Vol. 114
In This Issue
STC Team at San Gabriel Valley Chamber of Commerce - Joint Mayors Prayer Breakfast STC團隊出席聖蓋博谷商會聯合市長禱告早餐會
Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights Held Pancake Breakfast 哈崗同濟會舉辦年度煎餅早餐籌款活動
Rowland Heights Chinese Association Monthly Newsletter 羅蘭崗華人協會月度通訊
STC Center Seminar Special Package! STC Center 東區第一會館會議租用限時特價!
Dance Impression Products Newsletter 舞印舞蹈中心通訊
Half & Half Tea Express at Seasons Place 伴伴堂四季廣場新店開業
STC Current Average Occupancy Rate STC 目前平均租出率
Quick Links
Professional Associations










At STC, we pride ourselves on being good neighbors to our valued community. STC, also known as "Sung Tien Collaboration", aims to bring people together in synergistic ways so that the whole is much more than the sum of its parts. "Sung Tien" is a Chinese saying for following the heavens. We believe that doing good naturally brings good outcomes, and through the process, we can have a positive impact on those around us. 





STC 順天聯合 


STC News
STC Team at San Gabriel Valley Chamber of Commerce - Joint Mayors Prayer Breakfast 

On February 29, 2012, STC team members joined local business leaders and representatives from the city and the local religious community for a morning of inspiration and peace at the Joint Mayors Prayer Breakfast in Diamond Bar. The Diamond Bar and Walnut mayors spoke of faith and community...Read more


2月29日,STC 團隊在鑽石吧市出席了聖蓋博谷商會主辦的聯合市長祈禱早餐會。本地商界領袖和政界要人紛紛到場。鑽石吧市和核桃市市長進行了關於信念和社區的演講⋯⋯了解更多

Community News  
Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights Held Pancake Breakfast



The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights held its 41st annual pancake breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 8 to 11 a.m.. This fundraiser provides scholarships for middle and high school students in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District. 
哈崗同濟會在2月25日上午舉辦了第41屆年度煎餅早餐籌款活動。這次籌款活動為 Hacienda La Puente 學區的中學生提供獎學金。



Community News
Rowland Heights Chinese Association Monthly Newsletter


Starting this month, Rowland Heights Chinese Association will send out monthly newsletter through email to community members to inform up-coming events. The newsletter will also provide practical daily living information, so as to provide convenience to the comunity. 


Newsletter Special Edition 歡迎下載本期通訊特刊
Subscribe 歡迎訂閱華協月度通訊


STC Center Seminar Special Package! 
STC Center 東區第一會館會議租用限時特價!

For a limited time only, STC Center is offering a Special Package for Seminars. 

25% to 40% off the regular rental price. 

Don't miss the opportunity to showcase your business ideas and expand your opportunities! 

Equipment Included in Special Package:
* speaking podium with one wireless microphones (batteries are not included) 
* 3 projector screens 
* Long Tables (per availability) 
* Folding Chairs (per availability) 
Additional Equipment is available. Please contact of details.

STC Center 3rd Floor Amenities: 
* Around 6,000 SF of facility space
* 500 seminar seating capacity
* Two-story high ceiling
* Outdoor balconies
* Wooden Plaque dance floor
* Food Preparation Area

What if your seminar is smaller and more intimate? We also have another location suitable for smaller gatherings.

Please download information for Smaller Seminars

To make a reservation or for more information, please contact STC Management at (866) 782-4066 or email

STC Associates
Dance Impressions Products Newsletter  



STC Tenant
Half & Half Tea Express at Seasons Place 



Business Hour 營業時間:

Monday: 11:15 am - 10:30 pm

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday ~ Sunday: 11:15 am - 10:30 pm


Address: 18558 Gale Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748 

Tel: (626) 965-4800







生菜沙拉、精力湯等生食儼然成為一種流行,不僅注重養生的長者,連許多年輕人都開始奉行「生食」理念,五月在台北舉行的國際素食暨有機產品博覽會,吸引大批參觀人潮。但台灣大學園藝系教授鄭正勇警告,生食風險高,經常生食者,說不定得定期吃驅蟲藥!全球有機消費市場的商機逾2兆台幣,台灣產值約10億元,加上進口商品更達20億元,全台有機專賣店幾年內 就成長千餘家,國內經認證的有機栽種農地已超過1200公頃 。但問題就出在生食蔬菜的同時,恐怕也吃進了令人避之惟恐不及的農藥、化學肥料或是令人作嘔的細菌、病毒、寄生蟲及蟲卵。



林口長庚醫院毒物科主任林杰樑舉例指出,之前新英格蘭醫學期刊曾報導,國外發生蔥在產銷過程中遭A肝病毒汙染,導致兩人死亡,這種情形只要將蔥煮熟,就不會發生了。國人習慣在許多菜餚、湯上撒生蔥花,此時蔥的清洗更要小心。殘藥未除 生食如同服毒。


寄生蟲汙染 重者要人命  



韓國人 每年都服驅蟲藥  





STC Current Average Occupancy Rate 

STC 目前平均租出率

85%  (B)


Click on the chart to see our detailed performance 



About Us 


STC, also known as "Sung Tien Collaboration", aims to bring people together in synergistic ways so that the whole is much more than the sum of its parts. "Sung Tien" is a Chinese saying for following the heavens. We believe that doing good naturally brings good outcomes, and through the process, we can have a positive impact on those around us. Our expertise and people-oriented philosophy have proven to be key in successfully connecting members of our community so that each can benefit from the others and ultimately promote the well-being of everyone. As a result, Sung Tien Collaboration has swelled in numbers. 


As both real estate experts and members of the community, STC Management strives to educate its valued clients and prepare them with the best advantage possible in today's economy. As an Accredited Management Organization (AMO), we create value for clients through a combination of managing, leasing and brokering real estate investments. Our affiliations include CCIM, ICSC, AIR, IREM, AOA, MRMLS, NAR, CoStar, LoopNet, CAR, etc. Together, our network provides us with the opportunities and resources necessary in promoting creative and valuable solutions for clients. 


STC又名"順天聯合",旨在將獨立的人集合在一起從而獲得團結的力量,達到一加一大於二的效果。"順天"意為順從天意。我們相信善有善報,而我們的與人為善能也夠對周圍環境產生正面的影響。我們有的不只是專業技術,我們用以人為本的理念與對生命積極的態度也影響了我們周遭的朋友,改善我們的社區及環境。 順天聯合已經吸收了與我們志同道合的朋友和組織加入STC大家庭。


身兼房地產專家和社區成員的雙重身份,STC資產管理致力於指導其尊貴的客戶使他們以最佳的條件應對當今的經濟形勢。作為一家經認證的管理組織(AMO),我們通過資產管理,租賃計畫和房地產投資策略的管理組合為客戶創造價值。我們的指定認證背景包栝:國際註冊商業地產投資師CCIM,國際購物中心理事會ICSC,美國工業地產協會成員AIR,國際資產管理協會IREM,公寓業主協會AOA,全國房地產經紀人協會NAR,加州房地產經紀 人協會CAR,Loopnet, CoStar, MRMLS等網絡。 我們的網絡為我們提供的機遇和必要的資源,從而為客戶推出新穎和有價值的解決方案。 Like us on Facebook Follow us on TwitterView our videos on YouTube