Community News
On the topic of Redistricting
Redistricting: We're Not Out of the Woods Yet - Aug 5, 2011
Next Tuesday, County redistricting comes before the Board of Supervisors for our review.
I know that many of you have been very active throughout this process, attending the Boundary Review Committee meetings and sending in over 1,000 letters, which had a tremendous impact. However, we must keep the momentum going, as we head into the final phase of review.
After the BRC reviewed 19 plans, we're basically down to two. The BRC approved Plan A2 and is submitting it to the Board. Another plan, Plan S1, will also likely be addressed.
You'll be hearing a lot about these plans and the differences are enormous:
Under Plan A2, only about 150,000 residents county-wide would be shifted to a new Supervisorial District. Here in the Fourth, we would absorb the city of Santa Fe Springs, and the unincorporated areas of South Whittier and the remainder of Rowland Heights. This is the least disruptive plan, and respects the wishes of the people we serve. If there's one thing made clear by the public testimony at the BRC and in the many letters and emails we've received, it's that our residents want to preserve the current district boundaries as much as possible.
Plan S1 is dramatically different - it would shift over 1 million people into or out of the Fourth district alone, and displace nearly 3˝ million people across the County. Geographically, communities from Marina del Rey through Long Beach would be moved out of the Fourth district.
The stated purpose of Plan S1 is to create a second Latino district. Let me be very clear about this: Los Angeles County is the most racially diverse County in the nation, and I am proud to represent a district that currently has a majority Latino population, as well as Asians, Whites, African-Americans and several other minority populations. In fact, under the A2 Plan I support, the Latino population would grow to over 42% of our residents. I'm also proud of all that we have been able to accomplish for the various geographies and demographics that make up our district.
Next Tuesday, August 9th, the Board begins our formal review. We must reach an agreement, or the responsibility for drawing the boundaries will go to the three County-wide elected officials, the Sheriff, District Attorney and Assessor, which is something all of us want to avoid.
The path forward will require the word of the season - compromise! I know that the supporters of Plan S1 will be very vocal and may threaten a lawsuit. I am asking for your active participation once again - please come down to the Board meeting on August 9th at 11:00a.m. Your voices were heard loud and clear at the BRC meetings - now the Board of Supervisors needs to hear the same message: Don't split communities that have shared the same interests, services and representation for over 20 years. It's been working just fine!
As always, thank you so much for your support!
From Don Knabe Blog
You can view both maps here: A-2 S-1 District Maps Draw a New Political Landscape Democrats stand to gain in Congress and state Legislature under panel's redrawn districts. By Evan Halper and Richard Simon, Los Angeles Times Reporting from Sacramento and Washington -- California's new voting districts could put Democrats within reach of as many as five more seats in Congress and enough in the state Legislature for the two-thirds majority needed to raise taxes, according to Democratic and Republican analysts. Draft maps of the new political boundaries, drawn for the first time by an independent panel rather than party bosses, were released Friday and are expected to usher in the most dramatic shakeup of California's state and federal offices in decades. Eventually, some powerful incumbents could lose their jobs. You're looking at three to five Republican members of Congress that just kind of vanish," said Matt Rexroad, a Republican political consultant in Sacramento who advises clients on redistricting. The prospect of Democrats securing two-thirds of both state legislative houses is "very much in play," he said. No single party has held a supermajority in both the Assembly and Senate in many decades. Find out how has your district been redrawn? Excert From: Los Angeles Times 加州選區重畫 29日定案 記者付菁菁洛杉磯報導 加州選區重畫進入最後一周倒計時,暫定於29日公布的新選區地圖最終稿將直接反映國會、州參眾兩會及州稅務局等共計177個選區的新地界,尤其是十年一次的國會選區重畫,將影響2012年的美國總統大選。
若到時仍未能作出定案,將送交加州最高法院(California Supreme Court)指派三位專家畫定選區。若有民間團體對最後定稿的選區地圖存有異議,可通過法律途徑直接送交加州最高法院審查,以便在明年大選前對此事作出定案。
對選區重畫有興趣的民眾可到該委員會網站查閱新、舊地圖,透過電郵表達自己的意見。另外,許多民間組織目前也在聚集民意,提交建議選區,民眾也可以透過這些組織參與選區重畫 加州選區重畫定稿 華人區集中 記者駱舒嫻洛杉磯報導 加州選區重畫委員會28日發布選區重畫最後草案,加州州參眾兩會、稅務委員會以及聯邦眾議院四級選區重畫已基本塵埃落定,各選區編號將待委員會從本月29日至下月15日審議通過後,再重新編號。南加華人聚居城市所屬選區也在這次重畫中有所變動。 加 州州參議會選區畫分中,華人較集中的選區主要有四大塊。華人最集中的聖蓋博地區蒙特利公園、阿罕布拉、天普市、聖蓋博、羅斯密、亞凱迪亞、西柯汶納、柯汶 納、艾爾蒙地、鮑爾溫公園、阿蘇薩等城市被畫入同一個選區。北邊南巴沙迪納、巴沙迪那、聖瑪利諾與布班克、艾塔迪那歸為一個選區。東區則分屬多個不同選 區,哈岡與西邊西裔較多的惠提爾、畢柯立維拉、蒙地貝婁等市畫入一區;羅蘭岡、核桃市、鑽石吧、富樂頓、奇諾岡另屬一區;波莫那則與安大略畫為一區。 加 州眾議會選區中,北部城市巴沙迪那、南巴沙迪納仍與艾塔迪那同屬一區,聖瑪利諾則與蒙特利公園、亞凱迪亞、天普市、聖蓋博、阿罕布拉、羅斯密、艾爾蒙地畫 為一區。東區方面,鮑爾溫公園、西柯汶納、柯汶納、阿蘇薩及格蘭杜拉同屬一區;哈岡、拉朋地仍與西部惠提爾市自成一區,羅蘭岡、核桃與奇諾岡同屬一區,鑽 石吧則畫入東邊波莫那、安大略一區。 聯邦眾議院選區方面,巴沙迪那、南巴、聖瑪利諾、亞凱迪亞、阿罕布拉、聖蓋博、羅斯密、蒙特利公園、天普市畫入同一選區。東區城市西柯汶納、艾爾蒙地、鮑爾溫公園、阿蘇薩、柯汶納、拉朋地、聖迪瑪斯畫為一區,哈岡、羅蘭岡、奇諾岡、富樂頓則另畫一區。 加州稅務委員會選區總數較少,因此每個選區相對包括更多地區。除波莫那以外,洛縣絕大部分地區與范杜拉畫入一區,橙縣大部與聖地亞哥、河濱同屬一區。 選區重畫委員會發言人Rob Wilcox表示,委員會從29日開始對各方案定稿進行審議及投票,預期應不會再有改動,擬於8月15日全部通過。 Back to top |