ArtsNorth Calendar
Spring - Issue 54
May 8-28, 2008
In This Issue
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Special Opportunities

You're invited to the NH Commissioner's Roundtable on Cultural & Heritage Tourism, Wednesday, May 7, 1-3pm at the Mt. Washington Resort, presented by the NH Department of Cultural Resources & the NH Division of Travel and Tourism Development. No charge to attend. RSVP to: Shelly Angers at shelly.angers@dcr.nh.gov or 271-3136.

Grantseeking Basics for Nonprofit Organizations, a free workshop, will be offered at Plymouth State University Monday, May 19, 1:30-3:30pm in Room 124 of Lamson Library. Workshop attendees will learn how the Foundation Center can help nonprofits become more effective grantseekers. Advance registration is required; contact Gary McCool at 535-2457 or by email at gmccool@plymouth.edu by May 12.

Arts Alliance Creative Spaces Study: Tom McCorkhill, our Creative Economy Coordinator, is mapping out our region's current and potential "Creative Spaces" – buildings and sites where creative work is being done – or could be done – by nonprofits, businesses, individual artists, and community groups. Contact him at tom@aannh.org if you have questions or ideas, want to help, or want more information.

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Promoting, Supporting and Sustaining           
Arts, Culture and Heritage in the North Country      

We're pleased to present our ArtsNorth e-bulletin for you and your guests, arranged by sub-regions from north to south and by date. Please be sure to confirm event details prior to attending. Use our "jump to" function (in the column to the left under the In This Issue section), which allows you to go directly to your geographic areas of interest. You can view our complete ArtsNorth calendar for additional details, and find events beyond the dates in this bulletin in our Plan-Ahead Arts Calendar. Links to both calendars are available in the Quick Links section. Please note that Arts Alliance member organizations are indicated with our member icon. We appreciate our members, and encourage you to attend their events -- and invite you, too, to join us as an individual, artist, family, business, school or institutional member (see http://aannh.org/membership.php for membership information).

If your organization is presenting a cultural event, email details to us as early as possible at events@aannh.org and we'll include it in the online ArtsNorth calendar and in our email bulletins. You can simply add events@aannh.org to your press list. Our e-bulletins cover three weeks at a time during the spring. Submission deadline for the next bulletin, covering May 29-June 18, is May 22.

Dance in the Rural Setting: A Free Day-long Exchange begins at 9:30am Tuesday, May 13, at St. Johnsbury Academy. We're pleased to be working with the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) and its Regional Dance Development Initiative as they present this free event, open to dancers, educators, arts and cultural presenters, audience and community members, advocates, students, funders and anyone interested in dance. The schedule includes regional artist showings by Lorraine Chapman, Aparna Sindhoor and Selene Colburn; a catered lunch and dinner; facilitated discussions; and an evening showcase of rural Vermont and New Hampshire dance artists. For more information, contact jmarx@nefa.org or frumie@aannh.org.

Anna Myer and Dancers of Boston offer a free lecture-demonstration Friday, May 16, at 1:20pm at Kennett High School, North Conway. The program consists of a series of solos, duets, and trios, including a sneak peek of the company's newest work, Street Talk Suite Talk, which features young poet-rappers, youth dancers, the composer, and a violinist. The result of this unique combination is an original, multidisciplinary work that speaks to people from many backgrounds and many parts of the community. Please call the Alliance at 323-7302 to confirm details.

Families are invited to join in a Spring Celebration of African Drum & Dance May 17 at 6pm at the Branch Brook Campground, Route 49 West, Campton. Guest artists are Ghanaian musicians of the Akwaaba Traditional African Drum & Dance Ensemble, who will sing, dance, play, and invite interested audience members to participate. The celebration - which will take place outdoors, weather permitting - is presented by Watermelon Seeds Preschool & Learning Center as part of a year-end series of movement-related programs at the school, whose curriculum focuses on "The World of Wonders." Suggested donation is $5 for adults, $2 for children. The celebration, made possible through funding support from the Madeleine Von Weber Trust, is presented in partnership with our Classroom & Community Concerts and Arts for Young Families programs. For additional information, contact Watermelon Seeds Preschool at 726-4985; for directions, go to www.campnh.com.

Join master percussionist Tony Vacca as he presents an evening of World Rhythms Wednesday, May 28, at 7pm at Lisbon Regional School. Vacca is an innovative American-born percussionist whose music incorporates giant West African xylophones, a collection of over twenty Paiste gongs, hand-drums, and a unique drum set/percussion unit. He has performed and recorded with pop icon Sting, Senegalese Afro-Pop star Baaba Maal, Jazz and World Music legend Don Cherry, and the Senegalese hip-hop troupe Gokh-bi System. He will be joined onstage by Lisbon students who are participating in a two-day residency, presented by the school and the Lisbon Arts Coordinating Team in cooperation with the Arts Alliance's "Experiencing the World" program, with funding from the NH State Council on the Arts. Call us at 323-7302 for details.
Connecticut River Art Group
(603) 538-9542 or (603) 237-8882 or (802) 266-3687
The Connecticut River Art Group (CRAG) is a grass-roots group of oil, watercolor and acrylic artists from Pittsburg, Colebrook, West Stewartstown, northern VT and Coaticook, PQ.
The artist of the month at the Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital, in collaboration with CRAG, is Patricia Klinefelter. Pat's impressionistic paintings capture various scenes from the North Country, as well as countries she has visited.
Thursday, May 8, 3:30pm - CRAG meeting in the art room at Pittsburg High School.
Call for additional information.

Cohos Historical Society Marion Blodgett Museum & Events
Marion Blodgett Museum
Hollow Road/Bog Road
Stratford Hollow (603) 922-8337
Wednesday, May 21, 7pm - Membership Meeting
Programs every 3rd Wednesday throughout the summer.

Great North Woods Center for the Arts presents...
Great North Woods Interpretive Center (state rest area)
Route 3, Colebrook
Through May 31 - Vintage Photos and Art Exhibit
The photographs, art and memorabilia of 19th-century born artist and photographer Glenduen Ladd. See www.susanzizza.com for more information on the artist and her work.
Also on display: Award-winning high-school art by students from Colebrook, Pittsburg, and Canaan.

Colebrook Area Historical Society Exhibit & Programs
By appointment
2nd floor at the Colebrook Town Hall
17 Bridge Street, Colebrook 603) 237-4070
Maps, photographs, manuscripts, court records, business & organizational records, and local history items. Approximately 15,000 artifacts including fine arts, folk arts, costuming, textiles, household goods and more. Handicap accessible.

Spring Happenings at The Mount Washington
Listed events are open to the public
The Mount Washington Resort
Route 302, Bretton Woods (603) 278-8940 or (800) 314-1752
Wednesday, May 7, 1-3pm - NH Commissioner's Roundtable on Cultural & Heritage Tourism
Presented by the NH Department of Cultural Resources & the NH Division of Travel and Tourism Development.
Thursdays, through June 19, 8:30pm - Spring Lecture Series in the Conservatory :
May 8 - Housing and the Modern City with Hetty Startup
May 15 - Birds of the Boreal Forest with historian and naturalist David Govatski
May 29 - Androscoggin Canoe and Kayak Trek to the Seawith Stephen Priest
Friday, May 9, 6-9pm - 31st Annual Taste of New Hampshire Food Festival
Organized by the American Culinary Federation, this fundraiser benefits the Chef and the Child American Culinary Federation's program. There will be numerous live-action chef tables, a four-course dinner, and dancing and music provided by the Mount Washington Orchestra.
Saturday, May 10, 8:30-9:30pm - Musical Performance in the Conservatory with Irish harpist, singer and dancer Regina Delaney
Saturday, May 17, 8:30-9:30pm - Classical Chamber Music Performance in the Conservatory with vocalist Mark Cleveland and pianist Mila Filatova
Daily, 10-11am & 3-4pm - Historic Hotel Tour - Meet at the Grandfather Clock
Be sure to visit the New Hampshire Historical Society's exhibition: The White Mountains of New Hampshire. The exhibition, open to the public, explores the White Mountain region with a rich array of objects and images.

Old Mill Studio & Artisans Classroom
Wednesday-Sunday, 11am-5pm (also "by chance")
On the Common, 36 King Square
Whitefield (603) 837-8778
Featuring original art & contemporary crafts of northern NH & VT artists, and classes to capture the creative spirit. Call or email gradual@verizon.net for a complete listing of classes & workshops offered and to register.
For Teens and Adults:
Thursdays, May 8 & 22, 6-8pm - Inspiration Thursday Networking Craft Group
Bring your current project, share ideas, receive/give encouragement. Second & fourth Thursdays
Tuesday, May 13, 6:30-8:30pm - Quilt Block of the Month
Piece and/or appliqu� different block each month; complete quilt in a year. Second Tuesday each month.
By appointment - Beginning Basket and Soft Pastel Landscape Painting
For Kids:
Fridays, May 9 & 16, 10-11am - Art Play Group
Story, songs, art exploration, socialization for preschoolers (first 3 Fridays of each month)
Fridays, May 9 & 16, 12:30-2:30pm - Art in the PM
Visual art background & hands-on exploration of art concepts for homeschoolers (first 3 Fridays of each month)

Weeks Memorial Library Programs & Events
128 Main Street, Lancaster (603) 788-3352
Saturday, May 10 or 17, 10am - Mother/Daughter Knitting
We have needles and yarn for beginners and welcome any newcomers. Second or third Saturday of the month; check website.
Tuesday, May 13, 3pm - 4th & 5th Grade Book Club
Sign up not required - see Children's Librarian for copy of the book. Second Tuesday of each month.
Wednesday, May 21, 12noon - Brown Bag Book Discussion Group
Discuss a book and make new friends. Third Wednesday of each month.
Tuesdays, 10am-12noon - Lancaster Rose Quilters
Tuesdays, 10am - Story Hour for the smallest children. First and third Tuesdays
Wednesdays, 3-4pm - LEGO Club - No age limit or restriction, just bring your imagination
Thursdays, 10am - Story Hour for preschoolers

Original Music Showcase
Wednesday, May 28
Black Bear Bistro
38 King Square, Whitefield (603) 837-3873
Join local artists trying out new material and getting together with other musicians who are trying to do the same. Showcasing art pieces by local artists, for sale from The Old Mill Gallery. Last Wednesday of each month. For more information, contact recorsbdl@yahoo.com.

Whitefield Historical Society Museum
Thursdays, through September 27, 2-4pm (also by appointment)
Whitefield Historical Society Museum downstairs in Laconia Savings Bank
22 King Square, Whitefield (603) 837-2466
Features displays on various facets of life in Whitefield over the years.
For more information, contact bonfletcher@yahoo.com.

White Mountain Scottish Dancers
Fridays, September-June, 7:30pm
Lancaster Town Hall
695 Main Street, Lancaster (802) 751-7671
Live music with Bill Tobin, who will share some easy dances. Wheelchair accessible via Lancaster town office. For more information, contact 1btobin@together.net

Chapel Arts New England Performances, Exhibits & Events
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May-October, 12noon-6pm (and by appointment)
Chapel Arts New England
13 Glen Road (east side of the Gorham Town Common), Gorham (603) 723-1849
Saturday, May 10, 7pm - The Maypole will be danced (weather permitting) at the start of the monthly traditional New England dance.
Saturday, May 31, 8-10pm - Four Shillings Short
Traditional Irish and Scottish songs, tunes and airs, Indian Ragas, Folk Ballads, Old-Time songs, Medieval and Renaissance instrumentals and a cappella numbers, as well as contemporary folk and original compositions.

Rebecca Rule: Better Than a Poke in the Eye
Thursday, May 15, 2pm
Coos County Nursing Home
Berlin (603) 752-2343
Rebecca Rule tells funny, true(ish), close-to-home stories, collected all over the state. Get the inside scoop on dump protocol, town meeting and septic lagoons. Find out about Catherine's battle with mosquitoes, who's firing shots from the banks of the Cockermouth River, how come the Chief of Police is sitting half the night at the top of Hoyt Hill, and what some folks think ought to be the new state motto. For more information, contact Diane Booth.

St. Kieran Hosts Art Show, Ventriloquist
St. Kieran Community Center for the Arts
155 Emery Street, Berlin (603) 752-1028
Local, regional and internationally acclaimed artists fill the stage with a revolving repertoire of shows. Art exhibits are open for viewing during regular business hours Monday-Friday, an hour before all performing arts programs, and by special arrangement.
On exhibit through May 28 - Teachers' and Students' Art Exhibit, featuring the work of local art teachers and selected students.
Friday, May 16, 7pm - Ventriloquist Donna Marie & Her Friends
With her singing, dancing, yodeling and flair for comedy, Donna Marie's show captures the imagination of audiences of all ages.

Gorham Historical Society & Railroad Museum
Wednesday-Sunday, 11am-5pm and Tuesdays, 5-8pm
25 Railroad Street (behind town park)
Gorham (603) 466-5338
www.gorhamnewhampshire.com/railroadmuseum.ht ml
In 1850 the railroad came to Gorham. Explore this rich history through artifacts, photographs, scrapbooks and more. Museum located within a 1907 Grand Trunk Railway station, with a model railroad exhibit in a boxcar. For special group visits or to make an appointment, please contact Mary Jane Ames at (603) 466-2085.
Thursday, May 19, 6:30pm - Monthly Meeting - Light refreshments will be served
Gorham Historical Society Museum and the Model Railroad opens for the 2008 season Memorial weekend, Friday May 23 through Columbus Day.

Book Discussion Series: Lovers in Love
Wednesday, May 21, 7pm
White Mountains Community College, Berlin-Fortier Library
2020 Riverside Drive, Berlin (603) 752-1113
A hilarious parody of D.H. Lawrence and Thomas Hardy's earthy, melodramatic novels, Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons is "very probably the funniest book ever written" (The Sunday Times). This discussion is led by Ingrid Graff and co-hosted by the Berlin Public Library. For more information, contact Katie Doherty.

Berlin & Coos County Historical Society Museum
Tuesday-Saturday, 12noon-4pm (or by appointment)
Moffett House Museum & Genealogy Center
119 High Street, Berlin (603) 752-4590 or (603) 752-7337
The Moffett House Museum serves as a nostalgic setting for exhibits on Berlin's rich history, encompassing its cultural, ethnic and industrial legacies. Reading Room is available for perusing high-school yearbooks or doing research in the many "Brown Bulletins," city reports, antique ledgers and various historical documents. Genealogy research available.

Northern Forest Heritage Park & Artisans Gift Shop
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm (call to confirm hours)
961 Main Street, Route 16, Berlin (603) 752-7202
Northern Forest Heritage Park preserves and interprets the history of the working forest and celebrates the multi-cultural heritage of the Great North Woods Region. Featuring a three acre site with waterfront access and walkways, an outdoor amphitheater, a full-size replica logging camp, interactive exhibits and the Brown House Museum, built in 1853 by the H.W. Winslow Company as a boarding house for its saw-mill employees.
The Artisans Gift Shop & Display Gallery offers original arts, crafts and gifts.
Tuesday-Saturday, Mid-May through mid-October, 2pm & 5pm - River Boat Tours
Narrated 90-minute tour along the Androscoggin River, educating about the significance of the river and local history.

Material Girls Quilt Guild Meetings, Show Plans
Community Room of St. Kieran Arts Center
155 Emery Street, Berlin (603) 752-1607
Quilters of all levels of experience are invited to display their works at the North Country Quilt Show to be held at the St. Kieran Center for the Arts this fall. For more information, contact Sylvia Charest at rcharest@ne.rr.com or Barb Barbieri at bobarb0104@aol.com.
The Berlin Quilters Guild (Material Girls) meets at 7pm the first Monday of each month. A Sew Day is held on the Saturday following the Monday meeting. All are welcome to join or visit the guild at these meetings.

Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm Events
Open year-round, Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm (except major holidays)
58 Cleveland Hill Road, Tamworth (603) 323-7591 or (800) 686-6117
Wednesday, May 7, 10am-12pm or 1-3pm - Genealogy Workshop
How to use research tools such as genealogy books & software, town vital records and the internet. First Monday & Wednesday each month. Limited class size.
Saturday, May 10, 10am-12noon - Mozzarella Cheese Making Workshop
Learn an easy recipe to make mozzarella cheese, a fresh, delicious, semi-hard cheese that is a wonderful accompaniment to lighter, warm-weather dishes. We will make our cheese using goat's milk and cow's milk. Children age 14 and up welcome with a parent in attendance.
Saturday, May 17, 10am-12noon - Health & Wellness Workshop Series: Alternative Medicines, Exploring Homeopathy and Naturopathy
Presenting the history of homeopathy and natural medicine, their benefits and how they differ from traditional medicine. Designed for adult audiences; ages 16 & 17 are welcome with an accompanying adult. Pre-registration required.
Sunday, May 18, 10am-12noon - Children's Fishing Derby
Our fish pond is stocked for children 15 years old and under, with parental supervision. Trophies for biggest fish, smallest fish and first to catch the limit. Bring your own bait/tackle and a pail to carry your fish home. Two fish limit per child. Sponsored by Bearcamp Valley Sportsmen's Club.
Tuesday, May 20, 6:30pm - Manure Management Workshop
Geared toward small farmers. Co-sponsored by the Carroll County and Beginning Farmer Network, this workshop is free and open to the public.

Conway Public Library Events & Programs
Monday-Thursday 10am-8:30pm, Friday & Saturday 10am-5:30pm
Main Street, Conway (603) 447-5552
Wednesday, May 7, 3:30pm - Teen Advisory Board meets to discuss what to do with the NH Charitable Fund grant donated to the library for young adults. Anyone in grade 6 and older is welcome. Pizza served.
Wednesday, May 7, 4pm - Two playlets performed by the students of the Tamworth Learning Circles - one about Tibet and one about Egypt. Refreshments will be served. For adults and children age 8 and older.
Wednesday, May 7, 6pm - Author Visit: Bill McGee
In cooperation with White Birch Books. Bill McGee, author of Men of Granite: True Stories of New Hampshire's Fighting Men will sign books (copies available for purchase). Refreshments served.
Monday, May 12, 6:30-8:30pm - Open Mic for Poetry, Storytelling and Acoustic Music
Each month the program includes featured performers (this month: Jacqueline and Dudley Laufman) and Open Mic for all who would like to participate. Refreshments served.
Wednesday, May 14, 3:30pm - Young Adult Book Group discusses Who Put a Hair in My Toothbrush? by Jerry Spinelli. Refreshments served. Grades 6 to 12 welcome.
Thursday, May 15, 3:30pm - In celebration of National Children's Book Week, Janis Minshull will share stories and a craft project. Everyone takes home a book puzzle. No registration required..
Monday, May 19, 10:15am - Morning Book Group
Through May 22 ,10:30am - Spring Story Times
Tuesdays - 2 year-olds; Wednesdays - Toddlers & Babies less than 2; Thursdays - 3 & 4 year-olds

Freedom Public Library Events & Programs
Tuesday & Thursday, 2-7pm; Wednesday & Saturday, 10am-1pm; Friday, 12noon-5pm
Freedom (603) 539-5176
Wednesday, May 7, 6-7:30pm - Freedom Elementary School Annual Art Show
Hundreds of beautiful pieces will be on display. There will be a silent art auction to raise funds for future art enrichment activities.
Thursday, May 8, 7pm - Humanities discussion of Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Womenby Geraldine Brooks, who spent six years in the Middle East.Refreshments served.
Sunday, May 18, 4pm - Movie: Summer of '42
Sunday, May 18, 6pm - Teen Book Discussion Group
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Pizza available. Copies of this book are available at the library.
Monday, May 19, 10:30-11:30am - Book Club discusses Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community and War by Nathaniel Philbrick. Discussion led by Sylvia Carney. The Book Club meets on the last Monday of the month, September-November and January-May, unless it's a holiday. All are welcome. For more information, contact Lee Fritz at 539-4868 or leefritz@hotmail.com.
Wednesdays, 10-11am - Preschool Story Hour

Tin Mountain Conservation Center
Monday-Saturday, 9am-5pm
Bald Hill Road, Albany (603) 447-6991
Thursday, May 8 - The Eco-Forum Brown Bag Lunchtime Lecture Series: The Truth about Wolves and Wolf Recovery in the North Woods
Second Thursday of each month. Free; bring your own lunch.
Saturday, May 17, 7:30-10:30pm - Contra Dance
Music by Two Fiddles (Dudley and Jacqueline Laufman). Beginners welcome; all dances taught. For more information, contact Dexter at (603) 383-8946. Third Saturday each month.
Upon request - Building Tours

Best of the Chefs & Silent Auction
Friday, May 9, 5-8pm
The Wildcat Inn & Tavern
Jackson Village (603) 383-6783 or 383-6062 or 383-6956
Appetizers and desserts prepared by Mt. Washington Valley chefs to benefit the Lilliputian Montessori School. A variety of items from Valley businesses and crafters will be offered in the Silent Auction. To purchase tickets call the school. Please note this is an adult only event.

Inclusive Moose Open Mike Coffeehouse
Friday, May 9, 7pm
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Eastern Slopes
30 Tamworth Road, Tamworth (603) 569-2341
Share your songs or stories or just come to listen and socialize. If you'd like to perform you can sign up in advance, or at the door. Potluck snacks and desserts.

Stone Mountain Arts Center presents World-Class Music
Shows start at 8pm unless noted otherwise
Dugway Road, Brownfield, ME (866) 227-6523
Friday, May 9 - Portland Chamber Music Festival
A mini trip around the globe featuring music from Brazil, Austria and Czechoslovakia.
Saturday, May 10 - Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas
Scottish master fiddler Alasdair and cellist Natalie play with amazing Celtic-flavored virtuosity
Saturday, May 17 - Folk singer-songwriters Tracy Grammer and Mark Erelli
Sunday, May 18 - David Bromberg Quartet
Saturday, May 24 - Wine, Dine and a Diva "4"
A wine dinner with a musical twist, featuring performances between courses by Carol Noonan and guitarists Duke Levine and Kevin Barry. Five-course dinner and paired wines included in admission.

Denmark Arts Center Events
Denmark Arts Center
50 West Main Street (on Route 160), Denmark Village (207) 452-2412
Saturday, May 10, 7pm - Open Mic - All abilities welcome. Second Saturday of each month.
Thursdays, May 8, 15 & 22 and Saturdays, May 10 & 17 and Tuesdays, May 13 & 20 - Arts in Our Communities: Storytelling and Video Afterschool Program
Sponsored by VSA arts of Maine through a grant from the Maine Community Foundation
Wednesday, May 28 - Arts in Our Communities: In School Presentation
Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm - Singers Workshop
With different levels on alternate weeks, open to adults of any age.
Scheduled Individually - Guitar lessons are offered by artist-in-residence Wayne Peabody

Chocorua Public Library Events & Programs
Sundays, 1-5pm; Mondays & Thursdays, 1-7pm
Route 113, Chocorua (603) 323-8610
Sunday, May 11, 3pm - Enjoy a fun afternoon of stories, songs, fingerplays and crafts.
All are welcome. Second Sunday of each month.
Sundays, 1:30-2:30pm - Knitting Group
The library also is open on Wednesdays from 9:30-11am for Koffee Klatch

Conway Historical Society Programs & Events
Eastman Lord House
Main Street, Conway Village (603) 447-5551
Eastman Lord House, recently named to the National Register of Historic Places, is the circa 1818 residence of Conway mill owner William Kimball Eastman. Seventeen rooms are open to the public, furnished in periods from 1818 through 1945.
Tuesday, May 13, 7pm - Jeff Warner: Songs of Old NH
This NH Humanities Council program is free and open to the public.
The Society presents a wide variety of monthly programs. Unless otherwise noted, programs are held at the Salyards Center for the Arts on the second Tuesday of each month.

Bartlett Public Library Programs
Bartlett Public Library
Route 302, Bartlett (603) 374-2755
Tuesday, May 13, 7pm - Book Discussion
Stanley Howe discusses Dawnland Encounters by Colin G. Calloway, an account of the early interactions and encounters of Native American and white settlers. A NH Humanities Council program.

Madison Historical Society Programs and Events
Madison Historical Society and Museum (by appointment)
Madison Corner (Route 113 & East Madison Road), Madison (603) 367-9289 or 367-8684
Thursday, May 15, 7pm - Membership Meeting
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of May, June, July, August and September. Free and open to the public.

Arts Council of Tamworth Programs & Concert Series
Barnstormers Theatre
Tamworth Village (603) 323-8104
Saturday, May 17, 7:30pm - Will Ackerman & Dana Cunningham
Grammy-winning guitarist joins with luminous pianist for an unforgettable evening.

Jackson Public Library Programs & Events
Tuesday 11am-6pm; Wednesday 11am-2pm; Thursday 11am-8pm; Saturday 10am-1pm
125 Main Street, Jackson (603) 383-9731
Enter Jackson author Lisa Gardner's sweepstakes and win the chance to name one of your friends or family as a victim in an upcoming book. Go to www.lisagardner.com to enter; deadline is May 30.
Tuesday, May 20, 4:30pm - Teen Reading Group discusses Keeping Corner by Kashmira Sheth.
Saturday & Sunday, May 24 & 25, 10am-3pm - Annual Friends Book Sale
At the Town Hall, across from the post office.
Tuesday, May 27, 4:30pm - JPL Reading Group will discuss Run by Ann Patchett
Wednesdays, 10am - Children's Storytime
Stories, songs and a craft. Free and open to preschoolers and their caregivers.

Bartlett Recreation Classes, Programs & Events
Bartlett Elementary School
Route 302, Bartlett (603) 374-1952
Tuesday, May 20, 5pm - Ceramic Painting
Open to adults & children, no experience needed, new project every session. Pre-register. First & third Tuesday each month.
Tuesdays, 9-11am - Silver Social Set at the Bartlett Congregational Church
Bring your cribbage board; we have cards, checkers and other games available. Knitters and crafters can bring their projects along as well. Coffee, tea and a light snack will be provided.

Jackson Grammar School Arts Festival
Tuesday, May 20, 6:30-8pm
Eagle Mountain House Carriage House
Carter Notch Road, Jackson (603) 383-6861

White Mountain Musical Arts presents Chamber Concerts
Saturday, May 24, 7:30pm
10th Mt Pavilion Cranmore
North Conway
White Mountain Musical Arts 2008 Chamber Concert Spring Series: Seacoast Wind Ensemble
In the style of a Sousa Band, honoring area veterans and providing a musical salute to thank those that served in the armed forces. A pre-concert preview presented by Music Director, Rich Spicer, (formerly of NHPR) will be presented beginning at 7pm.

Programs & Events at the Madison Library
Mon/Wed/Fri, 2-5pm; Tuesday, 10am-5pm; Thursday, 10am-8pm; Saturday, 9am-1pm
1985 Village Road, Madison (603) 367-8545
Monday, May 26, 7pm - Book Group Discussion
Books are available at the library and all are welcome.
Thursdays, 10:30am-12noon - Drop-in Cribbage
Fridays, 10:30am - Winter Story Times for 3- to 5-year-olds. Spring theme through May 16.

Mountain Top Music Programs & Classes
111 Main Street, Conway (603) 447-4737
Call to confirm times and locations. Mountain Top is scheduling students for music lessons and classes. Check website for details & full schedule.
Friday, May 9, 6:30pm - Performance Potluck
Artists who are working on a piece for an upcoming performance share their work and a favorite dish in a very casual setting.
Tuesday, May 20, 7-8pm - Steel Dreams Performance
MTMC Steel Drum band performs at Salyards Center for the Arts
Thursday, May 22, 6:30 - Student Recital: Schwindt & Gardner
Tuesday, May 27, 6:30pm - Student Recital: Henney & R. Ouellette
Mondays, 7-9pm - Novice Orchestra
Mondays, 4-5pm - Children's Choir
Mondays, 3:45-4:30pm & 4:30-5:15pm - Keyboard Kids
Mondays & Tuesdays - Group Guitar
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10-10:30am - Instrument Exploration
Tuesdays, 7-8pm - Adult Singers Class
Tuesdays, 7-9pm - Steel Dreams: Mountain Top's Steel Drum Band
Wednesdays, 4:30-5:15pm - Strings-After-School
Wednesdays, 5:30-6:45pm - Community Chamber Ensembles
Wednesdays, April 30-June 4, 6-8:30pm - The Old Time String Band at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Tamworth
Wednesdays, 7-9pm - Community Orchestra at Kennett High
Thursdays, May 1-June 5 - MTMC's Family Music Programs
Music for Babies, a free program, runs 9:30-10am.
The Toddlers class runs 10:15-11am and the Preschool class begins at 11am.
Thursdays, 3:30-4:15pm - Young Musicians
Thursdays, 4:15-5pm - Kids' Percussion Ensemble
Thursdays, 7-8:30pm - Jam Band and Recording Class
Thursdays, 7:30-8:30pm - Music Notation Theory and Technology
Saturdays, 11am-12noon - Youth Orchestra

Jackson Historical Society Museum, Art Gallery
Fridays & Saturdays, 12noon-5pm
Jackson Historical Society White Mt Art Gallery & Museum
Route 16/16A, Jackson (603) 383-4060
Museum of 19th Century White Mountain Art paintings, interesting artifacts, photographs (including a 4 1/2 foot wide panorama of Jackson), memorabilia and antique map collection depicting the life of Jackson residents and visitors. Free and open to the public. Be sure to visit the historical wayside signs along the west bank of the Wildcat River in Jackson.
Online White Mountain Painting Sale - Items including paintings, books and memorabilia listed on a continuing basis. The first volume of a series on the history of Jackson, A History of Jackson 1775 -1865, is now available for purchase at the Society office.

Open Mic for Music, Poetry and Storytelling
Wednesdays, 6:30pm
Conway Cafe
32 Main Street, Conway (603) 447-6381
Open Mic followed by Open Jam. Electric and acoustic music, stories, poems, songs, food and company, no alcohol (teens welcome). For more information, contact thomasjdiegoli@earthlink.net

White Mountain Folk Association Contra Dances
Most Fridays, 7:30-10:30pm
Runnells Hall, Chocorua (603) 726-0063
All levels are welcome; all dances are taught. Call or email byronricker@fcgnetworks.net for more information and to confirm dates.

Square Dance Club
Mondays, 7pm
Conway Congregational Church
Main Street, Conway (603) 447-3830 (day) & 447-5863 (eve)
MWV Stompers square dance club meets every Monday with expert caller and instructor Darrel Sprague. For more information, contact squarrow@squarrow.com.

Bartlett Historical Society Programs & Museum
Saturdays, 12noon-2pm (or by appointment)
Route 16 (at Linderhof Strauss just past StoryLand), Glen (603) 383-4110
The Society is looking for volunteers to assist with new projects, including "Life, Legends & Lore: Village Voices" and committees on genealogy, museum displays, cemeteries and railroads.

Cook Memorial Library Events
Tuesday & Wednesday, 10am-8pm; Friday & Saturday, 10am-4pm
93 Main Street, Tamworth (603) 323-8510
Tuesdays - Storytimes: Stories and Songs for toddlers at 10:30am and Stories and Songs for 3-5 year olds at 1pm. On the first three Tuesdays of each month.
Tuesdays, 2-5pm - History Room open

Pottery & Crafts at The Artery
The Artery Ceramic & Craft Studio
Timberland Plaza, Route 16, North Conway (603) 356-7725
New offering - Glass Fusing & Slumping
Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm - Kids Night Out
Sundays - Locals' Day

MWV Children's Museum Activities & Events
Wednesday-Friday, 9am-3pm; Saturday, 9am-5pm; Sunday, 10am-2pm
Mount Washington Valley Children's Museum
2936 White Mt Highway, North Conway (603) 356-2992
Join us for a tour of the space, the exhibits and all the museum has to offer. You may leave at any time and come back the same day without an additional charge.

Visions in Granite Exhibit at The Banks Gallery
Tuesday-Friday, 12noon-5pm
The Banks Gallery
2710 Main Street, North Conway (603) 356-5555
Focusing on both the historical importance of White Mountain art and the exceptional work being created today.

The Gallery at WREN
Daily, 10am-5pm
2011 Main Street, Bethlehem (603) 869-9736
Wednesday, May 7, 9am-5pm - Improve your Sales at Outdoor Markets
Bruce Baker is back for two working sessions. The first focuses on trends and product development. Session two will focus on how to survive and thrive in the outdoor marketplace. Learn what to say to your potential customers to make them want to buy.
Friday May 9, 5-7pm - Gallery Opening Reception
"Same Story, Different View," mixed media by Heather Harvey, and "Natural Lines: Nature Closeups," photography by Frank Kaczmarek. Harvey utilizes joint compound, wood glue, paint, nails, wire and a variety of found and collected objects to create complex environments. Kaczmarek is a naturalist and free-lance photographer whose current body of work focuses on nature close-ups, and includes images of trees, plants, fungi, insects and animals. Exhibiting through June 2.
Wednesday, May 14, 5pm - Local Works Outdoor Market and Farmers Market Meeting
Tuesday, May 27, 6:30pm - WREN Book Club at WREN Central on Park
All are welcome. Bring a dish to share. This month's book is The Piano Tuner by Daniel Mason. To receive a discount on these books at the Village Book Store in Littleton, tell them you are part of the WREN Book Club.

Fairbanks Museum Exhibits and Presentations
Monday-Saturday, 9am-5pm; Sunday 1-5pm
Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium
1302 Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT (802) 748-2372
Wednesdays, May 7 & 14, 6-8pm and Saturdays, May 10 & 17, 7-10am - Warbler Watching in the Kingdom: Jewels of the Northern Forest
Join Museum Executive Director Charlie Browne for an introduction to warbler identification, ecology and lore. Call or email tholt@fairbanksmuseum.org to register for this annual spring birding program.
Exhibiting: Vermont Inventors
A tribute to some of Vermont's early geniuses whose ideas have contributed to far-reaching change.
Saturdays & Sundays, 1:30pm - Planetarium Shows

Littleton High School Players Present Leader of the Pack
Thursday-Saturday, May 8, 9 & 10, 7:30pm and Saturday, May 10, 2pm
Littleton High School
Littleton (603) 444-3361
Leader of the Pack: The Ellie Greenwich Story is the tale of a talented young woman whose dream is to write hit songs. Greenwich is the writer of such hits as Be My Baby, Da Doo Ron Ron, Hanky Panky, Chapel of Love, Christmas Baby Please Come Home and the title song. Tickets available at the door. Refreshments will be available. For more information, contact MsBBuckley@aol.com.

Neskaya - A Sacred Space for Movement
Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm; Sundays, 6-8pm
Neskaya Movement Arts Center
1643 Profile Road, Route 18, Franconia (603) 823-5828
Dances from around the world; all dances are taught, no partner needed.
Thursday, May 8, 6:30-8:30pm - Women's Circle
Art, journaling, movement, sound, meditation. Second Thursday of every month.
Sundays, 6-8pm & Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm - World Dance/Sacred Circle Dance
Fridays, 5-6pm - Free Movement Dance

Events & Workshops at Littleton Area Senior Center
Littleton Area Senior Center
77 Riverglen Lane, Littleton (603) 444-6050
Check website for full listing of activities.
Fridays, May 9 & 16, 11:30am - Ether Cooper on Piano
Monday, May 12, 11:30am - Barbara Desroches, Acoustic Guitar/Singer
Thursday, May 15, 11am - Helen & Friends Music
Monday, May 19, 10am-3:30pm - Gala Lunch at Town & Country
Join us for an afternoon of food and entertainment by the Judy Lee Floor Show. Registration and payment is due by May 14. Handicapped accessible.
Wednesday, May 21, 1pm - Pontine Theatre presents Home is Heaven: Poems by Ogden Nash
Pontine Theatre weaves together thirty two of Nash's poems about family life and summers by the seashore. Using puppetry, shadow theatre, masks and toy theatre, Home is Heaven celebrates both the flavor of seacoast New Hampshire and Ogden Nash's unique, whimsical, and often idiosyncratic language and rhymes.
Thursday, May 22, 1pm - Book Club discusses The Stranger by Albert Camus
Friday, May 23, 1pm - Writers Group
Bring work to share and ideas for prompts. New members welcome.
Tuesday, May 27, 11:30am - Live Music: Sweet Jamm
Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30pm - Knitting Group
Contact Amy Mitz at the Lafayette School at 823-9927 if you are interested in joining.

Events & Films at The Colonial Theatre
Colonial Theatre
Main Street, Bethlehem (603) 869-3422
The theater is open for the season with films and live shows.
Sunday-Tuesday, 7:30pm; Wednesdays, 5:30pm (early bird special: 2 for 1); Fridays, 7:30pm; Saturdays, 5:30pm & 8pm - Movies
May 9-14 - 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
May 16-21 - Persepolis
May 22 - Artist Documentary Series: Alice Neel
May 23-28 - In Bruges
May 29 - Teen Movie & Pizza Night: (movie TBA)

League of NH Craftsmen Retail Gallery Events
League of NH Craftsmen Retail Gallery at the Village Book Store
81 Main Street, Littleton (603) 444-1099
Saturday, May 10, 11am-4pm - Mother's Day Tea Party
The tea party will feature a special exhibit of teapots, tea cups, tea bowls and tea accessories made by League state-juried craftsmen. The work represents a variety of styles - traditional, contemporary, sometimes humorous, some delicate and others earthy, but all invite the viewer to savor a moment with a cup of steaming tea. Visitors are welcome to enjoy a delicious assortment of teas, homemade tea sandwiches & dainty cookies. Children are invited to take part in special Mother's Day activities next door, downstairs at Village Book Store. The tea party is free and all are welcome.

Fiddlesticks Art Studio Classes
Fiddlesticks Art Studio
Bethlehem (603) 444-6321
Call or email 2reddogs@gmail.com to register.
Saturday, May 10, 5-7pm - Fiddlesticks Spring Art Show to celebrate and showcase the work of students participating in winter 2008 classes. At Maia Papaya in Bethlehem; open to the public.
The show will remain on display through May 24.
Mondays, through Memorial Day, 7pm-8:30pm - Red, White & Draw Art Classes
An informal open studio environment for artists of all perceived ability levels - bring your latest art project, favorite photos and other inspiration. Drop-ins welcome - no need to register. Live models sometimes attending. Held at Bin 42 Bistro & Wine Bar, 42 Main Street, Littleton.
Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm - Drawing
Practice and improve your drawing skills and learn new techniques or start from where you left off in high school - all are welcome. Small group size will allow for individual instruction - the class will be tailored to each student's interests and needs.
Wednesdays, 10am-12noon - Beginner Watercolors
Come explore the basics of watercolor painting from planning with thumbnail sketches, using viewfinders, developing interesting compositions, creating under- drawings, and the basics of watercolor techniques.
Thursdays, 7-9pm - World Art
Indian Mandalas, Balinese masks, Mexican Amate painting, Japanese kimono collages, Turkish tile inspired art, Chinese festival paintings. Please bring a food to share.
Art for Children:
Mondays & Thursdays, through June 19, 10-11am - Three! It's a Magic Number!
Three year olds will enjoy exploring the world of art through stories and looking at art, creating art and talking about art as they learn about spring.
Mondays & Wednesdays, through June 18, 1:30-2:30pm - Global Art for 4's & 5's
Explore art from India, Kenya, Turkey, Japan, China and Egypt.
Mondays, 3-5pm - Global Art!
For ages 6 & up.
Tuesdays, through June 17, 10-10:45am - Exploring Art Together
An art program for toddlers with parent/guardian.
Wednesdays, 3-5pm - Drawing!
Learn or improve basic drawing skills and techniques. For ages 6 & up.
Thursdays, 3-5pm - Fantasy Art
We will study the art of past and present artists such as Marc Chagall fantasy paintings and Patience Brewster fairies and imaginary creatures. For ages 6 and up.
Fridays, 5-7pm - Drawing for Teens!
Teens will explore and improve their drawing skills with graphite, colored and watercolor pencils in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.
Saturdays, May 17 & 31, 10am-12noon - Drawing for Ages 6 & Up

Dance in the Rural Setting: A Day-long Gathering
Tuesday, May 13
St. Johnsbury Academy
Free and open to dance artists, educators, arts and cultural presenters, audience and community members, advocates, students, funders and anyone interested in dance. The schedule will include regional artist showings; a catered lunch and dinner; facilitated discussions; an open exchange to share resources, voice concerns and discuss upcoming events and issues relevant to the field; and an evening showcase of rural Vermont and New Hampshire dance artists. For more information, email jmarx@nefa.org or frumie@aannh.org.

Littleton Public Library Programs & Events
Tuesday-Friday, 9am-7pm; Saturday, 9am-4pm
Littleton Public Library
92 Main Street, Littleton (603) 444-5741
www.ncia.net/library/littleton/ or www.golittleton.com/littleton_library.php
Tuesday, May 13, 7pm - Stark Decency: NH's World War II P.O.W. Camp
During World War II, 300 German P.O.W.'s were held at Camp Stark near the village of Stark. Allen Koop, Dartmouth College, explains how the history of this camp tells us much about our country's war experience and about our state. For more information, contact Mary Daly at 444-3959.
Tuesdays, May 20, 12noon - Brown Bag Adult Book Discussion Program
Meets the third Tuesday of each month in the Patricia McLure Program Room.
Wednesdays, 9:30am - Toddlers Tales for children up to age 3
Thursdays, 9:30am - Preschool Story Time for ages 3, 4 & 5
Please call 24 hours in advance if you are bringing 6 or more children to either story time.

St. Johnsbury Athenaeum Exhibits, Events & Programs
Monday & Wednesday 10am-8pm; Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 10am-5:30pm; Saturday 9:30am-4pm
1171 Main Street, St. Johnsbury, VT (802) 748-8291
The Museum's exhibits and extensive Art Gallery, consisting of primarily American and European artists from the late eighteenth century to the middle nineteenth century, are open to the public.
Wednesday, May 14, 6:30-8pm - Book Discussion Group: Truth or Consequences in Modern Non-Fiction Writing
Mondays, 11am - Story Time in the Children's Library. All ages welcome.
First and 3rd Monday each month, 6-8pm - Six O'Clock Prompt Writers Support Group
Veteran and new writers invited. Call (802) 633-2617 or 592-3138 for more information.

The ARTS Gallery Exhibits, Events & Classes
Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday 10am-4pm; Friday 10am-6pm; Sunday 12-4pm
28 Main Street, Lisbon (603) 838-2300
Cooperative arts gallery featuring juried works by North Country artists from NH & Vermont.
If you have a particular interest or would like to offer a class please contact the ARTS Gallery.
Friday, May 16, 6-8pm - Open House Celebration: Cosmic Gems & Family Colors
Co-creative paintings by Erin and Adam Kuzmeskus. On exhibit through May 31.
Saturday, May 17, 1-4pm - Co-Creative Painting Workshop with Erin and Adam Kuzmeskus
All materials will be supplied; requires no prior painting skills. Space is limited so register soon.
Sundays, May 11 & 25, 1-4pm - Knit and Crochet Sessions
Learn from others, help someone out or just enjoy your craft. Free and open to all skill levels. 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month. Contact Dori Hamilton for additional information at 838-5149.
Fields of Lupine Art Show - Call to Artists
Come exhibit and sell your artwork and fine crafts at the 7th Annual Fields of Lupine Art Show on June 7 & 8 from 10am-4pm in Sugar Hill, NH. Art of all mediums is welcome. For more information, email Kathy Stevens (kstevens100@hotmail.com) or call Maxine Aldrich at (603) 823-8000. Registration forms will also be available on the ARTS Gallery website.

Sugar Hill Historical Museum Exhibits, Programs & Events
Thursday-Saturday, 1-4pm (Special tours by appointment)
Sugar Hill Meeting House
Route 117, Main Street, Sugar Hill (603) 823-8431 or (603) 823-5336
Main Exhibit: Bette Davis, her romance with Sugar Hill Carriage Barn Gallery: History of Sunset Hill House, one of Sugar Hill's grand hotel of early 1900s. Also... Genealogy library, Thoma Gallery, Cobleigh Tavern Kitchen, Sleigh Shed (Bette Davis Sleigh), Carriage Barns, Gift Shop and exhibit of projects by Sugar Hill Artisans Guild members. Donations welcome.
Saturday, May 17, 10am-2pm - Artisan's Guild Monthly Meeting for Fabric Artisans

Franconia Heritage Museum
Thursdays & Saturdays, 1-4pm (and by special request)
Franconia Heritage Museum
553 Main Street (Route 18), Franconia (603) 823-5000
The non-profit Council operates the Franconia Heritage Museum and the Iron Furnace Interpretive Center. Work continues on a scale model of the Brooks and Whitney Bobbin Mill.

The Rocks Estate Programs & Events
Open daily, year-round
Route 302, Bethlehem (603) 444-6228
Owned by The Society for Protection of New Hampshire Forests, The Rocks is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Wildlife, history tours and cross-country skiing.
For more information, call Katrine Barclay at (603) 823-7441

North-of-the-Notch Studio
Daily, 10am-4pm, Saturdays until 5pm
In the Tannery Marketplace
111 Saranac Street, Littleton (603) 444-6266
The North-of-the-Notch Studio, at the historic Tannery Marketplace, located at the site of the old Saranac Glove Company and Tannery on the banks of the beautiful Ammonoosuc River, features paintings, prints and extreme close-up photographs (Abstractions from Nature) created by retired Boston TV weatherman Bob Copeland.

Bethlehem Heritage Society Museum
Thursday-Saturday, 12noon-5pm or 10am-2pm
Bethlehem Heritage Society Museum
Visitors Center, Main Street, Bethlehem (888) 845-1957
Memorabilia from the Bethlehem's two Donald Ross designed golf courses are on display, in addition to historical artifacts from the town's fire and police departments, Stonecrest Colony, The National Hay Fever Relief Association, Chase Tennis Camps, as well as many other items of local interest.

Abbie Greenleaf Library Programs & Events
Monday & Tuesday 2-6pm; Wednesday, 2-7pm; Thursday, 10am-12noon & 2-5pm; Friday, 2-5pm; Saturday, 10am-1pm
Abbie Greenleaf Library
439 Main Street, Franconia (603) 823-8424
Thursdays, 10:30am - Toddler Time for children ages 1 to 3. Stories, rhymes, songs & puppets

Performances, Films & Events at Catamount Arts
Monday-Friday, 1-6pm
Catamount Arts
139 Eastern Avenue, St. Johnsbury VT (888) 757-5559 or (802) 748-2600
Art Galleries open (free) Monday-Friday from 1-6pm, and before and after each film screening
Nightly, 7pm - Film Series - Second show at 9pm on Saturdays
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm - Tango Lessons
"Argentine Tango" - No partner necessary. Call Isabel at (603) 823-8163 for more details.

Warren Historical Society Museum
Most Saturdays & Sundays, July-September (or by appointment)
Warren Historical Society Museum
Water Street, next to Town Common (603) 764-5865 or (603) 787-6058
Home to the Redstone Rocket, the prototype used by NASA as the launch vehicle to put America's first Astronaut (Alan Shepard, a NH native) and America's first satellite into space. The museum has a gift shop and is full of historical items of the area.
Sunday, May 11, 6pm - Membership Meeting
Meetings are held the Second Sunday of each month, April thru November at the museum. The public is invited to attend. For more information, contact tedrow@together.net.

Rey Center Activities Schedule
Margret & H.A. Rey Center
Town Square, Waterville Valley
(603) 262-1598 or (603) 236-3308
Wednesday, May 14, 9:30-11:30 am - Curiosity Club for Homeschoolers
We will explore a different natural science topic each month through stories, outdoor activities and a craft. For homeschool families with children ages 7 and older.
Wednesday, May 21, 10-11am - Curious Tots
Children ages 6 and under will enjoy this fun, monthly program. Parents must attend with children.
Saturday, May 24, 7:30-9:30pm - Astronomy with the Christa McAuliffe Planetarium
Our program begins with an indoor presentation on what we can expect to see in the night sky. Then we'll head outside, weather permitting.
Wednesday, May 28, 4:30-6:30pm - Writers Group
Read your own work to a peer group of writers and get the valuable feedback every writer needs.
Last Wednesday of each month.
Saturdays, 1-4pm - Curious George Cottage Studio with Nat Scrimshaw
Nat sketches and talk about what he draws.
Saturdays, 4:30pm - Literary Discussion Group
Enjoy potluck hors d'oeuvres and beverages and discuss a variety of poetry, short fiction and drama.
Mondays, 9:30-10:30am - Yoga at Brookside Room

Programs & Events at the Lincoln Public Library
Monday-Friday, 12noon-8pm & Saturday, 10am-2pm
22 Church Street, (603) 745-8159
Friends of Lincoln Library are seeking donation of plants, garden supplies, tools, etc. for the Plant Sale on Saturday, May 24. Donations may be left at the Library; call the library or Roz Lowen at 745-3604 for more information.
Wednesday, May 14, 6:30-8pm - Family Night with NH Public Television
This Family Literacy program is conducted through viewing, reading, activities and discussion. Bring the entire family. Free of charge; register by calling or emailing the library. At Inn Seasons Village Shops (in the large meeting room).
Wednesday, May 21, 4pm - Lincoln Area Writers Group
Have you always wanted to write something - maybe a novel, or children's book or your family history? Our group is informal and we always welcome new members no matter your experience or inexperience in writing. Contact Martie Smith at 745-3665 for more information.
Saturday, May 24, 9am - Friends of Lincoln Library Annual Plant Sale
Perennials, annuals, vegetables and much more, all of are locally grown and hardy. At the Gazebo in North Woodstock.
Thursdays, 1-2pm - Storytime for preschoolers and toddlers
Parents can sign up to be readers.
Thursdays, 3-4:30pm - Cultured Purls Knitting Circle - All levels welcome; instruction is available.

Olde New England Day Looking for Artisans & Crafters
Saturday, June 28, 10am-4pm
Main Street, North Woodstock (603) 745-6621
The Lincoln Woodstock Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 6th Annual Olde New England Days Arts and Craft Fair on June 28, and is looking for talented artisans and crafters to be involved in this year's event. For more information, contact Alyssa Byrd.

Upper Pemigewasset Historical Society Museum
Saturday 11am-2pm & 5-7pm, Wednesday 2-4pm (or by appointment)
Upper Pemigewasset Historical Society Museum
26 Church Street, Lincoln (603) 745-8159
The Museum reflects the everyday life of the past with photos, displays of logging, Civilian Conservation Corps, hotels and inns, and personal memorabilia from the 1890s to the present. Numerous photos and early maps are also on display at a "satellite" museum at the Village Shops in Lincoln (the old mill site). www.logginginlincoln.com

Alumni Hall Cultural Center Programs & Exhibits
Winter Office Hours: Tuesdays-Thursdays, 11am-3pm (and by arrangement)
Alumni Hall Cultural Center
75 Court Street, Haverhill (603) 989-5500
Year-round, regional venue for the fine & performing arts. Heritage & resource information for residents, newcomers and visitors. Hall available for rent for community, school, business or private functions, meetings, exhibits, classes. The Alumni Hall Interpretive Center displays large panels sponsored by the Connecticut River Joint Commission. The panels show images and text related to the heritage, land and people of NH and VT's Upper Valley. The Hall's Connecticut River Byway Visitor Center is open mid-June to mid-October.
Friday, May 9, 7-9pm - New Art Exhibit Opening: White Mountain Painters
Oils, watercolors, portraits, landscapes and still-lifes. Featuring works by Roberta Arbree, Ernest Demers, Frances Krauss, Kathie Lovett, Suzanne Morley, Jen Powers, Joan Reed, Joe Richard and David Shepatin. Free admission; complimentary reception. Exhibiting through June 5.
Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm - Pilates Class led by Kathy Schiffman

Middle Earth Music Hall Schedule
See website for specifics
Barton Street, Bradford, VT (802) 222-4748
Friday, May 9 - Gandalf Murphy
Saturday, May 17 - Drunk Stuntmen
Friday, May 23 - The Benders
Sunday, May 25 - Middle Earth Closing Show: The Benders

Artistic Roots Center Classes, Exhibits & Featured Artists
Open daily 10am-6pm
Artistic Roots Cooperative Gallery and Education Center
Campton Falls Marketplace at Routes 49 and 175, Campton (603) 726-7101
Artistic Roots brings the local community and artists together in a celebration of creativity, through workshops, classes, community events, gallery receptions, outreach and collaborative projects.
Wednesdays, May 7, 14, 21 & 28, 12:30-2:30pm - Easy Watercolor Landscapes
For those who have never painted before, as well as those who have some experience. Participants may bring their own materials, if they have them. Contact Cheryl at c-johnson@hughes.net or 536-3740 for a complete materials list. Ages: 10-Adult
Thursdays, May & June, 10am-12:30pm - Sewing Basics 101
For the beginner. Some sewing machines are available upon advance request. New students accepted at any time. Call Janet at 533-9968 to confirm and for list of supplies and tools. Ages: 7+
Thursdays, May 8, 15 & 22, 1-4pm - Painting Water and Skies
Each week we will do a watercolor landscape and extend some of its elements outside the painting onto the mat. This is also a great way to "salvage" an old painting - bring in a few to try. Contact Cheryl at c-johnson@hughes.net or 536-3740 for a complete materials list. Level: Advanced Beginner/Intermediate Ages: Teen/Adult
Fridays, May 9, 16, 23 & 30, 3:30-5pm - Calling All Artists
Students will explore working in a variety of media, including pastels, watercolor and tissue paper collage. Topics covered will include composition, blending, values/contrast, and color properties. Ages: 9-13
Saturdays, May 10, 17 & 31, 10am-12noon - Introduction to Basic Beading Techniques
Class samples and complete class details may be seen at www.tricias.com/idob. Ages: 12-Adult
Saturday, June 14, 8:30am-4:30pm - Cane Your Day Away
Learn the basic seven steps of caning. Weaving will be done with the highest quality cane and the instructor's tools to finish this exquisite piece of furniture. Class fee includes a beautifully crafted oak footstool with a clear finish. Participants must register by May 14. Ages: Adults
Pre-registration is required for all classes. Visit the gallery or call to register or request a brochure and registration form.

Events at Plymouth Regional Senior Center
8 Depot Street, Plymouth (603) 536-1204 or (603) 536-9639 or (603) 536-2090
The center is open every day, with a continuous and full schedule of activities. All welcome.
Wednesday, May 7 - Monthly Writing Class (first Wednesday each month)
Thursdays, through early May, 9-11am - Memoir Writing Workshop
The group meets with the ultimate goal of creating a book of short stories. No experience needed.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9am - Computer Classes
Learn how to use or improve your computer skills
Wednesdays, 9am - Central NH Artists
Thursdays, 9-11:30am - Knitting and Crochet Class
Bring ideas and work to be completed. Materials will be provided. If you have available frames & hooks to loan, bring them in.
Thursdays, 1pm - Quilting Class
Fridays, 11am - Genealogy

Silver Center for the Arts & PSU Events
Plymouth State University, Silver Center for the Arts
Plymouth 603) 535-2614 or (603) 535-2787 or (800) 779-3869
Wednesday, May 7, 7pm - WPSU Chamber Players at Smith Recital Hall
Performances by student ensembles usually including flute, clarinet and low brass choirs; trumpet and piano ensembles; brass quintet and saxophone quartet. Free.
Friday & Saturday, May 9 & 10, 7pm - CDE Scholarship/Alumni Concert: Contemporary Dance Ensemble at Hanaway Theatre
An evening of dance performance featuring choreography by PSU dance division faculty, adjudicated student works and guest artist Tommy Neblett of Boston's Prometheus Dance Company. Each work highlights the collaborative efforts of PSU Dance with university and local artists, musicians, poets, writers, vocalists, directors and set designers. Pieces in classical ballet, contemporary, modern and tap dance styles, and a pre-show performance by the PSU Dance Team.
Sunday, May 11, 3pm - Pemigewasset Choral Society Concert
Traditional Mothers' Day concert presented by the 125-voice regional chorus. Free ticket required, donations accepted at the door.
Displaying at the Lamson Library through May 16 - Penelope Bennett: The Artist as Witness
Penelope Barrett, a printmaker from Vermont, documents the consequences of war as displayed in the daily news, in the tradition of Goya, Daumier and Posada.
Monday, May 19, 1:30-3:30pm - Workshop: Grantseeking Basics for Nonprofit Organizations
A free workshop for nonprofit groups looking for grants from foundations. The workshop is not about proposal writing. Advance registration is required; contact Gary McCool, Coordinator of the Grant Research Center at Lamson Library, at (603) 535-2457 or by email at gmccool@plymouth.edu by May 12.

Karl Drerup Art Gallery Exhibits & Events
Monday-Saturday, 12noon-5pm
17 High Street, Plymouth (603) 535-2614
A vibrant center of art, visual culture and new media. Exhibitions range from traditional shows to contemporary trends.
Displaying through May 9 - Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Thesis Exhibition: Studio Art
The exhibition represents many months of sustained, independent, creative and technical development for studio artists and graphic designers, under the tutelage of a faculty advisor. Studio artists will present talks in the Drerup Gallery on Wednesday, May 7 at 4pm. For more information, contact Terry Downs at (603) 535-2658 or tdowns@plymouth.edu.

Pease Public Library Programs & Events
Monday-Wednesday, 10am-8pm; Thursday & Friday, 10am-5pm; Saturday, 10am-2pm
1 Russell Street, Plymouth (603) 536-2616
Wednesdays, 7pm - Discussion Series: Contemporary Northern New England
May 7 - Empire Falls by Richard Russo
A look at the slow decline of a small town in Maine, as seen through the eyes of restaurateur Miles Roby. Discussion led by Suzanne Brown. Books available at the circulation desk.
Monday, May 19, 7pm - Community Knitting Group
Mondays, 10am - Toddler Time for parents and children up to 36 months
Tuesday & Wednesday mornings, 10-11am - Preschool Storyhours for ages 3 to 5

Happenings at D Acres Farm
D Acres of NH Organic Farm & Educational Homestead
218 Streeter Woods Road, Dorchester (603) 786-2366
Gardening for Health - Cultivating Wellness Workshops & Events:
Wednesday, May 7, 6-8pm - Mushroom Plugging
Saturday & Sunday, May 10 & 11, 9am-4pm - Biological Orchard Care & Composting
Maine organic farmer, Mark Fulford, returns for two days of hands on Organic land stewardship.
Sunday, May 11, 1-3pm - Plant Walk
Saturday, May 24, 1-4pm - Hands-On Herbal Medicine Making
Sunday, May 25, 2-4pm - Tree Species ID
Saturday, May 17, 1-5pm - Traditional Dances to Celebrate Life, Community & Spirit
Learn traditional folk dances celebrating the rituals of planting and harvesting. Please pre-register.
Saturday, May 17, 6-8pm - Saturday Seasonal Soups
A meal of soup and fresh-baked breads made with farm-grown organic ingredients. Please call to reserve your seat. Third Saturday of each month.
Sunday, May 18, 6:30-9am - Native Birds with Len Reitsma
Join PSU professor Len Reitsma in identifying New Hampshire bird species by sight and sound. Bring binoculars and birding field guides if you have them.
Sunday, May 18, 6-9pm - Full Moon Potlucks
Join your neighbors in a monthly celebration of community and great food. Bring a dish to share.
Sunday, May 25, 10am-4pm - Volunteer Days: Get your hands dirty working in the gardens, on the trails, or building with earthen materials with the D Acres crew. Hearty farm lunch included! Please call. Last Sunday of each month (April-October).
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45pm - Yoga with Sarah Hall
Fridays, 6-7:30pm - Yoga with Darcie Shedd

Corner House Inn Storytelling Dinners & Live Music in the PUB
Thursdays & Fridays
Junction Routes 109 & 113, Center Sandwich (603) 284-6219
Thursdays, 6:30pm - Storytelling Dinners
May 8 - Storyteller and former mid-western cowgirl Jo Putnam weaves enchanting Native American tales. An adopted member of the Ojibwe Indian Nation, Jo believes that native stories reflect the universal connection of all creation and help promote a deep respect for the natural world.
May 15 - Laura Packer, who holds a degree in Folklore and Mythology from Boston University, has an instinct for telling stories that are both epic and mythic in scope and imagination, stories that transcend time and space - in the tradition of the ancient bards.
May 22 - Kate Chadbourne, Lunenberg MA
May 29 - Season Ending Storytelling Gala - Dinner & a smorgasbord of tales told by a variety of tellers
Friday evenings - Live Music in the PUB
May 9 - Odd Men Out - Traditional Celtic Instrumentals
May 16 - Tom Fleischmann - Popular Sandwich musician blends blues, rock & folk
May 23 - Sta's - Charismatic acoustic rock

White Mountain Study Group
Monday, May 12, 6-8:30pm
Starr King Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
101 Fairgrounds Road, Plymouth (603) 536-8908
At 6pm, the group discusses dowsing and many other spiritual and esoteric subjects, followed by the featured speaker. Meets on the second Monday of every month.

Benz Center International Night
Saturday, May 17, 5-7:30pm
Benz Center
18 Heard Road, Center Sandwich
Join us for an evening lecture on the conservation of antiquities, followed by a sampling of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvres. Christie Pohl, an objects conservator at Harvard University's Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, will present "Conservators without Borders: An International Archaeological Conservation and Outreach Program." To reserve a seat, please include a note of the number of attendants and $8.95 per person to: Christie Pohl, PO Box 82, Center Sandwich, NH 03227.

Campton Historical Society Programs and Events
Old Town Hall (Campton Historical Society Building)
529 NH Route 175, Campton Hollow (603) 726-7752 or (603) 726-3804
Monday, May 19, 7:30pm - Better Than a Poke in the Eye
Rebecca Rule tells funny, true(ish), close-to-home stories, collected all over the state. For more information, contact David Bartholomew at 536-1077.
Free program meetings are usually held on the third Monday of each month except February, March and December. The building is handicap accessible and programs are free and open to the public.

Surroundings Art Gallery - New England Art
Monday-Saturday, 10am-7pm, Sunday, 12noon-5pm
Surroundings Art Gallery
12 Main Street, Center Sandwich (603) 284-6888
The Gallery specializes in original fine art in a variety of media (oil, water color, pastels, acrylics, sculptures, etc). You will also find folk art painted on chests, barrel staves and other objects.

The Village Artists & Gallery
Daily 10am-6pm
51 Main Street, Ashland (603) 968-4445
A cooperative of 35 regional artists and artisans, featuring drawings, paintings and photographs, book arts, furniture, sculpture, ceramics and glass, wood, jewelry, fiber arts and more.

Patricia Ladd Carega Gallery
Tuesday to Saturday 11am-5pm
69 Maple Street, Route 113, Center Sandwich (603) 284-7728
Work in all media by regional and national artists. Works on paper, sculpture, painting, monotypes, objects and installations are on exhibit in a barn dating back to 1825.

Sandwich Historical Society Events & Research
Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm
4 Maple Street, Center Sandwich (603) 284-6269
The Sandwich Historical Society museums consist of the 1849 Elisha Marston House which displays antique furnishings, archives and a library, and the Quimby Barn Museum which features transportation and farm equipment.
Archival Research & Library open Wednesday, 10am-4pm or by appointment.

Squam Lakes Artisans
Daily, 10am-5pm
Located at Kirkwood Gardens in the Holderness Inn (formerly the Nature Store)
Route 3, Holderness Village (603) 968-9525
Fine arts and crafts by central NH artisans. Cooperative gallery featuring pottery, textiles, photography, paintings, drawings, prints, glass, woodworking, jewelry, wrought iron and more.

Holderness Free Library Programs & Events
Monday & Wednesday 10am-6pm; Friday 10am-5pm; Saturday 10am-1pm
Routes 113 and 3, Holderness (603) 968-7066
For more information, contact holdernesslibrary@roadrunner.com
Saturdays, 11am-12noon - Knit & Stitch
A relaxed program to visit and work on individual projects such as knitting, needlepoint, crochet, rug hooking, etc. All are welcome.

Gallery at Red Gate Farm
Tuesday-Saturday, 11-5pm
188 Highland Street, Plymouth (603) 536-4404
This gallery offers a unique collection of art and fine crafts from local, regional and nationally recognized artists and crafters. Also, a complete selection of quilts.

Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire

phone: 323-7302 email: info@aannh.org web: www.aannh.org

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