Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministrieseb-ds-10-01.3



Changed DVD

Mormonism: Has Anything Changed?

 Is Mormonism Now Christian?


DVD by former LDS Elder,

 Jim Spencer


Perhaps the most important video presentation on Mormonism since "The God Makers." Jim Spencer's knowledge of Mormon history, doctrine, and practice and his God-given ability to communicate the facts make this DVD a must for every serious student desiring to understand the Mormon Church from a truly Christian perspective. Nearly 2 hrs in length.


 CLICK HERE for More

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  new dvd
 Divorced DVD
 Divorced From Church?
 How Apostasy is Scattering the Sheep
 Today, many precious saints have been forced to leave their churches due to truly biblical or doctrinal disputes. If you have, you are NOT alone!
 With alarming numbers of once-trustworthy denominations and leaders trumpeting varieties of Liberalism and Emergent and other heresies, what is the dedicated Bible-believer to do? Should we stay or must we go? In this important message, Eric Barger utilizes biblical apologetics as he approaches the problem, offers solutions, and outlines reasons to both leave and stay in a congregation.

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 new DVD

Real Jesus dvd.1
The REAL Jesus
 vs. The Counterfeits

 This timely message holds important apologetic insight to help you identify the many cultic versions of Jesus being promulgated today. Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, The New Age Movement - they ALL have a "Jesus."

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new dvd
Is Your Church dvd
Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian?

This comparison of New Age and Emergent beliefs against the backdrop of biblical Christianity will not only expose the many likenesses shared by New Age and Emergent philosophies but it will also help equip viewers with discernment in understanding and recognizing real, authentic Christianity.
CLICK HERE for More 

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 Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.

Greetings from North Carolina!

This week I had the privilege of ministering at Billy Graham's Training Center @ The Cove outside of scenic Asheville, NC. I addressed a conference/retreat of pastors and their wives from across North Carolina and Virginia a total of seven time in just two and a half days. As I reflect, I am struck by way in which God so sovereignly directed each and every aspect. What a blessing! My heartfelt thanks to Bishop Tommy McGhee, worship leader and song writer, Wes Tuttle, and all of my new friends from the Cornerstone Conference. I so appreciate your love and fellowship!

As joyous as our time was at The Cove, my heart is equally grieved by the passing of David Wilkerson in a tragic auto accident Wednesday afternoon.

David Wilkerson
David Wilkerson
As I wrote on Facebook and Twitter, "I was holding a David Wilkerson book in my hands the moment I was saved in Feb.1981. My heart is heavy...yet I know he's enjoying his reward. Thank you David Wilkerson."

Racing Toward Judgment
"Racing Toward Judgment"
I also commented later that day, "What a dichotomy. We lose David Wilkerson and then immediately read about Jay Bakker's latest book condoning homosexuality in the Church. God give us preachers (like David Wilkerson) unwilling to compromise for the sake of drawing a crowd."

The New Mormonism?

I believe you will benefit from the many details and perspective I've shared in the main article this week. "Presenting the New Mormonism - with the same Old Heresies" documents the fact that no matter how much paint they attempt to apply to it, Mormonism remains a cult, whose doctrines and practices remain clearly OUTSIDE of historical, orthodox Christianity. Read it here.

Because a few have inquired, here is a quick update on how the fund raising for our needed ministry vehicles is going. It is great to tell you that we have now completely paid for the purchase of a low millage, 2005 Chrysler mini-van...Praise the Lord! This was done at ZERO interest, saving the ministry considerable money. The new van is currently being used for ministry trips in the Central and Eastern US and Canada.

We still need to raise an additional $6000 towards the purchase of the second vehicle needed. Thanks for considering this need.

Contribute to our Ministry Van Fund here

Tomorrow I speak in the Charlotte (NC) area and then head to Missouri for extended meetings next week. Thank you for standing with us and remembering to pray for me and our family and for God to use our ministry effectively. May He be glorified!
Eric Signature


 LDS Makeover Still Unable to Save...

New Mormonism Logo By Eric Barger 


As I and others have carefully documented, virtually all of the cults and religions of the world embrace various misconceptions of Jesus. Regardless of all of the differing viewpoints, biblical Christianity alone understands and accepts Him as Creator, Savior, and above all, God. Of the many variations of Jesus ascribed to by those in the religious world, none is more misleading and deceptive than the Jesus of Mormonism.


From its inception, Mormonism claimed to be not just another Christian group but, like its distant cousin, Islam, was actually formed to be the restoration and sole representative of true religion. The early Mormons didn't seek alignment with Christian groups but rejected them all as apostate. Calling a Mormon a "Christian" during Joseph Smith's time might have resulted in a street fight instead of a Bible study. Still, because the words "Jesus Christ" appear in the very name of the Church, over time many have wrongly assumed that both Mormons and Christians were referring to the same deity and thus must have much theology in common. It has been only in modern times that Mormon leaders have elected to exploit and use this misconception to their advantage. This is illustrated by the well- orchestrated, ongoing, public relations campaign presented by the LDS Church. Unlike Smith and his followers nearly 200 years ago, the new face of Mormonism now lauds the use of the term "Christian." Contemporary Mormonism's insistence that they are but a more enlightened yet mainstream Christian group, seeking acceptance into ministerial associations and the like, has obviously made way among theologically liberal and less-discerning groups and individuals. (Continue reading complete article here.) 



Emails Logo

"Absolutely Disgusting Information"

Hi Eric,

I sent you a contribution via snail mail. It isn't a lot, but I want to help your ministry as much as possible. I will send more as I am able.

Although I'm the business administrator for an ELCA church, I'm not a member - I know better. Today I was reading about the ELCA's official stand on issues such as "How is the Bible viewed", "How is a Person Saved", "How was Jesus born", "Universal Salvation", etc. It is absolutely disgusting to read this information. I feel so sad for the folks who are being drawn into this. Since the ELCA no longer views Scripture as relevant, and they don't believe in the Virgin Birth, are they still considered a Christian religion? It seems to me that they are right up there with the JW's, Mormons, and others.

Thanks for such a great ministry. You're reaching many folks who need your teaching.

Best Regards,

(Name and location withheld)


Bring Eric to Your Church or Community!

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"I believe Eric is one of the premier Christian Apologists traveling the country today."

- Rev. Bob Fort, President, United Evangelical Churches



"We have invited Eric to speak 17 times since 1987. I highly recommend his ministry."
- Pastor Milton Hubbard


"Eric's articulate presentation of carefully researched information is solidly based in Scripture and life-changing in its impact."
- Rev. Jim Keys


"Over the years we have had Eric at our church many times. We have always found his ministry to be balanced and to the point. He has helped our church stay focused and walk in the will of God."
Pastor Sam Buckingham


Scheduling Information


Read About Eric Barger 



Eric's Matertials

Want an assortment of Eric's teachings to share with others or enjoy again and again?

Order our
One of Everything Special!


- 20 of Eric's full-length seminar DVDs
- 10 CD messages by Eric
- 5 Books

$250 (a $449 value)

Great for home use, Christian and home school study, Bible studies, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.

Order online
or call 214-289-5244

You may also mail your request to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030

Contact us at:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA
Phone: 214-289-5244 


Please email Eric Barger personally by clicking here.  

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Copyright, 2011 Eric Barger