What a fantastic weekend we had at
Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times 2011" Conference in Minnesota. I ministered along with authors Joel Rosenberg, Mark Hitchcock, Bill Koenig, and Brannon Howse for two intense days of apologetics, discernment, current events and Bible prophecy. Our heartfelt thanks to Jan, her staff, ministry board, and many volunteers for putting on another top -shelf conference. It was great to meet and talk with so many of our readers and radio listeners there, too. We saw several old friends (including some we hadn't seen in many years...bless you Joe and Barb!) and made many new friends as well. Grace Church was at overflow capacity with conservative estimates putting the crowd at between 7,000 and 8,000 over the two days. My topic on Saturday was
"The Deception of Chrislam" - a growing movement that seeks to merge Christianity and Islam. I'll be writing about this in the days ahead and also discussing it on
Take A Stand! Radio in the near future.
Take a Stand! Ministries was well represented as Melanie and I, our trusted assistant and friend Steve, and even my editor, Dee, and our friend, Warrna, came from Washington State.
Just as in years before, folks came from all over the U.S. and Canada, displaying the hunger of the Remnant Church for solid, trustworthy teaching and information. Several countries were represented there as well. On Friday I spoke to a lady from
Belgium who had come to Minneapolis specifically for the meeting. Wow! But if that wasn't awesome enough, at the very close of the conference a lady from
Australia introduced herself and related to me that she had traveled literally from the other side of the planet to be there. What an honor.

On Sunday morning I was excited to speak twice at
Twin City Fellowship. Pastor Eric Douma has become a good friend and it was a joy to minister there once again. Then, on Sunday afternoon, I interviewed my friend and co-author, Dave Benoit, for an upcoming "Understanding the Times" broadcast, after which we had the pleasure of some great fellowship.
When Monday morning rolled around and we embarked on the drive down I-35 to Kansas City, Melanie and I were pretty exhausted but nothing could detract from the wonderful weekend we'd just experienced. However, there are many more miles to be traveled in the next few days.
As I write you, I'm stationary for a day here in central Missouri. Just a couple of hours ago I put Melanie on a plane bound for home and in just a few hours I head to Providence, Rhode Island, to the
New England Apologetics and Theology Conference and finally on to New Bedford, MA, to address a church this coming Sunday. Thanks for praying for us and especially for God to be glorified as I go.
Before I close I want to remind you once again that we need your support. As I said last week, I'm asking for all of our discernment-minded friends to consider a gift of support to help us continue the ongoing outreaches of Take A Stand! Ministries.
None of what we do would happen if it were not for your faithful and generous support. By the way, when you make a purchase from our online bookstore, you help provide for this ministry and also receive valuable tools to use in reaching the world and the Church from your own perspective. I encourage you to check out the special
"Occult Awareness Package" we're offering this month (scroll down). It represents tools you'll use again and again to educate your children, grandchildren, family, friends, and church.
Melanie and I really appreciate your partnership with us. God bless you!

PS...To give a gift of support
click here. To view our safe and secure online bookstore
click here. Of course, you can always "snail mail" a gift or order to our Rowlett, Texas, address found below. Thanks again!