Hath God Said?
Holding Onto The Bible in Troubled Times
- How We Got the Bible, Why it's True, and How We Know!
- Answering the Skeptics
- The Authenticating Work of Bible Prophecy
- When it Comes to the Scriptures, It Is Finished!
(* Recorded live at the Olive Tree Ministries Conference, April, 2010.)

Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian?
This comparison of New Age and Emergent beliefs against the backdrop of biblical Christianity will not only expose the many likenesses shared by New Age and Emergent philosophies but it will also help equip viewers with discernment in understanding and recognizing real, authentic Christianity.Watch clip From DVD

Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.
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The PROOF and the POWER of the  of Jesus Christ
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the literal the capstone of Christianity. In fact, if Jesus would have fulfilled the dozens, even hundreds of other prophecies concerning the Messiah and yet would have failed to physically raise from the dead, then we could have written Him off as just another religious sage, a prophet, a teacher but not the Messiah, the Holy One of Israel. Besides fulfilling each and every biblical prophecy that Scripture mandates of the Messiah, Jesus' crowning triumph was that He indeed DID raise from the dead - and not just spiritually, as so many liberal theologians, heretics, and uninformed religionists have postulated. The God-man from Nazareth beat death, he defeated Hell, and He conquered the grave and He offers the same to whosoever places their trust in Him as Savior, Messiah, and Lord. This is perhaps our greatest reason for our hope as Christians. He's not like Buddha, Confucius, Zoroaster, Muhammad or any number of other religious figures from history. They are all dead, their bones are buried in the grave, and the religions they represent stand in stark contrast to the light and life of Jesus Christ. He is alive. He's alive forevermore. Yes my friends, He's alive! This weekend, churches worldwide will experience their largest attendance of the year. Tragically, many will trade Calvary's blood-stained cross for a gospel built on sand which focuses on humanity and a false redemption based in the good works of man. Many others will align with the pagan ideals of bunnies and eggs, mixing the sacrifice and resurrection of the King of Kings with what can only be called false religion. Let the truly redeemed Remnant Church understand that the Easter Bunny has no place in our celebration of Resurrection Day. But I'll leave that discussion for another time. This week on Take A Stand Radio we're going to examine the "Proof and the Power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ" and why every Christian has great reason to celebrate and give bold witness of His triumph over the grave each and every day! Make sure to tune in or click here to listen right now!  _______________________
Eric is heard each Saturday across America and around the world on the Christian Satellite Network and selected local stations. To listen "live," download programs, or listen on demand anytime Click Here. For a complete list of times and stations Click Here. 
This Week: "The Proof and the Power of the Resurrection!" part 1 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the literal the capstone of Christianity. Besides fulfilling each and every biblical prophecy that Scripture mandates of the Messiah, Jesus' crowning triumph was that He indeed DID raise from the dead - and not just spiritually, as so many liberal theologians, heretics, and uninformed religionists have postulated. The God-man from Nazareth beat death, he defeated Hell, and He conquered the grave, and He offers the same to whosoever places their trust in Him as Savior, Messiah, and Lord. This is perhaps our greatest reason for our hope as Christians. However, many Believers fail to confidently present reasons and evidence for this, the lynchpin of our faith. This week on Take A Stand Radio we're going to examine the "Proof and the Power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ" and why every Christian has great reason to celebrate and give bold witness of His triumph over the grave each and every day! Make sure to tune in!. The Proof and the Power of the Resurrection Eric's Seminar Teaching DVD Order Here (or call 214-289-5244) Order Eric's Recent Seven Week Radio Series !! Islam and the Church Including: "Chrislam" and "Failure to Translate" (The Muslim-Friendly Bible Translations Controversy) 
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