Oxleas News
September 2012
Welcome to Oxleas News

Welcome to the first edition of Oxleas News, providing news and information on Oxleas' services and events.

Over the past couple of years, we have changed significantly, taking on community health services in both Bexley and Greenwich boroughs, alongside our existing mental health and learning disability services across Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich. We've also won new contracts such as the Community Gynaecology Service in Greenwich, and we are now providing integrated healthcare services in prisons and forensic units in Kent.

As there has been so much change, we have set up this newsletter to keep people informed. It aims to guide local groups through how we are organised. 

We have more changes being planned - details are included in this newsletter - click here to read.

We plan to produce these updates every few months. Please let us know if they are helpful or what other information you need.

Jo Mant
Head of Stakeholder Engagement
Tel: 01322 625700 x 5857 or email jo.mant@oxleas.nhs.uk
RestructureRestructuring to promote integration of physical and mental health services
Stephen Whitmore and Jane Wells We are changing how our services are managed to organise them more around patient groups. Therefore, we are creating a children's directorate covering both community health services and children's mental health services. 

A new directorate for adult community health services will also be created.

Stephen Whitmore, currently Service Director for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and Adult Learning Disability Services will be the new Director of Children and Young People's Services. 


Jane Wells, currently Service Director for Greenwich Community Health Services will be the new Director of Adult Community Health Services. They will both take up their new posts on 1 October 2012. 


Adult learning disability services will join our Adult Complex Needs and Recovery directorate under the management of Iain Dimond, Service Director.


Click here to view our current executive team structure. 


Click here to see Stephen and Jane's new structures from October 2012.

Future of health services in South East London
There's a lot of concern at the moment about the future of South London Healthcare NHS Trust. Oxleas provides a number of services on their premises. We would like to reassure you that our services will not be affected by the current situation. Please click here to read more.
Improving the patient experience
At Oxleas, we are really committed to improving our patients and service users' experience of our services and getting feedback.


Our patient experience programme is overseen by our trust Patient Experience Group, chaired by Dr Keith Miller who is Head of Psychology and Psychological Therapies. Each directorate has its own Patient Experience Group, a patient experience lead and a workplan.


There are a lot of ways we seek feedback. One example used across our services, is our Oxleas Patient Experience Questionnaire. This initiative sees volunteers, such as our service users and Governors, visiting services to talk to other service users to get really good quality feedback, as a service user will be more open when talking about their experience to another service user. It also provides an opportunity for our volunteers to feedback to the trust on their own observations such as the environment in which the service is run. 


Promoting care, compassion and engagement 

Discussions earlier this year around how things could be improved within Adult Acute Mental Health Services have led to an exciting new initiative that aims to put the trust's values into action.

Led by Service Manager Angus Gartshore, Care, Compassion and Engagement aims to improve the services that patients receive
Angus Gartshore
Angus Gartshore
by ensuring that the staff who deliver them are fully responsive to patients' needs. It was launched at Oxleas House, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, in April 2012.


Feedback from recent patient surveys suggests that interaction between staff and patients and carers is not always as good as it could be. Complaints have also led to the conclusion that staff attitudes could be better. 


Our plans to address this include implementing the principles of care, compassion and engagement right from recruitment and only employing people who share the trust's values. For example, we will be holding group discussions as part of the interview process for nurses.


To read more about this project and another exciting initiative, experience based co-design, click here.

What's happening in Bexley
In brief

Our community health services have been working hard to support patients in their own homes, and also to support colleagues in our local acute trusts.


In response to the increasing need for phlebotomy services for housebound patients and the resulting pressure on our district nurses to provide this, we are now setting up a phlebotomy service in the community.


We now have a team in Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Darent Valley Hospital to ease pressure on acute services by working with patients to prevent them from being admitted to hospital unnecessarily. 


Therefore, if you arrive at the Accident and Emergency Department, Urgent Care Centre and/or Acute Medical Assessment Unit with an illness or injury that may not need acute or medical treatment, you will be assessed, and if appropriate, referred to the care navigation team. They will then suggest or refer an alternative treatment that may avoid an unnecessary hospital admission.


On our Step Up, Step Down Unit at Queen Mary's Hospital, bed sensors have been introduced to alert nurses to patients' movements, particularly at night, to reduce the number of falls on the unit. 


Spotlight on...

The Stroke Rehabilitation service, which started on 2 April 2012, aims to ensure the safe and timely discharge of patients from the Stroke Unit (or Hyper-Acute Stroke Unit) at the Princess Royal University Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital.The service provides a seamless transfer from hospital to home, and enables stroke survivors to receive stroke specialist rehabilitation in their own home.This is a twelve month pilot (which is being reviewed at the end of September).


The service is also available, via GP referral, to Bexley patients who are about to be discharged from the Stroke Unit at Darent Valley Hospital. 


The specialist stroke team will:

  • contact the patient within 24 hours of their discharge home
  • carry out an assessment of rehabilitation needs within 3 days of discharge home
  • commence treatment programme within 7 days of the assessment.

Click here for more information about this service.


Read the personal story of Kim Garnham, who suffered a stroke at 49, here.


Our telehealth service was set up last year at Erith Health Centre by Bexley Community Health Services. Through the telehealth system, nurses can monitor patients' vital signs, health and wellbeing in their own homes without them having to go to hospital.The patients are able to manage long term conditions - such as heart failure, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) effectively at home. Patients are able to understand their illness and take a more active role in their own care.


Regular monitoring also reduces GP visits and unplanned hospital admissions and allows nursing staff to see more patients.



You can watch a video about telehealth and Ellen Lawson, who suffers from COPD or read Ellen's personal story here


What's happening in Bromley
In brief 
Our Bromley Adult and Older Adult management teams have received funding from Bromley Commissioning Group to start up a new psychiatric liaison service at Princess Royal Hospital site to support adult and older adult service users.

The multidisciplinary team will provide liaison psychiatry cover to the A&E department and general wards at Princess Royal University Hospital. The aim is to treat more people at home, preventing a hospital admission where possible. It will also focus on quicker discharge for those patients on general medical wards.

It is anticipated that the service will be fully up and running by autumn.

Bromley Older People Mental Health Services have been given funding for a permanent 24 hour Older Adults Liaison Access Team for working age and older adults.

This follows the success of a temporary Liaison Team set up with the A&E Department at the Princess Royal University Hospital, to provide psychiatric assessment to those patients where there were concerns around their memory. The service also provided support into Orpington Hospital's intermediate care team.

The temporary service, which ran for three and a half months, screened just over 1500 patients, carried out nearly 200 assessments, assisted in 150 discharges, helped reduce the four hour breaches and liaised with external and internal services.

To improve the quality of life of people with dementia in care homes, and to also reduce the need for antipsychotics, Bromley Older People Mental Health Services are working with care homes to enable them to develop a care pathway for people with dementia who are showing signs of distress.

The psychology led team have so far worked with four care homes, the key message being that when people exhibit behaviours that indicate distress, they are trying to communicate how they are feeling. Through workshops, discussing case studies and care plans, staff can work through the care pathway and identify how to reduce distress.

The plan is to work with a further eight care homes this year, working jointly with colleagues in primary care. 

Working in partnership...with Broadway

A charity for homeless people is working closely with Oxleas to support people with mental health problems in Bromley.


Broadway is a London based homelessness charity, providing a full range of services to help people get accommodation, improve their physical and mental health, gain training and employment and to live successful, independent lives.


Dave Feast
Dave Feast

Dave Feast is a Welfare Rights Officer for Broadway and his patch is the Bromley borough. Based at Bromley Mind's office in Orpington, Dave's specific role is to advise and support people with mental health problems and with their social security benefit issues. To read the full story, click here

What's happening in Greenwich
In brief

We have been commissioned to provide a new Integrated Children's Service in Greenwich, which we'll be launching later this summer. The new service will work closely with existing services and provide a team of children's nurses working alongside other health professionals including dieticians and psychiatrists in clinics and family homes. It will help prevent children having to go in to hospital unless they need to.


This will be an extension of some existing services currently provided by Oxleas and South London Healthcare NHS Trust (with some staff due to join Oxleas) and also three new specialist services for children with epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a dietetics service. The service began operating on 1 July and will develop to become fully operational over the course of the year.


This new service will mean better, more joined up care for children and young people with complex health needs and their families in the borough. It will establish a broad children's services network which will provide high quality child centred care. The team will work very closely with other services in Greenwich including schools, children's centres, Demelza Children's Hospice and local voluntary sector organisations. They will also work with specialist children's hospitals.


Greenwich Community Health Services, in close collaboration with the Cardiac Network and Greenwich Business Support Unit, have been awarded funding to set up and deliver cardiac rehabilitation in the community in Greenwich.


Greenwich community learning disability team, previously based at Civic House have moved to the Woolwich Centre. Contact numbers remain the same, however patient appointments will be at the outpatients building at Memorial Hospital in Shooters Hill. This is a temporary move until clinical space is secured nearer to the Woolwich Centre.  

Spotlight on...
Jane Dickson
Dr Jane Dickson promoting the service

Community gynaecology services are now provided by our Greenwich CASH (contraceptive and sexual health) medical team. Many women's health problems can be helped without the need to be referred to hospital. If patient's symptoms are not serious and do not require surgery, Greenwich GPs can refer them for diagnosis and treatment by our specialist community gynaecology team.


The CASH Community Gynaecology Service can assess and treat a wide range of symptoms and conditions such as

  • Heavy or painful periods
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS/PMT)
  • Problems with menstrual cycle which cause other medical conditions to get worse, ie migraines
  • Advice and treatment for the menopause
  • Irregular or abnormal bleeding (unless the GP suspects something serious)
  • Assessment of fertility
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Abdominal pain or pain or difficulty having sex
  • Pain or itching in the vagina or vulva
  • 'lost' IUD (coil)
  • Help with prolapse (lump in the vagina).

To find out more about the service and how to access it, click here.


A new peer support group for teens who hear voices or see visions was launched by Greenwich Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in May.


Interesting Minds will hold weekly groups on Mondays between 4.30 and 5.45pm at the Tramshed, Woolwich New Road, London SE18.  The group is open to young people in Greenwich aged 12 to 18 with personal experience of hearing voices, seeing visions or having other unusual sensory experiences.


It offers a safe and confidential space to meet other young people with similar experiences whilst remaining relaxed and flexible.


To join, or to find out more, please call Gemma or Slobodanka at Greenwich CAMHS on 020 8331 4170, or email greenwich@voicecollective.co.uk

Tackling health inequalities

Equality and human rights is high on the agenda in Oxleas, with a quarterly steering group chaired by Simon Hart, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development.


The Equality and Human Rights team includes Dr Christine Rivers, who is our Equality and Human Rights lead, and Lucy Kayiya, who is developing evidence for the Equality Delivery System (EDS). The EDS is a framework for benchmarking progress against equality measurements, and it supports the trust in making progress in relation to the Equality Act (2010). The EDS has 18 outcomes, measured against the 9 protected characteristics of the Act - these are gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnershsip, age, religion, pregnancy and maternity, and disability. Lucy and Christine have undertaken significant patient and public engagement to gauge people's views on how well Oxleas is doing, and have been working with LINks colleagues in Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich to grade us.


Working with travelling families

Our Bexley and Greenwich Oral Health Promotion team are working closely with local travellers to improve their oral health care. With the support of a family worker from Robert Owen Nursery, Claire Benzies and Gwen Jerrom, Oral Health Improvement Practitioners, recently visited the travellers site on Horn Link Way in Charlton, SE7 to hold a dental session in one of the family's trailers (the dental service having previously provided the family with dental treatment). The family provided lunch for everyone and the team were visited by other family members and families from the site.


To read more about the team's visit and the travellers' visit to a dental clinic, click here.


In addition, Sally Ghiglieri, who is a health visitor working in Crayford, participates in a travellers group at the local Children's Centre which is facilitated by a staff member, Bernadette. The group meets every four to six weeks and Sally goes along to speak or answer questions on the children's health needs, check that their immunisations are up to date, do developmental checks, weigh the children, and discuss any issues or concerns.


However there are a number of families that don't access health on that site and there are plans to bring a health bus (organised through the Children's Centre) to the site, hopefully in October during half term, once this has been discussed and agreed with the travellers. 

Issue 1 
Small intro box
In This Issue
Restructuring to promote integration of physical and mental health services
Future of health services in South East London
Improving the patient experience
What's happening in Bexley
What's happening in Bromley
What's happening in Greenwich
Tackling health inequalities
Our services
More Choice for you
Oxleas advice to service users and carers during London 2012
Oxleas membership
Associate membership...who's on board?
Forthcoming events
Oxleas' health information
Ask a question
Useful links
Our services
You can find information about all our services and how to access them on our website. Click here to find out more.
More Choice for you

Several community health services are now available to Greenwich patients on Choose and Book. 


You can now choose to be seen by our 

  • heart failure service
  • specialist foot service
  • intermediate diabetes team
  • musculoskeletal (MSK) integrated clinical assessment and treatment (ICAT) service 
  • community gynaecology service.

Additionally, podiatry will be available from 3 September and continence from 24 September 2012.


Ask your GP to refer you. 

Oxleas advice to service users and carers during London 2012
Oxleas has been working with local partners and London 2012 planners to ensure that services run as smoothly as possible during the games.

What you can do
  • Allow extra time to get to your appointments and plan your journey before you set off at Get ahead of the games.
  • For home visits, please be flexible with your appointment times as your health professional may not be able to come at the normal time
  • Choose well and only use A&E for serious injuries and illnesses - see www.nhs.uk to find the right health service for you
  • Check our website for up to date information from Oxleas during the games.
If you have any questions about your appointments during the games, or would like information about the services you access, please speak to the person who you normally see. You can also contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0800 917 7159.
Oxleas membership
If you live in Bexley, Bromley or Greenwich you can become a Public member. If you have used our services or cared for someone using our services within the past five years you can become a Service User/Carer member.


Membership is free and open to people aged 14 years and over. 
Our Public and Service User/Carer members help us in many ways. Some want to be very involved, coming along to trust meetings, having a say in how services develop, or perhaps standing to join our Council of Governors. Others just prefer to receive regular information about our work or contact us when they need to.


You can join on line 

here or call our membership line on 0300 1231541.


If you are a local organisation, you may be interested in becoming an associate member - click here for more information. 


Our Governors
As a Foundation Trust, we are accountable to our members through Governors. Governors are people elected by members to represent them in Public or Service User/Carer constituencies. We also have Staff Governors. These people, with representatives from local organisations (Appointed Governors), form our Council of Governors.

The Council of Governors holds the trust management to account and helps shape how the trust develops.

Click here to see who our current Governors are.   

AssociateAssociate membership - 
who's on board?

Advocacy for All

Bexley Mencap

Bexley Moorings Project

Bluebird Care Greenwich

 Breakthrough & Reflections Art in Health Charity

Bromley Healthcare (Public Health)

Bromley Mind

 Carers Bromley

Carers' Support (Bexley)

Charlton Athletic Community Trust

Community Links Bromley

Community Options

Community Options Positive Steps

Complementary Cancer Care Trust

Danson Youth & Children's Centre

Diabetes UK (Bexley Support Group)

E-mploy Agency Ltd


Feel Good Co-op

First Step Trust

Galeforce Productions Universal Ltd

Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice

Greenwich Community College

Greenwich Older Voices (GOVS)

Headway SELNWK

HER Centre

Irish Community in Greenwich, Bexley & Lewisham

Listening Ears

Metropolitan Police (Gypsy Traveller Liaison Office)

Multiple Sclerosis Society Bexley & Dartford

Oasis Care and Training Agency

Pro-Active South London


Samaritans Bexley & Dartford

Simply Active

South London Counselling Services

South London Special League

Squeaky Gate

Trust Thamesmead

Tryangle Project 2011

Welfare Rights Service, Royal Borough of Greenwich


Want to become an associate member? 

Click here for more information. You can join online here or contact Jo Mant, Head of Stakeholder Engagement for more information - email Jo or call her on 01322 625700 ext 5857. 

Forthcoming events
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust 
26 September: Oxleas' Annual Members Meeting (AMM) and Staff Awards Ceremony, Indigo, O2.
Click here to book a place. 

Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice   
15 September, 10pm start:
Moonlight Walk 2012 - 10km women-only walk - girls night out!

Starting and finishing in Bexleyheath Broadway Shopping Centre  
 Enter online - �10 in advance, 
�20 on the night.
For more information call 020 8319 9230 or email info@gbch.org.uk
Guys can help too! The hospice are recruiting volunteers to help on the night with route marshalls, and at drink stations, so please do get in touch if you would like to help out.
Oxleas' health information
For information about all Oxleas' services, please click here.
For advice and guidance please click here.

A range of easy-read health information is available here.
To read some real life experiences of Oxleas' patients, click here.

To view a range of videos about Oxleas services on our website, click here. 

The following videos are on You Tube
Making sense of psychosis (early intervention)
Making sense of psychosis (early intervention)

Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Intermediate Care Community Diabetes Service
Intermediate Care Community Diabetes Service
Ask a question
Something you want to know? To ask us, please click here.
We welcome your feedback - on this e-bulletin and about our services. To comment, please click here
Useful links
Latest exchange
Follow us on twitter: @OxleasNHS Like us on facebook: www.fb.com/OxleasNHS  
Jo Mant, Head of Stakeholder Engagement
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
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