2011 Title Graphics

STC Gazette

April 2011


In This Issue
New houses were built yet still shadowed by foreclosures
Confusion over California's hands-free cellphone law
STC Events
Super mom singing contest
U-Star Singing Contest
Donate for Japanese Tsunami Relief

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At STC Management, we pride ourselves on being good neighbors to our valued community. Having served the Southern California area for the past 25 years, we have and will always strive for the betterment of our communities, one property at a time.


We hope that through our expertise and people-oriented philosophy, we can impact the lives of others in a positive and productive way. As a company, we will never limit our focus to simply our clients' needs. We will always seek synergy with the community to promote the well-being of those around us, and we will strive to meet our goals and constantly elevate our expectations.





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New houses were built yet still shadowed by foreclosures
新屋開工增 仍憂法拍屋
財經新聞組 綜合19日電





資本經濟公司(Capital Economics)資深經濟學家戴爾斯說,最新數據亮麗,但難掩房市逼近谷底的事實,新屋需求依舊低迷,近幾年內恐怕還不會出現起死回升的復甦榮景。






新屋開工自2006年攀上高峰後已縮減約76%。儘管如此,有些經濟學家卻樂觀解讀,認為房市已經出現曙光。顧問業者Parthenon Group經濟學家迪凱瑟認為,市場上有大量待售房屋導致新屋開工受限,但房屋存量正在減少,有些人願意出高價購買新屋,將有助推動新屋開工。



Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 新屋開工增 仍憂法拍屋

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Confusion over California's hands-free cellphone law

By Gary Richards [email protected]


加州三年前出台的手機免持法(Hands-free Cell Phone Law)規定似乎很簡單,駕駛時持手機通話為違法行為,極少例外。


加 州公路巡警科瑞爾說:「要說漏洞,整個使用手機、收發簡訊或駕駛分神的問題都模棱兩可。」例如,閱讀、選擇與輸入電話號碼,並在通話前放下手機便是合法 的。但在等待紅燈時,發送簡訊違法。部分警員認為,只要操作不花太多時間,駕駛時可將手機作為音樂播放器使用。但大部分警員認為,手持手機使用GPS功能 違法。





不斷革新的技術有助解決人們的困惑。Spring與T-Mobile 上周宣布,提供一項新手機軟體,當車速超過每小時十哩,便自動封鎖除撥打911外的通話與簡訊功能。

Confusion over California's hands-free cellphone law

By Gary Richards [email protected]

When the state's hands-free cellphone law was enacted three years ago, the rules seemed so simple. Holding a phone in your hand to make a call would be illegal. Few ifs, buts or maybes.

Then came a law against texting. Then came an explosion of phones that double as GPS devices, cameras, music players, voice recorders and email dispensers. And today, amid an unprecedented crackdown this month on cellphone scofflaws, what's legal and what's not has motorists and even some cops scratching their heads.

"When you look for loopholes, the whole issue of cellphone use, texting or distracted driving becomes confusing, if not overwhelming," said Officer Steve Creel of the California Highway Patrol.

For example, it's legal to read, select and enter a phone number while driving -- as long as you put the phone down before talking. But you can't send a text while sitting at a red light.

Some officers say it's OK to play some music from your phone if it's done quickly. But most -- though not all -- say using the phone's GPS function is not legal if the phone is held in the hand.

"The GPS thing is goofy," said Phil Fernandez, 50, of Palo Alto, the CEO of a San Mateo software company. "Why can I use the GPS that's built into my dashboard, or a dedicated portable GPS device, but not Google Maps on my iPhone? These laws should be clarified and made consistent."

San Jose State professor John Clapp uses his cellphone to record memos that he can later transcribe as he commutes from Menlo Park. That's illegal, police say. But using a separate tape recorder would be perfectly legal under the hands-free law.

"If my voice memos make me a criminal, then I think it must be a poorly written law," Clapp said. "I think we should be able to do better."

Software engineer Paul Brown of Fremont is so baffled by what's OK that he is considering tossing his phone in the trunk to avoid risking a ticket. Fines and fees now run to $159 and would increase to more than $300 under proposed legislation.

"Better to just not tempt fate at all," Brown said.

The hands-free law prohibits a driver from using a cellphone unless that phone "is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking, and is used in that manner while driving."

Translation: Use a speakerphone as long as its hand-free or an earpiece to avoid a ticket.

Before the hands-free legislation was enacted, laws against traveling at an unsafe speed were used to combat distracted drivers who may have been eating a sloppy cheeseburger, fiddling with a CD or even yelling at kids in the back seat. Today those laws can still be used to cover loopholes in the cellphone law.

If scrolling through your iPod while driving is causing you to veer out of your lane, "then the safe speed for doing that is zero," said CHP Officer Dave Barnett. "So the officer would cite you."

Yet punching in a phone number to make a call -- which takes more concentration than a brief phone conversation -- is legal.

"Go figure," Barnett said.

There is no legislation in the works that would make hands-free laws any clearer, although a bill by state Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, would increase fines and make a second offense a moving violation.

"As technology changes, so should the law," said Simitian, who wrote the hands-free and texting laws enacted in 2008 and 2009. "But whenever we can, we want to legislate generically to avoid the need for constant and confusing changes."

Evolving technology may offer some help. Sprint and T-Mobile announced last week that they now offer apps that would identify when a car is moving more than 10 mph and lock the phone to prevent users from making calls or sending texts, except for 911 calls. It is aimed at parents concerned about their drivers younger than 18 -- who, under the law, are not allowed to use a cellphone while driving at all, hands-free device or no.

Police say the search for loopholes detracts from the safety issues in play. Talking to someone while driving, dialing a number, texting or scrolling through email are all distractions to be avoided.

But when a call comes in, the temptation to pick up the phone is so great. Clayton Young of San Jose says he recently managed to keep both hands on the wheel while talking on the phone -- which was being held up to his ear by his wife.

"I'm not sure if I broke the law," he said. "If the CHP stopped me, would I receive a ticket?"

Yes, said CHP Officer Brandie Dressel. No, said Lt. Chris Monahan of the San Jose Police Department's traffic unit.

"Your hands are free and it's not illegal," Monahan said. But, he continued, "It's not always the hands that are the problem, sometimes it's the mind that isn't focused. If people want to talk on the phone, including me, pull over. It's just safer."


  • To read, select or enter a telephone number from a handheld phone.
  • To use a handheld phone while driving in a private parking lot, but not in a school, DMV or other parking lot on public property.
  • To use GPS on a phone placed in a stationary mount.
  • For police and emergency workers to use handheld phones.
  • To call 911 from a handheld phone.
  • Using a handheld phone to talk or text while driving, except to report an emergency.
  • For drivers younger than 18 to use a wireless telephone or any mobile device, even if it's hands-free.
  • Using a handheld phone to call or text while waiting at a red light.
  • Using a handheld phone to record voice memos.
  • Effective July 1, it will be illegal to use a wireless phone with a push-to-talk feature as a two-way radio.
  • Some officers say it's OK to use a phone to quickly change music, but if you spend a lot of time doing this you could be ticketed.
  • Most officers say taking photos with a cellphone while driving is illegal.
  • Most officers say it's illegal to operate the GPS device on a handheld phone; they recommend placing it on a dashboard mount.
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拍打經 Apr. 17, 2011 

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南加超級媽媽 參賽曲目開口就唱

Apr. 23, 2011

南加超級媽媽 參賽曲目開口就唱 

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"U-STAR" 大學盃校際歌唱比賽 Apr. 24, 2011 

U-Star Pictures
Type caption text he來自南加九所大專院校的歌唱高手,24日於羅蘭岡四季廣場舞台較勁,欲向歌唱明日之星邁進。(記者陳光立/攝影)
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你擁有天生好歌喉卻無地發揮嗎?你具有驚人的舞台魅力卻無人發現嗎?"U-STAR "將是最讚的表演舞台,讓許多擁有歌唱夢想的同學踴躍參加,能有相互切磋、廝殺個你死我活的擂台,利用這個舞台展現絕佳的歌唱實力,也讓自己朝夢想之路更邁進一步。


第一名,Ke Guo(UCLA)
第二名,Tou Yu(USC)
第三名,B-Lam Ho(UCLA)
最佳人氣獎,人氣一哥Yi Ge(USC)
最佳台風獎,Tina Kong(UCI)
參賽者各個是臥虎藏龍!來自UCI的Tina,曾經在台灣參加過知名歌唱節目《超級偶像》;而UCLA的Justin則表示,自己在網路上有成立歌唱頻道,擁有不少歌迷粉絲;現場也有許多選手是各校內的歌唱比賽冠軍,不管是自彈自唱,情感豐富的肢體語言,還是充滿爆發力的嗓音,都讓現場觀眾聽得如癡如醉。U-STAR校園歌唱大賽的另一波重點,就是由WacowLA發起的「聲援日本˙愛心無限」潮T義賣活動,結合了台灣知名節目《大學生了沒》熱門畫家-熊寶,設計出與WaowLA聯名的L.A. for Japan T-Shirt,讓整場活動更具有意義。此外現場由WacowLA發送首度出刊的LA地區娛樂雜誌,更能分享許多娛樂資訊給大家。U-STAR首度舉辦相當成功,反應熱烈,主辦單位希望未來每年都能舉辦這樣的歌唱比賽,讓喜愛唱歌的LA華人朋友都可以透過該活動,登上自己的夢想舞台!

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U-STAR歌唱賽 華生拚歌藝

雖人在異鄉求學,不少年輕學子仍舊對唱歌極為熱中,簡稱I.C.O.N的南加州華裔學生會聯盟聚集九所大學、11個學生會團體,並邀請軟體工作室WaCow LA共同籌辦第一屆U-STAR歌唱比賽,遴選出最具潛力的明日之星,助其一圓歌手之夢。

南 加州華裔學生會聯盟會長葉俊豪是聖地牙哥加大的學生,他說,聯盟固定舉辦聯誼活動,促進華裔學生交流。每年於萬聖節、情人節和春假分別舉行派對,現再加入 一年一度的歌唱比賽。他說,聯盟成員包括來自中、港、台的學生,還有美國土生土長的第二代華裔,參加聯盟不收費用,只要是大專院校的華裔學生均可加入。


擔 任比賽主持人的Kenny張也是WaCow LA負責人,他說,他們公司經營年輕族群,並認為這是可耕耘的市場區塊,他們將透過與華裔學生互動增加認同感,未來還將規畫一系列活動,鼓勵年輕人投入。 活動的公關聯絡人Jeff陳說,這次參賽的24位選手來自兩岸三地,表演的曲目有英文、粵語和國語流行歌曲,呈現音樂的多元化。


參賽選手之 一的Linda陳來自大陸杭州,現就讀聖地牙哥加大。她表示,愛唱張惠妹、A-Lin的歌,來美前曾參加過多場比賽。另來自香港的Jack李與 Kelvin伍,均就讀南加大,他們分別準備一首粵語和國語歌曲參賽。其中,Jack李受過正規聲樂訓練,曾到義大利留學深造,他期盼能透過自己的嗓音一 展長才。


經過激烈角逐,最後冠軍由洛加大的20歲女大學生Ke郭摘下,亞軍、季軍則分別是南加大的Tou Yu、洛加大的B-Lam Ho獲得。最佳人氣獎是南加大的Yi Ge、最佳台風獎是爾灣加大的Tina Kong。


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STC Management is honored to be recognized as one of the 

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STC Management has been honored as the AMO of the year in 2010.    

ACCREDITED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION� (AMO�) Accreditation - recognizes excellence among real estate management firms. AMO firms manage approximately 2.6 million residential units and 1 billion net square feet of commercial space, the total value of which exceeds more than $289.1 billion.


STC 資產管理公司有幸榮選2010的最佳AMO公司。  

在房地產業的發展中,國際資產管理 協會IREM�認知到業主在選擇信譽良好房地產管理的重要。該協會在1946決定核定嚴格的合格標準,認可優良的管理公司,並頒發正統的認證標制(國際認 證資產管理機構AMO�)來分歧一般與優良及信譽良好的房地產管理公司。國際認證資產管理機構的公司 管理大約260萬個住宅單位和10.000億平方英尺的商業空間,總價值超過超過289100000000美元。


國際資產管理協會 IREM�只頒發給公司企業此認證。



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