2011 Title Graphics

STC Gazette

April 2011


In This Issue
Where Should Investors Place Their Real Estate Bets in 2011?
Stores can't set credit card minimum
Outdoor dining now comes with a side of fresh air in the City of Los Angeles!
STC Centr Upcoming Events
Donate for Japanese Tsunami Relief

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At STC Management, we pride ourselves on being good neighbors to our valued community. Having served the Southern California area for the past 25 years, we have and will always strive for the betterment of our communities, one property at a time.


We hope that through our expertise and people-oriented philosophy, we can impact the lives of others in a positive and productive way. As a company, we will never limit our focus to simply our clients' needs. We will always seek synergy with the community to promote the well-being of those around us, and we will strive to meet our goals and constantly elevate our expectations.





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Where Should Investors Place Their Real Estate Bets in 2011?
2011 年美國商業地產最佳地點:高成長、供應受限的沿海都市 (洛杉磯、波士頓、紐約、三藩市、西雅圖、華盛 頓)
By: David J. Lynn (NREI)
John Hsu, OfficerLast year marked a turnaround for U.S. commercial real estate. Vacancy rates bottomed for all property sectors. Corporate tenants took advantage of lower rents to consolidate their space, and leasing activity surged over the past three quarters.

To capture the market trough, investors began to return to commercial real estate. Well-leased, cash- flow-generating assets in primary markets were particularly in demand. National transaction volume totaled $120 billion in 2010, more than double the $54.6 billion in 2009. Of the five property sectors, office and hotel experienced the largest year-over-year gain in transaction volume.
The average capitalization rate per transaction for all properties more than $5 million declined 30 basis points to 7.4% during 2010. The NCREIF Property Index (NPI) reported a strong total return of 13.1% for 2010, rebounding from a dismal negative return of 16.8% in 2009. Based on brokerage pipelines, we expect to see many more transactions over the next several months as lenders begin to put their assets on the market and investors feel more comfortable about the improving fundamentals of the property market.

We believe that we are in the early stage of the next real estate up cycle. In 2010, the global search for yield put rapid downward movement on the cap rates of institutional-quality properties in primary markets.

With improving fundamentals, we believe that the commercial real estate market will attract significantly more investor interest and new capital in 2011.
When to Invest

Historically, the different property sectors exhibit different behaviors during expansion and contraction cycles. During contraction periods, the better-performing sectors have been retail, apartment, and to a lesser extent industrial. Office and hotels tend to perform poorly during the down cycle.
Conversely, during periods of expansion, office, hotel, and to a lesser extent industrial, tend to be better-performing sectors, while apartment and retail generally lag.

In anticipation of the coming real estate recovery, we believe that a portfolio that is overweighted in high-beta sectors and markets is likely to outperform the benchmark NPI index over the next few years. Typically, a market with a higher beta relative to the NPI index has higher returns when the index is increasing and lower returns when the index is decreasing.。

An investment strategy focused on beta would seek higher returns by timing the real estate market cycle and taking on calculated market risk, with the goal of outperforming the market benchmark NPI index [Figure 1]. The strategy requires a thorough understanding of market fundamentals and an estimate of future market performance.
StatgraphIn the early part of an up cycle, it's wise for investors to overweight high beta sectors and markets to maximize portfolio returns. As the market moves toward a peak, the portfolio strategy should then shift to overweight low beta sectors and markets in order to minimize potential losses during a downturn. We believe the market environment over the next 24 months may present a favorable time to acquire quality assets at a discount to replacement cost and below historic valuations, which will result in attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Purchasing near the bottom of this cycle should position new investments to capture strong income and appreciation returns during the recovery phase, exceeding historic averages.

Where to Invest

As capital markets continue to improve and become increasingly attractive for real estate financing, we expect primary markets and several selected high-growth secondary markets to outperform during the next cycle. In particular, we prefer high-growth, supply-constrained primary markets in coastal areas, including:
  • Boston
  • Los Angeles
  • New York / Stamford, Conn.
  • San Francisco / San Jose / Oakland
  • Seattle
  • Washington, D.C.
These markets have well-established large economies with vital economic drivers. They are concentrated with financial and professional services and technology-related industries and Fortune 500 companies.

Economic forecasts suggest that these metros will experience relatively strong job and population growth in absolute terms over the next few years. These markets have attracted talented and highly educated workers. As a result, the average incomes are much higher compared with the rest of the country.

In addition, these coastal cities tend to be 24-hour international gateway cities, offering cultural diversity and serving key connections with the rest of the world. International visitors and foreign purchasing of U.S. goods and real estate are fairly common in these cities, fuelling additional growth. Based on our analysis, the above markets exhibit another key characteristic: They are relatively supply- constrained due to limited space and a challenging entitlement process. Because of these attractive investment qualities, these markets are relatively liquid with significant inventory of investment-grade real estate and substantial exposure by institutional investors.

Historic data suggest that these markets tend to bounce back more quickly after a recession than the rest of the country. We expect that pattern to hold in this recovery. Consequently, for core investments, we suggest that a focus on these markets at the early stage of the recovery cycle could achieve a solid return while minimizing potential risks.

In particular, we expect certain property types in these primary markets to outperform the overall NPI based on their identification as high beta markets. For example, the office sector in New York is a high beta-performing sector.
Concentrated in financial services, the New York office market has shown greater volatility than the average NPI office performance. Consequently, total returns for the New York office market are much lower than the NPI during the last two downturns, but significantly higher during the upturn.

Similarly, San Jose, with its concentration in the technology industry, has shown greater volatility than the overall NPI industrial sector performance. Like the New York office market, total returns in the San Jose industrial market were much lower than the NPI industrial sub-index during the last two downturns, but significantly higher during the upturn.

Want to know more? Please contact us

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Herb Weisbaum answers your questions on consumer issues

Surprise: Stores can't set credit card minimum

By Herb Weisbaum

msnbc.com contributor updated 3/6/2006 6:29:07 PM ET


We all have to pop into a convenience store every now and again to get a carton of milk or some coffee. But some readers are wondering can such stores charge a fee to customers who use their debit or credit cards for such small purchases.  


There are many convenience stores that charge small fees for using a debit or credit card when customers do not spend a certain dollar amount. For example, one store said they would charge me $0.75 if I used my Visa debit card to buy a soda, because I did not spend enough. I told the store clerk that she cannot impose a minimum purchase requirement when I used my Visa card and she simply laughed at me. Or was I wrong?  

Keiko C.


You are correct. Merchants accepting Visa or MasterCard credit or debit cards are not allowed to set a minimum amount for using the card; that is a violation of the merchant agreement.


"People want to use their cards for smaller ticket transactions," MasterCard's Barbara Coleman tells me, and the credit card companies want to make sure they can.


Even so, as you found out, some stores try to impose a limit. What can you do? In your case, you can report the merchant to the financial institution that issued your Visa card.


You raised another interesting question. Can a merchant charge you a service fee for using a credit card or debit card? There is no federal regulation that prohibits this. The law that prohibited a surcharge on credit card purchases expired back in 1984. Both Visa and MasterCard allow a merchant to offer a discount to customers who pay by cash or check, but  in most cases they say, a merchant cannot charge more for putting it on plastic -- that would be a violation of the merchant agreement. I've asked the credit card companies for specific information about when an exception to this surcharge rule is permitted and I hope to write more about that in a future column.


Note: This service fee rule does not cover paying your federal income tax by credit card. A "convenience charge" is permitted on these tax payment transactions.


Read more: Here

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刷信用卡金額設下限 違約!








南 加州華裔信用卡服務公司美信商務行銷總監馮文傑表示,美國民眾平時身上不習慣帶現金,使用信用卡付款行之有年,商家與信用卡公司以協議方式針對每一筆信用 卡及消費金額比例拆帳,不少精打細算的華裔商家認為,小額消費還要與信用卡公司拆帳,才私自訂定刷卡金額下限,近年來常引發與消費者的爭執。


華裔麵包店老闆娘表示,通常與信用卡公司簽約後,信用卡公司會收取兩種費用,每一筆消費會抽取10到30分錢,還會再根據每一筆交易金額,抽取1.5%至 10%手續費,平時生意利潤已夠低,如果不到五元的消費還要被信用卡公司抽佣,完全沒有利潤可言,許多華裔商家乾脆規定只收現金,避免賺不到錢又發生爭議 的麻煩。







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洛 杉磯縣公共衛生局長費爾汀(Jonathan Fielding)與洛杉磯市長維拉萊構沙(Antonio Villaraigosa)3日在LA Live's Nokia Plaza,聯袂宣導這項有助居民避免二手菸害的新規定。當天該廣場商家及三輛流動餐車業者也參與推廣禁菸,其中包括由華裔曾昭偉(Luca Tseng)及李文琳(Frances Lee)經營的流動餐車。



經 營流動餐車四個半月的曾昭偉及李文琳指出,他們目前常在聖塔蒙尼卡、布班克、洛杉磯市巡迴做生意,客人在餐車前排隊買餐時,旁邊若有吸菸者,的確會讓一些 等候客人站遠一點或走開,今後實施戶外餐飲區禁菸,業者即可公開在餐車上張貼禁菸貼紙,並禮貌勸阻客人在等候隊伍中吸菸,這樣對業者或客人都好。






Read more: Here 



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Outdoor dining now comes with a side of fresh air
in the City of Los Angeles!
As of March 8, 2011, smoking will be prohibited in outdoor dining areas in the City of Los Angeles, including restaurant patios, cafes, food courts, and the public space surrounding food carts, food kiosks and mobile food trucks.

This new smoke-free outdoor dining law will protect patrons and workers from the dangerous health effects of breathing in secondhand smoke, and provide nonsmokers and those who are trying to quit with a smoke-free dining experience.

The Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved this law in January 2010. With this policy, Los Angeles joins a number of cities in L.A. County that have already implemented smoke-free outdoor dining policies, including Beverly Hills, Calabasas, Glendale, Pasadena and Santa Monica.

Read more: Here
To read the full ordinance, click here.


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To make a reservation at STC Center please call (866) STC-4006
蕭宏慈 拉筋拍打治百病

book image

以拉筋拍打治百病的蕭宏慈,將於17日(星期日)下午2時至5時,在四季廣場三樓(18558 Gale Ave. 3rd Floor, City of Industry, CA 91748)舉辦一場「我的健康我做主」免費健康講座,歡迎參加。


Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華人社區新聞 - 蕭宏慈 拉筋拍打治百病


費用與報名:免費,但需要提前注冊, 以便發送電子入場券;

如未注冊,請在 http://www.9plus9.com/event/reg 報名。



時間﹕4/18 (星期一) 至4/24 (星期天)

地點:Ramada Inn ,1089 Santa Anita Ave,

South El Monte, CA 91733


洛杉磯體驗營网上報名:  http://www.9plus9.com/event/xiaoworkshopla  

體驗營報名联系郵件: [email protected]

報名電話:(626) 239-8989, 408-833-8069, 678-906-8646

酒店定房電話:(626)350-9588, Group Code: PaiDa




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About Us

STC Management is honored to be recognized as one of the 

exclusively selected 515 companies world wide. And is the first Chinese own Real Estate company being award such honor in Southern California.

STC Management has been honored as the AMO of the year in 2010.    

ACCREDITED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION� (AMO�) Accreditation - recognizes excellence among real estate management firms. AMO firms manage approximately 2.6 million residential units and 1 billion net square feet of commercial space, the total value of which exceeds more than $289.1 billion.


STC 資產管理公司有幸榮選2010的最佳AMO公司。  

在房地產業的發展中,國際資產管理 協會IREM�認知到業主在選擇信譽良好房地產管理的重要。該協會在1946決定核定嚴格的合格標準,認可優良的管理公司,並頒發正統的認證標制(國際認 證資產管理機構AMO�)來分歧一般與優良及信譽良好的房地產管理公司。國際認證資產管理機構的公司 管理大約260萬個住宅單位和10.000億平方英尺的商業空間,總價值超過超過289100000000美元。


國際資產管理協會 IREM�只頒發給公司企業此認證。



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兩 條線路沿途參觀景點一致:在洛陽將參觀世界遺產龍門石窟、和少林寺;在天水將參觀中國四大佛教石窟之一的麥積山石窟等景點;在西寧將參觀塔爾寺、青海湖、 西寧東關清真寺;從格爾木到拉薩,這一天火車行駛在世界屋脊青藏高原上,沿途可看到巍巍崑崙山、中國最高和最大的無人區、自然保護區,長江上游沱沱河,和 青藏公路的最高點唐古喇山;在拉薩將參觀世界遺產布達拉宮、大昭寺;在江孜地區參觀白居寺,在日喀則將參觀歷代班禪的駐錫地和紮什倫布寺等。


詳情可洽春秋國旅美洲分公司阿罕布拉市總部,電話626-571-5800,地址1212 S. Atlantic Blvd. #101, Alhambra,羅蘭岡分公司電話626-363-0888,地址18558 Gale Ave. #262, City of Industry,網址http://www.spring-tour.com。