Andrea Dupont   . . . see the possibilities
Issue 7:   Feng  Shui Therapy
 Winter 2009 :  Year of the OX
Andrea Dupont, Feng Shui Consultant
                                                                                                            In this issue:

B etter to have loved and lost?  Does that apply to money too? 

The good news is:  this year you won't need money to feel good! 

This is not the year to splurge on frivolous frocks or take a leap of faith with your personal style. It's time to hunker down and get practical. And with the current state of the economy, the supportive OX is giving us some pretty good advice.
The Ox, or the Buffalo sign, symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. Those born under the influence of the Ox or Buffalo are fortunate to be stable and persevering. The typical Ox is a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness that the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task.  Ox people work hard without complaints at work or at home. They know that they will succeed through hard work and sustained efforts, and do not believe in get-rich-quick schemes. (
If this sounds like you, congratulations, you probably relate to EARTH energy and should adapt very well to the demands of the OX. We can take note from this Earth energy person, she is grounded, practical, caring, dependable, nurturing, conservative, sincere. So take on the earth persona and bathe yourself in love and self-nurturing.

There are many ways to get that "feel good feeling".  Color, lighting, food, books, entertaining friends, a fireplace, jewels and a good dose of " you are enoughs".

Give the gift of self love,

Image courtesy  NH Magazine Online Bic Parker

Did you see my article in
New Hampshire Magazine?

NHMAGLow Stress Dressing

Dress for Low Stress
Excerpted from New Hampshire Magazine
January 23, 2009

A Feng Shui consultant says,
"What you wear can change your life"

Andr�a Dupont used to be Penny Ackerman.
Ackerman had red hair, lived in Pelham and wasn't all that happy.   Eight years ago, Ackerman became Andr�a Dupont (her middle and maiden names) and she has almost-white hair, lives in Portsmouth and is a "very happy camper."                     

QAFashion Q & A
Q: I lost my job in December, I am a very social person and love to go out and also entertain. With things a little tight what do I do to keep connected to my friends and have some fun!
A: As women we usually go shopping! So we need to be a little creative in lean times to fuel and fulfill ourselves. Clean out your closet, and have a clothes swap! A great excuse to entertain and get something new with no investment. Have some bubbles and chocolate.

Do you have a Fashion Query?  E-mail me at
workshops attend a workshop

Putting It All Together
Thurs, February 19
 6:00 to 8:30    

Women's City Club, Portsmouth, NH

People make a decision in 10 seconds about who are, by the way you look.

Create a complete wardrobe from 12 to 16 basic pieces. Save time and money, make dressing fun and easy. Bring 4 pieces of clothing that you love, wear, fits well and represents who you are now. Using core pieces, you will learn how to create 15 to 30 outfits. Bring what doesn't work for you.   CLOTHES SWAP!    Please keep it to 4 or 5 pieces.


Change your look . . .  Change your life
Sat, February 21 st
10:00 to 3:00               
$ 99.00

Women's city club, Portsmouth, NH

  • Who am I? at 30, 40, 50, 60..
  • What do you want to attract in your life.
  • Look 10 lbs. thinner instantly, tips and tricks.
  • Create a capsule wardrobe that works for your personality, body shape and lifestyle.

Join us for a fun, interactive workshop that will change your life and the way you see yourself. How we are fulfilled starts with our spirit ( our core). Learn how to make mindful choices in what you wear that represents who you are and what you want to attract.


         Contact Andrea at or call 603.373.8992
__________________________________________________________ove, wear, this

homeWhere were you during this snowstorm of December  21st?Feng Shui your Holiday Home

In the spirit of the Holidays I planned a Christmas gathering. Being a Fire personality I love to socialize. I had invited 20 some odd friends and had cooked up a storm ( no pun intended). This is a picture of my dear friend Donna who traveled from Newbury with her husband to help me celebrate, and had to park up the street. Three friends from Portsmouth also braved the storm. We had a great time and needless to say, plenty of food and drink. This is how I got my therapy, sharing my home with great friends. So more of this in the year to come.

Feng Shui Therapy: Home Ideas
The Art of Placement:    In Feng Shui where and what you place in certain areas is a powerful tool to create new energy. If you want more Wealth and Prosperity in 2009, this is in the far left hand corner of your space on the Bagua map. Something green, columner, plants, pictures of landscapes or gardens will enhance this area. Remember to set your intention when you create your new space.

Color Therapy:  In Fenf  Shui Color is also a powerful tool. This is an inexpensive way to bring new vitality to your home. You can go BIG and paint the walls a new warm color, or you can go SMALL by adding new throw pillows, repaint end tables a bright color, use candles and fresh flowers. Mix cool and warm hues of the same color to create interest.

Fabrics have an energy of their own: Go for plush, rich and colorful throws. There is nothing like soft cashmere or faux fur to snuggle under. Change to flannel sheets on your bed, fluff up those down pillows. Invest in a great Down comfortor.

Lighting does it all:
Create a peaceful, nurturing atmosphere with lighting. Go green and use the energy saving bulbs. Use candles when you are relaxing, install dimmers for your overhead lights, this softens the feel of the space and has a calming effect. Get some pink light bulbs!

Promote communication: Create small conversation areas in your family or living room to bring the family together. Set a beautiful table for every meal. Candles, linen and comfort food, great way to enhance the feeling of belonging.

Bargain Shopping:
  Start with the things you have, dust off what you love and bring it front and center. Find new uses for old items, repaint to spruce up worn or dated items.  If you need to shop for pieces to pull the room together, get creative. Have good investment pieces to start you off, change colors, pillows etc.  Go hunting, check out consignment furniture stores, discounted items in retail stores, check out Craigslist, ebay, freecycle, thrift stores, yard sales and swap meets.

Your home is your Castle: This is your most precious commodity. This is not the time to neglect it.  Repair, replace, de-clutter, upgrade, calk, clean, polish . It is good Feng Shui to have your home in great condition.

fashion FashionableFeng Shui Therapy: for your clothes
  Reflect the spirit of the season through your clothes:
To continue the theme of 2009, being a year to hunker down and be practical .Unless you are an Earth element in your core this could be a bit too depressing to ponder. Some advice to nip and tuck your budget and still feel fabulous.

Get creative: 
This is simple for a water energy, this is who they are. For the rest of us a bit more challenging. Use color in unexpected ways, mix your primary colors together, go bold. Mix and match your seperates in new ways. Choose asymetrical styling and try those pallazzo pants with a chiffon top, chunky jewelry. Remember, dress for the body you have.

Get into Action: OK Wood energies we are going into action. Wear your shade of green or blue. Use columner shapes in your accessories to support this, plant based fabrics in your comfort zone, floral prints ( size matters). Do prints in proportion to your body and your features.
Get out and have Fun: Come on out Fire people, we can do this on the cheap. Wear reds and purples, the ones that look best for your coloring. Go bold, show some skin, spike those shoes, gather your friends and go dancing.
Get cozy: Go ahead and Hug someone!  It does feel good. Wear earth tones and yellows, comfy fabrics that make you feel all warm and fuzzy. Use square shape accessories to bring in small pieces of Earth. Checked patterns, classic styling.
Get some culture: You love the arts, nice things, quality. Wear pastels and metallics. Use round or oval shapes to reflect metal enrgy. Always choose quality over quantity. Less is more. Listen to music, surround yourself with beautiful things, reread some of the great works.

Andrea Dupont, Feng Shui ConsultantVisionBoard Create a vision board
I always talk to my clients about how powerful it is to have a vision. How important it is t o know what it is and what it looks like.  I urge them to create a collage:  representing - very specifically - what they want for and in their life.

Now I have a confession to make:  I have not done a collage to mirror my vision up until a month ago!

Now that my 2009 Vision Collage is created, I can now  say with conviction: IT  IS  SO  POWERFUL!! 

I could not believe my end results, a picture of  my ideal self and my ideal life. 

I spent a snowy afternoon going through magazines and cutting out pictures that appealed to me, I also clipped sayings that spoke to me in some way. I had no idea what I was going to do with it all, because it didn't seem to have a theme or relationship to my dream.   I started to cut and paste haphazardly on a board, and what a story it told! My vison board took on an energy of it's own: as it turns out,  I did have a dream and now I know what it looks like!
  1. Gain clarity about what we want
  2. Begin to focus energy in that direction
  3. Allow ourselves to let go of energy that we had previously set into motion so that we  may make space for new future outcomes.

Don't be too focused on the outcome, leave plenty of room for our highest good to come to us in a slightly different package. Spend a fair amount of time achieving energetic alignment with the things, people, opportunities and experiences that we would most like to attract into our life. 

You can have it all, dare to dream.

Andrea Dupont 
Feng Shui Consultant of Personal Style and Surroundings