525 N. State Street · Suite 4 · Alma, MI 48801 
(989) 463-1422




"Children are likely to live up to

what you believe of them."


 - Lady Bird Johnson

In This Issue
Child Advocacy Banquet
Methamphetamine:Children at Risk
Charity Basketball Game
Prescription Take Back Day
Pinwheel Ceremony
Scheduled Classes
Trauma Training Program
Child Advocacy 5K Event
Kindergarten Round Up Schedule
CAC "Giving Wall"


About Us 


 Child Advocacy is a non-profit agency with a mission to improve the welfare of children and their families through education, training, and support for the prevention of substance abuse and child abuse and neglect.

 Our Staff
Audra Stahl -
Executive Director

Ronda Sorensen -
 Parent Educator  

Brenda Shafley-
Office Assistant 
Pam Mahin -
RRC Coordinator
Lisa Cannon- 
GSAC Coordinator
 Richelle Davis -
Prevention Educator 

Board of Directors 

President -
Kent Schulze
Dept. of Human Services

Vice President -
Wes Wickes 
Youth for Christ

Treasurer -
Madonna Adkins
EightCAP inc.

Secretary -
 Kim Vetter
MI State Police
Ithaca Post

Lori Apple
Comm. Mental Health - Isabella Co.

Kristin Bakker
Prosecuting Attorney's Office
 Wendy Currie
Mid Michigan Dist. Health Dept.
Toni Davis
Women's Aid Service
Rob DuHadway
DuHadway Dance Dimensions

 Mike Hetzman
 Comm. Mental Health - Gratiot Co.
 Mary Hunt
Retired-EightCAP inc.

David Justin
 Alma School Board

Dan Buschle
Community Member
 Carolyn Studley
Retired Alma Public Schools

 Jennifer Leppien
CASA Volunteer 


Seat Safety


Did you know that at Child Advocacy we can install and provide a safety inspection for your child safety seat?  Child Advocacy has a nationally certified safety seat technician available!
To make an appointment call
 or 800-552-4489
YFC Mom2Mom Sale

Saturday, April 14

 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Donald L. Pavlik Middle School

1700 N. Pine Avenue



Any questions, email mom2mom.yfc@gmail.com

Quick Links

Join Our Mailing List



April is an exciting month at Child Advocacy!


We have several events planned including our annual recognition banquet, the alumni basketball game fundraiser, a prescription drug take back day, and the pinwheel garden ceremony -  details of these events are included in the newsletter.  Don't forget to register for our 5K Run/Walk Event scheduled the first of May!


Please make plans to attend at least one, if not all, of these worthwhile and meaningful events.   



Child Advocacy Staff


Check out our new website www.linkforfamilies.org.

Child Advocacy Banquet


Please join us for lunch as we present the following awards:


* Child Advocate of the Year

*Child Advocate Organization of the Year.


This year's banquet will be a celebration of those who advocate and care for children and for those who strive to improve the welfare of children and their families through support for the prevention of substance abuse and child abuse and neglect.


Friday, April 13 at 12:00 p.m.

Tyler Van-Dusen

Alma College


Tickets are $10 a person

Contact Child Advocacy at (989) 463-1422

to purchase tickets 




This is part two of our series on METH. Below are risks to children, behaviors exhibited by parents, and some things children may experience if their parents are using or manufacturing METH. As I said last month this is a growing problem in our communities. One of the best ways you can prevent future drug use by your children is to talk to your kids. Research shows parents are still the #1 influence in their children's lives. As a parent, if you are unsure how to approach this topic with your child visit www.theantidrug.com for helpful tips.



Risks to children include:      

  • Exposure to explosive, flammable, toxic ingredients stored in kitchen cabinets, bathrooms and bedrooms
  • Access to meth and paraphernalia (including needles)
  • Presence of loaded weapons in the home and booby traps (due to paranoia of meth users)
  • Physical and sexual abuse
  • Exposure to high risk populations (sexual abusers, violent drug users)
  • Neglect including poor nutrition and poor living conditions

Parents who use meth may exhibit:

  • Extreme mood fluctuations
  • Violent behavior
  • Depression
  • Poor impulse control
  • Lack of attention to hygiene
  • Acute psychotic episodes
  • Poly-drug abuse

As meth use continues, the parent is often unable to meet the basic needs of the child. Due to changes in the brain chemistry, the parent may lose the capacity to provide appropriate care for children in the home.


Children whose parents use or manufacture meth may experience: 

  • Respiratory problems
  • Delayed speech and language skills
  • Elevated risk for kidney problems and leukemia
  • Malnourishment
  • Poor school performance/attendance problems
  • Isolation
  • Lack of immunizations and medical care
  • Poor dental health
  • Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders
  • Lice
  • Obesity
  • Developmental problems
  • Violent behavior
  • Drug usage
  • Lack of boundaries/attachment to strangers


If you would like more information on this topic visit www.drugfree.org/meth or you can contact Lisa Cannon, Coordinator for the Gratiot County Substance Abuse Coalition at 989-462-0142 or lisa@linkforfamilies.org. 

Alma High School Alumni Charity Basketball Game

 AHS Alumni Even Years vs. AHS Alumni Odd Years 


Friday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m.

Alma High School Gymnasium


Join us for a night of fun, local "celebrity" players, half-time entertainment, and children's games!


Tickets $5.00 available at the door

T-Shirts $10.00 call 463-1422 to order


Hosted by the Alma Middle School Student Council

Proceeds to benefit Child Advocay's Programs.

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention in your community!

drug bottle  Prescription Take Back Day


Saturday, April 28, 2012

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


3 Locations to choose from!


Gratiot County Sheriff's Department

226 E. Center St., Ithaca


St. Louis Police Department

108 W. Saginaw


Alma Police Department

525 E. Superior



Do bring medications in their original packaging from the pharmacy.  You may bring in any medication in pill or capsule form from a licensed pharmacist, including controlled substances.



Do not bring in illicit drugs (ex. marijuana, cocaine, etc.) to the TAKE BACK site.  If this happens, law enforcement will investigate each incident.


Further questions may be directed to Gratiot County Substance Abuse Coalition (989) 462-0142.

pin wheel logoPinwheel Garden Ceremony
Monday, April 30
1:00 p.m.
 Wilcox Non-Profit
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Scheduled Classes


Daycare Provider Trainings -

Monday, April 16 

Child Development: Why Do They  Do What They Do?

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Wilcox Non-Profit Building - Alma

Cost $25


Wednesday, April 25 

Child Development: Why Do They Do What They Do?

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Veteran's Memorial Library - Mt. Pleasant

Cost $25


Monday, April 30

What Are We Going To Do Today?: Lesson Planning in

Child Care and Preschool

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 

Alma Public Library

Cost $25


Great Start to Quality Orientation - Aids/Relatives 

Tuesday, April 24 

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Winding Brook Conference Center - Shepherd 

No Cost


Foster/Adoptive/Relative Care Support Group

Tuesday, April 10 and 24 

6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Special topic this month - Trauma Training for parents caring for children who have experienced trauma in their life - divorce, loss of parent, abuse, etc.

Youth for Christ - Alma

No Cost


Please call our office at (989) 463-1422 to register or to get more information.

Trauma Training Program
Our Trauma Training series continues this month. This training focuses on children who have been victims of trauma.  The training is in conjunction with the Foster/Adoptive/Relative Parent Support Group that meets twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays. 
All parents who are caring for children that have been victims of trauma (divorce, loss of biological parent, abuse, etc.) are welcome to attend.  Please plan to attend as many sessions as you can.
Trauma Training Program
Tuesday, April 10 and 24
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Youth for Christ - Alma
2550 W. Cheesman Road
can 5k
Child Advocacy 5K Event
New Location - New Route for 2012
Saturday, May 5
Gratiot County Fairgrounds - Alma
5K Run/Walk - One mile Fun Run - Toddler Trot
Registration is from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
One mile fun run and Toddler Trot start at 9:30 a.m.
5K Run/Walk begins at 10:00 a.m.

2012 Kindergarten Round Up

for Gratiot and Isabella Counties


Click on the link below for information

 in your area.


Kindergarten Round Up Dates 

Consider Making a Donation to the

Children's Advocacy Center of Gratiot County's "Giving Wall"!


Be a part of history, as Child Advocacy opens the doors to the Children's Advocacy Center of Gratiot County Summer of 2012.


* A Child and Family Friendly Facility * Forensic Interviewing Services * Victim Advocacy and Support * Specialized Mental Health Services         * Family Support * Community Education and Outreach * Specialized Medical Evaluation and Treatment * Follow Up Services *


The "Giving Wall" allows the community to make a meaningful tax deductible donation to this much needed Center in our community. Donors' names will be displayed on the "Giving Wall" inside the Children's Advocacy Center. By making a donation,every child who enters the center will see that you care about them and that you are a part of a community that does not tolerate child abuse and neglect.The children of Gratiot County deserve the best start in life.

Please consider donating today.


Donations may be made to Child Advocacy, 525 N. State Street, Suite 4, Alma, MI 48801.  For further information, please contact Audra Stahl at (989) 463-1422.

Wow!  As I read through the newsletter I can't believe how much we have going on here at Child Advocacy!  April is Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month, Alcohol Awareness Month, and Month of the Young Child.  Here at Child Advocacy we are making every effort to bring attention to these issues while celebrating parents and children.  We hope to see you in April!
Audra Stahl
Executive Director