Weekend De La Funk

(weekend of the funk)


Good people of New York,

We've got a special theme for those of you partial to the funky, the earthy, the leathery, the barnyard, and the tangy sour ales.  The beers you'll find this weekend (and below), rely upon a special wild yeast strain present in the air we breathe called Brettanymyces. It's used not only to ferment the beer, but also to impart flavors and aromas often described as spicy, "horsey", clove like, smokey, cheesy,  and oakey.


Also making an appearance this weekend will be my good friends bacterial Pediococcus and his partner Lactobacillus.  These two characters are  often responsible for the tartness found in many traditional Belgian Lambic Ales, or maybe even in that cup of your favorite yogurt (the kind with the blueberries on the bottom).   


As always, you can find the entire draft list here and also facebook and twitter 

Now beer....



On Cask ! 

(not funky)



Victory Pursuit Pale Ale - El Dorado

For this iteration of their Pursuit series, Victory has chosen one of the newest hop variety's to highlight, El Dorado. Having no experience with this hop, one would assume it has some citrus note, maybe a pine flavor?  But who knows, maybe it tastes like lasagna, or ranch potato chips.  You'll have to be here at 5 o'clock tomorrow to find out

Tha Funk

The Bruery Filthy Red Head


This beer is the most delicate, most refined and well behaved of this weekend's wild ales. The Bruery had an Imperial Red Ale in mind when

they brewed this slightly funktafied ale.  It's got a light body, a toasted caramel finish, and just a slight cherryish earthiness.




The Bruery Filthy Blonde

Unlike it's compadre above, this beer is fermented with 100% Brettanomyces.   A light Belgian Pale Ale with cereal grain flavor, and lemony citrus note, white pepper, and a substantial barnyard character.  




Victory Wild Devil


Picture This. You find yourself walking  through  an open field of barley, and it begins to rain.  Without a proper raincoat or umbrella,  you frantically look for nearby shelter, and notice an  old barn on the distant horizon. As you approach, you hear the faint whinny of a horse,  and notice that the massive barn door is open just  a crack. Sopping wet and freezing, you squeeze yourself through the opening to find a horse blanket tossed carelessly on the barn floor.  With  a sigh  of relief you wrap it around yourself to  keep warm. "woopdedoo!" you exclaim as you realize you have your last bottle of your favorite American  IPA stashed in you pants pocket (you wear really big pants).  As you plop down on  a fluffy pile of hay to take your first sip, you carelessly spill a healthy dose of your favorite medicine all over the hay covered horse blanket.  Frustrated, you frantically struggle to wring the spilled contents back into  the bottle, and take your first sip.  THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS BEER TASTES LIKE. 



Rodenbach Grand Cru


The world renowned Flemish Red Ale,  

and our sour offering of the weekend.  If you're a

sour beer novice, than this one's perfect.  Malty, rich and tart without the enamel stripping sourness of many Belgian lambics.  A light oak quality and a decidedly dark cherry flavor.



And Now For Some Less Funky Options  



Green Flash Grand Cru

One of the few, yet delicious Belgian options from a brewery known for their west coast style hop bombs.  This one's their take on a Belgian Dark Strong Ale.  Plenty of raisiny, plum-like, overripe fruit flavors, a hit of roasted barley and a surprisingly clean, dry finish.


Barrier Barnacle Brown


Full bodied, brown, foamy.  What more could you ask for?  This Brown ale packs more flavor than most with a roasted caramel macchiato flavor, dark burn sugar notes, and satifying, rich finish.   



And Lest Ye Forget!





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