Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries
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"Islam and the Church: "Chrislam" and "Failure to Translate"
 (The Muslim-Friendly Bible Translations Controversy)

Seven Week Radio Series on CD

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Take A Stand! Journal Volume 5

In this issue:

Failure to Translate:
Bible Translations


The Deception of Chrislam

Rick Warren, Islam and the REAL Issue


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Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.

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Hermeneutical discussions aside, critics of "The Harbinger" illustrate what NOT to do

When Christian Engage in Blood Sport 


Discernment and apologetics ministries are often known for what we're against. That's part of the nature of contending for the faith and exposing what is false. However, this doesn't mean that we should be cranky and cantankerous. In fact, I try to point out often that while I oppose doctrines and practices that are not in step with the Bible I want to uplift teaching and individuals who I believe are worthy for our consideration.


Sometimes, alongside discernment and apologetics, I also feel there is a responsibility to come to the aid of others who are being maligned. Thus, I think what my friend and sister in ministry, Jan Markell, wrote for World Net Daily this week is important and worthy of your reading.


You may not be aware of Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's book The Harbinger or of the controversy that has stirred from the mouths and pens of a few in the community of discernment writers but what Jan states in her new column needs to be considered.


In fact, in the coming days we are going to be discussing the concept of just how far should a biblical apologist go in exposing what they might perceive as false teaching by those inside Christianity and by what criteria should a discernment expose' be carried out. As Jan enumerated in World Net Daily, I fear that "contending for the faith" has often become the mantra for an ultra narrow, legalistic, and unjust form of ministry assassination by some with computers and mailing lists. Can we agree on the central themes of Scripture and agree to disagree on the peripherals? I guess not, at least in the minds of some.


In the case of Cahn and The Harbinger, at least two individuals who have decided to go after him publicly didn't even make an attempt to contact him first. In fact, when Jonathan Cahn became aware that he was about to become a public dartboard for one high profile writer in the Christian discernment community and began reaching out to this individual to discuss their concerns about his book, Cahn's repeated attempts to dialog with the critic were resisted and then ignored. I know this to be the case because of interaction we had with a party who tried desperately to mediate the situation. I agree with Jan Markell. I am ashamed. So much for "Come, let us reason together."


In the next few days I'll be sending our list more about this, including information and a link to a very important radio broadcast that each and every discerning Christian must hear. We're going to take the veil off of this whole subject concerning what is and what is NOT worthy of negative discernment apologetics and expose'.


Stay tuned for more and thank very much for your ongoing prayers and support!


Now, please click here and read Jan Markell's recent commentary. 


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This Week:  

 The Errors of the Emergent Church part 4 (revisited) 


In this final session of the series Eric recaps and draws us to the only conclusion possible for biblical thinkers - that the Emergent Church movement really isn't Christianity at all. He summarizes that those leading this Postmodern redefinition of Christianity have taken the movement perilously outside the boundaries of orthodoxy into blatant apostasy endangering the eternal life of any who follow them. Instead of continuing in the faith as Paul exhorted his son in the faith, Timothy, to do, the Emergent movement has dismantled historic Christianity, left the Bible without doctrine or context, and inspired a spirit of rebellion among its followers. For authentic Believers, our task remains to lovingly refute and correct error and then to teach the truth whenever possible to a lost and corrupt world - including those who claim to be "Christian" inside the Emergent heresy.


 Emergent DVD  
(more info)


(Order online or call 214-289-5244) 


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PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030

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Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA
Phone: 214-289-5244 


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