Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministrieseb-ds-10-01.3



Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion

Detailed, biblical information concerning:

- The "Nine Forbidden Practices" of the Occult
- The Modern Witchcraft Movement
- Channelers, Psychics, Necromancy, Magic
- Hollywood's occult promotion
- Harry Potter
- Pok�mon
- Halloween
- UFO's and much more!


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  new dvd
 Divorced DVD
 Divorced From Church?
 How Apostasy is Scattering the Sheep
 Today, many precious saints have been forced to leave their churches due to truly biblical or doctrinal disputes. If you have, you are NOT alone!
 With alarming numbers of once-trustworthy denominations and leaders trumpeting varieties of Liberalism and Emergent and other heresies, what is the dedicated Bible-believer to do? Should we stay or must we go? In this important message, Eric Barger utilizes biblical apologetics as he approaches the problem, offers solutions, and outlines reasons to both leave and stay in a congregation.

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 new DVD

Real Jesus dvd.1
The REAL Jesus
 vs. The Counterfeits

 This timely message holds important apologetic insight to help you identify the many cultic versions of Jesus being promulgated today. Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, The New Age Movement - they ALL have a "Jesus."

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new dvd
Is Your Church dvd
Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian?

This comparison of New Age and Emergent beliefs against the backdrop of biblical Christianity will not only expose the many likenesses shared by New Age and Emergent philosophies but it will also help equip viewers with discernment in understanding and recognizing real, authentic Christianity.
CLICK HERE for More 

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 Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.

Beware of New Nickelodeon Show

A new, heavily advertised program debuting tomorrow (January 1) on Nickelodeon will introduce American children to a Harry Potter-like hit show from Belgian called "The House of Anubis." From watching the video trailer for the new TV show, it is very obvious that the producers are cashing in on the blockbuster success of the J.K. Rowling novels. It also further illustrates the fascination and affinity the world is showing for entertainment which promotes ungodly supernaturalism.

At very least "The House of Anubis" glorifies its namesake -  "a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology." In occult circles, Anubis is known as one of the most powerful demonic deities. I wrote about this is the updated version of my book (with David Benoit) Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion. (See: This is just another step in the desensitization process of our society (and out children). Our world is now viewing the occult as "normal" - a certain sign of the End-Days.
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A depiction of Anubis (left) and the Nickelodeon TV show logo (right).

Here is the question: Is this what we're going to trust the hearts and minds of our children to? If Christians reading this don't think God is completely serious about the occult and that it matters little if our kids watch stuff (even fictional) related to the occult, then please read Deuteronomy 18:9-13 and then Hosea 4:6 for starters.

When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God.
- Deut 18:9-13

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
- Hosea 4:6

God's standards MUST be ours if we desire His blessings and protection. Regardless of what the world follows after, our task is to follow after Jesus and lovingly warn others to do the same. I suggest we be noisy in our disagreement with Nickelodeon's decision to offer our kids a program named for one of the most heinous false gods.

Eric Signature


Hath God Said?
Holding Onto the Bible in Troubled Times

How We Got the Bible, Why it's True, and How We Know!

New full-length DVD
by Eric Barger

Recently I wrote "If Jesus Christ is who He said He was and if He did what history says He did and if He died and rose from the tomb, AND IF HE PROCLAIMED SOMETHING TO BE 'THE WORD OF GOHath God Said dvdD,' then those who claim to follow Him should understand, proclaim, and defend it as such. Since we've accepted the promise of eternal life based on the teachings of its pages, we'd best know with resounding certainty why the Bible is reliable, inspired and infallible!"

Buy one for yourself and one for a friend, family member, or for your church library.

Your orders and gifts are especially appreciated during December and January!

Want an assortment of Eric's teachings to share with others or enjoy again and again?

Order our
One of Everything Special!


- 20 of Eric's full-length seminar DVDs
- 10 CD messages by Eric
- 5 Books

(a $449 value)

Great for home use, Christian and home school study, Bible studies, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.

Order online
or call 214-289-5244

You may also mail your request to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030

Contact us at:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA
Phone: 214-289-5244 
Please email Eric Barger personally by clicking here.  
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Copyright, 2010 Eric Barger