Mossback Rack Fish Attractor
 We have searched hard and long looking for artificial habitat and structure that makes sense. I met David King at a fish & tackle show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is passionate about his design and it shows in his product. These fish attractors are great as stand alone structure or use the coated steel cabling to hang off your dock Click here or on the picture to get more information on this innovative product. |
Robust-Aire System by Kasco
 The Robust-Aire System is a unique aeration system that has taken diffused air to the next level. This system has won the 2010 IBEX Award and has proven itself in the field. I have personally installed these units for numerous clients and every installation has produced great results for the clients. These units aerate, destratify, and keep areas from freezing in the winter to avoid winter kills. Click here or the picture for more information on the Robust-Aire System |
Spring is around the Corner
Things to consider.......
Spring is a time to consider Fertilizing your pond or lake. Adding much needed phyto-plankton for your fry, fingerlings and adult fish.
Your forage base is always a consideration for bass and top line predator fish. Coppernose/Native bluegill will always add a much needed boost and get your pond heading in the right direction.
As always, we thank you for your patronage.
Dunn's Fish Farms
P.O. Box 85
Fittstown, Oklahoma 74842
(800) 433-2950 |