Imagine if millions of older adults used their voices to advocate on behalf of America's future: our children and youth. That's precisely what Generations United envisions come September.
Using Grandparents Day (September 9) as a call to action, we are planning a full week of intergenerational activism. Together, adults and youth can reach out to decision makers and begin one of the most important dialogues in our history: addressing the many challenges facing future generations-from literacy to health and wellness to financial stability.
We're calling this campaign Do Something Grand, and we're sharing resources, ideas, and information on ways that you and your organization can get involved at
Grandparents and Older Adults: Commit to do something grand. Share your wisdom, perspectives and key civic values with the young people in your life. Then, become a Grand Face Grand Voice to improve the lives of all children across the country.
Children, Youth, and Younger Adults: Commit to do something grand. Make a special effort to connect with your grandparents in a meaningful way--whether they're down the street or across the country--and volunteer with or for older adults in your community.
Grandfamilies: By providing a safe and loving home to your grandchildren or other relatives in your care, you do something grand for children every day of the year. As part of our week-long celebration of Grandparents Day, Generations United recognizes, honors, and thanks grandfamilies in particular. We will release a special new publication of inspirational stories for grandfamiles. Read it together as a family. Find out how you can do something grand to ensure better policies for grandfamilies.
Intergenerational Programs: You do something grand every time you bring younger and older people together. Plan grand intergenerational activism projects and tell us what you did. We'll highlight projects from across the country and share ideas with you.
Visit our week-at-a-glance now and make sure to visit for the latest information. Send your questions to Together, we can truly Do SOMETHING GRAND.