Welcome to 'Connecting is not Enough'

Andy Lopata

Most people naturally look to networking for the sales benefits it can provide but I often speak about the importance of support from a team of people who care about your success, and about you. This is particularly important to the growing number of people who have left a corporate environment where they have been surrounded by people, to working on their own.

I have spent the last couple of weeks cooped up indoors recovering from an operation last Tuesday. For someone who spends a lot of time out of the office delivering training, talks, working with clients and at networking events, you certainly notice the difference.

What I have also noticed has been the response of my network. I was inundated with emails, calls and texts the day of the operation to wish me luck and it continued afterwards. People showed that they were thinking of me as they carried on with business as normal.

That care and consideration was really appreciated. I am lucky in that I have a wide and loyal group of friends, but it was noticeable how many of the good wishes came from people I just knew from business networking.

It can be easy to underestimate the importance of having a network of people who support you and who care. Whether in times of need, or when you want to celebrate a success, having a strong network around you can make all the difference.


You may have noticed a slight change in the look of this newsletter. Following feedback this week we have increased the font size throughout.

Please do let us know what you think of the change.


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Happy Networking!

Because you're worth it
Networking Skill Tip

A few months ago I had a coaching client who struggled to break into conversations at networking events. A very successful woman in her own right who consults for leaders of FTSE 500 companies, she felt very self-conscious when walking into events and couldn't understand why anyone would want to talk to her.

I asked her to complete two exercises.

The first was to complete a list of what she brought to her clients. Why did they want to work with her? Her answers included such qualities as insight, a clear mind, years of experience and the ability to simplify complicated ideas.

Wouldn't you benefit from having someone around you with those skills and abilities?

The second task was to imagine she was going on a blind date and had to convince her partner that he'd want to see more of her. What did she bring to a relationship. She decided that, among other traits she was fun, loyal, energetic and had a wide range of interests.

Why wouldn't people want to spend time with her?

If you are struggling to understand why people might want to talk to you, remind yourself of the qualities you bring to your friends and your business colleagues. Suddenly it can start to make sense.
When it's not a referral
Networking Strategy Tip

I talk a lot about referrals in this section. I felt that it was perhaps time to define exactly what I mean by 'referral'. After all, a lot of people settle for something less, and find that they then struggle to convert that information into business.

Next time I'll give you the three steps to referral heaven. In the meantime, what isn't a referral?

1.TIP - Often you will be passed a piece of business information. Perhaps you do business with retailers and a new shop is opening in the area. Such information is useful but it is down to you to do the leg-work. It's certainly not a referral.

2.LEAD - A name or a number for you to follow up. It's unlikely that the person is expecting your call, at best you can use a mutual contact's name to encourage them to listen to you. How much time do you give to speak to people whose call you are not expecting?

3.RECOMMENDATION - This is where most people get it wrong! When someone recommends your services that is great, but there's not a lot you can do about it! You have to sit there and wait for the phone to ring or the door to open. If someone feels strongly enough to recommend you, would they be happy to refer?

While all of the above can be helpful, they cannot and do not have the same impact on our business as a true referral. We'll look at what makes a true referral next time, in the meantime look at the information you are passed and ask yourself if you need more.

Being viral
Online Social Networking Tip

One of the biggest selling points of a social network is its viral effect. If I put some information on Twitter or Facebook and my contacts share it with their networks who share it with..... you get the picture.

One article I wrote earlier this year was 'retweeted' on Twitter on four different continents before the day was out.

So when you use such networks, think about how you can make them viral. What will people want to read and what will they want to share with other people? It might mean being controversial, using snappy headlines, using humour or any combination of the above. Top Ten lists are very popular, they are quick and easy to read and people know that from the title.
The most viral posts in my experience have tended to be on the more simple subjects, such as how to get out of a conversation and the mistakes people make when networking. Perhaps problem solving is a common thread, if people know you can help satisfy a need, they'll want to read and share your solution.
The dos and don't of Social Networking
BT Tradespace Video Tip 
I recently recorded this video for BT Tradespace on the importance of understanding the difference between social media and social networks. A good understanding of 'netiquette' is vital.

Social networking is far more than just another opportunity to broadcast. Instead you should always look to engage. It's also essential to remember that you're in a professional environment and not relax too much!

You can watch the video 
Andy recommends... 

Growing your Business

Two of my good friends and colleagues from the Professional Speakers Association, Chris Roycroft-Davis and Frank Furness have teamed up with internet marketing specialist Damon Segal to put on a one day conference in London next month that promises a wealth of tips and ideas to help you drive your business forward.

I have seen both Chris and Frank speak on a number of occasions and have never been disappointed. Chris is the former Executive Editor of the Sun and has years of experience at the top levels of the media. He will be sharing his expertise on how to get publicity for your business at low to no-cost.

Frank is a dynamic sales and marketing expert. I have written down more 'things to do' at each of Frank's talks than any other speaker I have seen. His presentations are packed with takeaways, tricks and ideas to boost your sales. I use a number of techniques learnt from Frank in my business.

I have also seen Damon speak once, where he impressed an audience of Chief Executives with his knowledge of the net and he shared some great ways to build traffic to your website.

I'm sure this will be an excellent event and worth investing your time in.

You can get further details and benefit from an early bird booking discount here.
When Week is Strong
The National Networker 

Brighthouse Incentive

How often do you interact personally with your customers? Whether it's working directly with them, speaking to them on the phone, visiting their offices. If you're not in regular direct contact there's a good chance it's impacting on your ability to either upsell to them or to inspire them to refer you.

In my latest article for
The National Networker I look at how Brighthouse Stores are sticking to a business model that allows them to see their customers every week, and the impact that has on their sales and referrals.

You can read the article on regular contact with your customers as a referral strategy here.

Don't forget, if you like this article, you can receive a range of networking articles from across the US and globally every week through a free subscription to The National Networker. You can sign up
Just for Fun

Jamie Oliver mixing music and cooking with curry....that's most of my pastimes ticked off! How to cook a great lamb curry and sing-a-long while you do so...

Give it to me HOT!!!

Lamb Curry Song

Thanks to the folk at Currypedia on Facebook for posting this link
I hope you've enjoyed the newsletter and look forward to your feedback.
If you're serious about developing a networking and referrals strategy that can take your business to a new level, or you are interested in booking me for a speech or training session for your team, you can contact me on:
Tel: 07930 417833
Skype: andylopata
I look forward to hearing from you.

� All material copyright H & A Lopata ltd 2009. All rights reserved.

Are you a professional services firm with more than 5 employees

Are you getting the results from your networking that you'd like?

Are you getting a steady flow of introductions from other professional services firms?
We are launching a limited number of Professional Services Networking and Referral Strategy Groups.

Each group of fifteen will comprise five professionals from three firms in
non-competing but complementary business fields.

The overall objective is to substantially increase each firm's return on investment from networking both in general and by building on the synergy with each other.

For more information and to discuss this further please contact Harvey Lopata on 01992 450488 or email [email protected]
Quick Links

Networking in Ninety Minutes - Double CD Set

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Andy on Linked In

Andy on ecademy

Andy on Xing

Andy on BT Tradespace

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'...and Death Came Third!' on Facebook

Business Networking Strategy Group on LinkedIn

Connecting is Not Enough Back Issues
Join Our Mailing List
22nd October

Riding the Recovery Wave, Networking in the Upswing

One Alfred Place Members Club
One Alfred Place
Members' event. Contact me if you'd like to attend as a guest

10th November

Building a Business on Bacon and Eggs

Achievement Day 2009

Details (in Swedish) here

12th November

Riding the Recovery Wave, Networking in the Upswing

29 Romilly Street
Soho, London  W1D 5HP

Book your place here

Coming soon....

17th November

National Business Expo

New Connaught Rooms,
61 - 65 Great Queen Street

20th November

Kent Entrepreneurs Summit

Networking in Ninety
Networking in Ninety Minutes - the Audio Programme
In other people's words:

"Andy's message was vital for businesses to hear and attendees went away with a range of ideas they could easily put into practice and which would make a difference.

The expert way in which Andy engaged with the audience and involved them in breakout activity meant that people stayed involved throughout and learnt more about themselves, their businesses and each other."

Nick James
Fresh Business Thinking


"I've worked with Andy at events where we were both speaking, and also as a delegate at one of his seminars. Not only is he a great guy to be around, (as he's always very considerate, amiable and fun,) his depth of knowledge of networking strategies is staggering.

When presenting or speaking he has an easy to listen to style that grips the audience from the off and holds them.

His insights are fascinating and more importantly he cares about helping the people he meets get the results they need. I cannot recommend Andy highly enough."
John Hotowka
Laughter Dinner Speaker