense (boswellia sacara), copaiba, bergamot and peppermint that absorbs into the skin and levels out progesterone levels like never before. 


Oral hormones have an undesired side effect; according to the International Journal of Pharmaceuticals. That side effects is increased estradiol. They suggest topical applications over oral troches or sub-linguals. 


Dr. Dan Purser has spent his professional life researching and education both physicians and women on the dangers of regular hormone therapy, and the preferred safe alternative of progesterone. His research concludes that 98% of all women, ages 12 and up would benefit from the use of progesterone cream if they have any of the symptoms listed above. Girls as young as 12, he says, with heavy periods, cramping, PMS will benefit. Even women with complete hysterectomies and nursing moms. Women using Progessence Plus Serum can safely use through the tenth week of pregnancy, and by then the body should be making sufficient amounts on its own.


Dr. Purser said: "Taking just ONE birth control pill increases your risk for breast cancer for the next TEN YEARS".  This should never be an option when Progessence Plus Serum will help you overcome the symptoms the birth control pill is often prescribed for.

In his quest to bring his patients the very best, his lab partnered with Young Living to create Progessence Plus Serum, sold exclusively through Young Living.


How to use:


It is not necessary to use according to your female cycle, daily use is fine, but you can use according to your cycle.

Apply to clean dry skin, such as after a bath or shower. As oils build up on the skin during the day, better absorption will occur if the skin is clean and warm.

Use as often as desired, generally one to two drops on the neck over the carotid arteries, temples, jaw, forearm, spine, etc. every hour or until symptoms are gone.

Once you are feeling better, then you can adjust the amount used.

Do not use with medically prescribed progestins or birth control pills.

Symptoms of nausea may occur within the first couple hours as the body gets used to the progesterone, apply more and they will dissipate.




Life Altering! - Laura Legere


The Progessence-Plus has stopped my day and night sweats and brought my hot flashes way way down already and I have only used it for 5 or 6 days so far. No need to cycle, just apply it like any essential oil. It was suggested to apply it to the arteries in the neck , the back of the neck and the wrists. I can sleep through the night and have much more energy. Low progesterone causes low estrogen in women and low testosterone in men. Men should not put "Progessence-Plus" on though, it's made for women. Men will be glad you are using it. I had no idea how severely my hormones were depleted until I listened to the symptoms. I have been exhausted, no libido and not my old self. Today I feel like someone plugged me into a light socket, lots more energy. I am looking forward to seeing what happens in another couple of weeks. I was on the bio-identical hormones for a coupe of years and they seem to have stopped working and then I did lots of creams and they did not stop the heat either. My head injury has caused a lot of my hormone problem, let alone menopause. Dr. Purser explained how head injuries cause pituitary and hypothalamus disfunction and really mess up hormones. Now I have the remedy!



Weight control - Tracy Rushton

A quick testimony from me about Progessence Plus Serum: As you know I struggle with losing weight unless I eat 6 to 7 small meals a day, measuring out each portion, recording it and keeping a journal to track  the protein, carbohydrate, fat grams as well as, calorie counting. While at  the convention we ate nutritiously but the portions were large and I am sure the calorie count was extremely high and I ate only two actual meals a day and a PowerMeal for breakfast. I used two to four drops of Progessence Plus Serum each day since its release at the convention. This morning I weighed myself and was pleasantly surprised to have the scale show 4 pounds less in one weeks time. Dr. Purser stated that the use of Progessence Plus could reverse Metabolic Syndrome X - insulin resistance. I believe this new product will be life changing for me and for every woman who uses it.



TMJ - Teresa Gingles

For years I have suffered with TMJ. Everything I ate had to be cut up as I could not open wide enough for a sandwich. After one application of Progessence Plus Serum over the jaw area, within minutes I could open my mouth fully.


Painful periods, menstrual migraine - 20 year old female

Pain, headaches, nausea, heavy flow where all a part of this young ladies life during her cycle. Hit hard while attending convention, she was in bed waiting for things to get better. She applied Progessence Plus Serum to her temples and arms. The headache began to subside, but the nausea was intense. Then out of desperation we applied 20 drops of Progessence Plus Serum (Dr. Purser said we just needed to use more to get her over the hump) to her spine and feet. Within 15 minutes she was completely out of pain, no symptoms. She continues to use Progessence Plus Serum three times daily, one to two drops on the neck.


Migraine - 21 year old female

Intense migraines left this young lady in bed, wearing sunglasses and very nauseated. Progessence Plus Serum was applied to the temples, repeatedly every hour until her hormone levels came up to normal and the head ache broke.


Whole demeanor changes - Christin Pivero

I never knew how great I could feel until I tried Progessence Plus Serum. Now if I start to feel a little out of sorts, I apply Progessence Plus Serum and within minutes I feel great again. My husband is going to love this new product!


Hot flashes gone - Dana Hartstein

I have suffered with hot flashes off and on and found many products from Young Living that helped; but nothing like Progessence Plus Serum. I applied some of the samples available at the convention expo and no more hot flashes.


Sleep - Debra Raybern

Always a light sleeper, alert to every cricket or but outside my window, using Progessence Plus Serum I have a terrific night sleep, wake refreshed and as a side note no more night sweats.


Sleep - Sera Johnson

With four young children I have been a light sleeper for years. Using Progessence Plus Serum from the very first night my sleep has been sound and no waking in the middle of the night. I wake refreshed.



Don't suffer any longer, order a bottle or two today. Share with your lady friends. This one is going to change lives; why not start with yours today!  Send in your testimonies for all to enjoy.


Debra Raybern





New Young Living Oils:

Common Sense


Common Sense™ essential oil is a proprietary blend of Young Living essential oils formulated to enhance rational decision-making abilities leading to increased wellness, purpose, and abundance.


Item No: 3091

Preferred Customer Price: $34.74

Customer Price: $39.47

Distributor Price 5 ml $30.00

Sacred Frankincense essential oil comes from the Boswellia sacra frankincense tree and is distilled at the Young Living distillery in Oman. Sacred Frankincense is ideal for those who wish to take their spiritual journey and meditation experiences to a higher level.


"I used one drop under my tongue before I meditated this morning and WOW what an incredible meditation I had!"

Julie Chertow~


Item No: 3550

Preferred Customer Price: $57.89

Customer Price: $65.79

Distributor Price 5 ml $50.00 


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Earn a Free Lavender Summer Essentials Kit with Purchase

It's summertime! Make sure you have the products you need to care for your skin with Young Living's Lavender Summer Essentials kit. Simply place a single order of 170 PV* or more July 1 to 31, 2010, and receive the Lavender Summer Essentials kit for free-a $61.84 value! 


Kit includes the products you need to soothe everything from bug bites to sunburns with one each of:

Everyday Uses

  • Rub lavender essential oil on the soles of your feet to rest peacefully.
  • Use LavaDerm Cooling Mist to soothe skin after a day at the pool.
  • Apply lavender essential oil to bug bites or minor skin irritations.
  • Use Lavender Lip Balm on minor cuts or scrapes to promote healing.

Offer Expires: July 31st, 2010