Welcome to STC Management Community Update
STC Management has been serving the Southern
California for the past 25 years. We will always strive for the
betterment of our communities, by one property at a time.
Free Health Screening at Concourse 2010 康和全民免費義診 六月十九日完美結束
關心您的家人 關心您的健康 康和醫護大樓與 STC 資產管理為了回餽社區,在這裡辦義診已有兩年的歷史。今年為了響應父親節,辦得正是第三年的義診。 非常感謝其中參加的醫師與服務的人員。他們無私的精神是我們行動的力量,更感謝當天光臨康和醫護大樓的所有人,給了我們最大的鼓勵與支持。
感謝所有為大家做義診的醫師與專業人 士
我們有康和醫護 大樓內的醫生群和服務群: 105室: 加福醫學診斷中心 - 64切冠狀動脈指數可以拯救您的生命 168 室: 徐元亨眼科醫學博士 Dr. Adam Hsu - 青光眼篩查 218室: 中心健康保險 - 提供Medical 完整資訊 295室: 聯合門診醫療中心 - 提供全面醫療服務 298室: 皇家纖體美容 - 為您諦造美麗人生 我們更要特別感謝 彭子駿醫學博士, Dr. Arnold Pang, 現任惠堤爾醫院, 及加聯醫療網主治醫生. 專精家庭科,兒科, 成人科等. 俊達生技 Good Arch 的腳的眼鏡, 由下而上矯正您的骨架, 恢復您的健康能量, 找回自信的彩色人生. 夏月輝中醫師, 純精油自然療法
當天我們迎接了上百位來義診的市民。許多老人家與新移民都反應正面,因為當天替他們提供了一個多元化及免費醫療諮詢的機會。 活動照片
如希望知道未來更多的活動訊息。請聯絡 Amy 即將舉辦的活動 徐元亨眼科醫學博士,Dr. Adam
Hsu, M.D. 將在六月十九日,早上十點到十一點半,在康和醫護大樓,195室,舉行一場如何保護眼睛和眼皮。徐醫生說,一般人也許不瞭解眼皮的重要性。眼皮的疾病是直接影響眼睛關係。如要保護眼睛,眼皮疾病的基本的知識是必要與必須的。
ETTV Top Idol at Seasons | 東森新人王在四季廣場
The annual ETTV Top Idol event is finally here for the summer. Although it has been a difficult year for our economy, ETTV still
insisted in holding meaningful community events focused on promoting
cultural understanding and high quality family entertainment in their
event such as the ETTV Top Idol talent search contest. The auditions
will still be held nationally in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York
and thus allow many talents from different areas to have a chance to
shine in the contest. Furthermore, the finalists will have a chance to
perform live in Shin & A-Lin's Tour Concert in L.A. Club Nokia as
Special Guests in the opening act. This is also a special year for WaCowLa, too. We are proud and
honored to be the production partner for this year's event. We'll be
have lot's of entertainment and (sometimes) useful articles in tips.
We'll have behind the scene videos and sweepstakes. So don't forget to
check back with us and follow your host Kenny and Phyllis into the
event jungle. Thank you for your support and if you like what you see
(of what we do), please share this site with your friends!! =D So, don't forget to enter for the singing contest and gather your
friends and family to form your fan club!!!
The first audition in Los Angeles July 10, 2010 Saturday South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa CA 92626 The check-in time will be between 12pm - 1pm, and the audition will
begin at 1:30pm. Audiences and support groups are welcome!
The second audition in Los Angeles July 24, 2010 Saturday Super Star Restaurant and Lounge, 18558 Gale Ave. Suite 128, City of
Industry, CA 91748 The check-in time will be between 12pm - 1pm, and the
audition will begin at 1:30pm. So get ready to show off your talents on stage and put your cheer
team together!!
For event details and application, please go to www.wacowla.com/ettvtopidol
一年一度的東森新人王歌唱比賽在眾人的殷殷期盼下終於熱鬧登場了。 雖然經濟不景氣,但是新人王絲毫不受影響的仍然堅持活動的品質並依照往年慣例讓新人王活動在洛杉磯,舊金山及紐約各地舉辦試唱會,讓東西兩岸愛
唱歌的朋友都有機會展露他們的歌唱才藝並且到洛杉磯演唱會地標的 Club Nokia
決賽中角逐新人王頭銜,此外,主辦單位更是安排了所有決賽者在信與 A-Lin的演唱會上當開場嘉賓並現場演出。 今年WaCowLa也非常榮幸的能與東森一起協辦新人王活動,因此特別企劃了一系列的新人王活動報導特刊,拍攝花絮,實用情報以及有獎活動,並
且跟著WaCow特派記者 Kenny & Phyllis 深入探索,請大家拭目以待也請給WaCoWLA多多支持以及拍拍手 !!
(感恩喔~) 所以請大家告訴大家,除了報名參加比賽以外,更不要忘記邀請
親朋好友們組成Fan Club一起前進新人王大道喔!!
洛杉磯的第一場試唱會 七月十日星期六下午一點半 Costa Mesa 的 South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa CA 92626 請參加試唱的朋友們務必在十二點至一點之間報到。
洛杉磯的第二場試唱會 七月二十四日星期六下午一點半 City of
Industry的四季廣場明星主題館, 18558 Gale Ave. Suite 128, City of Industry, CA 91748 請參加試唱的朋友們務必在十二點至一點之間報到,也歡迎親朋好友們到場為您的選手加油打氣!!
比賽方式與詳情請至: www.wacowla.com/ettvtopidol
Information from www.wacowla.com
Real Estate Market Updates 市場概括 GENERAL 市場概括 - The $8 Billion Question: What Impact Will Obama's Order to Reduce Government Space Have on CRE Markets?
- Impact of CRE Distress Varies Widely Market to Market
- Market Trend: Los Angeles's Deliveries and Construction in Q1 2010
- Outlook for Major Sectors of Commercial Real Estate REITs
- High Default Rate Seen for Modified Mortgages
- Shoppes at Chino Hills Sells for $94.5 Million
奇諾崗388,000 SF購物商場(The Shoppes at Chino Hills)以$94.5 million的價錢賣出
- Schools Fill Vacancies in Office Parks, Shopping Centers
FINANCING 貸款與資金 - U.S. CMBS Delinquencies Approach 8% on Office Defaults
- Consumer Money Rates (Mortgage Rate, Prime Rate, etc.)
If you would like detailed information on the above
topics, please
email Dalerie Wu
入瞭解以上 話題,請聯繫 Dalerie Wu |
Mystery incentive program cost Laguna Woods Village seniors $5.4 million
The management company at
Laguna Woods Village doled out $5.4 million
of seniors' money to its employees through an incentive program that
was a mystery to many Village directors - and just about all of its
residents - for the better part of a decade.
Professional Community Management dumped the
incentive program last year, after it became a contentious issue with
some residents. In its defense, though, PCM General Manager Milt
Johns (left) said this in awritten
statement: "...The record will show that the plan was negotiated and
recorded in the Management Agreement....It has been reported in general
to the boards and in more detail to board presidents every year since
its inception."
That didn't sit very well with rebellious director Mike
Curtis (right), who has been pushing for documents related to the
now-defunct program for months. Curtis obtained an internal
email exchange (pcm-email)
between one of the Village's lawyers and its finance and administration
director that may tell a different story:
"...(Rebellious director Curtis) states that until recently, the amount
awarded each year was never disclosed to the board. I believe that
technically, that is true, but that the amount of the savings was always
discussed with the boards," PCM attorney Cris Trapp
wrote to finance and administration director Janet Price
on Dec. 17.
Price responded the next day. "Cris is correct that we disclosed the
savings in committee meetings and budget meetings, but not the
payments," Price wrote. More detail at "ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER"
橙縣管理公司侵吞老人公寓經費 13
美國西岸規模最大的退休老人社區橙縣Laguna Woods
Village,驚爆地產管理公司13年來侵吞其中6000多戶老人公寓540萬元經費事件。老人公寓理事會The Third
Laguna Hills Mutual Board11日公布法庭文件,指控簡稱PCM的專業社區管理公司(Professional
Community Management)瞞著理事會,每年至少中飽私囊42萬元。 這宗地產管理公司涉嫌中飽私囊案,讓金
融風暴後退休金大失血的老人住戶們氣炸。 1973年建成的Laguna
WoodsVillage老人社區,共有1萬8000戶老人公寓,據悉華裔住戶近500家,此案牽涉三分之一住戶。 在法庭訴
費的30%做為獎勵,但PCM卻把42萬元獎賞金固定列入每年預算中,變相A錢。從1996年至2008年,金額高達540萬元。 理
事會向橙縣高等法院控告PCM、PCM財務長Janet Price與前任總經理Milt
Federal law enforcement on the current large real estate fraud 房產詐騙 滿天飛 聯邦大執法
經濟尚未完全好轉,拍賣及短售屋(Short Sale)數量愈來愈多,但不肖分子利用短售屋進行詐騙,加州檢察長布朗(Jerry Brown)17日警告南加民眾注意房產詐騙。
經濟不景氣,許多失業民眾考慮以短售房屋方式變換現金,使短售屋經理人(Short Sale Negotiators)如雨後春筍般出現。其中許多非法經理人主動與屋主接觸,表示可加速短售屋的交易程序,等到屋主相信後再從中騙取金錢,短短一個月 已查獲40件類似案件。
布朗表示,除了短售屋,地產詐騙充斥南加州,所有賣家、買家、經紀人都應小心。他建議,民眾在考慮短 售拍賣時,應檢查經理人是否有執照,對聲稱自己是Short Sale Negotiators、Debt Negotiator、Loss Mitigation Practitioner、Foreclosure Rescue Negotiator等職稱的人都要特別小心。
另 外,聯邦執法機關在范杜拉縣逮捕13名嫌犯,他們涉嫌利用民眾購買房地產時同時向多家銀行申請貸款,從中騙取數百萬元貸款手續費及房屋交易佣金,導致民眾 因付不出貸款讓房子遭法拍。
布朗建議,民眾買賣房屋前,可先上加州房產部門(http://www.dre.ca.gov/ cons_alerts.html)網站,閱讀各種教戰手冊以避免被詐騙。若屋主不幸遭到詐騙,還可上網(http://www.dre.ca.gov /frm_consumer.html.)向政府報案,或撥電話1-800-952-5225連絡檢察長辦公室或上網www.ag.ca.gov /consumers/general.php提出。
包括房地產經紀、貸款經紀以及房屋估價人和建商共123名詐騙犯,先後在賭城被捕入獄。聯調局展開「偷竊美夢」(Operation Stolen Dreams)行動,在南內華達州逮捕、起訴及定罪人數占全美相同犯罪的20%。
聯調局探員杭特(Scott Hunter)說,這些利用房屋買賣詐騙的罪犯,偽造文件取信買主,提高房屋估價轉售房屋圖利,他們騙得的房款每棟由15萬元到50萬元不等。
探 員表示,賭城房貸詐欺犯選擇2003至2006年間興建的社區,他們進去社區內炒作房價,使房市泡沫更嚴重。房市崩塌後,這些人轉向做調整房貸服務,先向 屋主收一筆費用,保證能替屋主減低房貸及本金,卻無法實現承諾,造成更多受害屋主和查封屋數量增加。聯邦法官波登(Dan Bogden)說,從今年3月起,聯邦探員、國稅局探員和本地執法人員悄悄展開逮捕行動,全美共有500名罪犯被捕。
Read more: 世界新聞網-洛杉磯
STC Management is honored to be
recognized as one of the exclusively selected 515 companies world
wide. And is the first Chinese own Real Estate company being award such
honor in Southern California.
(AMOŽ) Accreditation - recognizes excellence among real estate
management firms. AMO firms manage approximately 2.6 million residential
units and 1 billion net square feet of commercial space, the total
value of which exceeds more than $289.1 billion.