Media Update
Hear new interviews featuring Eric Barger!
Yesterday, we sent the email below to our subscription list to alert our friends about the radio programs that I am participating in this week. Over the past two days we've been blessed by many emails indicating how important and needed the issues covered in the interviews are to the Body of Christ.
Some of you have expressed trouble in getting the links that I sent to you to function correctly however. Here are some improved links and more information to help you connect to the different programs.
Thanks again for your interest in and support of our work for the Lord! - EB

Understanding The Times Radio
Jan Markell and Eric Barger challenge Christianity Today for their promotion of a bargain sale of products promoting lectio divina, contemplative prayer, "the silence," spiritual formation, walking the labyrinth, and more. These are practices the reformers died fighting 500 years ago. In particular, the Emergent Church is promoting all of these along with everything mystical. Mysticism has replaced doctrine and the leaders of this apostate movement say Jesus died to save the earth, not individuals. Yet evangelicals are climbing on board the mystical train and it's leading to a train wreck in the church. How can you spot this in your church? Who are the names to avoid? (Began airing January 15, 2011) Hour 1 Hour 2 * Both hours of this program will be heard across 412 affiliate stations the weekend of January 22-23. (Listen Live to "Understanding The Times" broadcast by clicking the links to Hour 1 and Hour 2 here. You may also "right" click links above then "save target as" to download MP3 podcasts of all files.)
HOLDING ONTO THE BIBLE IN TROUBLED TIMES, Part 1 HOLDING ONTO THE BIBLE IN TROUBLED TIMES, Part 2 Host: Larry Spargimino Guest: Eric Barger Many are going through tough times in our country. Eric Barger says that we must turn to the Lord and the Scriptures to help sustain in troubling times. THE REAL JESUS VS. THE COUNTERFEITS, Part 1 THE REAL JESUS VS. THE COUNTERFEITS, Part 2
Host: Larry Spargimino Guest: Eric Barger
Jesus Christ said that in the last days, many false Christs would appear and would deceive many. Eric Barger discusses how to discern the Jesus Christ of the Bible from the Jesus Christ many cults and false religions present. (Airing nationwide January 17-20, 2011)
(You must have Real Player installed to use the links above to the Southwest Radio Church broadcasts. Get is free at
To use Windows Media Player for the Southwest Radio Church programs copy and paste the addresses below into your web browser for the individual broadcasts. HOLDING ONTO THE BIBLE IN TROUBLED TIMES, Parts 1 and 2
mms:// mms:// THE REAL JESUS VS. THE COUNTERFEITS, Parts 1 and 2 mms:// mms://