
The Wisconsin Newspaper Association's Government Update newsletter is sent monthly, alternating every two weeks with distribution of The Bulletin. 

It's the law:
Wisconsin's public notices are available online is designed to assist citizens who want to know more about the actions of local, county and state government as well as events occurring in the local and state court system.     


Search for public notices by keyword, date, newspaper or location.   


WNA members: Download advertisements and other resources to promote from the website.   



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Wisconsin Newspaper Association
Wisconsin Public Notices
Open Meetings Compliance Guide
Public Records Compliance Outline
Wisconsin Department of Justice
Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council
Badger Link
Wisconsin State Bar
Wisconsin Counties Association
League of Wisconsin Municipalities
State of Wisconsin Links to Cities, Towns and Villages
Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (campaign finance)
VendorNet(government spending)
Wisconsin Circuit Courts
Wisconsin Legislative Notification System
(legislative tracking)
Wisconsin Statues & Administrative Code
State of Wisconsin Portal
WORKnet: Wisconsin Workforce and Labor Information
Wisconsin State Treasury
Additional state resource links
We The People Wisconsin Fact Finder
Center for Journalism Ethics (UW-Madison)

U.S. House of Representatives:
Paul Ryan
Tammy Baldwin
Ron Kind 
Gwen Moore
James Sensenbrenner
Thomas Petri
Sean Duffy
Reid Ribble

U.S. Senators:
Herb Kohl

Ron Johnson 


Governor Scott Walker

Wisconsin Department of Justice

Wisconsin State Treasurer's Office

Wisconsin State Legislature 
Who Are My Legislators?

Capitol Police Media Identification Guidelines

Statement of Ownership deadline is Oct. 1;
may include electronic subscriptions


Monday, Oct. 1, 2012, is the deadline for paid-distribution newspapers to file a Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation with your postmaster.


New this year: Paid electronic subscriptions may now be included as circulation in postal statements. A paid subscriber, electronic or print, may only be counted once.


A print subscriber with free access to the electronic version of your paper cannot be counted as a paid e-Subscriber. To be considered a paid electronic subscriber, the subscriber must pay more than a nominal rate for the subscription.


To claim electronic subscriptions, you must fill out Form PS-3526, revised August 2012. You will need to use Worksheet PS-3526-X to figure out your distribution of print and electronic paid copies. If you are not using the updated form, you will not be able to count your e-subscribers.If you are not planning on counting e-subscribers, older versions of PS-3526 will suffice.


After filing, you must publish your statement according to the following timetable, depending on frequency of publication:


*   Publications issued more frequently than weekly should publish no later than Oct. 10. This applies to dailies, semi-weeklies and three times per week issues.

*   Publications issued weekly, or less frequently, but not less than monthly, publish by Oct. 31. This applies to weeklies.

*   All other publications publish in the first issue after Oct. 1. This applies to infrequent publications such as quarterlies, bi-monthlies, etc.


Weekly Report offered to WNA members for publication through election

The Wisconsin Newspaper Association is pleased to offer its members free weekly political coverage through the Report.  


Newspaper editors and publishers will receive an email each Thursday through Nov. 8 (one post-election report). Each message will include copy (about 300 words) that can be run in WNA-member publications in print and/or online. If you are not receiving the reports and would like to, please send a request by email to [email protected].


There is no charge to members for use of the report, but it is requested that the logo appear with the article along with " Report" in the headline and byline as provided.


Download the logo for use with the report.   


Election reminders: Campaign advertising and coding ballots  

Campaign Advertising Disclaimers
Wisconsin law requires that all campaign advertising include a "Paid for by" disclaimer followed by the name of the candidate or other individual making the payment or reimbursement or assuming responsibility for the communication. 

Additionally, advertising opposing or supporting a candidate(s) that is not placed by an individual or entity that is associated with a candidate or the candidate's campaign must include the words "Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's agent or committee".

The following sections are taken from the Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statues entitled Campaign Financing.  These requirements apply to all print and electronic campaign ads produced by any newspaper. Read more >>   

It's the law in Wisconsin: Ballots must be coded for public notice website 

Election ballots published in newspapers (ROP) or inserted in newspapers must be posted to the WNA Public Notice Website.


Wisconsin's Fall 2012 General Election (Tuesday, Nov. 6) is for President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, even-numbered Wisconsin State Senate seats, all Wisconsin Assembly seats, and all District Attorneys.

It is important to remember that newspaper publication of the election ballot is required by Wisconsin law and it is a "legal notice." The law also requires that all election ballots published in or inserted in a newspaper appear on the public notice website maintained by the WNA


Ballots published in a newspaper (ROP) and ballots published as a newspaper insert must include the WNA public notice coding on each page in order for the ballot to be electronically posted on the WNA public notice website,  


The WNA coding for public notice is:  wnaxlp. The wnaxlp coding should appear on each notice or on each page containing a public notice, including ballots.


If you are not currently uploading your newspaper pages to WNA please make sure to include any ballot insert in the copy of the newspaper that you send to WNA for processing.


Questions? Call WNA Executive Director Beth Bennett at (608) 283-7621.

DOA certification must be completed to publish legal notices   
Watch your mailboxes: In early October, newspapers certified to publish legal notices will receive a request from Wisconsin's Department of Administration seeking information to complete the annual certification process.

Newspapers certified to publish legal notices are required to follow the steps outlined in the letter:

1.   Review your current 2012 Certification Letter.
2.   Complete the attached Application form, DOA-3417.
3.   Submit a Statement of Ownership (PS-3526) from your USPS office.
4.   Send in a full-page tear sheet from your legal/public notice section of your newspaper.

Preview the letter Endres will send publishers.

For assistance, contact either Newspaper Program Manager Gail Endres of the DOA at (608) 264-7658 or [email protected], or WNA Executive Director Beth Bennett at (800) 261-4242 or [email protected].

Preview the letter Endres will send publishers.
Revised edition of Public Records Compliance Outline available  

A newly revised edition of the Wisconsin Public Records Compliance Outline is available online at the Department of Justice website. This latest edition of the outline addresses recent developments regarding the permissible fees for responding to public records and access to records of an authority's contractors.

The September 2012 revision also has been enhanced with links to court cases cited in the outline. Anyone may access, download and print the outline for free at the following link: Public Records Law Compliance Outline

"Oversight of and openness in government are fundamental to our democracy," Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said. "Knowing Wisconsin's Public Records and Open Meetings laws helps to prevent violations and ensure our government is functioning as it was designed."

Visitors to the Department of Justice (DOJ) website ( also will find the August 2010 edition of the Open Meetings Compliance Guide

Upcoming DOJ seminars: Public records and open meetings laws

Live programs:  
Oct. 4 in Waukesha 
Oct. 15 in Fitchburg


Live webinar: 
Oct. 17


Online registration for all events is open: Click to register.

Anyone needing additional information about these programs may contact Connie Anderson at (608) 266-3952, or [email protected]  

Postal Webinar: Making the transition to IMb  

WNA Foundation, in partnership with Online Media Campus will present a one-hour webinar, "Postal: Making the transition to IMb" on Friday, Nov. 2 from 1-2:30 p.m.

In this webinar: Effective January 2013 newspapers must implement Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) in order to be eligible for USPS automation rates. This webinar will provide an understanding of how you can continue to take advantage of automation pricing. It will cover migration to the Intelligent Mail barcode including creating the barcode, obtaining a Mailer ID, working with your software vender and much more.

You'll learn about the Intelligent Mail Barcode:

What it is and what it means 
* Differences between Basic and Full-Service 
* Different types of IMb (piece, sack/tray, container) 
* USPS requirements for IMb transition

What is needed to produce and use a basic IMb? 
* Business Customer Gateway account 
* Mailer ID (MID) 
* Compatible software and hardware 
* Possible adjustments to mailpiece design 
* Links to USPS information on IMb 
* Links to various software vendor instructions


Register today at

Registration deadline: Tuesday, October 30 (Registrations submitted after this date aresubject to a $10 late fee)

Registration fee: $35 Group discounts are available. Visit our website for more information.


Registration deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 30 


Brad Hill, one of the National Newspaper Association's representatives on the USPS Mailer's Technical Advisory Committee, will instruct the webinar. Hill works with postal executives and implementers on issues such as electronic documentation, address quality and the Intelligent Mail Barcode, to name a few. He is also the general manager at Interlink, a Michigan-based company that provides circulation software certified under the Postal Service's PAVE program to more than 1,500 publications in the U.S. He has been with Interlink for 10 years.

Important reminders regarding all levels of
athletics in your newspaper advertising   

With fall sports well underway, it is important for all WNA members to honor copyright and trademark regulations set forth by the WIAA, the NCAA, University of Wisconsin and NFL. 
Remember the NCAA, University of Wisconsin and NFL own the rights to team names, nicknames, logos, conferences, etc. 

The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association has established regulations and guidelines to assist media with the requesting/issuing of working media credentials, the use of equipment by news gathering media and WIAA property rights for State Tournament Series competitions.


WNA members should note that any non-editorial, commercial or other unauthorized use of any transmission, internet stream, photo, image, film, videotape, audio tape, any play-by-play depiction or description of any competition and/or game action and/or any non-editorial or commercial use of any team school name or logo, is prohibited without written consent of the WIAA.

Read more WIAA media policies and guidelines online >>

Questions or concerns? Contact WIAA's Director of Communications and Advanced Media Todd Clark at [email protected] or (715) 344-8580 or WNA Executive Director Beth Bennett at 608-283-7621.

NCAA advertising
National Collegiate Athletic Association, NCAA, NCAA Foundation,,Final Four, and March Madness are among those trademarks owned, registered or licensed by the NCAA. There may be no use of NCAA trademarks or the trademarks of NCAA member institutions and conferences without the advance written consent of the owner.

University of Wisconsin
The University of Wisconsin asserts ownership and all right, title, and interest in and to its indicia, which includes trademarks, service marks, mascots, slogans and any other indicia that is associated with or refers to the University.

The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System owns and supervises use of University indicia. Examples of University indicia include any graphic representation relating to the following:

*   University of Wisconsin�
   University of Wisconsin Madison™
   University of Wisconsin Badgers™
   Wisconsin Badgers�
   Bucky Badger™
   The Motion W logo (requires �)

Review a complete list online at:


National Football League

The National Football League (NFL) under federal law retains the exclusive right to control the marketing of all NFL trademarks. These trademarks include the following: The phrases "Super Bowl," "Super Sunday," National Football League," "NFL," and the NFL shield and all Super Bowl logos.  Additionally, the NFL and the individual teams also own federally registered trademarks for the team names (e.g., "Jaguars" or Buccaneers"), nicknames (e.g., "Jags" or "Bucs") and uniform and helmet designs.   The NFL also owns the trademarks for "National Football Conference" and "NFC," as well as "American Football Conference" and "AFC."   Without the express permission of the NFL marketers and advertisers may not use these terms in their promotions.

Questions? Call WNA Executive Director Beth Bennett at (608) 283-7621.


The Wisconsin Openness Report, a compilation of newspaper coverage of Open Meetings and Freedom of Information issues from across Wisconsin, is sent to WNA members as a stand-alone e-mail.  

The message contains links to allow readers to download and view PDF coverage from each newspaper listed.


Click here to sign up for The Wisconsin Openness Report, Government Update and/or Press Notes newsletters. Send an email to [email protected] to subscribe to The Bulletin. Contact the WNA office for archive information. 


Have a recent article regarding open meetings, open records or other freedom of information topics to submit to the report? Send a PDF via e-mail to [email protected].