In the past few months we've been so blessed to be able to raise funds to purchase two new(er) vehicles for the ministry. As I fly from Seattle to Kansas City tomorrow and then drive to churches in Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, and South Carolina, I'm mindful of how God has consistently met every need over these nearly 28 years of ministry. God is surely good and His provision is great!
Now, I'm excited to tell you that we're embarking on a new vista of ministry. The advent of
Take A Stand! Radio will greatly increase our outreach -
and considerably increase our monthly expenses. In a day when so many ministries seem to be downsizing and pulling back, God has specifically indicated to us that
now is the time to go forward. If there was ever a day when discernment and apologetics ministry must lift up a resounding voice it is today!
As we enter this fall season, I'm asking for all of our discernment-minded friends to consider a gift of support to boost our general fund and help us continue the ongoing outreaches of Take A Stand! Ministries. Besides our live
Take A Stand! Seminars and the other aspects of ministry that we carry out each week, we've been busy mailing hundreds of free information packs, CDs, and
Take A Stand! Journals to folks all over the world.
None of that would happen if it were not for your faithful and generous support. By the way, when you make a purchase from our online bookstore, you help provide for this ministry and also receive valuable tools to use in reaching the world and the Church from your own perspective.
Thanks so much for helping to shoulder the load which allows us to concentrate on ministry instead of a constant stream of only fund-raising.
We appreciate your partnership whether large or small so very much. God bless you!

PS...To give a gift of support
click here. To view our online bookstore
click here. You can always "snail mail" a gift or order to our Rowlett, TX address found below. Thanks again!