525 N. State Street � Suite 4 � Alma, MI 48801 
(989) 463-1422

happy children





 "Our greatest natural resource

is the minds of our children."


-Walt Disney- 

In This Issue
CAC Fundraiser
Summer Office Hours
Scheduled Classes


About Us 


 Child Advocacy is a non-profit agency with a mission to improve the welfare of children and their families through education, training, and support for the prevention of substance abuse and child abuse and neglect.

 Our Staff
Audra Stahl -
Executive Director

Ronda Sorensen -
 Parent Educator

Pam Mahin -
Training Coordinator and Office Manager

Brenda Shafley-
Office Assistant 

GCSAC Coordinator
 Kris Olejniczak -
Prevention Educator 

Board of Directors 

President -
Kent Schulze
Dept. of Human Services

Vice President -
Wes Wickes 
Youth for Christ

Treasurer -
Madonna Adkins
EightCAP inc.

Secretary -
 Kim Vetter
MI State Police
Ithaca Post

Lori Apple
Comm. Mental Health - Isabella Co.

Kristin Bakker
Prosecuting Attorney's Office
 Wendy Currie
Mid Michigan Dist. Health Dept.
Toni Davis
Women's Aid Service
Rob DuHadway
DuHadway Dance Dimensions

 Mike Hetzman
 Comm. Mental Health - Gratiot Co.
 Mary Hunt
Retired-EightCAP inc.

David Justin
 Alma School Board

Dan Buschle
Commercial Bank
 Jennifer Leppien
CASA Volunteer 
 Carolyn Studley
Alma Middle School

car seat

Seat Safety


Did you know that at Child Advocacy we can install and provide a safety inspection for your child safety seat?  Child Advocacy has a nationally certified safety seat technician available!
To make an appointment call
 or 800-552-4489

Community Cafe

The Cafe provides a safe place for food, fellowship, inspiration, and encour-agement for people experiencing hard times.


What: free weekly meal


When: Thursday at 5:30 p.m.


Where: First Presbyterian Church - Alma


Who: Everyone is welcome.  Kid's Kafe at 4:15 p.m. has special activities for children (usually every other week)


For more information, please call the church office at (989) 463-2940.

Quick Links

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As summer is winding down, Child Advocacy is gearing up!  


August brings several Tier 2 classes, Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) fundraiser, and the Back to School Event.  Please check out the details of these events.



Staff at Child Advocacy

Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) Fundraiser 


 Join us for a night of "Fun and Games"

Raising funds for the Children's Advocacy Center of Gratiot County


Friday, August 19 at 6:00 p.m.

Pine River County Club - Alma


Games and Prizes

Putting contest, hillbilly golf,

cornhole tournament, and more!!


Heavy Appetizers! DJ! Dancing! Cash Bar!


$30 per person or $50 per couple

* Adults 21 and over please


Tickets can be purchased by calling (989) 463-1422


All proceeds to benefit the renovation project

of the Children's Advocacy Center

of Gratiot County


Hosted by Child Advocacy and United Way of Gratiot County

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood MICHIGAN Scholarship


This scholarship is for licensed childcare providers wanting to continue their education or receive a CDA.  The scholarship is for a 3 - 4 credit course at a participating community college or university.  This is an opportunity to meet the licensing requirements for annual training.  Currently, there are funds still available -- apply soon. 


For more information on how you can qualify for a scholarship,

contact T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood MICHIGAN

(866) 648-3224


Summer Office Hours 

 effective June 17


Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Closed Friday


Five Things Every Child Needs Dailyparent love 

by Katy O'Neal Arrowood


With the five fingers on just one of your hands, you can remind yourself of the following five actions that will foster self confidence in your child, as well teach him/her to trust others.  As the old saying goes, "It is easier to build up a child than to repair an adult."


1. Hugs - One of the best gifts you can share with your child is touch.  Giving your child daily hugs demonstrates your love in a caring way that can't be replaced.  Affection toward your child helps teach him/her that families nurture each other in a loving way.


2. Open communication - A child needs to hear approving words often, but a child must also feel that he/she is heard.  Talking with, as well as listening to your child will help to build a strong sense of self, as well as encouraging your child to know the importance of listening to others.


3. Daily blessing - Telling your child with words that you know he/she will accomplish great things worth giving!  Enlighten your child that you know he/she was created in a special way with unique talents that will fit perfectly with his/her dreams.  Words spoken will help to mold your child into who he/she will be; better for the words to be uplifting than to be disapproving.  Remember to tell your child daily those three little words: I love you!


4. Respect - Treat your child like a valuable person, and he/she will treat himself/herself and others with honor and respect.  Setting limits, being consistent with discipline, and insisting on good manners will demonstrate to your child that you value him/her, and you have a stake in making sure his/her life is honorable.


5. Time - The debate over quality time versus quantity time is over.  Yes, the time spent with your child should be quality time, but you also need to spend lots of time with your child.  It is not a secret that we all are busy people, but our children must know that we enjoy just being with them.  Every activity doesn't have to be spectacular; even time together in the kitchen while one is cooking and the other is working on homework puts you in the same room.  You may be surprised the time your child decides to really talk to you, it probably won't be during the quality planned time, rather during just an everyday routine.

Back to School Event 


Wednesday, August 24


10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Youth for Christ

2550 W. Cheesman Road



Families in need are invited to the 8th Annual "Back to School" new/used clothing distribution event.  This event is FREE to the public with the goal of helping children start the school year off on the right note.  Families will be able to select a minimum of two (2)  outfits per child as well as some school supplies.


Free lunch will be provided as well as free haircuts for kids, hygiene supplies and many other helpful items/services.


For additional information or questions, please contact Dan Carley at DHS (989) 875-8228.

yellow card  

Scheduled Classes


Parenting Classes 

New! Parenting Classes for parents of children from 0 - 6 years old.  Classes are offered the first and third Wednesdays of the month.  Each class covers a different parenting topic.  Classes are from 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. at the Wilcox Non-Profit Building located at 525 N. State Street, Alma. 


Topics to be covered for the month of July are as follows:

   August 3 - Problem solving such as bedtime, mealtime, biting

   August 17 - Problem solving - continued


Childcare Provider Training - 


Creating Positive Environments for Infants & Toddlers will be held on August 4 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the Alma Public Library.


Creating Positive Environments for Infants & Toddlers will be held on August 8 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Central Michigan University EHS Building.


What are we going to do Today?  Lesson Planning in Childcare & Preschool will be held on August 17 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Alma Public Library.


What are we going to do Today?  Lesson Planning in Childcare & Preschool will be held on August 22 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Central Michigan University EHS Building.


I'm Bored! Enhancing Outdoor Play will be held on August 29 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Alma Public Library.




Great Start to Quality Orientation will be held on August 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Maple Creek Golf Course in Shepherd.  Please bring a photo I.D. and a sack lunch.


All classes are FREE.  Please call our office at (989) 463-1422 to register or to get more information.

Thank you for taking the time to read our August newsletter.  I hope you are having a safe and happy summer.  See you in September. 
Audra Stahl
Executive Director