March 2008 
 SOT Quarterly Research Update
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The SOT Quarterly Research Update is a service offered by SOTO-USA to keep doctors who are familiar with sacro occipital technique (SOT) aware of the latest research related events, papers, and concepts affecting our practices. Please contact me directly at if you are aware of others who might be interested in receiving this quarterly newsletter.

Please don't miss SOTO-USA's 9th Annual CLINICAL SYMPOSIUM, October 23-26th, 2008, in Dallas, Texas.

SOT and SOT cranial seminar series are now taking place in Pennsylvania and California. See this newsletter for more information. Also there are SOT and SOT cranial pediatric classes being held throughout the United States held through the ICPA.

Don't forget your can always have SOTO-USA come to you by: Designing Your Own SOT Seminar - Click Here for Information

This update features information on some papers particularly related to sacro occipital technique (SOT) recently presentation at the 2008 ACC/RAC conference.


SOT and SOT Cranial Regional Series


2008 Marks the beginning of SOT and SOT cranial series taking place across the country. The Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association (PCA) and the Southern California University of Health Sciences - Los Angeles Chiropractic College (SCU) are both offering SOT seminar series.

The PCA will be hosting at their home office in Harrisburg, PA three SOT one-day seminars taught by Robert Monk, DC:

Category Three - April 10, 2008

Category Two - May 8, 2008

Category One - June 12, 2008

To register click here

SCU will be featuring on campus (in the Los Angeles, CA area) a two year SOT and SOT cranial program supplying all doctors and students the courses they need to sit for the SOT certification examinations. All the SOT and SOT Cranial series will be held on campus at SCU and presented quarterly.

SOT Level One - June 7-8, 2008 will be taught by Drs. Charles Blum and Richard Gerardo.

SOT Level Two will be held in September 2008 on campus at SCU at a date to be determined shortly.

For registration and information please click here.

SOT Events Calendar 


ACC-RAC 2008


ACC-RAC 2008 [] is the ongoing collaboration between the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) meeting, which emphasizes educational structure, administration, and teaching, and the Research Agenda Conference (RAC), which focuses on the development of scientific knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

The combination of the two programs continues to enhance and nurture the natural relationship between chiropractic scholarship and education. At this year's conference many presentation were of great interest and the following are a sample of some papers that may be of particular interest to those familiar with sacro occipital technique (SOT):

ACC/RAC 2008 Conference 


Relationship of Pelvic Torsion and Anatomical Leg Length Inequality: A Review of the Literature.

 Robert Cooperstein, MA, DC

"Chiropractic leg checking involves determining the relative 'length' of the legs--more precisely, determining the relative position of the distal legs--in either a supine or prone patient, by careful observation of the location of the feet. It is commonly stated, by many of the mainstream chiropractic technique systems, that there is a posterior-inferior ilium subluxation on the side of the short leg, although it is not always clear whether this is contingent on anatomic or functional leg length inequality (LLI) or both.

"In all cases, posterior innominate rotation occurred on the side of an anatomic long leg and/or anterior rotation on the side of an anatomic short leg. Of important note although the traditional thinking may be accurate for functional short leg, the literature says it is not true for anatomic short leg, which is associated with relative anterior innominate rotation."

The Journal of Chiropractic Education. 2008; 22(1):53. 


Developmental Delay Syndromes and Chiropractic.

 Charles L. Blum, DC and Scott Cuthbert DC

"Issues regarding chiropractic treatment for various types of conditions such as developmental delay syndromes, while controversial to some, have some support in the literature. At this time, developmental delay syndromes such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have inconclusive etiologies; there may be a subset of patients having trauma or other physical-related imbalances that was contributory to the patient's dysfunction.

"A case report was discussed of fraternal twins is presented in which one twin's developmental and emotional growth was notably delayed compared with her other twin. Chiropractic cranial care was rendered, which appeared to assist a positive outcome for the treated child.

"With developmental delay syndromes, there are various related possible chiropractic interventions, such as cranial related therapies and upper cervical, cervical, and even treatment for pelvic-related dysfunction. Since there is some question as to the causation of the various developmental delay syndromes, this ultimately leads to some lack of clarity on treatment options, particularly for children sensitive to medication or who do not chose medication as an option. Patients are seeking alternative care, and particularly care that offers low risk and some benefit should be brought to their attention."

The Journal of Chiropractic Education. 2008; 22(1):84. 


Poor Postural Control May Signal Autonomic Imbalance: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study.

 Kristan Giggey, DC, and Rodger Tepe, PhD

Body sway is on indicator used in sacro occipital technique to differentiate between pelvic torsion associated with reduced sacral nutation (category one) and pelvic torsion associated with sacroiliac joint instability (category two). "In this study autonomic balance was assessed using heart rate variability (HRV). Autonomic imbalance (low HRV state) is associated with multiple pathological conditions but has not been examined in relation to postural control.

"Postural control is the body's ability to reflexively sway within normal sway limits. Slower sway is thought to indicate greater stability, whereas faster sway suggests instability. This study seeks to determine if a relationship exists between autonomic balance and postural control. The results of the study found that the high-HRV group exhibited greater postural control than the low-HRV group. A postural exam may serve as a screening test to identify persons with autonomic imbalance, an indicator for manipulative therapy."

The Journal of Chiropractic Education. 2008; 22(1):87. 

 Reliability of the Prone Leg Length Analysis Procedure.
 Michael Schneider, DC, Robert Homonai, DC, Brian Moreland, DC, and Anthony Delitto, PhD, PT

Since leg length evaluations in the prone position with evaluation of cervical descending influence on neck rotation is part of SOT's category one protocol, determining if there is interexaminer reliability in evaluating leg length is important. "In this study two chiropractors examined 45 patients in the prone position, with the knees in both extended and flexed positions, and with the head rotated right and left.

"The clinicians determined the side of short leg with knees extended and if a change in leg length occurred with head rotation. The study concluded that the two clinicians showed good reliability on determining the side of short leg in the prone position. The head rotation test for assessing changes in leg length was completely unreliable in this sample of patients. There did not appear to be any correlation between the side of pain noted by the patient and the side of short leg as observed by the clinicians. All 45 patients in this sample were found to have a short leg by both clinicians".

The Journal of Chiropractic Education. 2008; 22(1):96. 


Plagiocephaly: The Oblique Skull A Method Of Chiropractic Correction

 Steve Williams, DC, Charles L. Blum, DC, and Simon Billings, DC

"Plagiocephaly is general term used to describe cranial asymmetry. Pathologenically, plagiocephaly is classified as synostotic (SP), caused by abnormal sutural development or deformational (DP) (non- synostotic or positional), caused by external forces acting on the cranium. Commonly accepted treatments for DP include alternate sleeping postures, carefully monitoring the child when placed in a prone position, as well as in resistant cases use of cranial orthoses or helmets. Chiropractic -Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) cranial care might offer a conservative option that is a bridge between alternate sleeping and use of a helmet.

"From a biological plausibility standpoint it would seem that allowing the brain to grow in a symmetrical fashion, balanced stress on vascular membranes, and maintaining normal anchoring of muscular attachments would be beneficial. Recent research has indeed found a relationship between DP and neurodevelopmental delays and that posterior DP may even affect visual field development. Since parents often are not willing to "just wait and see" and are leaning towards some degree of intervention, chiropractic cranial care appears to be a viable intermediate therapy and may facilitate a reduced need for helmet therapy."

The Journal of Chiropractic Education. 2008; 22(2). 

 Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease (GERD) and Chiropractic
 Chiropractic GERD study - Life University

Life University is organizing a study investigating chiropractic care and GERD. It has investigational review board (IRB) approval and SOT doctors are welcomed to participate in this study utilizing CMRT protocols.

To Participate in this GERD Study � click here 

Sacro Occipital Technique Organization - USA is a non-profit, professional organization formed to promote the awareness, understanding and utilization of the Sacro Occipital Technique method of chiropractic as founded and developed by Dr. Major Bertrand DeJarnette.

The SOTO-USA family all looks forward to seeing you October 23-26th, for the 2008 National Clinical Symposium in Dallas, Texas. It will be a great opportunity learn the essence of SOT or advance your SOT training with integrative classes in SOT, CMRT, and Cranial. For those interested in working with the dental profession treating TMD then this symposium will be leading the way.

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